AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!
    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
punker barbie
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  • Miss Shirley , Name : multiorgasmic130517 , even after paying so much on site , why my account is permant blocked ? I need my all private shows back . is this possible ?? i don't care about cb account enable . I just want my private shows for which i have paid . Please help me to this .
    why there is no response to my issue ???? shirley , please its important to me
    Username: kaitophoton

    I just bought 100 tk and I keep on getting a message that says "unable to send tip. please contact support."

    Any help would be much appreciated regarding this issue, thanks!
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    Thanks for posting. Your account should be fixed now. Please email if this happens again.
    Hi,I still don’t understand how this site works,my cousin got banned last week, I joined this site,I streamed only one day and I found a really friendly man who gave me 4k,I was very happy and after 2 days I tried to log again in my account when I saw I had 20,000!I was like wtf! Then I saw I’m banned too!I DIDNT EVEN LOGED IN FOR 2 DAYS!
    Please fix this! Username: veroniquefaith
    Hi Punker Barbie. My CB name is MissxSophie. I first originally made my account a couple days after I turned 18. Then I uploaded my ID and then I got banned (I’m still not sure why). Now a little over a year later, today I decided to try to make a new account hoping I would be approved, but I didn’t. I would love to join Chaturbate and I’m not sure why I’ve been banned. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    Your account is now open. Thank you for posting. Happy camming!
    Hi punker barbie
    My CB username littlemisscute999 I logged in and saw I was banned. I haven't done anything in my broadcast that would lead to the violation of terms. Thinking about it the only thing I can connect to the ban is the fact that I made an ac on CB from my PC for a friend. Please help me and if there is no possibility of lifting my ban is it okay to open a new account or it will get banned?
    Best regards
    Its a possibility that its due to your bio advertising 'p*ssing' for tokens, which isn't allowed on CB (checked through Google cache)
    So there is no chance of me getting my account back? I've never actually done it and to be honest I just copied a tip menu from someone from the internet so I wasn't even aware what was in it. And what about a new account? Am I prohibited from doing that. Please answer me and thank you for your time.
    IF it is this thats caused your issue, they should just allow you to delete this part of your bio & allow you back. But it would be up to CB. So if Support hasn't replied to you, I'd wait for Shirley to reply to you.
    CB Name: barry2219

    Hi, Punker barbie,
    Can I ask you to check my account, it has been blocked for no reason? I often broadcast my profile.I don't ask a tip. All of a sudden it blocks the account ) I always check the age of partners I don't know what is the problem, Maybe I created too many accounts in a short period of time. I would appreciate you help.
    Thank you and Kindest regards,
    CB Name: nasti2002

    can I ask you to check why my account has been blocked? Support, unfortunately, does not reply to me ((

    Thank you,
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    Your account has been suspended for driving a vehicle while broadcasting, after being warned not to do so. Your account will remain suspended until Monday March 5th, 2018. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to let us know if there is anything else with which we can be of assistance.
    Hi, I currently have 500 tokens sitting in my account I cant use as I keep getting the "Unable to send tip" message. Everywhere I search it says I need to do the performer validation but i have no plans of ever being a performer and I am uncomfortable sharing my ID's just so I can send tips. Is there any way I can get help with this? username: vanatree
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    Thanks for your post! Your account is fixed and you should be able to tip now. Happy Chaturbating!
    Hey there. I have a question regarding copywrite on Chaturbate. A model couple claims to have copywrite over bondage themes. Is it possible to do that?

    Do they have any actual claim over anything as they would like to or are they just saying it to try and scare off people that want to experiment in the more taboo side of Chaturbate?
    No way they have copy right on bondage literally thousands of models do that.
    I found a bug in the App/Bot API. Where do I best report it so it can be forwarded to those able to fix it?
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    Thank you for asking! Please email with the information on what is happening and using subject title App/Bot Bug, so they can forward it to the technical department. :)
    I was afraid you would say that.

    Will do - even though last time I did that it took 4 replies until they actually stopped trying to help me by telling me how to restart bots, telling me to ask the bot's creator and telling me to update my browser.

    If this happens again, can I get back to you instead?
    Hello , i have start a conversation with my token issue i hope it can be resolve
    Can you confirm your username for Shirley to look into your issue please?
    Hello Ms Shirley,
    I have sent my IDs for second form of verification thru email and sent it to and Chaturbate Support <> as I could not upload the copies of my IDs on my account bec its already banned.Hope you could check

    Thank you
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    Please look for an email from and follow the instructions to upload new ID. Thank you for your patience.
    @punker barbie I already uploaded the copies of my two government issued ids Ms shirley but i keep getting response that my ids were not acceptable bec it should be passport or driver's license
    Sometimes, you will need to upload multiple photos of your ID until CB can find the images acceptable. There is no way around this.
    Hello, Shirle
    I have a problem I was blocked and I do not know what else to do to open my account can help me my name on chatrubae is katy_curly
    Hey, I am trying to stream on Chaturbate but when I sent them like a dozen times my age verification they keep rejecting me.
    I've tried everything, and they say either its too blurry, then too dark, or any reason. I can send them to you , they are fine. IDK what the fuck they want
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    Thank you for posting, Your account is age verified. However, a note for future posters: CB does not accept emailed IDs and please do not try to submit IDs through the Amber Cutie Forum.
    Pls help! My ID's have been rejected. I can't go to any other site cause I worked on studio, cb was my only hope. Banned-cutiepies23 and web_katzen, studio-liv_summer and summerndion(aren't banned). I also can send you my correspondence with support with my explanations and their automatic answers. This is not only my hobby but also full-time job, I'm very scared and I'll be really thankful if you will help me. :shy:
    Oh my god, thank you so much!!! Can't describe how happy I am!
    Oh, sorry, I hate to bother you but it seems like we need your help again т_т
    web_katzen was unbanned but got banned immediately after I added my bf's ID, with no any reason
    Can you please help us?
    Sorry, it's unbanned already!
    Hi Ms @punker barbie

    I am writing bec I have a concern with my account gemmaforever4u.I was dancing in front of cam and suddenly my account was banned.At first I was asked to submit ids again for age verification and when i was about to do it i got a message saying i was banned.I am suspecting that someone reported me as not the owner of the account and is an underage since im too little (I stand 4"11 only).
    Hi! I hope this is shirly.. it looks like it is atleast since everyone keeps addressing you as such!I had misplaced a cheque awhile back but my partner and I were in the middle of a move so it was put on a back burner (I assumed we would find it tucked away in a box ect) ,the cheque was never found and the tokens did not return to my account.I'm hoping that there is something that can be done to fix this whole mess!
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    Thank you for posting. Can you please confirm your CB user name so I can look into what I can do to help you?
    It's the same as my user on here! littlekit_
    :) Thank you for the reply, and looking into this! Can't wait until this is resolved
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    Thank you for posting. Please send an email to formally report this to with the subject line "Reporting a Lost Cheque." After that is done, Accounting can work on returning your tokens to your account and reissuing payment.
    Hello mam , my username is "multiorgasmic130517" . Since 4 months i did not use the account , after reset of my password suddenly i got message "Account has been banned" without any reason . Is this technical server problem on chaturbate ? I wrote to support , but did not get any answer . Please respond in this matter . Thank you .
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    Thank you for posting. I'm sorry, however your account with CB was banned permanently and will not be reopened.
    Banned permanently ? mam , what is the reason behind it ? I did not do any violation of rules . and i spent a lot on site . What is the bifurcation for banning ? can you please help to unban ?
    Hi Shirley, I am on the affiliate program, Last month I returned the payment that chaturbate sent me through paxum and asked the payment to be reissue through wire. the support asked me to upload verification ID for them to process the payment, I submitted the ID photo 4 days ago but still got no respond, could you look into this for me please?the reference ticket id is:Case #: 3896060. Many Many Thanks!!!
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    Thank you for your patience. You should be receiving the wire within a few days.
    thanks Shirley
    hello mam , what is the reason for not helping me ? please help me to unban my account . "martinloveshy" . Please help . Its needed . I wrote many times to support but there is no response . Please do the need ful
    Can i transfer followers from my old account to the new one? i have never done it before but i had to start from 0 because the studio where i worked went bankrupt. can you help me ?
    I have done that. multiple times. and i didn't get any answer. i have sent 8 emails during the past week asking this question and still no answer from chaturbate support
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    Thank you for posting, @Kpr2203 Chaturbate no longer transfers followers for account holders. You can use hash tags for your former account name in your social media and on your CB profile to alert fans to your new user name.
    After buying tokens I'm getting "Unable to tip" message. Support people are asking me to sign "performer agreement", but I don't intend to be a performer and will never be in the future, so why would they ask me to do it?
    Can you help me out with this? Thanks. username: taterka
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    Thank you for your patience. You should be able to tip now. Happy Chatubating!
    Hi there,
    My cb name is neroaelous and it looks like my account was stolen today. I've contacted support and tried to reset the password but I haven't heard back and the reset doesn't seem to work. Whomever stole it has already done 2 charges for $79.99 that I can't afford and I want to stop them from doing more.
    While waiting for Shirley top respond to you, you should notify your financial institution about the fraudulent charges.
    • Like
    Reactions: roydz
    Good call, I've reached out to try and prevent any further charges for now. Thanks.
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    I am very sorry this has happened. Please email for assistance in getting your account straightened out.
    hi shirley
    i need your help
    my account got ban on chaturbate almost one year back
    please suggest me what shall i do to make it unban or to get new account ?
    waiting for your reply
    1) Posting the same message multiple times is not going to make someone help you any faster.
    2) What is your CB username?
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    Please provide your CB user name, as shapman88 suggested and then I can look up your account. :)
    my id sanjayritika4u
    Hi, Im quite new to camming, last month was my first. I go by kawaiikit3nn & during the15th-30th period I made about $550 (converted) & despite my payment Info being set up I have yet to receive a check, By mail or any email regarding payment. v worried because I have looming rent and bills to pay . I’ve loved these past few weeks and I hope to continue just rly hoping to figure out what the hold up is.
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    Thank you for posting. Chaturbate Support is in touch with you via email. Please respond to the request so you can receive your payment.
    Hi, punker barbie I'm britslaveforyou. I've cammed for three years without issue for the last time on Monday, and I've logged in every day since, so I have no idea why my account was banned yesterday. Support have given me no reason why I was banned and referred me to the terms and genuinely I have broken no rules. I have $300 of tokens in the account and I have been totally blocked out. Please can you help!
    I've had the same show for 3 years, and the ban came a full 3 days after my last show. If that's the issue its probably not what they think it is. That guidance document is not the t&cs and I've not broken them. If I had, I'm sure id get a warning but I've been banned and locked out of my account with $300 in without any form of discussion on what the actual issue is.
    nzhere, do you get some sort of sexual pleasure out of being a pain in the ass?
    The Support pages that have rules printed on them are a Supplement to the T&CS to Chaturbate.
    hello there please help i'm bbw_foxylady2 and i need my account back i was banned with a not valid reason please i need help i depend of this job so please hope u can help me soon
    Sorry about the problem you're having, Shirley normally replies approx at 1 - 3am GMT UK time / 5 - 7pm California Time.
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    Your account is open at this time. Happy Chaturbating!
    thanks a lot u save so soon thank u
    hello this is my username on chaturbate i got banned this morning no valid reason so dear please help me i depend of this job please i need to get unbaned o wast doing what they told me i did i was jus touching me just me so please can u help me? to get my account back? thanks
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