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Jun 28, 2024
Hello everyone, started watching a camgirl in January 2024, was fun she said she knew camgirls who had done private shows off the cam site and been paid through paypal.
We connected through email and then on Whatsapp where she asked what I wanted and she did videos for me and sent me the link in whatsapp, we were both happy to be friends with benefits, she told me she was struggling to pay her rent, then was ill and was in Hospital, student fees needed paying I helped her with that, was going to buy her a new mobile phone for her birthday but paid her rent instead, I think? while looking at scams decided to test her and said I may not be able to send her money for a while, not long after she said she had broken the camera on her phone and could not send me photos while she got a new one, forgot to say that she told me both parent's had died, I had been sending her money and apart from 2 videos had nothing in return which I was not worried about felt sorry for her with her problems, she is all over the internet as a camgirl and I found that exciting but after I said I could not send money for a while she just ignored me wanting to talk how sexy she was on other sites, I also sent her presents ear buds, 2 lovense toys, after I had been thinking about it all having a few beers told her she was lying to me and was also scamming me, she has taken offence at this and said I have offended her, I apologised to her and she messaged back with money request in paypal with $500 price of her forgiveness, and has now gone up to $600, I have refused to pay her this money as I think forgiveness comes from the heart, we were good friends messaging every day, she is a genuine camgirl and popular as I have seen a lot of her work, she has blocked me on whatsapp and email is open but she only responds through paypal money request, I really like her but should I walk away?
should I walk away?
re-read your post because it sounds to me like you have answered your own question, if you are still not sure, what would your advice be if a friend asked you the same question about the same situation.
Hello everyone, started watching a camgirl in January 2024, was fun she said she knew camgirls who had done private shows off the cam site and been paid through paypal.
We connected through email and then on Whatsapp where she asked what I wanted and she did videos for me and sent me the link in whatsapp, we were both happy to be friends with benefits, she told me she was struggling to pay her rent, then was ill and was in Hospital, student fees needed paying I helped her with that, was going to buy her a new mobile phone for her birthday but paid her rent instead, I think? while looking at scams decided to test her and said I may not be able to send her money for a while, not long after she said she had broken the camera on her phone and could not send me photos while she got a new one, forgot to say that she told me both parent's had died, I had been sending her money and apart from 2 videos had nothing in return which I was not worried about felt sorry for her with her problems, she is all over the internet as a camgirl and I found that exciting but after I said I could not send money for a while she just ignored me wanting to talk how sexy she was on other sites, I also sent her presents ear buds, 2 lovense toys, after I had been thinking about it all having a few beers told her she was lying to me and was also scamming me, she has taken offence at this and said I have offended her, I apologised to her and she messaged back with money request in paypal with $500 price of her forgiveness, and has now gone up to $600, I have refused to pay her this money as I think forgiveness comes from the heart, we were good friends messaging every day, she is a genuine camgirl and popular as I have seen a lot of her work, she has blocked me on whatsapp and email is open but she only responds through paypal money request, I really like her but should I walk away?
You should not walk away, you should RUN away..
we were good friends
No you weren't. Friends don't block you on social media, ghost you on email, and then send increasing demands for money on PayPal. Block her and run the fuck away.

I have a cam model friend that I used to spend a shit ton of money on. She told me I changed her life and she was able to buy an apartment due to the amount I was spending on her at the time. Then I bought a 38 foot (12m) sailboat. A boat (Break Out Another Thousand) is a hole in the water you throw money into, and I was not able to maintain the amount I spent on her. She was disappointed, but understood. About a year ago she asked me if I could lend her $3K for the down payment on a new apartment so she could move closer to her aging parents and that she would repay me when she sold her current apartment. I ran the numbers and unfortunately I couldn't make it work as I just spent $10k on engine repairs and still needed a new $5K main sail. Again she was disappointed, and it broke my heart that I couldn't help her out. But she didn't block me, she still messages me on Whatsapp where we talk about family, what is new in our lives, my boat, and her school (she is almost done her four year nursing degree). She doesn't cam as much anymore, but she is always ecstatic to see me when I join her room. That is what a cam model friend looks like and it doesn't sound anything like what you have going on.
No you weren't. Friends don't block you on social media, ghost you on email, and then send increasing demands for money on PayPal. Block her and run the fuck away.

I have a cam model friend that I used to spend a shit ton of money on. She told me I changed her life and she was able to buy an apartment due to the amount I was spending on her at the time. Then I bought a 38 foot (12m) sailboat. A boat (Break Out Another Thousand) is a hole in the water you throw money into, and I was not able to maintain the amount I spent on her. She was disappointed, but understood. About a year ago she asked me if I could lend her $3K for the down payment on a new apartment so she could move closer to her aging parents and that she would repay me when she sold her current apartment. I ran the numbers and unfortunately I couldn't make it work as I just spent $10k on engine repairs and still needed a new $5K main sail. Again she was disappointed, and it broke my heart that I couldn't help her out. But she didn't block me, she still messages me on Whatsapp where we talk about family, what is new in our lives, my boat, and her school (she is almost done her four year nursing degree). She doesn't cam as much anymore, but she is always ecstatic to see me when I join her room. That is what a cam model friend looks like and it doesn't sound anything like what you have going on.
Thank you.
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re-read your post because it sounds to me like you have answered your own question, if you are still not sure, what would your advice be if a friend asked you the same question about the same situation.
Thank you just needed second opinions, yes my answer to a friend would be walk away, thank you.
Gone awhile but came across you post and for a second, I thought it was the same model I knew and posted about on this site a long time ago. The part that got me was her demand that you apologize by paying her. The model I was "involved" with used to say almost the exact words you wrote. She was a big-time scammer and it was blatant to everyone except me (at least in the beginning, later it was obvious to me too).
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Back in the day before everyone thought camming was the job to have, guys we banned on CB were often asked to pay between 500 and 900 tokens to be let back into the room (this was before perma-banning was an option). It's not robbery, it's a tactic and believe me when I say people paid it.

I banned a guy not too long ago for saying something incredibly stupid about my menu arrangement that I found offensive and insta-banned him. 31 days later he ninja-tipped me 1000 tokens with a fairly decent apology. I did not ask for it but he knew he fucked up.
Agree w above, I regularly charge sizable unblock fees, and they are regularly paid, by people who end up turning out to be some of the sexiest guys, and best clients.
It's part of Femdom. Expected. Maybe vanilla-ish guys don't like it, but everyone else does 🤷‍♀️
If you don't like the way a model does something, go elsewhere and remove yourself from the equation.
That way she can focus on the clients she's compatible with, and not waste time on you.
Alternately you can also go find a model who's style aligns more w your sexuality, income bracket, and level of conformism.
Edit window ran out but also keep in mind;

Long storyit could be your idea of a friendship is way more emotional labor, than she defines for a "friendship". People have very, very different views of what a true friendship entails. I've genuinely wanted to be friends with a few clients. At the end of the day though, every time the money stops, they start becoming a ton of emotional and uninitiated (by me) sexual labor, and I'm just not interested in that. They are never, ever at a point where they can provide anything like that, back for me in return. So it always, without fail goes draining and one sided, in their favor. If I wanted that, they'd be paying my mortgage, not a measly 600 token fee/ or my personal equivalent thereof which (suprise, suprise) is actually way higher.
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started watching a camgirl in January 2024, was fun she said she knew camgirls who had done private shows off the cam site and been paid through paypal.
Not sure what cam site this started on, but unless it's one that allows sharing other social media, seems daring of her to quickly be offering to do privates offsite and take payments offsite. I'm assuming that she made these offers to you on some other platform. Even a scamming model knows to be careful about the sites.
we were both happy to be friends with benefits
You were not friends. I've been there. It took me awhile to realize that we weren't friends. In my case, it was an act that she performed for money, she had a lot of practice at it in the studio for years, and it was second-nature to her.
she told me she was struggling to pay her rent, then was ill and was in Hospital
I got requests to help with these expenses all the time. The list over the course of more than a year included rent, medical tests, medicines, her car loan, cat vet expenses, winter boots, god I've forgetting but there are many more. lol Even helping her mother. She used to talk about how she had to help support her mother, who worked for a low salary, and how she was so glad to help her mother get dental work, fix her apartment, and other noble good deeds for mom.

Some of these were probably real expenses, some were fake, some were real but exaggerated. Oh, also yeah she even asked for help paying for driving lessons and license. Later I learned that the cost for the driving lessons was half of what she was saying, and the exam was free - not a separate charge. I could go on an on with details but you get the point. And when I started pushing back (very quickly), I saw a different side of her. I even learned much later, by coincidence, that she did this to someone else, starting on a different site, but a lot of the same expenses. But then she had a dog in addition to her cat, and she needed help to pay vet bills for the dog. And new medical bills, and still the car loan. Same tactics. "Oh, dear, I am hesitant to ask but it would mean so much to me, I am really so worried that I am falling short this month, it has been slow on the sites, I don't have enough for the cost of the exams and the surgical procedure."

Like I said, some of these were real (I believe). Life costs money and making a living isn't easy in Russia. But when you realize that other "friends" or "boyfriends" the model has on the sites are getting told the same thing, and she is probably doing much better financially than she's saying, you have to accept reality. This is an integral part of how she makes money.
was going to buy her a new mobile phone for her birthday but paid her rent instead
HA! I forget she also wanted a new iPhone.
decided to test her and said I may not be able to send her money for a while, not long after she said she had broken the camera on her phone and could not send me photos while she got a new one
This is classic. I went through this. When I began to push back about sending money, or questioned things, or pointed out discrepancies, or eventually began to refuse - same things happened. First, she started by being passive-aggressive. Withholding the kind of affection she previously expressed in our chats, distancing, making little sarcastic remarks. over time, the more I resisted giving money or questioned what was really going on, she got more aggressive about it. I started to see a different side of her. Outright aggressively demanding money or presents. And gaslighting! All kinds of twisted arguments for why I should help her.
after I had been thinking about it all having a few beers told her she was lying to me and was also scamming me, she has taken offence at this and said I have offended her
Been there!! Once I got to that point with questioning and eventually accusing, we got into huge arguments. Sometimes on a site, in a chat. Sometimes in communication offsite. Oh how the memories are returning. :)

A difference though, in your situation she was just saying you all were friends and she needed your help. In my situation, it went from friends (first couple of months) to her talking about romantic interest, and then to her outright saying that she wanted us to be in a relationship, to meet in real life, plans for traveling were being discussed, she was writing love letters taking about having a future. Classic love scamming. She also took some bold steps to convince me, sharing some personal information that turned out to be true, but it still was just to make me have more trust.
I apologised to her and she messaged back with money request in paypal with $500 price of her forgiveness, and has now gone up to $600, I have refused to pay her this money as I think forgiveness comes from the heart
This at first made me wonder, because the model I was involved with often said things like, "You really offended me, now, the price you must pay for my forgiveness is: I want a sheepskin coat." many other similar remarks, like after an argument, "you know the price to make me overlook your rudeness." Looking back, I can't believe how long I played around in games with this woman. She herself must have thought with delight about how there are some very stupid men on the internet.
she has blocked me on whatsapp and email is open but she only responds through paypal money request
You should feel lucky but her only responding to paypal money requests is just more of the manipulation, and outright con.
I really like her but should I walk away?
I'm not going to say what everyone else says about how, if you are asking, you already know. Because from my experience, yeah, you kind of know you are being scammed but you are not sure. Not necessarily from the beginning. Not because we are idiots (though that is a part of it), but because, human nature and the skill of the scammer is how these scams are able to work. most normal people do not expect another person will lie so overtly and convincingly, tell us about how much they value our friendship, or say they have such adoration and want to pursue a relationship and so on - but really they are laughing with friends in the studio about the pay pigs and really dumb guys they are conning, going home to the boyfriend and enjoying the money they are getting from this "job," and having no remorse or ethics about any of it. Most cam models are not doing this, most people in general don't. that's why people are always like, "Wow, that's fucking amazing, that person was willing to do all that for a long time, to get money." Like any kind of love scams or confidence schemes, not only in the world of camming.

But to answer the question: You don't like her. You like the person you imagined. You would not like her in truth, because once you realized and accepted that she has no concern for you at all, and just wants money, what is there to like? Yeah, walk away fast.

I have refused to pay her this money as I think forgiveness comes from the heart
You're stating the obvious, but I understand. Talking to yourself and other people about this helps accept what was really going on.
we were good friends
If you have to pay someone for communication, attention, affection - they are not your friend. Good luck.
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True. I have seen models with "Ban me" on their tip menu just above the "Unban me" item. But that is a clear findom/femdom relationship where both parties understand what is going on.
Yes, but as a cam model it's very common for men to make all kinds of outlandish assumptions about the nature of the relationship, without anything to base those off of. It's very often based on assumptions in their mind, sexism, and absolutely no clear communication from the model, that they are any different from any other client. Their egos just manufacture stuff.

By mentioning it was a Femdom thing, I didn't mean it was solely a Femdom thing. Unban fees are customary.
I knew someone would assume and take it wrong 🤦‍♀️ How ironic /s.

Reading this to me it sounds like he's assuming he's somehow different with no clear indication from her. In fact it sounds like he's getting every clear indication, from her, that this is a client relationship.
Comment wasn't really for you though...
It was for general information, in an effort to stop all these outlandish assumptions that are constantly going on. Raise awareness of that reality.

I don't understand why any man would think any woman needs a random friend w benefits from the internet. That just sounds so unbelievably unrealistic and delusional (to me).
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Yes, but as a cam model it's very common for men to make all kinds of outlandish assumptions about the nature of the relationship, without anything to base those off of. It's very often based on assumptions in their mind, sexism, and absolutely no clear communication from the model, that they are any different from any other client. Their egos just manufacture stuff.
Oh, I absolutely agree with what you've said. Although you may be making too many assumptions about what I assume; I just commented that ban me fees are almost as common as the unban fees. 🤷‍♂️
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okay serious post time.

i ban people who accuse me of scamming them. why would i want to interact and have them potentially sabotage me? they clearly aren't happy with my services, and now I'm not happy with them. i also have an unban fee. even though im mostly a femdom cammodel, its not for femdoming. i used to be nice and unban people when they apologized, only for them to do the same thing again that got them originally banned.

people who pay the unban fee will usually not act out again. I've rarely had to reban someone who paid my $200 unban fee. love that she has a $500/600 unban fee. good for her not putting up with OP's bs.

also don't "test" people. that is such an asshole thing to do. be honest with your fears and not accusatory in the future. i don't think this model was scamming the op. sounds like she was being a cammodel and assumed the relationship was more and blew it the fuck up.
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Apologies in cash. Fuck me. She's not scamming you. Scamming would suggest some kind of lying to coerce you into giving money. This is old fashioned Highway Robbery.
She had been lying and coercing me to give her money. But now she has gone ha ha, find it funny now, it is hard to keep a clear mind sometimes when you are it the thick of a problem.
I am going to elaborate on my original post a bit because I disagree with all the "run away" posts.

The reason I said to re-read your post is because it seems like you are not happy with the situation. Maybe it's just the guilt tripping (with the sick family members, everything going wrong etc) for money and if she had just asked you would have been happy to send it, if that's the case then have that conversation. Ultimately you now seem to have a clearer understanding of what the relationship is than you did before and it is only you that can decide if you are ok with being the virtual sugar daddy or if you would rather just go back to simply paying for cam shows. On the flip side maybe you re-read it, understand that you need to have a discussion about what each of you expects from those transactions and are happy to continue.

As models if you start pushing things a certain way then we assume that's the service that you are looking for. A lot of people wont be straight up with what they want and anyone looking for more than just the cam model will get the GFE/BFE 99% of the time from what I know, because that's the only reason that there is for contacting someone outside of the site who's business is providing fantasy as entertainment (other than ordering custom content but then the message exchange would be very different and there wouldn't be any confusion that you were looking for something else). Camsites are not escort directories so you should never assume that off site contact will lead to anything less virtual.

Here's an interesting way to look at the "scam", was it a scam or did you give the impression that you like to be the savior and the hero, and she was feeding that fantasy with situations that enabled you to dive in and be the hero by helping out and sending money to pay for things?

Also, dont use paypal for paying models, your going to end up getting both of your accounts banned.

Ultimetly, it all comes down to if you are comfertable to continue or not, which was why I suggested to re-read your post since I dont think that is something that someone else can decide for you.
okay serious post time.

i ban people who accuse me of scamming them. why would i want to interact and have them potentially sabotage me? they clearly aren't happy with my services, and now I'm not happy with them. i also have an unban fee. even though im mostly a femdom cammodel, its not for femdoming. i used to be nice and unban people when they apologized, only for them to do the same thing again that got them originally banned.

people who pay the unban fee will usually not act out again. I've rarely had to reban someone who paid my $200 unban fee. love that she has a $500/600 unban fee. good for her not putting up with OP's bs.

also don't "test" people. that is such an asshole thing to do. be honest with your fears and not accusatory in the future. i don't think this model was scamming the op. sounds like she was being a cammodel and assumed the relationship was more and blew it the fuck up.
I was sending her money to pay rent, student fees etc... buying her presents and then tested her by saying I would not be able to help her for a couple of months, it was all one way me giving her money and her doing nothing for me only tell me she was in hospital not once but twice and three times after being hit by a car, how much bad luck can someone have paid everything for her as a friend because I felt sorry for her and then found her out, people don't like the truth thrown at them, problem with me I am to nice a person and fell for her lies, yes if you are genuine and not a scammer I agree but I found her out and called her on it.
I was sending her money to pay rent, student fees etc... buying her presents and then tested her by saying I would not be able to help her for a couple of months, it was all one way me giving her money and her doing nothing for me only tell me she was in hospital not once but twice and three times after being hit by a car, how much bad luck can someone have paid everything for her as a friend because I felt sorry for her and then found her out, people don't like the truth thrown at them, problem with me I am to nice a person and fell for her lies, yes if you are genuine and not a scammer I agree but I found her out and called her on it.

im sorry but i fail to see what the scam was exactly. you chose to give her presents and money. in return she gave you an online fwb situation. sounds pretty transactional. you stopped giving her money, she stopped giving the same attention.

she could be lying, or she could be telling the truth. idk. to me it sounds like she was trying to get you to go back to spending. you maybe a nice guy, but you seem pretty gullible. i mean no offense.
I am going to elaborate on my original post a bit because I disagree with all the "run away" posts.

The reason I said to re-read your post is because it seems like you are not happy with the situation. Maybe it's just the guilt tripping (with the sick family members, everything going wrong etc) for money and if she had just asked you would have been happy to send it, if that's the case then have that conversation. Ultimately you now seem to have a clearer understanding of what the relationship is than you did before and it is only you that can decide if you are ok with being the virtual sugar daddy or if you would rather just go back to simply paying for cam shows. On the flip side maybe you re-read it, understand that you need to have a discussion about what each of you expects from those transactions and are happy to continue.

As models if you start pushing things a certain way then we assume that's the service that you are looking for. A lot of people wont be straight up with what they want and anyone looking for more than just the cam model will get the GFE/BFE 99% of the time from what I know, because that's the only reason that there is for contacting someone outside of the site who's business is providing fantasy as entertainment (other than ordering custom content but then the message exchange would be very different and there wouldn't be any confusion that you were looking for something else). Camsites are not escort directories so you should never assume that off site contact will lead to anything less virtual.

Here's an interesting way to look at the "scam", was it a scam or did you give the impression that you like to be the savior and the hero, and she was feeding that fantasy with situations that enabled you to dive in and be the hero by helping out and sending money to pay for things?

Also, dont use paypal for paying models, your going to end up getting both of your accounts banned.

Ultimetly, it all comes down to if you are comfertable to continue or not, which was why I suggested to re-read your post since I dont think that is something that someone else can decide for you.
Thank you so much for your honest and sound reply, it was her suggestion we friended off the site on Whatsapp, she did a couple of private shows for me, then it all stopped and was still sending her money because of her rent problems and student fees I was happy to do that as we were friends with benefits, all of a sudden she had problems more or less every day and I carried on sending money and gave it the benefit of the doubt, she has since unblocked me because I messaged her and she unblocked me on whatsapp, hey ho she is in hospital again now after being hit with a car, and as asked me to pay her rent, have just sent her a long message to make it clear with her the status we share from my point of view, although I have sent her long messages before and she has interpretted them well before she now says she cannot interpret what I have sent and she can speak English, French and German, she is in Russia by the way and sas on her site she is in Moldova and I am inclined to believe she is in Moldova because I am not sure if you can send money through paypal to Russia, she says I can because of her passport, any way thank you for your honest and helpful reply, I am going to walk away, the main thing I think is I don't want to cause her any hurt and distress no matter what and I am so tired of it all going round in my head, just don't think she is truthfull and genuine.
I was sending her money to pay rent, student fees etc... buying her presents and then tested her by saying I would not be able to help her for a couple of months, it was all one way me giving her money and her doing nothing for me only tell me she was in hospital not once but twice and three times after being hit by a car, how much bad luck can someone have paid everything for her as a friend because I felt sorry for her and then found her out, people don't like the truth thrown at them, problem with me I am to nice a person and fell for her lies, yes if you are genuine and not a scammer I agree but I found her out and called her on it.
I had a discussion on this with someone a few days ago. They were saying that giving to charity and helping others is something they do for the other person and it's a selfless act because they don't get any benefit from it, I completely disagree, the reason people do it is because it makes them feel good, that's the real reason, if it didnt feel good to feel like you are helping, someone people wouldn't do it (regular people, corps would still do it for the tax breaks).

So saying you didnt get anything from it isnt quiet true, (making an assumption here and may be wrong) but I bet at the time when you sent it (feeling cheated after the fact might make it hard to remember that feeling) you felt good about sending her money and helping her out, what you bought was good feelings and a pshycologial pick me up, just becuase you dont recieve anything tangable like a video or a photo dosnt really mean that you didnt get anything from it.

The very fact that you sent the first time would have shown her that you have this want to be the hero that steps in to solve her problems, so that became the service that she provided you. Remember the job is to provide fantasy and make you feel good, and giving you an oppertunity to step in be the hero/provider/problem solver is something that would get that little dopamine flow going.
okay serious post time.

i ban people who accuse me of scamming them. why would i want to interact and have them potentially sabotage me? they clearly aren't happy with my services, and now I'm not happy with them. i also have an unban fee. even though im mostly a femdom cammodel, its not for femdoming. i used to be nice and unban people when they apologized, only for them to do the same thing again that got them originally banned.

people who pay the unban fee will usually not act out again. I've rarely had to reban someone who paid my $200 unban fee. love that she has a $500/600 unban fee. good for her not putting up with OP's bs.

also don't "test" people. that is such an asshole thing to do. be honest with your fears and not accusatory in the future. i don't think this model was scamming the op. sounds like she was being a cammodel and assumed the relationship was more and blew it the fuck up.
Exactly, imho best post in this whole thread.
I had a discussion on this with someone a few days ago. They were saying that giving to charity and helping others is something they do for the other person and it's a selfless act because they don't get any benefit from it, I completely disagree, the reason people do it is because it makes them feel good, that's the real reason, if it didnt feel good to feel like you are helping, someone people wouldn't do it (regular people, corps would still do it for the tax breaks).

So saying you didnt get anything from it isnt quiet true, (making an assumption here and may be wrong) but I bet at the time when you sent it (feeling cheated after the fact might make it hard to remember that feeling) you felt good about sending her money and helping here out, what you bought was good feelings and a pshycologial pick me up, just becuase you dont recieve anything tangable like a video or a photo dosnt really mean that you didnt get anything from it.

The very fact that you sent the first time would have shown her that you have this want to be the hero that steps in to solve her problems, so that became the service that she provided you. Remember the job is to provide fantasy and make you feel good, and giving you an oppertunity to step in be the hero/provider/problem solver is something that would get that little dopamine flow going.
Thank you.
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