FrecklesXxX said:
Camming is a job, sure, but it's also a part of your sex life. It involves (for most of us) what arouses you, how you get off, your sexual interactions with others, your discussions of various sexual topics, etc.
WHY on earth would you tell any of this to your children?
There is a pretty big difference between, "I was a sex worker" and "You know, sweetie, Mommy really likes it doggy style with a big squishy dildo."
Telling a kid who asks "Mom, what is your job?" something like "Well sweetie, I show my nude self to people online" isn't going to make you the best role model.
Because sex work is shameful and no sex worker can be a good role model to her kids.
Would you want your 8, 10, 13, or 16 year old doing the same? Remember that kids are very easily influenced and may not understand why they aren't allowed to do the same things that makes mommy and others very happy.
Oh goodness, no. But if my son or daughter turned 18 I would support them fully if they decided to engage in sex work. I would explain to them that I only began having sex after I was 18, and it is very wrong for underage people to be in the industry.
I know a lot of people do not agree with this, but unfortunately I just don't think sex work is horrible and shameful and should be hidden and not talked about. Am I going to make my kid's first memories of mom talking about prostitution? No. But I sure as hell am not going to lie, side-step, or cover up what I did.
[[Side Note:]]Remember that if you plan on raising your children in a religious household without consistency (Megan, you mentioned knowing that your job is a sin, but doing it anyway) such things can be very confusing to a child. It could make them reconsider their obligation to their religion and their role in sinning altogether. "Since mommy can pick and choose what parts of our faith she follows/believes in, why can't I?" All that is going to do is raise some serious trust issues that will probably last a very long time.
My parents are quite educated about their faith, and are happy with it. They educated me the best they could, as well.
I can tell you know that if I had not believed even thinking about sex would send me to hell, I would have asked my parents and gotten real information. If I had adults that were open and honest with me about sex, I would not have developed convoluted conceptions of sex that have sown the seeds for my present-day submission and masochism (Do I wish these things had never happened? No. I am very happy with my sexual identity. But I do know that if sex and the human body had been treated without shame in my home, I would have a much more "normal" sex life).
I do not want my child to think that sex or sex work is wrong or shameful. I might hold off the full conversation until they turn 18 or 21 or something like that, but they sure as hell aren't going to get a lot of bullshit lies from me when they're growing up because I think this lifestyle is wrong.