Member here. This isn't the most annoying, but it is something that a couple of (former) regular models I used to visit would do. I would be in their mfc room chatting with them and give them a decent first tip, 50 or 100 tokens after ten minutes or so of visiting. And then she would stop talking to me totally. I know, I know, it is the model's job to get people to tip. So obviously, her thinking was that "I was only flirting with you to get your to open your token wallet, I did that, so I don't need to talk to you anymore." Obviously, that isn't the road to getting a guy to be a regular in a model's room. These were both lower camscore models with only a few premiums in the room other than me, so it wasn't an issue of not having time to chat. Now I am not a super high-maintenance member who expects a model to have a parade and laser light show in my honor every time I give her a small tip, but honestly it made me feel a bit used when she totally stopped talking to me once that first tip came through. It wasn't just a single time either, it was a pattern and that drove me away. That and white knights are the quickest way to get me out of a room.