OK after a little thought on the matter. Coupons, yes coupons, that might read something like these, if he were me. He's not so you can modify them to fit your guy.
Coupon one, #1 One day (24H) when you suspend all your social activities and are there for me. (To include shutting of cell phone if requested, staying off the internet if requested, and spending time with me and keeping me company even if that means you might get board watching me change the oil in the car, etc.) requires 24 hour notice, not valid to derail pre-planed activity.
Coupon two, #1 One day (24H) when you let me suspend any responsibilities I might have, and allow me to just do what I might want. (Drink beer with my buddies in the garage, watch all of season 2 and 3 of Top Gear, etc, to include, not being reminded of responsibilities I have forgot, or have to do tomorrow, or next week.) requires 24 hour notice, can not be played during time of conflict.
Coupon three #3 You decided, I really don't care that much on this matter, (sorry), and I will be happy with what ever you decided. (coupon can be played at any time, but must be accompanied by a kiss and a hug.)
Coupon four, #1 A night of pampering. Good for a night to include being bathed, (back scrubbed, hair washed and conditioned, dried from head to toe, lotioned, and tucked in bed with a back rub til I drift off to sleep) coupon can be redeemed at any time where it does not conflict with the flow of life, and requires a large thank you the following morning.
Coupon five, #1 One hour of mental bondage. (coupon can be played any time during or just before sexual activity, and requires perfect obedience to redeemer using mental bonds. E.G. if told to lock your fingers behind your head and to lay as still as possible, you can not move your hands and must lay still.)
Coupon six, #3 I'm sorry, please don't be mad, after all I'm a man. (Coupon to be used invoking the "I'm a man" excuse.) Please understand this is not like that time I got drunk and tried to use that as an excuse. I am a man, and even though I know and understand all the genetic influences that would cause lesser men to behave like assholes all the time, and that I should be able to control myself better knowing that, that I sometimes forget, or am distracted by how unfair the world is that keeps me from loving you always, and will likely take me from you before I want because I'm a man. Please know I'm sorry, and that I hate to see you so upset, and that I really do love you. (coupon should be used sparingly, there are only 3, and you are a man.)
Coupon seven, #1 I really have no excuse, and I know it. (coupon to be used only in extreme cases of complete cave man like behavior.) I understand by playing this coupon I have fucked up big time, and even this coupon you lovingly gave me on my birthday, may not make any difference. I saved it as a reminder of how happy we were that day. I am surprised I remembered where I put it right off (in the small ammo box under the stack of chat conversation we had that first few weeks that took me so long to print out, right there between that picture of you in the cat costume and the picture of my mom) because I knew it was safe, but I never thought I would need it. I can only tell you I must have been out of my mind, and had no awareness of what I was really doing. I could tell you all the factors leading up to it, and how I was caught up in the moment, but... It really was crazy and beyond excusable even as a man, it was thoughtless, and the worst of all, it was hurtful, and I would give anything to change that. Please know I will do my very best, much better than before to never hurt you again. I was wrong, I am very sorry, and I hate to see you so upset, and that I really, truly, do love you. (Coupon should never be played, and if it is should be accompanied by anything you can think of that might keep it from being torn up at first sight. E.G. carefully taping 1 or more $100 bills to the back or writing the combination of a train station locker where you have left a very nice piece of jewelry on the back, etc.) If coupon is not played during year of issuance, it rolls over to following year, and should make you feel pretty good, but you should still take it out and look at it sometimes, after all you are a man.