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An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!
    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
punker barbie
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  • If I am banned everytime, how can I upload my ID?
    I was verify finally 3 days ago, but when i tried to show...still banned..maybe cuz IP.
    id like simply verify me.
    hope help me sorry for bad english
    Hello. i write here cuz supportCB always sent autoreply!

    My account was banned.
    1)im not underage;
    2) when I login 8 months ago I load 2 verify ID on my account cuz we are couple
    we were verified!
    I cant re-upload my ID cuz im banned!
    I tried did other account, always banned istantly or NOTE is that my ID is fake!my ID is the same of 8 months ago
    hi Shirley, can u resolve my problem please on Chaturbate? i'm banned: usernames: hottieefuckk, hottieefuckk69 & hotttttttt69. can't find where i can PM you on this site, so i do it here. Thx
    Still trying to get unbanned after a fake report about us being sisters (just look at our different last names and we don't even look alike) support said yesterday they would un ban us but we are still banned.
    I'm sorry, i'm trying but i can't and i really need your help, i know that you're a busy person but if you can help me you will help not just me, you will help all this girls to make her hard work worth, can we do this on e-mail? my address is:
    For some reason i can't send private messages on this forum? maybe because is a new account on the forum? let me see if i can message you..if i can't there's any other way? Thank you! Thank you! I love you! :h:
    Hi Shirley! my studio account was banned this morning, i'm scared for my models tokens, they are working hard and they deserves his money, please can you help me? the studio account is: streamclub
    I've just emailed you at . Thanks!
    punker barbie
    punker barbie
    Can you send me a private message. I can resolve this issue if you answer a few follow up questions.
    Hi .I was banned too on cb .for 2 times.they say me I violate the terms of service. Pls I want be back in this site .for me other is not work.this was the best site .I need help .ty
    hello . my name on chaturbate as model is mistresofshadow . today my account was banned .reason :initiating chargebacks .No ideea what this means.I asked them nice to explain me and no more emails from ther site .Any chance to get some help here ?Thank you
    Hello Shirley. I would really appreciate it if you would contact me. I already wrote an email to support and copied you. I got a reply from support, but I want to ask you to reconsider the issue. So if you would please take a few moments to contact me it would be a huge favor. Thank-you.
    Hey Shirley! I really need you help! Ive tried to email but I know your busy.;( plz get back to me as soon as you can .;) thanx
    Hi Shirley! How are you?
    Please check your PM. I know you are busy so I will be waiting with patience.
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