AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

What is the most annoying thing a model can do?

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youre still only thinking in terms of accepting the reality you live in. Youve basically just said your whole day is working. You have no freedom in that.
your job is repetitive and boring. Yes, of course it is. They want you to remain a zombie, therefore you zone out and dont really ponder the reality of your existence.
You accept your slavery.
yes,yes people. I already know this. You are a slave to the system whether you work at home or another job base.
but the fact is, I was just making the simple point that it is easier to work from home...because it is.

we are all debt slaves. They cornered us into needing to make money to exist/live.
but everyone on earth would rather do it from home instead of answering to strangers to make a so called living.

where is your commune and what flavor is your koolaid? I'm interested in hearing more about your manifesto.
I went over this five times and there's no way you're talking about anyone but me.

Seriously, dude? Seriously?
Let's just look at the facts, shall we?

1) The pic set was not the first prize of the contest. The first prize was a pic set plus hardcore video. It's too bad you weren't on the team that won, but the point of a contest is that one team is the winner, not both. At least I gave the losing team something.
2) Entering the contest was 77 tokens, not 154, which is what you paid. You bought 2 points for your team. You only needed to buy 1 in order to get on the team and get the prize. Theoretically, you could have been on the winning team (pic set + video) for 77 tokens.
3) I clearly said the pic set would be of me wearing the lingerie. Reading always helps.

Proof (posted on 11/30, 2012)

God. :-x

You're pretty awesome, LilyMarie.
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Something lately that's been annoying:

Trying to have a conversation with someone and they just start talking out of their ass with no thought or depth at all. Asking question after question and spouting what they think I want to hear in between.

It's like a subtle slap in the face. Maybe some people don't notice and love to talk about themselves on end.

But it's a huge turn off when you can tell someone is just trying to make you talk to pass the time vs actually being interested in what you have to say.
for me, sometimes other work is easier, mentally/emotionally,than the bother of having to put on a performance. I haven't cammed in over a week because I'm just not feelin' it lately. I'm currently doing some gardening and woodworking and cleaning in the meantime, which is work I find much easier because it's purely mechanical. I don't have to be in the right headspace, I don't have to deal with people, I don't have to worry about how I look, I can just ignore everything except the task at hand.
I think this blurb both credits and discredits @Cal_blue's suggestion that we have more freedom.

On the one hand, not ever being able to fully "clock out and go home" is the opposite of freedom, in my opinion. I sort of feel like I'm enslaved to the work mindset by living in my work space. Constantly trying to make a mental disconnect when I need a break is stressful in itself. And since I am my own boss, if I take shortcuts somewhere or steal pens from the storage room, I'm only hurting myself, whereas if I worked for someone else, I could afford to care less about my effort. So yeah, sometimes other work or an office job could be considered easier.

But also the fact you have the freedom to "not feel it" and take a week to do gardening and woodworking is the exact thing they speak of.
I think this blurb both credits and discredits @Cal_blue's suggestion that we have more freedom.

On the one hand, not ever being able to fully "clock out and go home" is the opposite of freedom, in my opinion. I sort of feel like I'm enslaved to the work mindset by living in my work space. Constantly trying to make a mental disconnect when I need a break is stressful in itself. And since I am my own boss, if I take shortcuts somewhere or steal pens from the storage room, I'm only hurting myself, whereas if I worked for someone else, I could afford to care less about my effort. So yeah, sometimes other work or an office job could be considered easier.

But also the fact you have the freedom to "not feel it" and take a week to do gardening and woodworking is the exact thing they speak of.

Well this is par for the course in any entertainment profession not just a sex worker environment. Having your job revolve completely around the ideal of others is massively stressful. We all as consumers of entertainment do the same thing even when we ourselves are aware of the stress it puts on the person. Actors and Actress aren't allowed to even change their hair style for sake of keeping their "fans". You even hear from twitch streamers they can loose hundreds of subs for just taking off more than a week just because how easy it is for the public to become bored with you and move on.

I love spending money on models and cam session but at the same time I'm very happy I receive my income from skill and performance which doesn't' revolve around my personal appearance. I will make the same fat or thin as long as I can get to work on time.

You're lucky if you become a Dave Chapelle or Charlie Sheen and have enough when you finally break down that you have the option to escape.

PS. not sure why I posted this. Should probably have waited a few more hours after coming from the bars.
It's kinda different when you do business from/virtually invite potential clients to visit you in your own home. Especially for those who work from their bedroom and don't have a separate office/workspace. It's hard to ever feel off-duty if you wake up AT your place of work each day...

Just something I remember from when I first started out. And still had another full-time job in addition to this. With an hour commute every day.
oh gawd, got a new fresh as a hot turd on a Sunday morning example;you prearrange a show, she turns up over 2 hours late and one of the first things she say is - "this gotta end by X o clock", half way thru the show you find out what was supposed to be happening ain;t gonna cos no preparations were made. But, that's all by the by, except you allude to the general ocean of dick move that washed over you the night before and in response get however many voicemails explaining how this is actually a favour for your weak ass. That's the bit that annoys. Cam models - own it when you do dick moves, pulease.
where is your commune and what flavor is your koolaid? I'm interested in hearing more about your manifesto.
lol thats just it, see? youre the one
I really can't believe someone's entire argument boils down to "you don't have to drive to work."

Even when I worked at a vanilla job, it was only a 2 minute walk. My place of work was a block away. It took me 5 minutes to put on a uniform. Like the argument is completely irrelevant to my life.

Lol I obviously mentioned more factors.
People are so indoctrinated, they enjoy being slaves. You put on a uniform..... How many people are lucky enough to live that close to a job? That doesn't even have anything to do with my actual ultimate point.
The work a day,job world was created to keep you tired and stupid and worried about trivial things. People have been conditioned now to think it's necessary to waste their lives away for a piece of green paper with a number on it.
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People are so indoctrinated, they enjoy being slaves. You put on a uniform..... How many people are lucky enough to live that close to a job? That doesn't even have anything to do with my actual ultimate point.
The work a day,job world was created to keep you tired and stupid and worried about trivial things. People have been conditioned now to think it's necessary to waste their lives away for a piece of green paper with a number on it.
This is terribly interesting. I would love to hear more about it, I have never heard anyone speak such things before. I have a lot of questions if you decide to make a new thread to talk about it.
oh gawd, got a new fresh as a hot turd on a Sunday morning example;you prearrange a show, she turns up over 2 hours late and one of the first things she say is - "this gotta end by X o clock", half way thru the show you find out what was supposed to be happening ain;t gonna cos no preparations were made. But, that's all by the by, except you allude to the general ocean of dick move that washed over you the night before and in response get however many voicemails explaining how this is actually a favour for your weak ass. That's the bit that annoys. Cam models - own it when you do dick moves, pulease.

I am very sorry that someone did that to you. I'm always terribly angry when I find that people do shit like that and ruin a good time for the rest of us. Some of us aren't complete shitbags and do show up on time and perform the agreed shows. ;) just gotta make sure you're looking for quality, not just a cheapo price tag. Ya know? I hope you have better luck in the future with this.
I am very sorry that someone did that to you. I'm always terribly angry when I find that people do shit like that and ruin a good time for the rest of us. Some of us aren't complete shitbags and do show up on time and perform the agreed shows. ;) just gotta make sure you're looking for quality, not just a cheapo price tag. Ya know? I hope you have better luck in the future with this.

Unfortunately price tag doesn't matter in this sort of behavior. I've had models show up late for 1000EURO sessions or try to reschedule them last minute. People are chronically late because of a character flaw not because the value for the reward. It's like how way too many models think Dom/findom is asking for money for nothing.
  • Sorry to hear that.
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for me, sometimes other work is easier, mentally/emotionally,than the bother of having to put on a performance. I haven't cammed in over a week because I'm just not feelin' it lately. I'm currently doing some gardening and woodworking and cleaning in the meantime, which is work I find much easier because it's purely mechanical. I don't have to be in the right headspace, I don't have to deal with people, I don't have to worry about how I look, I can just ignore everything except the task at hand.

Exactly! 150 years ago that was everyone's one got in anyone's way. Now you have to compete to be able to live/survive/ exist.
Be thought of as needed by someone else's decision.
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Lolol. Labor was definitely created to keep the masses subdued, as part of a conspiracy, and definitely not because businesses need labor to run properly and people are willing to trade their time for capital that they can further trade for shelter, goods, and services.

If I ever hired someone to do my busy work (you think it doesn't exist if you work from home, think again) it would definitely be because I want to keep them docile, nothing to do with the fact that watermarking videos and scheduling advertisements is time consuming and a mutually beneficial arrangement may be obtained by passing it on to someone else for profit.

Edited to add: I always find it amusing when someone comes in here and expects us to be anti-capitalism/anti-business when the majority of us consider ourselves business owners and many of us own corporations. XD
People have been conditioned now to think it's necessary to waste their lives away for a piece of green paper with a number on it.

I can't believe people have conditioned to think it's necessary to pay their bills and eat. What a bunch of sheeple!
This is terribly interesting. I would love to hear more about it, I have never heard anyone speak such things before. I have a lot of questions if you decide to make a new thread to talk about it.

Chomsky is an anarcho-syndicalist and has talked a lot about these ideals concerning wage slavery and fulfilling life if you do a little digging.
This is terribly interesting. I would love to hear more about it, I have never heard anyone speak such things before. I have a lot of questions if you decide to make a new thread to talk about it.

I've heard similar things quite often. Always from people who are bitter about their current situation, but refuse to do anything about it.
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