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An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!
    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
punker barbie
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  • hi Barbie I have recently deactivated my account but there are screen caps and upstairs links still on the web how can I remove these?
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    Thank you for your post. You can email uisng the subject line "DMCA Request" with the links where you found your content. However, it takes time to have DMCA notices sent and there is no 100% guarantee that all will be removed or stay off the web.
    hi barbie,
    Please help me to approve my new account (xhottieinnocentgirlx) uploaded my documents but recieved email from support that blurry but its scanned already..i am looking forward to work with this site..Im newbie here..thank you! looking forward to work with the team..
    AUG 23, 2017 at 02:56PM PDT

    Dear pinkloveaza,

    As you may have noticed, your account with the Chaturbate live cam community has been terminated. This termination is due to suspected violation of our terms of service.
    Thank you,

    i wish and maybe have a right to know the reason for beeing banned ?
    thank you
    sorry to use your post... but i think the same, the support should give an answer where we can know what is the problem.... its not you the only that happens it.... the give always the same answer and we really never know what was the reason for ban the accounts!!!!
    Thank you for the answer
    But to receive the answer why we banned we need to surf all the internet!!!
    will be better for all if the support tell us the reason and let us know where we was wrong
    Hello.... I created this account: daianahotshow4u , and it were age veryfied and i uploaded a second ID to the account, and them the account got banned with out any explain... the account were never used to broadcast... contacted support and the answer was incomplete, there is not a real explain wich violation was done... can you look and give me an answer ?
    My profiles is edenbunny

    I paid so much token on this site and I got ban please help me :(
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    I am sorry to inform you that the country that you are logging in from is banned by Chaturbate's site settings. If you have purchased tokens through the site recently, then please contact to request a refund of your token purchases. Please include your user name in the email & dates you purchased tokens. Unfortunately, I cannot issue refunds so please work with Support going forward.
    Hi so I saw your username in a post about account bans. I was a model a year ago. I just recently signed in to start again and it says my account was banned. I never did anything wrong to my knowledge. I just kinda wanted to get back into it. My profile name is ElysianAbra
    My profile is opelette.

    My account is stoled ! Can u help me to block it or make it sure now ... Cause it ask for many payment and token I never ask.
    My credit card has been debited 8 times of the same prices I'm dollar but I never ask for it cause I can't go to my account.
    Can u help me ?
    Can I have my money back ?
    Thanks a lot
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    Thank you for posting. Support is reaching out to you by email from to help you. Please look for their email at the email address you provided.
    same old story I have read from others here I had not used my account for several weeks since I was on vacation in Europe then the you are banned appeared how do I get back on chaturbate and keep my followers and my few 1000 tokens.thanks
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    Thank you for posting. Your account has already been given to the owners after Support received your email concerning the possible hack. Please look for further information coming to you from
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    Your account is now open and you can go back to broadcasting. Have a great show!
    PLease help me, I wont do anything wrong in future, I promise.
    Please onemore time open my account. Id . freshfruit96
    Hi shirly

    So its come to me that it may have been you were able to see the game i was playing on screen i did not know this was against TOS and i will never let this happen again please let me know if my account is able to be restored

    wolfboi143 - Formerly Tolender
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    Yes, the ban was for a video game on the stream. Since you asked so politely, I'm going to give you a stern warning to not do so again and let you know support reopened your account. ;)
    Thank you sooo much shirley !!! Your amazing like always xoxo
    Hi Shirley,

    I want to create a fresh new account next month on which to transfer my old followers and be online more often. Is it ok to use another model's referral link for this?
    my id is velvetsky

    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    Thank you for posting. Since you have already have a CB account, you can’t sign up as a new broadcaster under a referral link. Also, please note that we will only transfer followers 1 time for any broadcaster. So, if you have changed your account name in the past, we will not able to transfer for you again.
    HI , i am in big problem please help me !! my account was banned for no reason. my username is Missduk
    i have so much token there that i hard earned it from working several hours on chaturbate.
    please help me to get unbanned or cashout my tokens.
    Hello Shirley! I'm "hxneybutt" on chaturbate, and would like to change my payout method from FirstChoicePay to (Internationl) Wire Transfer. Are you the right person to contact about this? Thanks for your time!
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    Thank you for your post. You will need to contact by email to change your payment method. You will be asked to provide account verification documentation by email, then will receive your directions to change your processor. This is not something I can help w/ unfortunately and certainly not through an online forum.
    Okay, thank you anyways!
    Hello Shirley.
    My account name Wiiyou

    1 year ago i was banned because i looked "too young"... btw i'm 22 yo

    Also, to get my payment i needed to verify my identity. And i Successful did it! And received payment.

    I want to ask you, Can I become a model on Chaturbate back?

    I Really Hope for Better. A lot of girls look the same young as me, i really do not see the reason not to give me the second chance.
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    If you have not done so yet, I'd suggest that you email with a subject line of "Request for Age Review" and submit them an attached scan of your ID and the photo of you holding your ID. They will do the age review and get back to you on whether you passed or not. it's much less problematic than creating an account first, w/o knowing. ;)
    Hi! I have a very big problem with my account
    And I got the account banned now I know I did not do anything wrong
    For the first time I take responsibility
    But now honestly do not know what I did?
    Please beautifully I want to work lose trackers and tokens I have 36 hours since I did not work.
    Do not know what happened to my account to know what to do?
    Hi Shirley, I am one of the main guys in WildBoisCamHouse. I have been online doing solo on and off all day with no problems, but now when I log in, I am greeted with Banned may have Violated Terms. I am not sure what terms would have been violated as I simply was on the bed in front of the camera with My Lovense Hush displayed. Please check into this and help us get back online. Thank You
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    Thank you for your post. Can you please reply with your CB user name, as there is no way to search for an individual broadcaster under a studio account. Once I have your user name, I can speak with Support about any possibility concerning opening your account.
    Michael Heckman
    Michael Heckman
    No They Did Get It Reopened for Me. We actually do Broadcast on WildBoisCamHouse. Out Troop of Bois all have their own channel seperately, and then come together twice a week to perform unter that one as a team, which pays all their marketing, etc. So the Studio accuont was the one in Question, but as in my update, what I am confudes about is the Twiter ruling
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    Hi Michael and thanks for asking! When you use your Twitter handle or a Twitter link in every message you send in chat, it sends CB's moderators a red flag on Chatroom Spamming . In future, PLEASE dial back on the frequency of including your Twitter info with chat messages to avoid being flagged. Your fans will thank you for it, as well. ;)
    AUG 9 My account was banned, AUG 11 Support provided me text to verify my identity, AUG 13 i made this pic and sent to them. AUG 14 Support replied me and provided new password of my account WITHOUT giving me unban. I told them "Unfortunately my account is still banned and i can't login". AUG 15 Support replied me: "I'm sorry, we're not able to help you on this matter. Is there anything else we can help with?".
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    Thank you for posting. Your account was reported for a possible TOS violation concerning pre-recorded video. However, you've been cleared by support's review of the incident and your account is now open. Please note that any pre-recorded video on your stream is against CB terms and can lead to an account ban.
    hi shirley, it´s me again, can you please help me to verify? i dont wanna be rejected againg :/. i think it´s gonna be in this new account cause the old one x_omega_x still banned for the same reason :(. im telling you this because i´ll buy another 100 tokens :p please send me a DM TY :D
    Hi, I need assistance with payment options. My tokens are gone, but I've yet to see any type of bank confirmation that my bank was approved for direct deposit, & so on. My username is ghost_lady. It's imperative that I get payment as soon as possible. Thanks in advanced.
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    Thanks for your post. You cashed out the tokens yesterday, which is why you don’t see a token balance even though they are still in your account. However, the full pay period has not ended yet as it's not Midnight PST in the US. Payments are processed 7 days after the pay period ends, so you should receive notice from your processor at that time.
    Okay, just so were clear I should add 7 days to when I should expect it to arrive in my bank account? Thanks so much for your help!
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    Yes you are correct, :) There is a seven day period between when the pay period ends and when payments are made to broadcaster's bank/processor accounts. However, please allow at least an additional two days in case your processor/bank is slow in getting CB's payment to your account and allowing you to access the funds.
    Hi Barbie, I was banned two days ago, logged in to see some cams and suddenly ban, so I wrote to support they replied your account should now be OK and it was. So I clicked broadcast yourself and ban again, now support is not responding :( streaming from april with no problems. And I have 220$ converted. Thank you. Sent mail to too, sorry for being impatient, im frustrated CB nick: Falschimjage
    Suddenly im unbanned :) If it was you thank you so much. Hope it wont happen again, Im very careful with rules.
    Hi, i have a question cause someone threated.. we have copyright on shows? i mean, if someone take a photo or something and share it in public..can we do something ( police, copyright refund ecc) ? thx
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    Copyright is difficult, as unless you have filed the paperwork to legitimately copyright your images and at least watermarked them as copyrighted, there is also a law of "Fair use", which means anyone can use your images as long as they are not profiting from them directly. See my message below.
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    BTW--even copyrighted material falls under "fair use", depending on how it is used.
    hi, what is this fake site?

    some people are taking images and doing threat to the models! -.-
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    You can report the site and any potential DMCA actionable images/video to Use subject line of DMCA request for Copyrighted Material
    I need your help, Im TamaraWilson chaturbate model. Since this last Sunday my chaturbate account is banned, I do not understand the reason, and for more that is requested explanation only say that on suspicion of breaking a rule, but do not say which. And as far as I have not committed any infranccion.
    hi :) my cb is mayday123546 I submitted 3 diferent payments aug 6th, 10th, and 11th. I'm just wondering if there is a way to lower payout amount. please and thank you Barbie!!
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    Thank you for posting. You can change your minimums for payout in your account. However, you may be asked by Support to submit validation that it is YOU who is changing that information. So please watch for that email after making the change.
    can you please explain how to change this on my account? when I go into payment info tab on my account it brings me to a page saying
    "Payout Information Your payout information has been submitted.
    If you need to modify or verify we have the correct information on file, please email "

    Am I looking in the wrong tab? Thank you for the help and look forward to hearing from you soon.
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    You need to email to make the change.
    Id > Freshfruit96
    Got banned for reason of ID expired. but my ID has still 7 month validation.
    Please allow me to work for few month. I will update my id soon before Its Expired.
    Looking forward for your help.
    Hello Barbie, can you check cb account mayday123546 and have the payout amount lowered? I can't figure out how to change it on the site. Thanks!
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    Thank you for your post, however you will need to send an email to, so they can verify your account before payment changes can be made. Once you have done that, if you need further assistance please let me know. :)
    hi i m sophilexy my user name on chaturbate
    This morning I went to work and my account was banned
    Please help me a lot.
    I apologize for the impatience I can not sleep for the care that happens to my account
    I'm really struggling to make followers to stay on the front page.
    For me chaturbate is all I want to grow in performance day by day.
    If I'm wrong, please help me fix my mistake
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    Please see the Dm I am sending you.
    Thank you very much you are my angel!!!!
    Is there any limit to how many name changes a model can make?
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    Hi Shapman. Technically no, however we will only transfer followers for ONE name change, Additionally is any user has too many CB user names on active accounts, it can start to cause problems within the system, as all IDs and payment information are cross referenced. You may have seen a couple of profile answer posts where I mentioned this. ;)
    Thanks for the quick answer. :)
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