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I think i'm going to wait on getting a Xbox One.. After all this DRM talk and the $499 price, Think I might wait till after launch to get one.
I checked and this really did work as shown.

The DRM reversal is still only a rumor, though. With multiple Anon sources, however, so... we'll see. ... 1100-4673/
Which, if true, will make me reconsider getting one a wee bit quicker than I had anticipated. So... yeah. Still not soon, as I've put down the whole PS4 cost already, and I was rather committed to the PS4 before the XB1, as I pre-ordered Assassin's Creed 4 on PS4, cause I'm a weirdo and played all the rest on PS3 (admittedly, only after the Ezio Trilogy disc came out, but still)
The reversal just proves that the security measures were completely unnecessary to begin with, and that kind of annoys me almost as much as the original announcement did.
I wonder if they had any clue at the beginning just how negatively consumers would react to all this.
I also expect that 'a significant number of people might experience issues' with the objectionable features not being completely disabled. :lol:

Also William that article is super interesting, thanks for sharing!
Shaun__ said:
CallMeWilliam said:

I doubt the publishers had any plans on dropping the price of their games, just because they got a piece of the resell pie.

Greed (um, I mean, return on investment for shareholders) is the primary driving factor of most companies. People seem quite willing to throw down $60 or whatever for that brand-new game, so why would they want to drop the price?
Also, I haven't seen any mention of how much storage the unit will have. Many gamers own dozens and sometimes hundreds of games, and they may not all fit on the internal drive. Also, complete games are rather large files, that take a fair bit of time (not to mention bandwidth) to download. A disc-based game can usually be played within seconds of putting the disc into your machine. It doesn't sound like a big deal, but just imagine 5 million people all trying to download Call of Duty: Ghosts at midnight on release day.
Lastly, what happens to your games if and when your account is compromised, or you're otherwise locked out? Assuming that MS is unable to help you regain access to it. You lose all your games! Whereas with disc-based games, you may lose your saved game progress and any achievements, but you can create a new account and still retain your license to play that title.
God said:
for everyone who was saying they like XBox controller better than Playstation controller, be prepared to be unhappy...

I just watched the whole video. I'm not seeing what would make me unhappy regarding this controller. What were the "No!" points for you?
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DuoSher said:
I just watched the whole video. I'm not seeing what would make me unhappy regarding this controller. What were the "No!" points for you?

the controller being different from Playstation's controller was most common reason people mentioned to me about why they prefer XBox over Playstation, but now it seems Microsoft likes the Playstation design more than the XBox design.
DuoSher said:
I'm not seeing what would make me unhappy regarding this controller. What were the "No!" points for you?
The amount of time and money(100 million no joke) they put in it is insane. Will easily take the throne from the 360 controller as the best controller. Even PC elitist can't wait to get their hands on it. Shit don't even look that different.
God said:
DuoSher said:
I just watched the whole video. I'm not seeing what would make me unhappy regarding this controller. What were the "No!" points for you?

the controller being different from Playstation's controller was most common reason people mentioned to me about why they prefer XBox over Playstation, but now it seems Microsoft likes the Playstation design more than the XBox design.

Oh ok. I get what you are typing now. The big difference for me between the Xbox and Playstation controllers has always been the left analog stick placement. I mainly play FPS games, and I've never gotten comfortable with the left and right thumbsticks being on the same level. The new Xbox controller still keeps the left stick where I like it, so I'm happy about that. The controller grips look a bit longer than the 360 controller though. We'll have to see how that fits.
PunkInDrublic said:
DuoSher said:
I'm not seeing what would make me unhappy regarding this controller. What were the "No!" points for you?
The amount of time and money(100 million no joke) they put in it is insane. Will easily take the throne from the 360 controller as the best controller. Even PC elitist can't wait to get their hands on it. Shit don't even look that different.

I just want the console RIGHT NOW. I want to grip the controller, explore the console dashboard, and play the blue hell out of Forza 5, COD Ghosts, and BF4.
^Got the update yesterday but didn't know wtf it did. Weird seeing the new Black Ops 2 map pack at 14.99 instead of 1200.
Soon, I will be playing Forza. YES!
I was mainly a 360 user. But after all of the mistakes, and trying to force feed that Used Game garbage down our throats (until we spit it back up on them), there's no way I'm purchasing an XBox One (eighty). I can't justify spending $100 for a camera I don't want, on a system so poorly integrated and rushed. I mean heck, if you have your XB1 hooked through your cable box and TV, and those devices are already on and you say "XBox, On", it'll turn the XB1 on, but then turn the cable and TV off. :lol: That shizz is gonna have to be patched before Christmas, or nobody will ever use it (and that's supposed to be one of the main features).

I'm still waiting a year to pick up a PS4. Unless Final Fantasy XV comes out before then.
I'm having fun with my Xbox so far. Good purchase, IMO.
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