Some people try to live on sending an army of bots into a room and getting paid for it, that is, accounts which are driven not directly by humans, but by software which, of course, it driven by humans.
About a week ago I visited a new model. She had quite a good day, lots of tokens by a few tippers, and in addition, her viewer count suddenly increased by 300 viewers, all grey. These grey users neither improved her rank nor her income, but one light blue guy wrote into the public chat that if the model wants to make quick money, he needs a PM.
I was curious and I sent a PM to him. Most people think I'm the broadcaster when they get a PM from me. It's amazing how they praise my beauty and keep describing how they fap inspired by me. I feel like several decades younger, when lots of gays tried to attract me, though it was futile, as I am incurable hetero.
Now, this guy did not talk about fapping, but about money and visitors, and he asked me if I would like to earn a lot of money. As usually, I answered quite truthfully: Yes. He told me he just brought 300 viewers into my channel, and asked if I want to have 700. I told him the more the better, and in a few seconds, 400 more grey bots arrived in the channel. I asked him how that would contribute to my income, but at that point, apparently he realized I am not the broadcaster, and stopped the conversation. Pity!