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Currently seem to be on a nostalgia kick, re-watching angel and the jetsons

Eyes wide shut, Kubrick, 1999
Did you like this movie? Curious. I was disappointed because just like the movie Boogie Nights with Mark Wahlberg, it became way too puritanical, with the sex is bad message near the end, and Tom Cruise's character just came across as an insecure d-bag, not just with intimacy, but also sociopathic when he was listening, pretending to listen, to the hooker talk about herself, who would later end up HIV positive. I watched this in the theater and Nicole Kidman's final line caused everybody in the theater to LOL!!! Intentionally/unintentionally funny? Perhaps both? Kubrick has made good movies like The Shining. I was disappointed with EWS. Thoughts? Thank you for posting this because I forgot to, but am now adding the book this movie is based on to my must read list. wide shut, Kubrick, 1999
Yeah, the novel is rather different, though, if I recall correctly and has nothing to do with the movie. Not even Schnitzler best, if you ask me. That would be "Sterben", another one of his novel, which means "to die". Have no idea whether it has been translated into English, since he is not a major author. The movie is masterpiece, IMO, for many reasons, with different meanings, and has obviously been deconstruced in millions of ways.Thoughts?
Tom's character's Madonna/Whore complex is so painfully obvious that I almost stopped watching this in the theatre. If you enjoyed this movie from Stanley Kubrick, I didn't, well, regarding the 3rd act anyway, watch Kubrick's other movie/s Dr. Strangelove and/or The Shining, the original. Regarding the Madonna/Whore complex, watch this vid and/or read my thread I've posted in the past.Yeah, the novel is rather different, though, if I recall correctly and has nothing to do with the movie. Not even Schnitzler best, if you ask me. That would be "Sterben", another one of his novel, which means "to die". Have no idea whether it has been translated into English, since he is not a major author. The movie is masterpiece, IMO, for many reasons, with different meanings, and has obviously been deconstruced in millions of ways.
What striked me the most about it in my rewatch and what a friend I was watching the movie with made me notice - and I agree with her - is the protagonist's, or to put in the way she said to me, the male incapability to understand his partner's/ female desire (If only men knew! Kidman says in a rather powerful dialogue). That triggers in my view a sort of reaction which leads him into a sort of Homeric erotic Odissey which just like in the Odissey ends with him coming back home to her, and yet, still being incapable to understand her. I don't believe it was puritanical at all, I have to say. Rather the reverse, I feel.
The puritanical, rock-solid, monogamous relationiship not only is a blatant lie really hard to live by Kubrick seems to say - and mostly what is sold to the little and common people -, but in reality every couple struggles with it and certainly those who have means and are higher up in the society don't seems to live by that puritanical family view. Thecouple relationship depicted is a masterpiece and it's not by a coincidence that Kubrick chose those actors because they were a real couple in life. And I guess It's not a coincidence they the broke up after that movie, I believ. Who knows. Just my 2 cents.
I can see where you are coming from, I believe that might very well have been the director's precise intent, it's hard to think otherwise with Kubrick. I'm sure the actor did exactly what was told, when and how was told. Personally, I think he did a great job, possibly one of his best performance - I haven't watched all of his movies so I can't tell -, and the way he comes across is totally intentional. I am not qualified to talk on such psychological matter.Tom's character's Madonna/Whore complex is so painfully obvious
yeah, there were some encouraging episodes but all in all its meh. I never compared it with original tng but its still not really good. Also the borg queen is kinda stupidPicard is very meh for me
I respect and value your opinion, so don't worry, even if I agree/disagree with you, I just wanted to hear/see what you had to say, if that makes sense. I agree. Cruise is a talented actor. I ignore the personal 3 failed marriages with Mimi Rogers, Penelope Cruz, and Katie Holmes, and I just enjoy watching him perform on the screen. I'm a big fan of Kubrick, but I was disappointed with Eyes Wide Shut. Don't take my word for it. For now, regarding this thread anyway, can't wait to see your posts on other movies, and/or books, because I'm an avid book reader, now and moving forward. Currently reading the book I listed at the bottom of this thread. Not getting too attached, but thank you for your time and thoughts on the Eyes Wide Shut movie. Have a good day/night and be safe, whenever you read/see this message. I webcam mostly on Saturdays and Sundays, mostly on Skype for now, but while working online, on breaks, will try to post responses here on ACF.I can see where you are coming from, I believe that might very well have been the director's precise intent, it's hard to think otherwise with Kubrick. I'm sure the actor did exactly what was told, when and how was told. Personally, I think he did a great job, possibly one of his best performance - I haven't watched all of his movies so I can't tell -, and the way he comes across is totally intentional. I am not qualified to talk on such psychological matter.
In my opinion, as banal as it might sound, absolutes black and white never exist in real life and nobody is entitled to anything in general, unless one has put work in it, so whether a woman is an archetypical Madonna or a Whore, to me, a man, it just doesn't matter; firstly because that woman simply does not exist, and secondly because nobody, whether you happen to be a Madonna or a Whore, is entitled to a relationship (which is hard work) nor to sex. So checkmate, Freud. Had he spent more time having relationships and sex with actual women, he would have figured that out pretty fast, I suppose. Wonder what the male equivalent of that complex would be. I don't seem to remember he has come up with anything of the sort. Just my 2 cents.
I'm trying to like Halo, but I want it to be Red vs Blue. Ozark I liked, and lost track of
When it comes to Picard, I'm with the Drinker.
I enjoyed the convo and hearing your opinion and perspective about the movie as well. Not a problem. It's ok to disagree and challenge each other's point of views. That's the whole point of discussing about something.even if I agree/disagree with you
Plus, in the last couple of seasons..... Sarah Shahi <swoon>Just finished Person of Interest. Good series! (Even If it does lend itself to big brother is watching conspiracy theories)