IIRC I was browsing reddit and came across an AMA by a cam girl and either she or another model who responded to her AMA suggested she become an ACF member. I was curious what ACf was so I googled this site and spent what must have been an afternoon browsing all of these posts and questions from models. Imagine my surprise when I learned that the girls were actually run of the mill, everyday people with some of the same everyday concerns as I! Who knew it? I mean there were differences in the character a model portrays online vs her real life...knock me over with a feather. I gained a greater appreciation of the girls and developed what I consider to be some honest, true friendships with some of y'all...even if you don't, I do. Sure, there are some real bitches in this world but guess what? There are some real bastards, too. But for the most part most all of the models I've interacted with through this forum I could see living next door to and just hanging out with them and livin' life.