Aella said:Woman against (western) feminism here.
People say a lot that if you're against feminism, you don't really know what feminism is, and I find that to be insulting.
Wikipedia defines feminism as a movement of 'equal rights for women,' which is pretty damn vague. Feminism has encompassed many years, many different movements, and many people, and what feminism means to society keeps changing. We have this ideal of how things 'should be,' and frequently people attach the label of 'feminism' to it - regardless of what feminism actually means to society.
I don't identify as a feminist because, based on everything I have seen from feminists and the feminist movement, I disagree with the majority of it. It is not because I don't understand it, it is because it actually is possible to have a differing opinion without being an idiot. To insinuate that I don't get it is demeaning to my intelligence.
I want equal legal rights for everybody. In that sense of feminism, I am a feminist, but I think to go strictly by that definition is really a thing of the past.
I think rape culture is overhyped, if not a myth entirely. I think women make less money than men because they aren't as driven, not because of discrimination. I am not a feminist by today's terms in the slightest.
I find a large majority of feminism to be hypocritical (for example, in this thread someone posted a photo of a woman holding a sign talking about an isolated instance indicating why she didn't need feminism, and was critiqued for relying on a single instance, whereas this happens constantly with the "i need feminism" signs, and I have never once seen a feminist critiquing the same exact flaw there). I find feminists to be more concerned about women than men, particularly in the sense of discrimination. When a man has a societal issue, he is not taken as seriously as a woman, because his gender has had a systematic "privilege", throughout history (e.g., a man feeling a pressure from society to provide for his family is mentioned far far less frequently than a woman feeling pressure from society to be a meek housewife, yet the former is significantly more frequent). I find this to be a highly irrational, yet prevalent mindset within the feminist community. If feminists were truly interested in equality, then any issue of either gender would be equally problematic, and there would be no more discussion of one gender than the other. As it is, feminists claim to be truly interested in equality, but the current state of feminist culture does not reflect that.
I do not believe women face more problems than men. I believe they face different ones.
I'm glad you pointed out that it's specifically Western feminism you're against. I think there's no debating that as long as women are being murdered because they want to be educated, or stoned to death because they had the misfortune of being raped and thus "brought shame on their family", there's a need for feminism, at least in the places of the world where those things are still happening.
As far as the West goes, I'd argue that as long as things like the wage gap, restrictive access to contraception, biased representation in media, casual everyday sexism and misogyny, and things like a pervasive rape culture exist (I think there's more than enough evidence to suggest the latter is not a myth), there's a need for feminism. :twocents-02cents: