AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

What makes you RAGE!

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Bocefish said:
Tinkerbell said:
Stupid Tards who the second they find out another prem member is a girl instantly start Pming me. U think cause im in a models room perving, and a girl, that i must be super horny and wanna watch your cam/PM with u?
Dude im here to perv just like u. Or i just like her and we chat. No i do not wanna see your tiny penis, chat about your tiny penis, or discuss what your tiny penis would feel like inside me.

You can always adjust your PM settings to friends only. :mrgreen:

I don't it get either...same thing happens when a female comes into the lounge, the tards swarm like flies on shit! It's as if there aren't already hundreds of models on cam, WTF.

Thank You. Watch the girls, not me. I did change them after a huge swarm all found out at once thanks to an announcer who blabbed it to the room. Like cause im not on cam that second i must wanna watch 100 dicks jack it for free. Yeah thats how i wanna spend my free time. Grr.
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Im getting really frustrated that we have a few members on here who post on EVERY topic.
Especially when they cant even write a complete sentence and just type:
:) :) :) :) :) :)

Then when the topic is a question we have a handful of people who say:
I dont know the answer to this but what I would do is.....
I dont know what i would do but...<insert random babble here>
oh i like your avatar

Oh, and then theres off topic posts.....Okay I'm not going there. But C'mon I cant be the only one irritated by this.
Bottom line, If your daily average posts are more than 15, your talking too much!

So stop it!

Amber I love your forum, but the lack of knowledge,people here having an opinion about everything, and the constant finger pointing is making me frequent the forums less and less.
Is there a way to block certain peoples posts?
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For Kiley.

Hope this helps make your time here feel less wasted, sorry to bother you the emotes and short posts.
KileyBright said:
Thank you Jebbaz
I hope you already had that saved and didnt take the time to post that just for me. :)

Haha, you guys are grounded! Go you your room!

I made it to answer your question since Amber was busy in her chat.
People who just chase dollar signs make me rage. I know at the end of the day that everyone is in this industry to get paid, but when you fixate on something you have absolutely NO interest in just because you think it pays well...ugh. Do things because you want to and you enjoy it not because you think it'll make you more money.
Bushmaster said:
what makes me RAGE is when ppl get mad on a forum and act like its the end of the world when someone says something about their girl on the internet! Internet cry babies are what skankycane has for fans! Give urself a hand, u bunch of useless TOOLS! Jebbazz dont get mad!

What makes me rage is when some useless tool includes a mention of me in his bullshit tweet that causes no purpose besides stirring shit. What makes me rage even more is when this tweet happens to arrive just minutes after I wake up creating a fabulous start to my day. Thanks Bushmaster. You've made my Thursday start out super spiffy with your unprovoked bullshit.
1. Arrogant and rude people (act like they own you or you owe them something).
2. Insolent, gossip people (always ready to put their nose everywhere).
3. Smart asses (they have answer to every question, ready to advice you even without having similar experience).
4. Fake attitude (I hate it more than everything... - pretend to be worried or friendly, but always there is something hidden)
5. Too dramatic people (there is no reason from the fly to be done an elephant).
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Guys who think I am ignoring them just because they didn't hear me say hi back or because I didn't see their message in the sea of my sometimes-very-active chatroom. I have had SO many in the past few days. I just want to shoot them all. Guys, if you think a model is ignoring you because she didn't say hi to you within the first few minutes you're in the room you're an insecure douche. Girls are not on cam to coddle your insecurities and you are rude not to consider the possibility that you didn't hear her say hi or that she might be a little distracted by current conversation/show/rapid chatroom movement.

This has been a public service announcement brought to you by Asha Snow, those bubbles that appear when you beat eggs, and the letter D (as in dog).
AshaSnow said:
Guys who think I am ignoring them just because they didn't hear me say hi back or because I didn't see their message in the sea of my sometimes-very-active chatroom. I have had SO many in the past few days. I just want to shoot them all. Guys, if you think a model is ignoring you because she didn't say hi to you within the first few minutes you're in the room you're an insecure douche. Girls are not on cam to coddle your insecurities and you are rude not to consider the possibility that you didn't hear her say hi or that she might be a little distracted by current conversation/show/rapid chatroom movement.

This has been a public service announcement brought to you by Asha Snow, those bubbles that appear when you beat eggs, and the letter D (as in dog).
:clap: :clap: :clap:
AshaSnow said:
Guys who think I am ignoring them just because they didn't hear me say hi back or because I didn't see their message in the sea of my sometimes-very-active chatroom. I have had SO many in the past few days. I just want to shoot them all. Guys, if you think a model is ignoring you because she didn't say hi to you within the first few minutes you're in the room you're an insecure douche. Girls are not on cam to coddle your insecurities and you are rude not to consider the possibility that you didn't hear her say hi or that she might be a little distracted by current conversation/show/rapid chatroom movement.

This has been a public service announcement brought to you by Asha Snow, those bubbles that appear when you beat eggs, and the letter D (as in dog).

What about those guys who ask about doing privates, but clearly don't have sound/don't know English so well? haha.
Bocefish said:
Those friggin' blister packs that cold and flu medicine come in!!! :angry4:

It would be wonderful to take some dayquill when I get the flu but I'm apparently too wimpy to get the DAMN PILL OUT!
It is similar to the rabbit and the carrot tease... only with misery and fever.
My question is who is filming this sadness and wimpering?
JoleneJolene said:
Bocefish said:
Those friggin' blister packs that cold and flu medicine come in!!! :angry4:

It would be wonderful to take some dayquill when I get the flu but I'm apparently too wimpy to get the DAMN PILL OUT!
It is similar to the rabbit and the carrot tease... only with misery and fever.
My question is who is filming this sadness and wimpering?

Wimpy has nothing to do with it because I can't pop the li'l friggin' pills out either! Apparently, you have to have very fine, sharp fingernails or a scalpel to peel away that protective, tensile strength of steel frustration fastening layer.
People who insist on walking on the moving sidewalk at the airport and push past you! The center of the hall doesn't have a moving floor just for you walking types! Please use it and stop running over my toes!
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When I'm in a model's room (on my premium account), and a basic pm's me to ask about chatting on Skype. :woops:

This dude was asking me about what my public chat is like, and when I told him I don't fuck toys in public chat he posted a sad face emote and said "But I like to be spoiled!!!" :roll:
The_Brown_Fox said:
When I'm in a model's room (on my premium account), and a basic pm's me to ask about chatting on Skype. :woops:

This dude was asking me about what my public chat is like, and when I told him I don't fuck toys in public chat he posted a sad face emote and said "But I like to be spoiled!!! a freeloading piece of shit" :roll:
Fixed for him.
AshaSnow said:
Guys who think I am ignoring them just because they didn't hear me say hi back or because I didn't see their message in the sea of my sometimes-very-active chatroom. I have had SO many in the past few days. I just want to shoot them all. Guys, if you think a model is ignoring you because she didn't say hi to you within the first few minutes you're in the room you're an insecure douche. Girls are not on cam to coddle your insecurities and you are rude not to consider the possibility that you didn't hear her say hi or that she might be a little distracted by current conversation/show/rapid chatroom movement.

This has been a public service announcement brought to you by Asha Snow, those bubbles that appear when you beat eggs, and the letter D (as in dog).
Asha, Please coddle my insecurities ... They need some attention :whistle:
Home improvement.

I have the carpentry skills of a walrus and every time I attempt to put something up or together I have a RAGE moment.
Guys who think that you are SO DUMB they can pull stupid shit and get away with it...

For example, I was recently talking to a guy, he has been pissing me off to no end, I have basically blown him off. All the sudden he says he got a job opportunity and is moving to Washington DC, I was like "Alright, dueces!". I knew he was lying. He told me how he would stay for me, and I told him I did not want that at all. He is all like "All you have to do is say you want me to stay and I will" and I was like "Well I will never do that".. He says he wants to hang out, I say I dont I am busy, he gets bent out of shape, I text back that he needs to calm the fuck down... All the sudden, it is a new guy named "Tim" that just got this phone number and phone... This was all less than 3 hours later.... So I wrote the original guy an email saying if he ever wanted to date or hang out he needed to grow the fuck up, and stop playing dumb ass games because I am not doing it and good luck with his job... The next day he texts me saying his phone broke and he didnt have one til just now, he turned down the job, and he doesnt know what I am talking about with this Tim guy...

..... dude, I am not a fucking idiot. Please stop trying to treat me like one. :angry4:
lordmagellan said:
Not sure I'd say it makes me RAGE, but it certainly annoys the crap outta me:

When a new guy at work would rather leave on time instead of taking some advice and learning his fucking job.

Yeah, I've had the pleasure of working with that guy...he also disappears for endless "bathroom" and/or smoke breaks; leaves early and comes back late from lunch; and no matter what is going on...starts his EOD process (packs up, logs off PC, sets phone to VM, etc) 15-30 minutes before quitting time. I was glad to see the door hitting him in the ass. Good luck with your new "Employee Of The Month".
schlmoe said:
lordmagellan said:
Not sure I'd say it makes me RAGE, but it certainly annoys the crap outta me:

When a new guy at work would rather leave on time instead of taking some advice and learning his fucking job.

Yeah, I've had the pleasure of working with that guy...he also disappears for endless "bathroom" and/or smoke breaks; leaves early and comes back late from lunch; and no matter what is going on...starts his EOD process (packs up, logs off PC, sets phone to VM, etc) 15-30 minutes before quitting time. I was glad to see the door hitting him in the ass. Good luck with your new "Employee Of The Month". about trying to get full time hours and being told, "Next time a position is available" then seeing on at LEAST a weekly basis (?!) they call off at least on a bi-weekly, they come in late AND leave early, yet never loosing their full time status, even though they pull less than 30 hours a week, and I am BEGGING for more than 18! GAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
JoleneJolene said:
People who insist on walking on the moving sidewalk at the airport and push past you! The center of the hall doesn't have a moving floor just for you walking types! Please use it and stop running over my toes!
OMG! People who stand in the center of the moving sidewalk at the airport instead of standing to the right and letting me step by them (on the left, with a "pardon me") so I can make my flight. :mrgreen:
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spikyhaired said:
JoleneJolene said:
People who insist on walking on the moving sidewalk at the airport and push past you! The center of the hall doesn't have a moving floor just for you walking types! Please use it and stop running over my toes!
OMG! People who stand in the center of the moving sidewalk at the airport instead of standing to the right and letting me step by them (on the left, with a "pardon me") so I can make my flight. :mrgreen:
Dear Odin! People who lie across the moving sidewalk while eating chicken ala king and not letting anyone pass!

This has nothing to do with camming but since I am upset about it I will vent on here. I have never had a traffic ticket in my life, and ever since those stupid red light cameras came out down in Florida, I have already had one, and I am pretty sure I just got my second one tonight!!!! Just trying to get home, I am tired from school, and I have been up all day, and I just wanted to get home!!! I was trying to make the green light, and I saw it turned yellow as I was getting closer, and I slammed on my gas to hurry past the light, and I must have not made it all the way past the light, because I saw the sky light up in the dark which means the camera went off. fml! :angry4:
Another thing that annoys me is when my teacher wants to keep reading from the book and the class is 4 hours long, she asks questions, and barely gets a response, because we are all bored shitless, and then she keeps reading. rofl

If I wanted to read from the book I would just go home and do it myself!!
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