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Who would you vote for?

  • Donald Trump

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I'd think that Trump would have just lost the camsite vote.

Donald Trump says he will crack down on internet porn while in office

Earlier this summer, Republican presidential nominee Donald Drumpf signed a pledge that he would fight internet porn and work to prevent the sexual exploitation of children online if elected president.

The pledge he signed was authored by Enough is Enough, a bipartisan group that says it's been fighting internet porn since 1994.

The organization says it has worked to combat "internet pornography, child pornography, sexual
predation and cyber-bullying."

Drumpf signed the pledge July 16, according to the New York Post, promising to "give serious consideration to appointing a Presidential Commission to examine the harmful public health impact of Internet pornography on youth, families and the American culture and the prevention of the sexual exploitation of children in the digital age.

More here

Well, since you challenged me, yeah, I'll argue it. Though first, I'll point out the vacuous bullshit of accusing me of it mattering more about 'argument jousting' than 'anything else.' Excuse me if I am wrong, but I was under the assumption that in a discussion of serious topics, trying to figure out the proper course was the name of the game. If this was just a game of how folks feel, than none of this would be relevant. Apparently, though, something being an opinion means it is somehow totally and utterly unnecessary to defend.

Here is the problem, calling something ridiculous is an opinion in as much as any value judgement is, but it is still a value judgement, and there is an implicit statement of factual accuracy, or are you trying to imply that by calling it ridiculous, they are not also saying it is wrong. If they are saying it is ridiculous, but true, than why is it ridiculous? To say nothing of the habit folks have of just throwing out 'an opinion' with no supporting argument of why someone holds that opinion. Your posturing and fishing for likes aside, this reveals a rather large contempt for logical inquiry or rational discourse, to say nothing of attempting to take the way something is worded in a colloquial sense and twisting it in an attempt to make a point. That is mere sophistry on your part.

Incidentally, facts CAN seem one way or another because facts are still subject to individual perception, thus they can SEEM to be a thing, hence why further inquiry is required.

In closing, I have a quote, for you: "The problem isn't that Johnny can't read. The problem isn't even that Johnny can't think. The problem is that Johnny doesn't know what thinking is; he confuses it with feeling." - Thomas Sowell

What a load of bovine excrement. BTW, that was a value judgement.

Facts are objective, opinions are subjective and value judgements run the gamut.
What a load of bovine excrement. BTW, that was a value judgement.

Not an argument.

Facts are objective, opinions are subjective and value judgements run the gamut.

Keep at it, Johnny.

Edit: You know what I find extra ironic, the person with the 'The Government does not solve problems, it subsidizes them signature rushing to defend someone who was themselves defending the state and failing to make an argument in the process, in a discussion over the money the government seizes to subsidize the very problems the signature speaks about.

Edit: You know what I find extra ironic, the person with the 'The Government does not solve problems, it subsidizes them signature rushing to defend someone who was themselves defending the state and failing to make an argument in the process, in a discussion over the money the government seizes to subsidize the very problems the signature speaks about.

Don't you have a sandbox to play in now?
I'd think that Trump would have just lost the camsite vote.

Donald Trump says he will crack down on internet porn while in office
This is the sort of thing that tempts me to vote for Hillary, though I know she will do the exact same thing the moment it becomes expedient.
Don't you have my whole ass to eat?
Don't you have a sandbox to play in now?
This is the sort of thing that tempts me to vote for Hillary, though I know she will do the exact same thing the moment it becomes expedient.

If that was true I would hate trump and never vote. Part of the reason am voting is cause he so into female form. He is so into it with the bikini pageants , playboy ( he is friends with Hefner often showed up at mansion and even in "girls next door" episodes at hefners parties. He openly supports the sex industry. His wife Melania posed butt naked and until the campaign favored outfits that made her boobs fall out. He is very into Vegas styLe the showgirls and has been all his life. Not sure what that is about and I think is about child porbography and trafficking. I cannot predict anything but I assure you that studied Donald practically all my life and he is actually into sex industry not the opposite and where grown ups are concerned he supports that. I hope I am right and if that was to be different then I would never forgive him but actually him being into all that is why I love the guy unlike all these fucking politicians who never go into playboy but instead talk bout "family values" and shit but behind back do bullshit u know what I mean.
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There's also this thing called the high road.

Yes there is but you'd be a fool to take it when everyone else is taking the low road. There is no need to perpetually get walked on for some sort of false pride. The entire premise of 'take the high road' and 'be the bigger person' is nothing more than a way to console someone who lost and wants to tell themselves they haven't.

Hold no grudges, do not hold on to anger, but if someone hits you, hit back twice as hard. If they stop then, forgive and move on. If they keep coming, you keep hitting until they stop.
View attachment 64714

If that was true I would hate trump and never vote. Part of the reason am voting is cause he so into female form. He is so into it with the bikini pageants , playboy ( he is friends with Hefner often showed up at mansion and even in "girls next door" episodes at hefners parties. He openly supports the sex industry. His wife Melania posed butt naked and until the campaign favored outfits that made her boobs fall out. He is very into Vegas styLe the showgirls and has been all his life. Not sure what that is about and I think is about child porbography and trafficking. I cannot predict anything but I assure you that studied Donald practically all my life and he is actually into sex industry not the opposite and where grown ups are concerned he supports that. I hope I am right and if that was to be different then I would never forgive him but actually him being into all that is why I love the guy unlike all these fucking politicians who never go into playboy but instead talk bout "family values" and shit but behind back do bullshit u know what I mean.

Nah, that's not true. He signed some sort of petition a couple of years ago from a group that fights "online child abuse, bullying and porn". Media is pulling this out because of Melania's nude pics that his campaign manager defended publicly.
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Here is the actual pledge, signed last month... not a couple of years ago.
Here you can read word for word was it actually is, not what someone interprets it to be.

The pledge seems rather innocuous, other than the Presidential Commission on porn, which could be rather scary if follows the past history of Presidential porn commissions.

However, is clearly an anti-porn organization. So for instance they are working to make sure that Starbucks and other companies put porn filters on their free wi-fi, which I guess means no checking my mfc mail at Starbucks.

For me personally, this won't make the top 20 reason not to vote for Trump.
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Here is the actual pledge, signed last month... not a couple of years ago.
Here you can read word for word was it actually is, not what someone interprets it to be.

Thank you for the link. It seems to be 99% about "protecting children from predators and sexual exploitation" I see little in the way of being anti-porn. Maybe "Enough is Enough" the organization that penned and pushed for Trump to sign is anti-porn, I havent checked what they are about thoroughly

I feel like it is a "damned if I do damned if I dont" situation. They would have cried "Donald Trump hates children and supports child abuse!" If he had refused to sign it.
However, is clearly an anti-porn organization. So for instance they are working to make sure that Starbucks and other companies put porn filters on their free wi-fi, which I guess means no checking my mfc mail at Starbucks.
Actually, You can still check your MFC mail at Starbucks by using a VPN. Just remember to not view the streaming or any of the photos when you are there.
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@Kitsune , how are you feeling about Trump now? Have you been keeping up with all the crazy $hit he's been doing the past few days? It's looking more and more like he doesn't want to win and/or knows he won't win, and is laying the groundwork for a face saving exit or loss.
...It's looking more and more like he doesn't want to win and/or knows he won't win, and is laying the groundwork for a face saving exit or loss.
Been in the back of my mind for a while. What if he doesn't want the job, just the publicity?
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Been in the back of my mind for a while. What if he doesn't want the job, just the publicity?

Yep; I've read speculation to that effect for months--that his presidential campaign is basically just another reality show to keep him in the news. Now that we're entering the general election period, he's simultaneously being held to a higher standard and his behavior is deteriorating.
Trump will win. You really don't understand his character if u think for a moment that he can run, give up all his stuff he was doing previously and not want to win? So that is your argument now? It does not even make sense! Publicity? Since when he even need the publicity? He was doing well constantly in the media before he don't need to run for president to be in a magazine omg!
You are trying to paint him as a liar and a con man which he is not. He is a good person who loves this country.
As fir the porn stuff just make sure u elect someone from this culture.
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Yep; I've read speculation to that effect for months--that his presidential campaign is basically just another reality show to keep him in the news. Now that we're entering the general election period, he's simultaneously being held to a higher standard and his behavior is deteriorating.

There was that a bit ago. I honestly wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if he was just doing this for fun basically. I have said from the get go that I thought this was a, "oh yeah well remember that time I was almost president? Beat that Kevin!" kind of story to bring up at poker games.

Trump will win. You really don't understand his character if u think for a moment that he can run, give up all his stuff he was doing previously and not want to win? So that is your argument now? It does not even make sense! Publicity? Since when he even need the publicity? He was doing well constantly in the media before he don't need to run for president to be in a magazine omg!
You are trying to paint him as a liar and a con man which he is not. He is a good person who loves this country.
As fir the porn stuff just make sure u elect someone from this culture.
He doesn't need to be painted as a liar, he kind of does it for himself.

He definitely did NOT have this same level of fame or notoriety before running. Not that many people gave a shit about him in any real capacity the last few years besides maybe when they tuned into Apprentice and even their ratings were dropping.
It does not even make sense! Publicity? Since when he even need the publicity? He was doing well constantly in the media before he don't need to run for president to be in a magazine omg!
It makes perfect sense if the accusations of him being a narcissist are true.

Narcissistic personality disorder
(NPD) is a long term pattern of abnormal behavior characterized by exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, and a lack of understanding of others' feelings.[4][5] People affected by it often spend a lot of time thinking about achieving power, success, or their appearance. -- Wikipedia
and....if u r right...
...when do we find out the Truth finally ?

Now some predicted that T says he will run for P as publicity stunt and that he will never run.

When he did finally run these ppl changed it to he will withdraw any moment.

Now that he is a republican nomenee - it all change to means is a publicity stand and...he is actually strangely "doin all" to not win.

So... Does it also mean that as president when he also doin the presidency is all publicity stunt? Am just curious where it all goes and we shall expect him to quit any moment then and leave WH? I was just wondering how it plays out with the logistics
...So... Does it also mean that as president when he also doin the presidency is all publicity stunt? Am just curious where it all goes and we shall expect him to quit any moment then and leave WH? I was just wondering how it plays out with the logistics

So many things about Donald Trump as a presidential candidate are simply unprecedented, and his behavior is so erratic and irrational, that your guess is as good as anyone's. I honestly won't be surprised by anything he does.
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Erratic and irrational ? I wonder how he runs so many businesses successfully and wins nominations by being erratic and irrational.
Well I think he is brilliant. The post I wrote above with LOL is me joking btw (just in case). Of course I don't believe is a publicity stunt. I also wonder if sometimes these posts are all bout struggle in the end cause it makes no sense to me calling someone so successful irrational.
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