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An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Token totals showing glitch.

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The reason why this glitch has a bigger impact on the lower models is because their audience, being smaller spenders, are more likely to be concerned about social equality. A member with means is probably buying luxury brand items in real life and not dwelling too much on cost benefit analysis for purchasing such items. A top MFC model is almost like a celebrity or a luxury brand. However, if you have limited discretionary funds or living beyond your means and trying to spend money on MFC, the glitch is probably a wake up call. As if the top models are to blame for the members' position in life, their anger is misplaced because they are really just angry at the gross economic inequalities in real life. And MFC as an escapist thrill, they rather imagine it operated like a socialistic haven rather than a mirror image of real life.

I think you've got it there. The members who want to be able to make a difference to a model's income etc are probably not going to frequent the top 20 anyway.
I was out of town when this shit storm hit. A lot of this wasn't a surprise to me, but some things were.

I knew that top models made a ton of money, and I suspected that income inequality was growing on the site. What did surprise me is how much and how fast the earnings of the top 20 grew.
An almost 5x increase for #20 since 2009, and almost 50% increase in the last 3 years. Although I've been aware of MFC for almost 10 years, I only become an active tipper 3 1/2 years ago. MFC has grown since I joined, but I don't think either the number of models or members has grown by 50% in the last 3 years.

My overall reaction is holy shit you girls need a union. I figure 95%+ of the model of MFC would benefit financially if there was a more equitable distribution of the income on the site.
One of the few things that Republican and Democratic candidates agree on it is that income equality is a problem in the US and it is a problem that rich are getting richer and the middle class is getting squeezed.
The income inequality on MFC makes the US look like Sweden, the range between the top earners on MFC and the bottom is even bigger than CEO of a company like McDonald and the front line workers. I suspect if MFC was a country it would rank almost on the bottom of income equality.

Most countries/companies try and do things to even out income (e.g. progressive tax rates, uniform benefits for all workers) MFC is moving in the exact opposite direction. The default placement of girls by camscore ensures that rich get richer. But what amazes me is that virtually everything else that MFC has done since the introduction of the MISS MFC contest in 2009 has intentionally or unintentionally resulted in more money flowing to the top. Most popular rooms, trending rooms, allowing public cumshows, models you may like, all drive viewers (and consequently tippers) into the top models rooms. As if making $100,000 in a month isn't enough of an incentive, let's give Miss MFC, an expensive necklace. While things that might help less popular models like a decent search that lets members find models based on multiple tags never get implemented.

Now ACF has lots of models in the 1% (aka top 250) and very few active models with below median camscore (~600) so this isn't probably the best forum to organize a protest against MFC increasingly rewarding
the rich. But I guess what I really find surprising is for a group which is politically liberal/progressive there is so little protest when MFC does things that are so reactionary.
Im sorry but I dont see how a union is gonna help evenly distribute income. A union isnt gonna magically distribute more tippers to sub 250 girls rooms and simultaneously make them tip. There is other things MFC could do of course but unionizing isnt one of them.
Yeah, I agree more search options would be helpful. I think it'd be cool if one spot on the top row would rotate through different models every fifteen minutes, or maybe have the model lock in a birthdate of her choice and have a spot rotate birthday girls. Just different ways to point traffic at less known models.

But I'm not sure a union would help. Also I think MFC even more than other jobs supports the idea that if you just work hard enough, you too can be at the top, and if you aren't, it's likely your own failing rather than just that there are a lot of hard working people and they can't all be #1. It's like the bootstraps theory, haha. A lot of girls flounder on MFC despite doing decently on other sites because of the lure of "but I could win a crown and make $100,000!" even if the vast, vast majority of models will not get remotely close to that ever. Even struggling models don't want to change MFC in case they can overcome the odds themselves (imo).
Yeah, I agree more search options would be helpful. I think it'd be cool if one spot on the top row would rotate through different models every fifteen minutes, or maybe have the model lock in a birthdate of her choice and have a spot rotate birthday girls. Just different ways to point traffic at less known models.

But I'm not sure a union would help. Also I think MFC even more than other jobs supports the idea that if you just work hard enough, you too can be at the top, and if you aren't, it's likely your own failing rather than just that there are a lot of hard working people and they can't all be #1. It's like the bootstraps theory, haha. A lot of girls flounder on MFC despite doing decently on other sites because of the lure of "but I could win a crown and make $100,000!" even if the vast, vast majority of models will not get remotely close to that ever. Even struggling models don't want to change MFC in case they can overcome the odds themselves (imo).

Maybe union isn't exactly the right word. How about an "organization of models" who pressure MFC into making sure that new features benefit all models and not just the top ones. The birthday girl listing would be on an example of features that do just that, and hell may even result in more money for MFC. I am more inclined to tip a girl on her birthday so ya highlighting birthday girls would probably get a few more tips from me. Generally speaking unions in this country arose as a result of bad working conditions/unfair treatment as much as a demand for higher wages.

I agree a huge part of MFC's appeal to models is the fantasy if I just work hard I can make it to the top. While I'm definitely on the side of girls who aren't making what the need/want should generally put in more hours. I also recognize the system is really stacked against lower camscore girls and that hard work generally isn't enough. I think this token leak shows just how heavily stacked the odds are against the average model. I look at an organization like the NFL or Major League baseball players unions while much of their work is devoted to getting the owners to share more of the dollars, just as much is devoted to making sure the non-superstars do well during their generally short but well-paid careers. I'm thinking more of those type of organization than AFL-CIO.
Maybe union isn't exactly the right word. How about an "organization of models" who pressure MFC into making sure that new features benefit all models and not just the top ones. The birthday girl listing would be on an example of features that do just that, and hell may even result in more money for MFC. I am more inclined to tip a girl on her birthday so ya highlighting birthday girls would probably get a few more tips from me. Generally speaking unions in this country arose as a result of bad working conditions/unfair treatment as much as a demand for higher wages.

I agree a huge part of MFC's appeal to models is the fantasy if I just work hard I can make it to the top. While I'm definitely on the side of girls who aren't making what the need/want should generally put in more hours. I also recognize the system is really stacked against lower camscore girls and that hard work generally isn't enough. I think this token leak shows just how heavily stacked the odds are against the average model. I look at an organization like the NFL or Major League baseball players unions while much of their work is devoted to getting the owners to share more of the dollars, just as much is devoted to making sure the non-superstars do well during their generally short but well-paid careers. I'm thinking more of those type of organization than AFL-CIO.

I actually agree with this to a degree. I don't think there's anything MFC can do to force an equal distribution of wealth but sort of like how CB does banners or whatever (like you can buy an advertisement) it'd be neat if MFC did something to feature lower CS/rank girls. It could definitely benefit MFC to do this, within a certain range. I'm not sure how it could be done but it's an interesting idea that I think could be as beneficial for them as it would be for the models. As it stands currently Top 1000 makes 3% what a number one girl makes, 20% of what #100 makes. And Top 1000 is still in the top 2.5% of girls, so one can only imagine the difference as you go on down the line.

I don't care how much the top girls make and I'm not "bitter" in any way cuz I've been Top 100, I know how hard that is. But, I think eventually, unless MFC does something to benefit the middle class of models like "featured" models or model ads or something, they're going to be left with only the top of the top and the bottom of the barrel girls and lose a lot of tippers in the long run that don't feel comfortable in the Top 20 rooms and don't even think to look beyond the first 3 rows.

ETA: By bottom of the barrel I don't mean that as an insult to unsuccessful models. What I mean is, as the income difference becomes wider, hard working creative girls who aren't making enough to make ends meet, may stop giving a fuck, and will either find a new site or stop trying. And the girls who are uncreative and don't work hard (I'm thinking girls that do gyno cam while texting and talking on the phone) may become more of the norm outside Top 20 because the other girls have either left for greener pastures or become that.
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I actually agree with this to a degree. I don't think there's anything MFC can do to force an equal distribution of wealth but sort of like how CB does banners or whatever (like you can buy an advertisement) it'd be neat if MFC did something to feature lower CS/rank girls. It could definitely benefit MFC to do this, within a certain range. I'm not sure how it could be done but it's an interesting idea that I think could be as beneficial for them as it would be for the models. As it stands currently Top 1000 makes 3% what a number one girl makes, 20% of what #100 makes. And Top 1000 is still in the top 2.5% of girls, so one can only imagine the difference as you go on down the line.

I don't care how much the top girls make and I'm not "bitter" in any way cuz I've been Top 100, I know how hard that is. But, I think eventually, unless MFC does something to benefit the middle class of models like "featured" models or model ads or something, they're going to be left with only the top of the top and the bottom of the barrel girls and lose a lot of tippers in the long run that don't feel comfortable in the Top 20 rooms and don't even think to look beyond the first 3 rows.

ETA: By bottom of the barrel I don't mean that as an insult to unsuccessful models. What I mean is, as the income difference becomes wider, hard working creative girls who aren't making enough to make ends meet, may stop giving a fuck, and will either find a new site or stop trying. And the girls who are uncreative and don't work hard (I'm thinking girls that do gyno cam while texting and talking on the phone) may become more of the norm outside Top 20 because the other girls have either left for greener pastures or become that.

I agree with that, especially since non-adult camsites have been gaining traction in recent years. MFC is going to lose out on a pretty good market. As a mostly non-nude model (albeit who does domination) I can say that there are a lot of members who don't exactly want the gyno exam sort of thing 24/7.

There's a ton of wonderfully creative girls who don't do as well and it's a shame because if they could take their stuff to another site that allows semi-adult stuff they'd probably do amazingly well.
I agree with that, especially since non-adult camsites have been gaining traction in recent years. MFC is going to lose out on a pretty good market. As a mostly non-nude model (albeit who does domination) I can say that there are a lot of members who don't exactly want the gyno exam sort of thing 24/7.

There's a ton of wonderfully creative girls who don't do as well and it's a shame because if they could take their stuff to another site that allows semi-adult stuff they'd probably do amazingly well.

In my view MFC needs to be careful, currently they have a system that generates healthy profits for the company and some models.
Why try to make a change if you have something that works ?? If the profits are declining that is a different story.

MFC is a kind of lottery and to make it into the top 100 is the top prize, nothing sure but if you invest the time you can try your luck...

I've just spent a long while reading this entire thread and found it so interesting I had to join up. I don't know if I'll stick around after I post this but I have some quite strong thoughts on the issue so I thought it might be worth sharing them (maybe!).

I used to work on MFC and usually ended the month somewhere in the 2000s. The money I took home was about $1200 a month, sometimes around $1000, sometimes a bit higher, up to $1500. So I'd say 10% of the models on the site are making above minimum wage but the rest (90%) are below. I don't know what the average model makes but I'd imagine it's not much. I know when I've seen how many models are online (say 1000) then scrolled down to number 500, her camscore is often not very high.

I actually thought this was quite good, for me, and this is why. I used to have a 'normal' full time job and then due to ill health ended up having quite a few hospital stays. I lost the job. My health is still bad, so working from home at hours I decide is a massively positive thing for me.

For anyone who's making a decent living (and the top girls make a phenomenal amount of money), it really is brilliant.

However... this was the one thing I couldn't not say, and I don't know what the solution is. When you take the average person or the people towards the bottom, with low camscores, the reality can be pretty bad.

I know when I first started I was absolutely desperate for money - and this is what it led to... let me explain. With the top rooms, they're doing well, they have more choice. What I mean is if someone vile comes into their room, they can ban them without a second thought. When you're desperate for money and not doing so well, often it becomes a decision as to whether to tolerate things you really don't want to. To me, this is the darker side of camming and not one I see discussed as much. Of course, it happens in all kinds of jobs all over the world, but when it comes to something sexual, it can feel pretty dark.

Hard for me to write this, but I did a lot of things I was very uncomfortable with. My biggest tipper by a mile used to try to coerce me into things I didn't want to do, and seemed to get a bit of a kick or thrill out of it. Things I didn't want to do but I wanted to pay my electricity bill, etc. Let me stress I'm in a much better situation now but at the time it was bad. I used to get offline and sit in the bath and cry and go to bed and cry because I felt I had defiled myself and pushed things into me I didn't want, to get this money. It felt like I was assaulting myself because I didn't want those things inside me and I said but he wanted me to do it. I honestly feel this is a situation a lot of the girls are in on there if you scroll down to the bottom of the page or look at people especially in studios in certain countries.

I tolerated this man because without him I would've been trying to live on about $500 a month I think and at the time it seemed worth it. I don't feel able to take a normal job because of the large amount of pain I'm in and I didn't feel I had another option really. I know it was my choice to do this.

I feel with MFC it's easy to look at the top 10% and see what a glamourous life they're living, tips flying at them, happy and smiling, and see how well they're doing. But if you scroll down the page you see a different reality. And it's not even that far down the page.
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