sanjisan said:was regular tipper for months, never made a request. One day I asked her to ban me for mfc can be very unhealthy under certain conditions. She didn't do it. Leads me to the question, how much loyalty does a camgirl owe a member?
One might say if you are on mfc, you can't expect respect or loyalty or if you are a grown up and you don't want to be on mfc, then don't go there, on the other hand I think there is a minimum standard of respect everyone deserves and as a grown up you should know how pathetically weak we are at times.
Miss_Lollipop said:we had a guy come in with his therapist once ...
mynameisbob84 said:I can kinda sorta see where sanjisan is coming from. If I'd become unhealthily attached to a model and lacked the restraint/willpower/whatever to stop visiting her and tipping her and whatever else, and I politely explained the situation and outlined my own shortcomings and apologised and requested that the model force the issue and take the choice out of my hands completely and just ban me from her room (I'll give sanjisan the benefit of the doubt and assume that he did all of this) then I'd hope that that model cared enough about my mental health and long-term happiness to take the ten seconds to ban me from her room.
By refusing to do as much, she's implicitly stating that she cares more about the tokens she'd miss out on than my emotional well-being. Yes, it would ultimately be my responsibility to do what's best for me, and yes, it would have been my fault for letting things get out of hand, but it would still kinda suck, ya know?
That said, if I were in sanjisan's shoes, this little episode might ironically serve as all the inspiration I needed to evaluate the situation at hand and move on from this model.
mynameisbob84 said:By refusing to do as much, she's implicitly stating that she cares more about the tokens she'd miss out on than my emotional well-being.
SexyStephXS said:mynameisbob84 said:I can kinda sorta see where sanjisan is coming from. If I'd become unhealthily attached to a model and lacked the restraint/willpower/whatever to stop visiting her and tipping her and whatever else, and I politely explained the situation and outlined my own shortcomings and apologised and requested that the model force the issue and take the choice out of my hands completely and just ban me from her room (I'll give sanjisan the benefit of the doubt and assume that he did all of this) then I'd hope that that model cared enough about my mental health and long-term happiness to take the ten seconds to ban me from her room.
By refusing to do as much, she's implicitly stating that she cares more about the tokens she'd miss out on than my emotional well-being. Yes, it would ultimately be my responsibility to do what's best for me, and yes, it would have been my fault for letting things get out of hand, but it would still kinda suck, ya know?
That said, if I were in sanjisan's shoes, this little episode might ironically serve as all the inspiration I needed to evaluate the situation at hand and move on from this model.
He's asking this girl to take the time to ban him, go change his ban to 60 days (I don't even know where to click for that) and then remember to re-up the ban every 60 days. He's asking her to be an adult for him. It's his responsibility. Plus, I have guys demanding I ban them all the time. They're mostly trolls and some I think even get off on being banned. Free fap fodder? Nope.
LilyEvans said:mynameisbob84 said:By refusing to do as much, she's implicitly stating that she cares more about the tokens she'd miss out on than my emotional well-being.
Or she likes him being around? I've had at least a couple of members tell me they couldn't afford to keep tipping as much or as often as usual, which I accepted with grace-- no one is made of money, after all. But often they would continue to come back, night after night, and continue with the well as bringing a lively vibe to the room and generally keeping me and everyone else entertained and happy. One of these members I repeatedly told to stop tipping because I knew he shouldn't be doing it, but he continued. I never banned him but reminded him many times that although I was grateful, he really needed to stop and I would be just as happy having him around without the big bucks. He eventually told me he was quitting MFC...
...and was back about a week later with a new screen name.
Banning a member who has a spending problem will NOT stop them, and it will NOT help them. While banning a member at his request might be a nice thing to do, I certainly wouldn't think less of someone who didn't. It's not a model's responsibility, plain and simple.
mynameisbob84 said:I don't know how complicated it is to 60 day ban a member but it surely can't be that hard, can it?
Fay_Galore said:mynameisbob84 said:I don't know how complicated it is to 60 day ban a member but it surely can't be that hard, can it?
actually, it isI don't know if there's another way, but there's this tiny º you need to click to add 60 days adter the first ban and you have like 3 sec to decide too, if you're too late, miss-click or change your mind later on, there's nothing you can do until the ban has lifted and he comes back into your room. very annoying.
GenXoxo said:Fay_Galore said:mynameisbob84 said:I don't know how complicated it is to 60 day ban a member but it surely can't be that hard, can it?
actually, it isI don't know if there's another way, but there's this tiny º you need to click to add 60 days adter the first ban and you have like 3 sec to decide too, if you're too late, miss-click or change your mind later on, there's nothing you can do until the ban has lifted and he comes back into your room. very annoying.
I often go view my ban list and there's an option to click on any name and extend to 60-day ban. So if you miss the window, I believe you can get them later.
Exactly. And my guess as to how he generally forms opinions... always blame other people for his shortcomings. Notice his response to my initial response to his OP:JoleneBrody said:This may come out as terrible but hear me out.
We as models NEED to care about the tokens before the emotional well being of the adult members who visit us. (obviously there are special circumstances when you actually do become close friends, but as you said... you aren't friends.)
IF we are not lying, cheating, scamming or otherwise doing anything manipulative to the members we can not put the emotional well being of 100's-1,000's of members on our shoulders.
That would get SO heavy so fast that nearly any model would crack and quit the biz. Nearly every single day there is at least one member who attempts to use his emotions to manipulate a model into giving him attention and making him feel special.
They fake their deaths, fake the deaths of loved ones, fake illness, fake illnesses of pets. From the members side you probably have no idea just how emotionally manipulative the members of MFC can really be...
If we don't draw the line in the sand somewhere when it comes to these games... we would all go fucking nuts!
You can be annoyed all you want that the model didn't ban you, but it was cruel and rude and emotionally manipulative for you to even ask... you big baby.
mynameisbob84 said:Question, yo!: If we accept that a member asking a model to ban them is at best an annoying attempt to avoid taking responsibility for their own actions and at worst an attempt to emotionally manipulate the model in question as a part of some psychological power trip... at that point, as a model, do you even want that member in your room?
PunkInDrublic said:What a weird thing to complain about. Just don't log on? Not even sure how this is an annoying thing a model does, should be in the annoying member thread.
Ah... Good point. I don't really deal with this kind of silliness in my cam life so I didn't even think about that. I'm with Veronica though, ignore feature is my best friend.mynameisbob84 said:Question, yo!: If we accept that a member asking a model to ban them is at best an annoying attempt to avoid taking responsibility for their own actions and at worst an attempt to emotionally manipulate the model in question as a part of some psychological power trip... at that point, as a model, do you even want that member in your room?
MrRodry said:PunkInDrublic said:What a weird thing to complain about. Just don't log on? Not even sure how this is an annoying thing a model does, should be in the annoying member thread.
Weird indeed. I think this dude should just delete his premium account and move on with his life.
I think it really requires more knowledge of the actual situation between the OP and the model to be able to make any specific judgements, other than the very very general idea that a grown man should be responsible for himself. Anything beyond that, from either side is really no more than a lot of unfair speculation.HiGirlsRHot said:MrRodry said:PunkInDrublic said:What a weird thing to complain about. Just don't log on? Not even sure how this is an annoying thing a model does, should be in the annoying member thread.
Weird indeed. I think this dude should just delete his premium account and move on with his life.
Yup and the alcoholic, should stay out of bars and liquors stores and stop buying drinks and the junkie should stop buying heroin or crack and move on with life.
The poor person should just work harder, and the obese person should stop overeating. Life is so simple people should just stop doing things that are bad for them.:naughty:
Porn can be addictive and I suspect that camgirl porn is more addictive than most forms.
Bob is right, this is the equivalent of the store clerk selling liquor to the alcoholic after the drunk has asked him to never sell him liquor again.
JoleneBrody said:I think it really requires more knowledge of the actual situation between the OP and the model to be able to make any specific judgements, other than the very very general idea that a grown man should be responsible for himself. Anything beyond that, from either side is really no more than a lot of unfair speculation.
Hahaha touche'!HiGirlsRHot said:JoleneBrody said:I think it really requires more knowledge of the actual situation between the OP and the model to be able to make any specific judgements, other than the very very general idea that a grown man should be responsible for himself. Anything beyond that, from either side is really no more than a lot of unfair speculation.
I agree with you. But geez what fun would the forum be if waited for all the facts before pontificating.. :lol: