AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.

I'm Cathy, new to mfc and cam but not sex work. Been experiemnting with aw/directcam and time to bump up my hours and move on to camming in a bigger way. Im also a curvy/small bbw (or what ever i feel like that day).

Already found the forum so useful and have decided to take mfc as my forst cam only account! Excited!
Anyone know how long it takes for mfc to get back to you after the model application form?have some time to myself this weekend to work on my profile and want to get cracking!
Well hello there!

I am new to this kind of modelling stuff. When I was at my twenties I modelled for couple of photographers (also nude, but nothing pornographic really). Back then I got really interested about selling pornographic / fetish -videos and / or photos of myself. But didn't really did anything about it. Though my interests for this business didn't disappeare anywhere.

Then, on this autumn a friend of mine told me about C4S and that she had been making videos for 10 years. So I got very excited and interested right away, started making videos and signed up to C4S. It has been really fun! And I like it there, that I can make weird fetish videos. It is also good for my self-esteem to notice that some (perverts :hilarious: ) are willing to buy my clips. :D After giving a birth to my child 5 years old I haven't felt myself attractive really. My body isn't how it used to be. But oh well, no one stays young for ever and this is just one thing I have to except. but yeah, I really do enjoy making those videos. It is such a fun!

Of course I'm a bit worried about several things; what if my gif:s or videos end up to all over the internet? What if some day they end up to my child's or his friends face? I do only things I feel comfortable about, but the world is full of people who disapprove these kind of things. Though in the end what the heck I do care about other people's opinions. I really am trying to not, but if some of my actions cause that my son will be bullied in the future, THAT is a big deal.

Something else about me. Besides I'm a mother and make these clips I am also a freelancer on a creative industry. I like to encourage other people (and myself) to love themselves as they are, not to be so damn hard on themselves. I think there is beauty in everyone of us and I don't really underwrite the dominant standard of beauty. (And oh yes, I'm quite a hippie..)

My head is full of questions and I believe I'll find the answers over time.

Thank you for this wonderful forum!

:h: Aeronwyn
Hi I'm Brynn. I cammed a couple of years ago under a different name on sm. Then got married so I took a break. Now I'm coming out of retirement and need all the help I can get
Hi !
Just want to introduce myself.
I'm Candy May. I mostly make videos, I'm a camming noob. For now, I didn't find the right camsite for me.
I'm very happy I found your forum Amber, It's exactly what I need. Hope one day I will be as good as you are!
Hi everyone! I’m new to acf and just got started on mfc! I already love camming though, I did a brief stretch of it on chaturbate before I found mfc.
Hi! I'm Heidi!! I'm 22 and I just started camming about a month ago, specifically on Chaturbate, :)
I'm soooo thankful for this forum!! I'm such a novice and already have been scammed and made some huge mistakes and this is such a blessing!!
  • Hugs
Reactions: Ann_Sulu
Hi, I am Gil, I have been a consumer/viewer of camsites on and off for the past 6-7 yrs. I love ass worship shows. All about dat ass!! hehe.
Hi Heidi,
Congrats on becoming a cam model. Sorry about getting scammed. Always try to turn something negative into a positive. Don't let it deter you from having fun. Happy camming!
Hi! I'm Heidi!! I'm 22 and I just started camming about a month ago, specifically on Chaturbate, :)
I'm soooo thankful for this forum!! I'm such a novice and already have been scammed and made some huge mistakes and this is such a blessing!!
Hi everyone :shame: I'm Alyssa - my mfc name is AlyssaRoss! I'm 22 and turning 23 on October 18th. (which is very soon:joyful:). I've been on myfreecams for almost 5 years now. I like nature, animals, and just being social (even though I have extreme social anxiety lol). I'm bisexual (probably pansexual). I have 3 cats. :cat: When I'm not working I like to watch netflix, go out, and play hearthstone. Follow me on twitter @AlyssaRoss
Hello! Im Catch Etchems. I started camming on chaturbate a few days ago just for funsies (an attention loving exhibitionist? why wouldnt I? lol) but i love it! So this is my attempt at going pro! lol

I would be so appreciative if someone could help me out with a few things. For example id love to spiffy up my page and make it unique but have no idea how. Id rather not (cause im cheap lol) but Id be willing to fork some tokens over for something but I dont even know what is a fair amount for that and dont want to get screwed because im new.

Ideally Id like to find a successful male model to kinda be my mentor until Ive got stuff figured out but any and all help will do.

Im really excited about all this and look forward to the fun on chaturbate and the talks here =)
I am am a girl with many layers. Im a lover, fighter, and a freak. I'm a good ass friend, and I love to see people Happy around me. I'm just me. Goofy, smart, fat, lovely me.
Hi everyone, Milla here. I've been a camgirl since May, and I'm having a lot of fun being online. Other than being naughty on cam, I love love going out, having fun, and travelling. It's always great to explore interesting new places, to take a lot of pictures and get to know the local customs and life. I love the seaside, and the beach.