AmberCutie's Forum
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Where's the motivation?

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Mar 23, 2015
I've been a cam for nearly six months on Chaturbate, this is my only form of income. I have recently found it difficult to get on and work. It's either lack of motivation (it's hard to come up with new things daily so it's not repetitive), or the fact that my roommate is always home now. She knows I cam, but it's so awkward to cam while she's home, I honestly don't know what to do with this issue roommate wise (we have eight more months on lease and I cannot find a sub leaser so I can get my own place). But either way, it's the motivation and creativity that I'm lacking right now on what to do. I would love to hear some thoughts and advice on both subjects!
First, everyone goes through what you are feeling. When I feel like I have no motivation I force myself online and smile and I end up having a blast just because the energy I am putting out cheers everyone up, then their genuine happiness makes me happy and it ends up being a super fun night.

I feel if your room mate knows you cam, and he/she hasn't said anything negative about it, then that should be a big green light to cam. Just turn on some music and have fun, the more often you do cam while you room mate is home, the less awkward it should feel over time. I used to feel weird when my husband was home while I was camming, but the more I did it the more normal it became.
My motivation has been slipping due to being so sick so I know how you feel.

Things that get my butt back in gear:

-I wont have money because it's my only source of income. It's a job you have to go you can't take sick days or else you're going to be screwed in the long run.
-I organize my tax stuff
-I go through my amazon wish list and get motivated to buy things which in turn has me ending up on CB so I can afford what I want
-I brainstorm ideas for shows
-I suck it up and get on and try to be as peppy as possible and eventually it makes me pumped to be on cam
-I watch other girls shows and see how great of a time they're having which makes me want to have a great time on cam too
Subscribing! I'm in almost the same exact spot and haven't cammed in months thanks to my last few living situations and life events.... Now that I'm in a good spot to cam I am finding it soooo hard to get my groove back. It's like I've forgotten how to cam girl completely. If I find something that works for me I will be sure to come back and share!
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