AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

this forum is now a joke

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Jupiter551 said:
JoleneBrody said:
Meoff_69 said:
:lol: Oh Geez! This is really good stuff, Santa. Thanks for the early Xmas present. Hold on, I'm taking notes. And I have to ask, how did you know Jolene has herpes? Enquiring minds want to know. But you have to admit, someone with an STD, with that high of a camscore IS a little bit impressive, right? C'mon man, details!!!
I gave them to him before I broke up with him in high school, DUH! Get with the program jeekers, I turned the poor guy gay.
I think it's truly impressive that you can have herpes - a disease with really obvious visible symptoms but have your vageena in HD closeup, in his words "all day" and no one noticed!
Does seriously nobody listen to me when I say "smoke and mirrors"? I keep trying to tell you guys I'm gross, why the hell does no one believe me? Le' Sheesh!
Santa Guy said:
BrownFox, do you notice you are the ONLY BLACK GIRL HERE???? We all know you wish you were white, but you aren't so deal with it. You need to change your cam name to Shelly Cellulite-your cellulite is disgusting and you need to cover the fuck up.

Ooh, the race original! :roll:

And you don't even know the difference between cellulite and stretch marks, you retard. I got stretch marks on my Your bitch ass would probably be kissing my Black ass if I ever had the misfortune of running into you. Go scrub your balls. They're probably crusty and smelly as fuck. :lol:

I hardly ever refer to myself as 'Shelly' on here, so obviously you've been stalking me on Twitter. You've had your eyes on me, eh?

Oh, and it's yummy brown fox...get it right, butthurt bitch.
The_Brown_Fox said:
Santa Guy said:
BrownFox, do you notice you are the ONLY BLACK GIRL HERE???? We all know you wish you were white, but you aren't so deal with it. You need to change your cam name to Shelly Cellulite-your cellulite is disgusting and you need to cover the fuck up.

Ooh, the race original! :lol:

And you don't even know the difference between cellulite and stretch marks, you retard.

And I hardly ever refer to myself as 'Shelly' on here, so obviously you've been stalking me on Twitter. You've had your eyes on me, eh?

Oh, and it's yummy brown fox...get it right, bitch.
I think this dude is an ex forum poster who got banned, and I mean before he was stewie, bammer etc... I'm thinking belgian, or maybe hornygods but my money's on belgian.
FrankieChemical said:
Jupiter551 said:
JoleneBrody said:
Meoff_69 said:
:lol: Oh Geez! This is really good stuff, Santa. Thanks for the early Xmas present. Hold on, I'm taking notes. And I have to ask, how did you know Jolene has herpes? Enquiring minds want to know. But you have to admit, someone with an STD, with that high of a camscore IS a little bit impressive, right? C'mon man, details!!!
I gave them to him before I broke up with him in high school, DUH! Get with the program jeekers, I turned the poor guy gay.
I think it's truly impressive that you can have herpes - a disease with really obvious visible symptoms but have your vageena in HD closeup, in his words "all day" and no one noticed!

Invisaherpes. It's a thing now.

:? Wow...I feel really silly now, Jolene. I though you practiced safe sex back in the day. And you're right, I shouldn't judge Santa for needing support when he's trying to come out. I'll atone for that, very soon. Thanks, buddy!

Frankie and Jup- I lurve yous guys!! *hugs*
Jupiter551 said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
Santa Guy said:
BrownFox, do you notice you are the ONLY BLACK GIRL HERE???? We all know you wish you were white, but you aren't so deal with it. You need to change your cam name to Shelly Cellulite-your cellulite is disgusting and you need to cover the fuck up.

Ooh, the race original! :lol:

And you don't even know the difference between cellulite and stretch marks, you retard.

And I hardly ever refer to myself as 'Shelly' on here, so obviously you've been stalking me on Twitter. You've had your eyes on me, eh?

Oh, and it's yummy brown fox...get it right, bitch.
I think this dude is an ex forum poster who got banned, and I mean before he was stewie, bammer etc... I'm thinking belgian, or maybe hornygods but my money's on belgian.

This is what I was thinking too. I can think of a few others it might be as well. Someone should Sherlock this shit, it'd be funny to find out who it is. :lol:
Jupiter551 said:
I think this dude is an ex forum poster who got banned, and I mean before he was stewie, bammer etc... I'm thinking belgian, or maybe hornygods but my money's on belgian.

Yeah, I have a hard time believing this prick here is hornygods. I don't see hornygods as being that vicious, even on his worst day...but that's just me.

Belgian actually went and posted nasty MFC wall comments to me and Nordling after he got his ass handed to him on here a while back, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was him. If memory serves me correctly, his MFC profile even implies that he hates women?

For someone who thinks this forum is "a joke," this person sure does spend a lot of time sneaking back in with new lame-ass screen names.

I'm still waiting for YOUR side of the story on how Jolene got herpes. But in the meantime...c'mere and give me a hug. Everyone here who knows me fairly well, know that I'm a bit of a hugger. I hope it will help you.

While I am a hetero, I support ALL homosexuals (Bob and Jupiter included) As well as anyone who's fighting a dreaded venereal disease (the aforementioned Jolene) and don't forget those BEAUTIFUL women of color (Yummy Brown Fox and Frankie, technically because of her super colorful hair)

Enough of my's a song that I'd like to share with you, my friend. I gotcher back! :thumbleft:

Goddammit guys, this thread has thrown off my whole schedule! (Totally worth it.)


Santa, when can we expect another visit so I can pencil it into my calendar?
KayleePond said:
Santa, when can we expect another visit so I can pencil it into my calendar?

Santa is in the middle of washing his balls and shrimp dick, because he's HO-HO-HOping to get some ass tonight by hopping onto cam sites to solicit models. He'll be the ancient-looking fat fucker with his cam on, room-hopping and asking "Where from, bb?" until one unlucky model responds with the same state he's in. I say he's HO-HO-HOPELESS.
Jupiter551 said:
Santa is obsessed with homosexuality

Santa, I'm shocked!!! :eek: What would your wife say???

Jupiter551 said:
Christopher played a gay serial killer in Oz :lol:

Yeah, I have all 6 seasons on DVD, including the episode showing him naked in solitary confinement peeing into a bucket...hehe!
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The_Brown_Fox said:
Santa Guy said:
BrownFox, do you notice you are the ONLY BLACK GIRL HERE???? We all know you wish you were white, but you aren't so deal with it. You need to change your cam name to Shelly Cellulite-your cellulite is disgusting and you need to cover the fuck up.

Ooh, the race original! :roll:

And you don't even know the difference between cellulite and stretch marks, you retard. I got stretch marks on my Your bitch ass would probably be kissing my Black ass if I ever had the misfortune of running into you. Go scrub your balls. They're probably crusty and smelly as fuck. :lol:

I hardly ever refer to myself as 'Shelly' on here, so obviously you've been stalking me on Twitter. You've had your eyes on me, eh?

Oh, and it's yummy brown fox...get it right, butthurt bitch.

So Brown_Fox, have you like noticed, you're like, brown? How dare you!!! ghahh!! How DARE there be no other girls on this forum (that I can see right now) who look just like you!! We MUST ALL BE THE SAME!!

Yeah dude... I think she has noticed she is black, and as her name isn't "the_white_fox" I think she is dealing with it.

And JJ clearly has herpes because she's on cam so much that she's contracted it from her viewers. True story. Can totally happen. Just like Jupiter and bob and all the other acf members being gay. Gay guys love watching girls get naked. Didn't you guys know this??? ALL the best mfc members are totally gay! (hence why they buy us shoesies!)
KayleePond said:
Santa, when can we expect another visit so I can pencil it into my calendar?
Sorry, fellow forum friends. I'm afraid Santa is currently looking for new proxies to use as his last proxies are no longer able to access this pathetic excuse of a forum.

And to Mr. "I'm unbannable" Santa: Yes, you can use one of the millions of proxies available out there and you're right, you can always sign up and post a new lame troll message. Is it worth your effort of finding a new proxy that isn't dog slow, create a new forum account, verify the email address, and then posting the same old shit in every thread? Remember, it's just few a quick clicks for Amber or I to ban your account and proxy/vpn server. You really have to ask yourself if your pathetic attempts are worth it at that point. If so, please go ahead and continue on. Waste your time and I thank you for helping us build up our proxy/vpn ban list. Have you even thought about trying to come up with something original to troll with? Using ugly/fat/std/race is pretty basic. I mean, who here hasn't had an std when they were fat, ugly, and not the same race as you? Hell, I'm still trying to lose weight and drop my last known std while my race slowly changes back to what you consider normal.
Isabella_deL said:
So Brown_Fox, have you like noticed, you're like, brown? How dare you!!! ghahh!! How DARE there be no other girls on this forum (that I can see right now) who look just like you!! We MUST ALL BE THE SAME!!

Yeah dude... I think she has noticed she is black, and as her name isn't "the_white_fox" I think she is dealing with it.

And JJ clearly has herpes because she's on cam so much that she's contracted it from her viewers. True story. Can totally happen. Just like Jupiter and bob and all the other acf members being gay. Gay guys love watching girls get naked. Didn't you guys know this??? ALL the best mfc members are totally gay! (hence why they buy us shoesies!)

What cracks me up is that even if I was the only Black girl on here (and I'm not), why the hell would that be a bad thing??? What's he think this is...a 'NO COLOREDS ALLOWED' forum?

It's 2012, baby. Yes'm, I can reads, y'all!!! I be votin' too! I be chittin' and a chattin' wit da White folk ova yonder on dat MahFreeCams place. Why, I be sittin' at da front of da bus too! YES'M, I SHO NUFF DO!
CammiStar said:
ETA: Since this guy clearly is mentally challenged, I should add I don't make 6 figures a month on Streamate - it was sarcasm...
LOL til I got to this line in your post I was like "holy shit 6 figures a month wtf no way" lol :oops:
The_Brown_Fox said:
Yeah, I have all 6 seasons on DVD, including the episode showing him naked in solitary confinement peeing into a bucket...hehe!
Yeah same I love Oz. I'll admit I forgot about the bucket-peeing. I think it's kind of funny how their cast is like a who's-who of Law & Order actors :lol: Remember before they executed her the female detective from Criminal Intent was the prison's only female inmate? She flashed her extremely hairy muff too lol.
Jawbs said:
KayleePond said:
Santa, when can we expect another visit so I can pencil it into my calendar?
Sorry, fellow forum friends. I'm afraid Santa is currently looking for new proxies to use as his last proxies are no longer able to access this pathetic excuse of a forum.

And to Mr. "I'm unbannable" Santa: Yes, you can use one of the millions of proxies available out there and you're right, you can always sign up and post a new lame troll message. Is it worth your effort of finding a new proxy that isn't dog slow, create a new forum account, verify the email address, and then posting the same old shit in every thread? Remember, it's just few a quick clicks for Amber or I to ban your account and proxy/vpn server. You really have to ask yourself if your pathetic attempts are worth it at that point. If so, please go ahead and continue on. Waste your time and I thank you for helping us build up our proxy/vpn ban list. Have you even thought about trying to come up with something original to troll with? Using ugly/fat/std/race is pretty basic. I mean, who here hasn't had an std when they were fat, ugly, and not the same race as you? Hell, I'm still trying to lose weight and drop my last known std while my race slowly changes back to what you consider normal.

OMG guys, Jawbs quoted me.


PS: I hope that your message gets through, Jawbs! Fingers crossed!
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Where the fuck are all these pony pictures/memes coming from?
Is there like a pony section of the internet for this?
I feel like a n00b.
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curvyredhead said:
Where the fuck are all these pony pictures/memes coming from?
Is there like a pony section of the internet for this?
I feel like a n00b.

google pictures is my best friend :D
Jupiter551 said:
I think it's kind of funny how their cast is like a who's-who of Law & Order actors :lol: Remember before they executed her the female detective from Criminal Intent was the prison's only female inmate? She flashed her extremely hairy muff too lol.

Yeah, Shirley Bellinger. She was on Death Row for drowning her daughter. She chose to die by a hanging, and as they began to hang her she's like "I change my mind...I don't want to die this way." LOL. Remember the part where Adebisi was in love with her, and wanted her to suck his dick between the prison bars? She saw him and was like "'re a n*gg**." Even as the guards are dragging him away, his horny self is still shouting in desperation "SUCK MY DIIIIICK!!!" :lol: I died laughing at that part.

I guess it's okay if we threadjack here a bit? Here, I'll even add a pony pic. :)
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