AmberCutie's Forum
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What was the last movie/show you watched?

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I watched all of Reacher, and also the first 2 episodes of S2 for Raised by Wolves.

Really great all of them. Definitely want more RBW
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Alan Ritchson isn't the Reacher we read. But he'll do. At least he's full grown

I enjoyed the season, had a lot of high points. Fair number weak points too. I'll miss Roscoe most of all.
I've been watching "the nanny" on hbo max, its an old show but in my opinion one of the funniest sitcoms ever made.

Charles Shaughnessy is currently playing the villain Victor Cassadine on General Hospital, which is still weird for me because he will always be the adorable, lovable "Mr. Sheffield" to me.
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If you live in a country like mine and don't have access to amazon prime, HBO, Netflix, you can stream all movies and all series ever created for free (Be warned, there are pop up tabs, mostly about making $1,000,000 in a day - not real).
Free streaming for series and movies

For all anime dubs or subs use this link.
Anime sub or dub

The latest ones are in HD and has old school cartoons as well.
The Jeffersons

If you have Amazon Prime, then you get all of the episodes of The Jeffersons included on Prime Video. I didn't know this until a few days ago!
I started to watch the Apple TV Show called "Suspicion".
To be honest, even though I am British, I really didn't/don't like the English actors in this, and the whole camera work and everything is really crap compared to if it were all an American tv show... HOWEVER, the story line I am a big fan of so far, and really look forward to seeing how this pans out because honestly, i have no idea where it's going right now after 4 episodes.

Suspicion =
Watching the occasional episode of Gomorra - La serie now on HBO max. It's a 5 series/season show about some of the the Camorra clans in Naples. Fictional but based on real stuff. Starts in around 2007 and continues to the present day. Violent, disturbing and riveting, with some top notch acting to pull it off. Highly recommended.

It's apparently just called "Gomorrah" in English and is not to be confused with the 2008 movie with the same name based on the same book. The "trailer" only shows season 1 events. It gets even darker as the show progresses.

On a side note: I thought I knew enough touristy Italian to at least follow some of the dialogue, but the Naples dialect is to my ears almost devoid of diction and chock full of slang. Thank god for subtitles!
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The original is the best and always will be. It's not up for debate. Regarding this one. If you're watching for the more, say, unsettling moments, it delivers the grisly goods. If you're watching this expecting Oscar-worthy performances, and intelligent people doing intelligent things, look elsewhere. Think of this as a rollercoaster ride. Turn your brain off and enjoy the ride for what it is. Won't watch again. Highly recommend viewing the original if you haven't. Loved that bus scene. A wee bit of that great bus scene is near the end of this trailer.
A new TV show called "From".
3 episodes so far, out on February 20th. I've watched 2 and its really great.

Liked this one more than part 1. I was hesitant at 1st, because I thought, oh no, they're turning him into Liam Neeson from those Taken movies? Huh? WTF??? Better ending, better special effects/blood, and more interesting/creative stuff going on in this one. Proof you can be older and still kick ass. Despite all of the random fucked up shit this guy did in part 1, in part 2, the unthinkable happens: The blind man is more human and you actually feel empathy and/or sympathy for this guy, particularly during his final words near the end of the movie. Last, but certainly not least, the blind man takes a lot more hits this time around.
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Liked this one more than part 1. I was hesitant at 1st, because I thought, oh no, they're turning him into Liam Neeson from those Taken movies? Huh? WTF??? Better ending, better special effects/blood, and more interesting/creative stuff going on in this one. Proof you can be older and still kick ass. Despite all of the random fucked up shit this guy did in part 1, in part 2, the unthinkable happens: The blind man is more human and you actually feel empathy and/or sympathy for this guy, particularly during his final words near the end of the movie. Last, but certainly not least, the blind man takes a lot more hits this time around.

I enjoyed this movie too. Part 1 and 2.
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Just finished this last night. Just went for the reunion alone. If you watched this for what the title says, there's lots of fun creative stuff going on. Spoiler alerts here. 3 things I didn't like.

1. Escaped mental patient character. Just like the doctor who pulled a "fan boy" in the 2018 Halloween, completely unnecessary character Haddonfieldies assumed was Mikey. Micheal wasn't even responsible for his demise. Huh?

2. Since we know another Halloween is on the way, now and moving forward, don't say evil dies tonight, if it doesn't.

3. No fight with Laurie and Michael? All that hype and then fight scene with Laurie and Michael. At least we had some fighting between these 2 in the 2018 version.

Don't take my word for it. Watch the movie and decide for yourself if you like it or not. Passable, but won't watch again. Watch the best one, the original. Also, see part 4. Only gripe with part 4 is as one horror critic summed it up best, Mikey looks like a frumpy accountant. LOL!!!

Yes, the horror genre is my favorite genre, so don't be surprised if you see me posting more horror movies in this section, but I watch all movies in all genres, even foreign films. I'm about halfway into this one, and I'm liking what I'm seeing so far. It's honest. It isn't sugar-coating anything. Seana Kerslake is great in this, and I hope to see more of her movies in the future. No, I'm not a stalker. The movie buff in me just gets excited seeing a new talented actor/actress in a movie. Watching this reminds me I need to get back into working on the Irish language on Duolingo.
Oh don't worry about that... Naples dialect is hard to understand even for Italian native speakers. We need subtitles as well 😆
Haha, I figure you do! 😅 I recognize only the occasional phrase or word when the actors talk. Hats off if they aren't napoletano!
I have been to Napoli and Ischia only once, many years ago, and well outside the tourist season. I got the feeling it was only technically Italian. Very interesting place, and the ghost of Maradona is still everywhere! :)

Have you seen Suburra - la serie? It has similar vibes, talks about the mafia in Rome with real life events. I enoyed it! (also because I love rome dialect ahah)
Nope! I'll put it on my list and hope I can get around to it with my slow watch pace. I can usually only manage a couple of episodes per week of whatever I'm watching.
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Speaking of Italian movies. Does someone know "Don Camillo and Peppone"? (1953) I watched it as a kid, and remembered it the other day and rewatched it. Its sooo damn funny and very Italian somehow. Great humor and politically incorrect in a refreshing way.
I watched the first episode of the new series of Picard.
To be honest I remember series 1 being a little bit slow for my personal taste BUT I did really enjoy it.
This first episode seems very intriguing and I look forward to the rest of the series.

...Also, only 20 more days to go for the Halo tv series, I am looking forward to that very much. The trailers for it look fantastic

Picard se2ep1 was great! I liked the first season only in parts, but I think the 2nd will be much better if they manage to keep the quality of the 1st episode. TNG is a part of my life. So much better than discovery
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Oh don't worry about that... Naples dialect is hard to understand even for Italian native speakers. We need subtitles as well 😆

Have you seen Suburra - la serie? It has similar vibes, talks about the mafia in Rome with real life events. I enoyed it! (also because I love rome dialect ahah)

I'm working on Italian as we speak. Thank you for recommending this. Hope all is well. Watching this Italian movie in a couple of days. Donato Carrisi directed this and also wrote the book this movie is based on. Have you and/or anybody else here on the ACF seen this one? Just curious.
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