AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!


    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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BiancaBrazil said:
I can do better Troll: You should do this and you will make more more money, etc even takes the time to write me a whole email insulting me and saying I am too agressive just because I ask my room to talk lol Do a cum show and people will tip, you shouldnt ask for that much for top off and so fourth...
OMG, I had this guy. After every girl on girl show he would write me a LONG ass message to tell me everything I should have done differently, throwing in a few compliments to make it "okay." I told him off. How his messages were hurting me more than helping me.
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PlayboyMegan said:
OMG, I had this guy. After every girl on girl show he would write me a LONG ass message to tell me everything I should have done differently, throwing in a few compliments to make it "okay." I told him off. How his messages were hurting me more than helping me.

Hey, the customer is always right...

I'm sorry, please don't hurt me :p
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mynameisbob84 said:
PlayboyMegan said:
OMG, I had this guy. After every girl on girl show he would write me a LONG ass message to tell me everything I should have done differently, throwing in a few compliments to make it "okay." I told him off. How his messages were hurting me more than helping me.

Hey, the customer is always right...

I'm sorry, please don't hurt me :p

You can hurt me though ;)
I have to say, I started this thread to help newb models, but I've gotten so many laughs out of it.

"Oh yeah! I remember that guy" kinda laughs, and "OMG, they try THAT!?!" kind of laughs.

CammiStar said:
The Random Name Troll: Similar to the family/friend troll, this troll will come into your room and say something like "OMG, Cindy! I can't believe that is you!!" hoping he guessed the correct name so he can see a look of shock across your face or cause you to log off.

They stopped trying to guess mine :p I laugh them out of the room, because my name is way too obscure in the US for them to guess it.
mynameisbob84 said:

The "I've tipped you therefore you are officially my bitch" Troll likes to think that once they've tipped a model, that model must yield to their every sexual whim.

OMG This
I had someone tip me 10 tokens and then freak out at me because I didn't do a public cum show, saying "I'm a fucking premium member."
ShelterLight said:
mynameisbob84 said:

The "I've tipped you therefore you are officially my bitch" Troll likes to think that once they've tipped a model, that model must yield to their every sexual whim.

OMG This
I had someone tip me 10 tokens and then freak out at me because I didn't do a public cum show, saying "I'm a fucking premium member."

What part of premium do you not understand??! :lol:
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mynameisbob84 said:
PlayboyMegan said:
OMG, I had this guy. After every girl on girl show he would write me a LONG ass message to tell me everything I should have done differently, throwing in a few compliments to make it "okay." I told him off. How his messages were hurting me more than helping me.

Hey, the customer is always right...

I'm sorry, please don't hurt me :p
LOL I get you. But it was really little petty things. Like someone asked my friend and I how much it would be to have us kiss. We didn't know what price to say so for literally less than 30sec. I wrote a price down I thought would be fair (on a piece of paper so no one could see) and she agreed with it. Apparently that 30sec of no interaction was too much and he said it took away from our show. LOL
We also had guys pay for shots and we both got tipsy, NOT black out drunk. He said that would make us seem like alcoholics.
It was her first time drinking (she's a good girl) and agreed to it before hand. She was still hesitant because she hates the taste. So I jokingly pressured her. "Don't be such a baby!!" I said. But she had every right to say "no" to me, but she did it anyways and knew I was joking around. He got mad and sent her a PM saying I had no right to force her into drinking.
Then my camscore went higher than hers. He said that wasn't fair. We should have done something to make it more equal.
Basically every little thing we did, we could have done better. I don't mind advice, but after every show he was making us feel like shit.
Erragal said:
mynameisbob84 said:
PlayboyMegan said:
OMG, I had this guy. After every girl on girl show he would write me a LONG ass message to tell me everything I should have done differently, throwing in a few compliments to make it "okay." I told him off. How his messages were hurting me more than helping me.

Hey, the customer is always right...

I'm sorry, please don't hurt me :p

You can hurt me though ;)
This is getting kinky.... :p
I haven't seen what i consider to be the rarest forms of trolls out there... the trolls a model likes and endorses their behavior by either finding them funny or taking them serious

models favorite troll - they enter a room and disrupt it by making the topic of the whole room about them through infantile comments masked at attempts of humor... because the model enjoys their sense of humor they feed their attention whore ways by devoting all of her time & attention to him while he's in her room... for those times when the topic of conversation works it's way off of them... they dig in and become a larger attention whore typing by faster and making stupider comments to recapture the models attention... they are unable to maintain a convo that is not strictly about them and will do their best to disrupt a any convo they are not in the middle of... they are able to alienate an entire room

Models boyfriend troll - this troll finds their worth by acting like an asshole instead of humor and tends to think he & the model are dating... this particular troll will spend most of his time talking with the model in PM and won't contribute to the room convo unless its to inform someone he thinks they're an asshole or to inform someone they've broken a room rule... This troll gets his authority because the model has his back with the ban button and she will stick up for him with any conflict he is in... While this troll will act out towards most everyone in the room... including other room regulars... they're particularly comfortable with sticking to the noobs of the room the model doesn't know... they are threatened by anyone else the model might get along with and will attempt to either pick a fight or humiliate anyone he thinks the model likes... they act as a tip enforcer and in this trolls head it takes 100 of your tokens to equal 10 of his and is constantly reminding people to tip during shows... A particular vile form of this troll will try to strengthen his connection with his favorite model by actively talking shit about other models she doesn't like and will even seek out models his favorite model dislikes and troll their room for her approval... this troll behavior will worsened if a model feds their ego by doing specific things solely for them... like tity shakes or ass slaps... the more a model feds their ego by performing their requests the more shameless they are about alienating others from the model
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bodisha said:
I haven't seen what i consider to be the rarest forms of trolls out there... the trolls a model likes and endorses their behavior by either finding them funny or taking them serious

models favorite troll - they enter a room and disrupt it by making the topic of the whole room about them through infantile comments masked at attempts of humor... because the model enjoys their sense of humor they feed their attention whore ways by devoting all of her time & attention to him while he's in her room... for those times when the topic of conversation works it's way off of them... they dig in and become a larger attention whore typing by faster and making stupider comments to recapture the models attention... they are unable to maintain a convo that is not strictly about them and will do their best to disrupt a any convo they are not in the middle of... they are able to alienate an entire room
Ahaha, bodisha would you consider TheTrober to be in this category? I banned him for such acts last year but I know he now frequents the room of one of the girls you seem to enjoy.
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MFC Leech Model Trolls-these MFC models are trolls who have a very small group of members in their rooms and/or don't make much money on MFC so they try to go to a popular model's MFC room and be nice in the room and to the room model and talk a ton in the chat (and never tip). Of course, this troll is pulling the nice act so some of the popular model's members will visit her room. Also it is so rude to the room model to have another model taking attention from them in the room.
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WinningDuh said:
MFC Leech Model Trolls-these MFC models are trolls who have a very small group of members in their rooms and/or don't make much money on MFC so they try to go to a popular model's MFC room and be nice in the room and to the room model and talk a ton in the chat (and never tip). Of course, this troll is pulling the nice act so some of the popular model's members will visit her room. Also it is so rude to the room model to have another model taking attention from them in the room.
I wouldn't mind other models in my room. If I'm on cam, and they are not, I am confident the attention would be on me. I did have to block models because of the horror stories I've heard about them coming in and saying "come to my room, I'm doing a cum show!!" That makes me sad. :(
I cammed on other sites where the models were my friends. So I thought I could make new friends on MFC and made the mistake of introducing myself to models in their rooms. It was before I even started camming, but just had my profile up. I now know this is a big no-no. But I really did have the best of intentions. Ooops!
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LacieLaPlante said:
Another from of "tipping troll"

The one who changes their name to troll you into looking like you're tipping yourself. >_> You know who you are, trollie!
LOL I've been guilty of this and another guy took turns one day going through a models old nicknames lol
(I didn't contribute as much as he did but it's the thought that counts :p )

AmberCutie said:
bodisha said:
I haven't seen what i consider to be the rarest forms of trolls out there... the trolls a model likes and endorses their behavior by either finding them funny or taking them serious

models favorite troll - they enter a room and disrupt it by making the topic of the whole room about them through infantile comments masked at attempts of humor... because the model enjoys their sense of humor they feed their attention whore ways by devoting all of her time & attention to him while he's in her room... for those times when the topic of conversation works it's way off of them... they dig in and become a larger attention whore typing by faster and making stupider comments to recapture the models attention... they are unable to maintain a convo that is not strictly about them and will do their best to disrupt a any convo they are not in the middle of... they are able to alienate an entire room
Ahaha, bodisha would you consider TheTrober to be in this category? I banned him for such acts last year but I know he now frequents the room of one of the girls you seem to enjoy.

HAHAHAHAHA.... tooooooooooooo funny... you recognized the template i was using to describe that particular troll!!! lol.... i didn't think anyone would know what "TheTrober Troll" was... and the other was a combination of a cpl other guys from 2-3 rooms
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PlayboyMegan said:
WinningDuh said:
MFC Leech Model Trolls-these MFC models are trolls who have a very small group of members in their rooms and/or don't make much money on MFC so they try to go to a popular model's MFC room and be nice in the room and to the room model and talk a ton in the chat (and never tip). Of course, this troll is pulling the nice act so some of the popular model's members will visit her room. Also it is so rude to the room model to have another model taking attention from them in the room.
I wouldn't mind other models in my room. If I'm on cam, and they are not, I am confident the attention would be on me. I did have to block models because of the horror stories I've heard about them coming in and saying "come to my room, I'm doing a cum show!!" That makes me sad. :(
I cammed on other sites where the models were my friends. So I thought I could make new friends on MFC and made the mistake of introducing myself to models in their rooms. It was before I even started camming, but just had my profile up. I now know this is a big no-no. But I really did have the best of intentions. Ooops!

Totally agree, Megan. I like those models who come into another model's room and is there to just chill out, and not try to make room chat about them and not take the focus off the model on cam. Most are cool like we all know; just some visiting models just make the room all about the room to leech some of the popular model's to go in their room.
Rosemary said:
The Penis Troll: No matter what, his dick is out, he wants to talk about it, and fuck...why don't you just look at it? His penis is the sole conversing point. End of story. His penis, that is.
Jupiter551 said:
His reasoning (if you can call an instinctual reptilian intelligence reasoning) is that he has a penis, and you don't. Therefore you should pay homage to his.

I think these two examples highlight the need for a further distinction in classifying troll subspecies, the Greater Troll species, and their more common cousins the Lesser Trolls. The 'Black Knight' is a good example of an apex troll-predator - he'll hunt alone and is capable of incapacitating a weakened or new model, the less intelligent Penis Troll is much more common, and thus tends to overwhelm targets by force of numbers.

Penis worship is overrated being that they come a dime a dozen and are easy to manipulate. Give it a couple of smacks and it will behave. Though, with these types, the penis isn't the actual problem, it has only basic functions. It's the ridiculous piece of flesh attached to the penis that is the focal point of the problem.
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AmberCutie said:
The Religion Troll: Regardless of his or her actual religious beliefs, comes in spouting ridiculousness about how you're going to hell for being naked in front of strangers. Sometimes throws in family moral comments too, like "I'm sure your daddy is proud that his little girl is being such a slut".

on that note

I had one of those this week. He PMed me and stated that "if he were my father he'd be pissed". I replied by saying, "Then it's a good thing you're not." Funny how certain members think they know a model when, in fact, it is common practice for a model to assume a completely different demeanor when she performs for many practical reasons. If this member actually knew me, he'd know that I've been estranged from my father for a couple of decades for very good reasons...

Sorry for the double-post, these two quotes came so close together.
I like the sign over the fireplace at McSorley's Old Ale House in NYC. It reads: "Be Good or Be Gone."

No matter how beautiful, friendly, or sexy you are, trolls, beggars, directors, and other vermin ruin the mood of your room. Ban them without comment, fuss or remorse.

Do what you need to do in order to keep yourself happy and your fans will appreciate it , hopefully by tipping consistently.

-- (all too) Human
Gender bending troll: as a straight guy it comes off as pretty damn odd... but those guys that try to pass themselves off as females to models so they can get closer with them... lol... they always seem to be absolutely beautiful in their profile and always try and connect with the model discussing things like periods or finding panty hose that fit right or finding a dildo they like

i've discussed this particular subject with a cpl models expressing disbelief several "female" members were actually women... and while some models don't really give a shit (their tokens all spend the same i guess)... pretty much all the models have said they doubt their story because none of these "female" members ever seem to have a working cam available when they ask them to turn it on

to each his own i guess but i've had some of these individuals try and make sexual remarks towards me and i always get a slight ewww shiver down the back of my neck
bodisha said:
Gender bending troll: as a straight guy it comes off as pretty damn odd... but those guys that try to pass themselves off as females to models so they can get closer with them... lol... they always seem to be absolutely beautiful in their profile and always try and connect with the model discussing things like periods or finding panty hose that fit right or finding a dildo they like

i've discussed this particular subject with a cpl models expressing disbelief several "female" members were actually women... and while some models don't really give a shit (their tokens all spend the same i guess)... pretty much all the models have said they doubt their story because none of these "female" members ever seem to have a working cam available when they ask them to turn it on

to each his own i guess but i've had some of these individuals try and make sexual remarks towards me and i always get a slight ewww shiver down the back of my neck

I know several female members on mfc (some have been seen on cam) who always have tokens, but have never bought tokens because guys give tokens to em. Even seen female premiums with wishlists.
The new model troll- only visits the rooms of new girls to give them "helpful" advice and shower them with compliments when the model politely thanks them and asks if they might like a show/flash/dance etc they inform her that they dont usually tip while they are giving advice. after all they are helping her become a super famous top model by telling her to show more for less money doesn't she at least owe them some free bewbage?
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Jupiter551 said:
bodisha said:
Gender bending troll: as a straight guy it comes off as pretty damn odd... but those guys that try to pass themselves off as females to models so they can get closer with them... lol... they always seem to be absolutely beautiful in their profile and always try and connect with the model discussing things like periods or finding panty hose that fit right or finding a dildo they like

i've discussed this particular subject with a cpl models expressing disbelief several "female" members were actually women... and while some models don't really give a shit (their tokens all spend the same i guess)... pretty much all the models have said they doubt their story because none of these "female" members ever seem to have a working cam available when they ask them to turn it on

to each his own i guess but i've had some of these individuals try and make sexual remarks towards me and i always get a slight ewww shiver down the back of my neck

I know several female members on mfc (some have been seen on cam) who always have tokens, but have never bought tokens because guys give tokens to em. Even seen female premiums with wishlists.

ya i'm sure there are some actual female members on mfc... but it seemed like every "female" member that have been a regular in the same rooms i have all seemed to be absolutely beautiful (which i tend to find suspicious to begin with)... which of course makes the models want to see them on cam themselves... but every model i've discussed this with have all said when they've asked to see them on cam... either their cam is broke... or their b/f won't let them go on cam... or their cam is on a diff computer at home... so call me a doubting thomas but unless i see them on cam myself or a model i know and trust says they've seen them on cam... i'm assuming there guys pretending to be women
yeah I'm sure plenty are...and the way some guys fall over themselves to give femme premiums free shit, you can see the motive.
Jaydenrainey said:
The new model troll- only visits the rooms of new girls to give them "helpful" advice and shower them with compliments when the model politely thanks them and asks if they might like a show/flash/dance etc they inform her that they dont usually tip while they are giving advice. after all they are helping her become a super famous top model by telling her to show more for less money doesn't she at least owe them some free bewbage?

i HATE when people give me advice on camming. I HATE IT.
after working a decently long shift on streamate i have one more to add
one of the most prevalent trolls the question troll: he has five million questions that he strings one after another often this troll will throw the word private in there so you'll pay attention to them. they will either continue asking more and more detailed questions possibly hoping you'll get into enough detail that they can jackoff to your answers or once you answer their questions they will promptly leave.
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A random member once wished me dead, because I refused to see his dick. I didn't appear visibly upset so he went on to insult my mother.

When a penis troll is on fire, he really is on fire and will mis-aim.
bodisha said:
Jupiter551 said:
bodisha said:
Gender bending troll: as a straight guy it comes off as pretty damn odd... but those guys that try to pass themselves off as females to models so they can get closer with them... lol... they always seem to be absolutely beautiful in their profile and always try and connect with the model discussing things like periods or finding panty hose that fit right or finding a dildo they like

i've discussed this particular subject with a cpl models expressing disbelief several "female" members were actually women... and while some models don't really give a shit (their tokens all spend the same i guess)... pretty much all the models have said they doubt their story because none of these "female" members ever seem to have a working cam available when they ask them to turn it on

to each his own i guess but i've had some of these individuals try and make sexual remarks towards me and i always get a slight ewww shiver down the back of my neck

I know several female members on mfc (some have been seen on cam) who always have tokens, but have never bought tokens because guys give tokens to em. Even seen female premiums with wishlists.

ya i'm sure there are some actual female members on mfc... but it seemed like every "female" member that have been a regular in the same rooms i have all seemed to be absolutely beautiful (which i tend to find suspicious to begin with)... which of course makes the models want to see them on cam themselves... but every model i've discussed this with have all said when they've asked to see them on cam... either their cam is broke... or their b/f won't let them go on cam... or their cam is on a diff computer at home... so call me a doubting thomas but unless i see them on cam myself or a model i know and trust says they've seen them on cam... i'm assuming there guys pretending to be women

I completely agree with this...but I have had two female regs in my room (haven't seen either of them for a long time oddly enough) who I know for a fact were female. One of them a gay writer in Canada who I miss as she always had something interesting to say, the other an insanely hot bi english girl who I ended up skyping with once (it was a freebie as i was a little bit obsessed with her lol. Unfortunately that was the skype session that caused me a million and one cam/software problems. I think she melted my connection hahaha)
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Kittycatpurr said:
One of them a gay writer in Canada who I miss as she always had something interesting to say,

You wouldn't happen to be talking about UJCat, would you? That chick is awesome!
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