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What do want your members to do about trolls?

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V.I.P. AmberLander
Jul 16, 2011
What do want your members to do about trolls? I was watching a premium say intentionally cruel things yesterday, and I ignored him. I wanted to do something, but I have no authority in the room. I did not want to try to yell or mock him into submission, since I do not like rooms were members boss people around. It pains me seeing someone say those things to someone I think of as a friend. What do you ask of your regulars?
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Nothing, trolls don't last long in my room.
I would also prefer members not to interact with trolls on any level.

It is quite frustrating to see someone you care about take verbal abuse. But remember that models are not helpless; we can ban and ignore as many people as we want a day, nor are (most of us) forced to be online if we don't want to be. If a model is allowing a troll to continue, there is a reason for that.

When members latch on to trolls, they seem to have a habit of A) encouraging the troll [we all know trolls thrive on all attention] B) causing the situation to last much longer than it otherwise might have, and C) taking further attention away from the model.

When I encounter trolls, I want it to be my choice to deal with them how I choose. When members decide to act out on my behalf, they almost always make dealing with the problem much more difficult and remove my own options for dealing with the situation how I want to. So far I have cammed on MFC for over a year and I have never been satisfied with the outcome when a member tries to deal with a troll, as opposed to always being satisfied when I deal with them myself.
Great question! So far the responses are pretty much what I'd expect.

If I may expand the question a bit, how does the answer change if the person in question isn't precisely a troll but is more a clueless person who's being kind of a pain in the ass? Is it okay for a regular to explain (civilly) what the model's policies are?
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I don't love it. I guess if I'm not paying attention because I'm writing out raffle tickets or something it's fine, but typically I'm right there to answer questions for myself. If I ran a larger room where I was being asked the same question 30 times a shift, well then I might re-consider my answer. ;)
HarmlessSquirrel said:
Great question! So far the responses are pretty much what I'd expect.

If I may expand the question a bit, how does the answer change if the person in question isn't precisely a troll but is more a clueless person who's being kind of a pain in the ass? Is it okay for a regular to explain (civilly) what the model's policies are?
Remember that rather often more than people would expect, members don't actually know what the model's policies are. I recall a story told by JJ where a freeloader was begging for a free show. A white knight said "tip for requests" and subsequently the freeloader did tip, with both members unaware that JJ does not do sex shows in public chat whether or not they're tipped for. In that case, the member thought he was being helpful but actually did the exact opposite. Or, in my room, members might address that clueless member and provide him with outdated information that was true yesterday or a week ago, but no longer applies.

The reason I prefer to talk to members directly is because I feel that most members do not come on to MFC to be chatted with by other anonymous dudes. They want attention from a model.

If a member is doing something like...

"how much for tits bb"
"how much for tits bb"
"how much for tits bb"
"how much for tits bb"
"how much for tits bb"

I would be happy with someone saying, "Dude, calm down, she's not even looking at the screen right now. She'll answer your question when she turns around."

However, if a member is all,
"lol zomg how much for boob show?"
"do you do spanks?"
"what is kinky stuff? will you do that? 200 tokens to shave head?"

I would prefer to address the member myself and answer their questions or have them move on, as necessary. Also remember that many models have trouble with keeping up the conversation in their rooms, so every time a member answers another member on the model's behalf or chases a member off, that removes the ability for the model to engage in conversation. I suppose my general opinion is that if a member is talking to a model, then you don't need to give your own opinion on it. At the best you can remove some of the control a model has over her chatroom, and at the worst spread misinformation and become a room pimp or white knight.
I don't mind a little troll mocking. If someone's obviously being a jackass, it doesn't bother me to have anyone call them out as long as it's humorous and not anywhere near white knight activity. No one in my room needs to protect me from the trolls, please. Hehehe. Lately, I've been keeping a ban count going for the day. I'm not sure if my tolerance has lowered or the obnoxious goob population is increasing, but it's fun and keeps things from getting too far out of hand.
Ignoring them or mocking them professionally (not "YOUR MOM!" jokes in my room unless I'm making them). I usually catch trolls before anyone else anyways so it's just easier for me to spit out a quick line to jangle them a bit & hit "ban" after that. Having people join in usually distracts from the main goal or countdown in the room.
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If you really feel the need to let her know you support her, send her a quiet PM or mail that reinforces that the trolls mean nothing and that you love her. Or better yet, a tip with a sweet tip note.

Troll mocking is condoned, if I am doing it myself.
If I am not, (say in the middle of a show) I may perfer to quietly ban.

Follow my lead. Don't make your own. Remember that trolls sometimes are baiting the members as much as the model.
Miss_Lollipop said:
Follow my lead. Don't make your own. Remember that trolls sometimes are baiting the members as much as the model.
:thumbleft: :thumbleft: :thumbleft:
Just ignore them. I have a very strict "No fighting" policy in my room. I ban someone as soon as they say something rude to me, and I don't have any other visible reaction. I prefer to go on with my show as if nothing happened.
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Laughter and not taking it remotely seriously is the best way for me! I often find trolls quite funny, they can't hurt me from the other side of the screen, so if members start laughing and teasing in a funny way then it's cool! If they take them seriously and tell them to f off/get a bit aggressive about it, it makes it seem like I'm actually insulted/upset about it, which I'm not. I like to make light of situations and don't think trolls who say stupid things should ever be taken seriously.

Yesterday I was online chatting to some regulars, we were having some really good conversations/having a laugh, and then a fairly new/tipping regular who doesn't have sound said something in pm like 'are they being serious?!' and asked if I knew them etc. Because he couldn't hear what I was saying he'd somehow read what they were saying very seriously and thought they were being twats and said he was seconds away from having a go at them all!

I was actually pretty shocked at this! I mean does he not realise that if he'd done that, I'm having a pleasant conversation with regulars/meeting new people and then suddenly someone comes in white knighting and yells at them all?! I'd have no choice but to 6 hour ban him! Possibly make it permanent! Also as I pointed out very firmly there is NEVER any need to yell at people in my room, there are many inside jokes etc that he won't understand, and if there ever was a problem or someone upsetting me they would be out of my room in seconds. The idea of him doing the whole standing up for me thing in that way would shock and appal me! It's like somebody I know fancying me, seeing me talking to a bloke, somehow getting the idea that he's harassing me and going and beating him up, without realising the guy is a childhood friend. The idea of it makes me feel sick!
If you have been watching a model for at least three months, then you should have a decent idea of how she runs her room. If you haven't been watching her that long, you can't yet assume you've seen how she is. Sometimes, I laugh at trolls, sometimes I quietly ban them. On a rare occasion, I will mock them, but I'm *never* okay with the members in my room mocking the trolls. Members who have been around for awhile sometimes forget that, and need me to put them in their place.

As to answering a person's questions, well, again. If you've been around awhile and actually do know the room rules, ONLY if I'm busy. If I'm not busy, but haven't really been answering questions, then a "check out her profile, it's really informative!" is... well, I have mixed feelings on it. I've seen it actually run guys off, but I don't know if they would've been the sorts of guys to pay or if they were just freeloaders anyway. Also, I've had plenty of guys say, even after me saying that it's on my profile, that they want to hear it from me.

So, use caution when trying to answer for the model. And whatever you do, if you're going to say "tip for requests", make sure the request is something the model is actually willing to do!
I like when the guys stand up for me. It's not required, I can handle my own, but it starts a fun convo. It def helps if I'm busy during a cum show. Sometimes the guys aren't trolls, but just clueless and if a member tells reminds him to tip for request, he will. If someone in RL was being rude to my friend, I'd say something. The guys consider me their friend, so I can see why they stand up for me and in a weird way, it makes me happy to know they have my back. But really, it's just fun. I live seeing the witty responses my guys give them, it makes me laugh and puts me in a good mood after getting insulted.
Just as an aside - while I'm not specifically going to act against a model's wishes and cause trouble, nor do I attempt to modify my every action to (what I think) the model wants me to say or do. I guess I deal with trolls, "stick up for" models (or don't) as my own personal moral compass/daily level of smartassery/level of caffiene dictates.

Again, not to come off as a douchebag, I understand models have guidelines for their rooms and I do my best to follow them but the attitude of each member modifying or editing their reactions to some extensive and complicated set of unwritten rules sounds a) impossible and b) totally weird. Really, so long as a member isn't a complete dickwad, he shouldn't have to try to tailor his every action to please camgirls should he?
Jupiter551 said:
Just as an aside - while I'm not specifically going to act against a model's wishes and cause trouble, nor do I attempt to modify my every action to (what I think) the model wants me to say or do. I guess I deal with trolls, "stick up for" models (or don't) as my own personal moral compass/daily level of smartassery/level of caffiene dictates.

Again, not to come off as a douchebag, I understand models have guidelines for their rooms and I do my best to follow them but the attitude of each member modifying or editing their reactions to some extensive and complicated set of unwritten rules sounds a) impossible and b) totally weird. Really, so long as a member isn't a complete dickwad, he shouldn't have to try to tailor his every action to please camgirls should he?

If the guy isn't being a dickwad, going against what a model asked of him or being a know-it-all for things he knows nothing about, it's probably not going to be an issue.
For me...anyone who begs gets an automatic ban, with complimentary pm explaining why. Some tip and apologize next time. Trolls get rated one star, and if they are super annoying I post on their profile calling them out. I may have trolling issues myself :lol:
AllisonWilder said:
If the guy isn't being a dickwad, going against what a model asked of him or being a know-it-all for things he knows nothing about, it's probably not going to be an issue.
Sure, I was kinda just referencing a flurry of "what does girl want me to do when x happens" posts.
LadyLuna said:
If you have been watching a model for at least three months, then you should have a decent idea of how she runs her room. If you haven't been watching her that long, you can't yet assume you've seen how she is. Sometimes, I laugh at trolls, sometimes I quietly ban them. On a rare occasion, I will mock them, but I'm *never* okay with the members in my room mocking the trolls. Members who have been around for awhile sometimes forget that, and need me to put them in their place.

As to answering a person's questions, well, again. If you've been around awhile and actually do know the room rules, ONLY if I'm busy. If I'm not busy, but haven't really been answering questions, then a "check out her profile, it's really informative!" is... well, I have mixed feelings on it. I've seen it actually run guys off, but I don't know if they would've been the sorts of guys to pay or if they were just freeloaders anyway. Also, I've had plenty of guys say, even after me saying that it's on my profile, that they want to hear it from me.

So, use caution when trying to answer for the model. And whatever you do, if you're going to say "tip for requests", make sure the request is something the model is actually willing to do!

this about covers it for me.......if you know the model and her room, you'll know what makes her comfortable and what doesn't....and you'll know how far out of bounds you can go if you "just gotta do something" without becoming a troll yourself

if you don't know the room, stepping into "a situation" is at your own risk....and it's uncalled for, imo...the unknown random white stallion in the room can easily be as much of a pita for the model (and the others in the room) as the poor schmuck who is an obvious fool
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Never feed a troll. I've actually said that in my room. I try to handle them with a joke and just ban them, and I've actually had a couple guys tell me I handle them very well. I just don't feed into them, and I ask my room to do the same. Though a few have offered to smack them down on my behalf. :).
Jupiter551 said:
AllisonWilder said:
If the guy isn't being a dickwad, going against what a model asked of him or being a know-it-all for things he knows nothing about, it's probably not going to be an issue.
Sure, I was kinda just referencing a flurry of "what does girl want me to do when x happens" posts.

I can do almost anything I want in the rooms I am a regular in, but I do not think I should. I would not have gotten in trouble for cussing a random troll out, but the repercussions that could have fallen on the model worried me. I thought ignoring the troll was the right thing to do, but doing it felt wrong. Since I have ready access to a large collection of friendly models I decided to ask. Every model is different, but I wanted to hear other opinions to get a general feel for things. If people asking models questions greatly offends you, then maybe you should avoid Ask-a-Model! in the future.
ChandraChicky said:
Never feed a troll. I've actually said that in my room. I try to handle them with a joke and just ban them, and I've actually had a couple guys tell me I handle them very well. I just don't feed into them, and I ask my room to do the same. Though a few have offered to smack them down on my behalf. :).
That's how I try to handle it, but we all have our days where we are a tad more sensitive or feisty and wind up getting irritated or rattling off at the mouth in response to them. Those times you see me getting mouthy back at a troll or idiot are the times I do need a bit of extra coddling. But if I don't say anything in response, I am either ignoring them or hitting the ban/iggy button without drawing extra attention and just trying to move on.

So as Lolli said earlier "follow my lead" and try not to exacerbate a situation that doesn't need any attention.
On a little bit of a random aside, I genuinely detest the word "Troll" It seems to have become a way of rationalizing and almost making acceptable some of the most detestable faceless actions of morons hiding behind a keyboard. I have seen, especially on Twitter people mock the death of a famous Divers father for attention, Racism on a level I have never before thought imaginable and some of the sickest cruellest rubbish posted in the name of humour. Thank the lord that, at least over this side of the pond I know little of whats going on in the US to this regard) the Police are taking this seriously and arresting the little cretins

IT really gets to me, lets not fuck around here, Trolls had pink hair and ended up on the end of kids pencils :lol: These cretins are social degenerates, It wouldnbt be acceptable in any other source of media but we seem all too ready to let it slide
sweetiebatman said:
On a little bit of a random aside, I genuinely detest the word "Troll" It seems to have become a way of rationalizing and almost making acceptable some of the most detestable faceless actions of morons hiding behind a keyboard. I have seen, especially on Twitter people mock the death of a famous Divers father for attention, Racism on a level I have never before thought imaginable and some of the sickest cruellest rubbish posted in the name of humour. Thank the lord that, at least over this side of the pond I know little of whats going on in the US to this regard) the Police are taking this seriously and arresting the little cretins

IT really gets to me, lets not fuck around here, Trolls had pink hair and ended up on the end of kids pencils :lol: These cretins are social degenerates, It wouldnbt be acceptable in any other source of media but we seem all too ready to let it slide
If you equate these ingrates to the original version of Trolls that existed in stories, it makes more sense. We all adore the pink haired Treasure Trolls, but those other creepy, ugly, scary trolls from earlier folklore were much less pleasant.

I don't believe it helps rationalize the behavior, but I do think it helps us define and separate those who do hurtful things for fun and to get a reaction (a troll) and those who just don't realize their stupidity when saying things that get an ill reaction (not sure what to call these).

Awful troll:

Fun troll:
When doing a bit of research for my post, The origins of "troll" , in internet forums anyways were posts designed to only elicit responses from "newbies" I think we can all agree the meaning has moved far away from that good natured banter
sweetiebatman said:
When doing a bit of research for my post, The origins of "troll" , in internet forums anyways were posts designed to only elicit responses from "newbies" I think we can all agree the meaning has moved far away from that good natured banter
It goes way before that, and I'm not really familiar with "bugging a newbie" as what was ever generally called an internet troll. Internet trolls probably began with USENET...which was the first type of service for internet discourse, years before the WWW was even conceived. Back then, and now, a troll was a lonely cretin who most likely lived alone, and had no offline friends; who was bitter about his own life and found a perfect outlet for hurting other people and groups by subscribing to newsgroups and doing his best to disrupt conversation, often beginning as a "friend," attempting to create alliances then picking on individuals who they recognized as someone who was a good contributor. They'd often say things like, "I agree with what you're saying but it CONCERNS me that..." then slowly launch into something that would be the exact opposite by the time he was done. Their agenda were to disrupt, abuse and ultimately destroy an entire discussion group. They were never truly good natured.
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