youre still only thinking in terms of accepting the reality you live in. Youve basically just said your whole day is working. You have no freedom in that.
your job is repetitive and boring. Yes, of course it is. They want you to remain a zombie, therefore you zone out and dont really ponder the reality of your existence.
You accept your slavery.
yes,yes people. I already know this. You are a slave to the system whether you work at home or another job base.
but the fact is, I was just making the simple point that it is easier to work from home...because it is.
we are all debt slaves. They cornered us into needing to make money to exist/live.
but everyone on earth would rather do it from home instead of answering to strangers to make a so called living.
where is your commune and what flavor is your koolaid? I'm interested in hearing more about your manifesto.