currently re reading alice in zombie land super fun take on alice in wonderland 
Radiant Angel by Nelson DeMille. Really like this guy's style.
I've been reading Asa Akira Insatiable: Porn A love Story & Kevin Smith Tough Shit. Both are amazing btw.
as a big WoT fan, I think you'll like the Brian Sanderson ones (even though I don't know you but.. hey another WoT fanCurrently rereading through Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series. I'm on book eleven "Knives of Dreams" which is my last reread of the series. After this it'll be all new books to me.
Not sure if I'm still reading because of enjoyment or just to finally finish the series after around 12 years or so.
In the day, I'm just about to...start The Sword of Truth series. I read 3 books out of the series years ago on holiday but didn't have the rest & promptly got stuck into another series when I got back. I'm really looking forward to starting these again though!
@gingerhobbit thanks for the heads up!! What book does the complete nonsense start?!
The Sword of Truth series is somewhat entertaining, but it gets very tedious in later books because Goodkind uses them as a platform to preach his Ayn Randian philosophy and politics. The main character and various others go off on long monologues at random about how cold logic and rigid morality are the only things that should guide people and about how those with good intentions are the ones who end up destroying the world. He even turns helping the poor into an evil plot.
One example is this passage from Naked Empire, the eighth book, when the hero and his men run into a bunch of anti-war protesters:
People armed only with their hatred for moral clarity fell bloodied, terribly injured, and dead. The line of people collapsed before the merciless charge. Some of the people, screaming their contempt, used their fists to attack Richard's men. They were met with swift and deadly steel.
Stuff like that, and Goodkind's well-known disgust for world-building and everything else that makes the fantasy genre great, really turned me off.
I've read Robert Jordan, David Eddings and Brent Weeks and loved all of them.
I'm reading the second book of the Gentlemen Bastard's series by Scott Lynch. The first one is called The Lies of Locke Lamora and if you like fantasy/thieve books that are generally badass but also heart felt, funny, and just really amazing... you should read it.
It is pretty comparable to The Name Of The Wind in terms of style.
I just started Misery by King a few days ago. Pretty gripping so far. It's fun to read about someone stuck in bed while you're in bed hehe. I feel pretty connected to his plight. Of course, getting out of bed and getting a drink of water is wonderful, and I always feel like I leave Paul Sheldon behind when I do so.
King's books are like splinters; in the best way.
Yes!!! I just started this...okay well I got through the 1st chapter a few months ago.I really need to pick this back up. I've heard that Opening Up is pretty good, too.
I've been reading through the Harry Potter books...for my first time.I'm on The Order of the Phoenix, and damn, emotions are high!
@pg240 I read that book, I found it pretty good! She writes in a quite gripping way, imo. I hope you like it!
I haven't seen it yet! I'm taking advantage of that and waiting until I finish it to watch the movie.Ah, that and Tommyknockers are the two most read SK on my shelf. I hope you are reading it without having watched the movie, though. It's SO much better going into it blindly.
Heris Serrano by Elizabeth Moon.
It's an omnibus of three books: Hunting Party, Sporting Chance, and Winning Colours.
Serrano Legacy
Holy crap I started reading the Martian by andy weir this morning and I'm already half way through the book.
So. Much. Amazing.
Best protagonist I've encountered in a really long time.
as a big WoT fan, I think you'll like the Brian Sanderson ones (even though I don't know you but.. hey another WoT fan). for the 1 book turned 3, the pacing is nice and not so Robert Jordany (if you catch my drift) even though I wasn't thrilled with the ending.
And now I'm reading the sequels. So basically all of these.
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I've seen the trailer and want to see the movie. Hadn't thought about the book. After looking it up just now it does look rather good. Think I'll add that to my ebook library to read next.
I live under a rock, I had no idea there was a movie coming out soon! Thats exciting, now I have something to look forward to when I finish the book today haha