This is the kind of teaching and mentality that removes the personal responsibility of individuals.
Yes, sex, drugs, money, can be addictive vices. Does that mean you can't enjoy a drink without being an alcoholic? Or watch porn without being a sex addict? Or take a trip to a casino without gambling away a house? Come on now.
Should little kids learn their sexuality solely through porn? No. But that's the responsibility of parents and individuals to educate them on sex and not raising easily manipulated minions. There's tons of money in drugs, sex, and gambling. That's why these things don't go away, but they're also fun and perfectly fine when used responsibly.
The idea that free porn is ruining people... ugh. That's the type of thinking that prompts further restrictions and regulations that DO destroy free enterprise, business and creates actual monopolies. Not the made up monopolies people think there are now.
There's nothing legally or in society stopping
@AmberCutie from turning this forum into a platform for a paid site for amber&friendstreamlive if she wanted to. (She just likely and understandably has no reason to want to)
There are no monopolies in porn. If you think there are now and want to ban free porn in order to “PLEASE SAVE THE CHILDREN” then you'll see the rise of actual monopolies.