She's already lied. If the two of you were working on how to make this a more comfortable situation, she's made that a lot harder (on top of you making it a high pressure situation re: finances). Once someone lies to you, anything they say is open to doubt. I'm in the middle of trying to rebuild trust with my husband after a big lie, and no matter what he says to me, I question it. It's not fun. She's open to meeting up with others and isn't making intimacy with you a priority. Ultimately, you can't let or make someone do anything. You can just decide if their choices are something you can live with. Unless there are bigger things tying you to this situation (ie kids, owning a home together etc), I might be weighing out the pros and cons of staying.
There are SO many sides to this story... I agree with Amber a lot, as well as Jicky.
From what has been said here by you OP, yes, your gf lied about some things. I'm not sure if she intentionally did it, but Amber is right, boundaries can go RIGHT out the window, ESP in the first few months, etc of camming, because everything is totally new && things can happen in the heat of the moment, esp when you are new, && if someone is tipping you a lot... I know I personally felt... Like I HAD to, to show gratitude, etc. [Had to, as in, had to do things that I said I wasn't going to do] Of course I knew that I didn't ACTUALLY have to, but I felt like I wanted to, or should, since the person was being so generous, etc. That's not to say this happens a lot, or all the time, or never at all, just that I think almost every camgirl has felt like... They should give something more than what they were tipped for sometimes, like... I don't pull that stuff anymore, as I now have rules/boundaries that I set for myself, that I never break... I know myself better now, && this job more, so I feel I am about to deal better with that for myself personally.
But I want you to know, that she more than likely didn't do it on purpose, && it was probably just heat of the moment thing. If that is true, etc. She probably should have come to talk to you about it. Communication is VERY important in any relationship, but I think it's even MORE important in sex worker relationships.
I started camming AFTER I got married. It has been something we had discussed for years.... Then dropped, then all of a sudden, it came up, he said he was okay with it... I dropped it again, then one day just went for it.
My husband does NOT like that I cam. It's always been an issue, on the back burner. He just doesn't like it. He doesn't think it's appropiate. He wants me to make more money. We had the same issue a few years ago - as in he was giving me a hard time about $$, etc. To the point where it got FUCKING RIDICULOUS. So, I basically started doing whatever the fuck I wanted to do, going against the boundaries I had set for myself, because it was making me more money. I FELT PRESSURED because the money issue was serious && he was RIDING MY ASS about it 24/7. It caused a LOT of fucked up problems. So, I found a compromise... Between the boundaries I had set for myself, && what we had previously discussed that I do not/won't do. I started doing way more things, && I started making way more money. I felt slightly uncomfortable, because I felt like I was being dishonest, even though technically I wasn't, because I had previously asked him about stuff, etc. Money issues can be a huge deal breaker, && it can put ANY relationship under a huge amount of stress, no matter how close or connected the couple is, it can still cause relationship strain.
Now, I am NOT trying to justify her actions, it sounds like regardless, she told you one thing, then turned around && did another thing, that is partly opposite from what she told you. I'm just saying I don't think it was done intentionally, with malice, etc. I think it could be she feels a lot of pressure from camming, && perhaps whatever money problems you guys had, && now she feels more free, independant.
As for me, I've always been a housewife. I can't hold a traditional job because of health issues... So when I started camming, I wasn't making jack shit, but I LOVED IT. Because I can be my own boss, I set my own hours, && I can have a damn flexible schedule, because my life is complicated. It also allows me to work on my own agenda/schedule && work it around the shit storm that my life always is [As far as being busy, or just random shit coming up] I felt independant, as fuck. Because camming is MINE. That has been the only thing in my life for the last few years that is TRULY MINE. I don't need anyone's help, I can do it alone, myself, && it allows me certain things.
You guys are going to need to talk - A LOT. BOTH of you need to come to a compromise of some sort, that no matter how uncomfortable it can be, that you always talk it out. You're also going to really have to look at the pros/cons of things with this job && having a relationship with her. Does it make her happy? Can you trust her? Can you both be open, && communicate with each other about this job, so that she can feel safe talking to you about things, && so that you don't feel threatened?
Lying about shit is not going to help. I'm in the same boat as Jicky, a couple years ago, my husband had a few big lies... && rebuilding trust is NOT easy. Once people start lying about anything, even little shit, starts to open up every doubt, etc. && that shit isn't fun, I feel you on that. It can take a lot of work to rebuild trust, but it is possible. I think that if you feel more comfortable, she will talk to you more, && not feel like she needs to lie, for fear of you being unapproving, or mad, but in order for you to not have an issue with things, she needs to let you know wtf is going on. I don't really sense any reassurance on either side here....
I'll tell you what though. Having a partner that doesn't like your job MAKES IT HARD AS FUCK to work && have the relationship. I've worked my fucking ASSHOLE off at trying to keep the peace/balance between. My husband && I have a weird agreement... He has requested me to NOT tell him things about camming. There's just certain things he doesn't want to know. Is that ideal? Not for everyone. Does it work for us? Honestly, we've tried everything, && out of everything, this is what works the best. There are things we do not discuss... Like what I did that day for work, like I don't tell him EXACTLY what I did. I'll say yeah I had a Private today, && that's it. Like, I don't go into detail. I've told him EVERYTHING && showed him EVERYTHING about this industry, the good, the bad, the amazing, the horrible, etc. He knows for the most part what I do/don't do. Then there's things we don't ever discuss, because it's been requested that he doesn't want to know. However, I have asked him about certain things, etc && he said that's fine, if it makes me enough $$ that I am comfortable with it, etc. He just doesn't want to hear about it.
I personally am not comfortable camming when he is home, but I have done it, && do do it, he just goes downstairs, or in the garage && finds shit to do.
I'm really concerned about the fact that you say she said she has plans to meet up with someone... That is really bothering me right now, because that's not cool. She couldn be just saying that for the $$, but even if she is, that's not cool either. [I don't think saying that kind of shit to get $$ out of someone is okay] As far as her texting someone, that could also be a liability, because of personal information... Like I would NEVER give out my phone number to anyone, because I don't need anyone to find out where I live, my name, etc... Because that info is easy to find. So I hope that she's not giving out her real number, && is using a service.
You should refer her to these forums. There's a model only section, && I think having you both here to discuss these sorts of things, or even just reading things here, FROM BOTH MODEL AND MEMBERS SIDES would be really beneficial. I think the more you know about this work, the more you will be comfortable, because things are not always as they seem.
Sorry for all the babbling. I hope this was somewhat helpful.