AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Things you wish you could tell all new members

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Welcome to this camsite: here are some things to remember:

Tokens are non refundable. Spend them wisely.

Accept that the model is the boss in her room and has every right to refuse services or sales and to ban you when she sees fit.

If you don't like how a certain model looks, skip her room please.

Be nice to the models and to fellow members.

Do buy more tokens from time to time. Sure, your initial $20 gets you premium status but will do little to keep the site running or the models returning.

Don't haggle over set prices. You can negotiate about some things but remember: If a model clearly says NO against certain services then no amount of tokens will make that a YES.

Respect the model, respect the people in her room, even basic members and guests, and respect yourself.
Oh, and stop acting like you're some special snowflake by saying things like:

"I'm not like all the other guys here I'm goodlooking/not a perv/ not an old creepy basement troll/ I actually view you as a human" it's rude to our members and us. It's annoying since SO many guys say they are 'not like other guys' that they're basically lumped into the same category for me ironically.
"I'm not like other guys here...I actually can get girls in real life!"
Well, good for still need to pay me for your time.
Some members get douchey and like to flatter themselves saying they feel like they are rare for enjoying the personality of a camgirl over her body/sexy time shows. But news to you, fellas-- it isn't new or rare.
Please don't compliment us by insulting other models. It is rude and it makes you look like a douche bag.

Instead of-"You are so much prettier than (insert top model name).

Say-"You are so beautiful...I am enjoying your room so much!"

I realize that some people struggle with social interactions...and I am understanding. However please don't do this. It is NOT a compliment.
I would like all new members to know...
I've heard it. I have heard it all.
Want me to slang cheese on my titties? k. you're not alone. Want me to yodel upside down while diddling myself? Yep heard it. Want me to insult your ugly face? you and fifty other dudes.

Essentially don't feel weird about your requests when you are requesting in a respectful and private way. We don't want to sit and drag your weird ass fantasy out of you. Just tell us because for us ... it's legit another day at the office.

And has been mentioned.

We are not an item at a yard sale. There is no bargaining. We are not walmart. There is no price match guarantee.
This thread would be so much more effective if everyone contributed posted their advice in a polite manner.

Because that's what we models and fellow members expect from new members, so if we get the opportunity to show them how we'd like to be treated, set a good example. ;)
1. No means No. I doesn't mean keep asking. It doesn;t mean ask differently or later. It's just no.
2. Camsites are not a place to fulfill your wildest fantasies. Most models have limits.
3. Just because someone else is tipping doesn't mean you don't have to.
4. We don't sit around all day masturbating
This thread would be so much more effective if everyone contributed posted their advice in a polite manner.

Because that's what we models and fellow members expect from new members, so if we get the opportunity to show them how we'd like to be treated, set a good example. ;)
I don't know if this was referring to me or not >.> If so apologies if it did indeed seem as if I were wearing my rude pants.

BUT I think this brings up a really interesting point -

Camgirls all have different attitudes, different personas and different ways of handling things and speaking about things. I think it's important as a new member to remember we are all soooo different and the range of responses in this post really highlights the range of personalities. So if you go into a room and the gal is really super sweet and is very accommodating don't expect that from all gals. The reverse is also true - if a cam girl is being a total brat and rude to you and you don't like it ... move on and remember, not all gals are like that. Don't insult her or waste your time because guaranteed someone likes it, which is possibly why she does it. Some cam gals are nice. Some cam gals are brats. Some are outright mean. Don't take the meanness or abruptness to heart - it just means that gal isn't for you. Don't waste your time bringing girls down, move the the next gal - there are so many personalities and you will find one you enjoy.

If a gal has a weird way of doing a thing? You like the way another gal does a thing better? Cool. Stick to that girl.

I wish all new members knew immediately there is a range of personalities and we are different. It doesn't mean we are losing customers or everyone hates us or someones way of doing things is better it just means we are all different because we are all people. And of course, if one of us is perceptively mean spirited to you upon entrance to our room - don't take it to heart and assume all of us are assholes. It may just be our chosen attitude/persona.
Essentially don't feel weird about your requests when you are requesting in a respectful and private way. We don't want to sit and drag your weird ass fantasy out of you. Just tell us because for us ... it's legit another day at the office

"I have a really weird fetish, please don't be freaked out, but I really like feet/armpits/whatever, can I see yours if I tip (amount)?" is for some reason a common thing asked of me.

Um, fuck yes, and that's not even weird, wtf who told you that? Seriously, there's very little we're weirded out by. Guys who are worried that their fetish is too "weird" or "gross" always have THE tamest fetishes ever.

Also, fart dudes: I'm not turning down your request to fart for you in private because I think it's gross or want to maintain the illusion that girls don't fart, or whatever you're going to yell at me when I say "sorry, I can't do that". I said can't because I mean it. I'm not gassy right now, I am physically incapable of farting at this particular moment. If you'd been here ten minutes ago when I was farting up a storm, I would totally have taken you up on your offer. But you guys always ask me when I've got an empty tank. Please stop getting angry when I say no.

Now, if you want me to burp? Bring. It. On. I can totally burp for you. I am super gassy up top. I burp when I drink WATER. Bring unto me all the burp requests and I shall oblige.
1. We are human beings. We are individuals with hopes, dreams, wants and fears. Just like everyone else.

2. We aren't sex vending machines. You can't just put in 5 dollars and tell us to stick our finger in our butt. Some girls are good at that sort of thing, and love it. Some aren't..

3. Stop telling me about all of the illegal porn you watched before you came to a cam site.

4. You CAN talk to me about things other than sex. Not saying you have to, but don't be surprised when that is an option.

5. Most importantly, your pleasure is not more important than my comfort and nerve endings. I will not hurt myself for you. I do not care how much you pay me. I don't care how much sticking a massive dildo inside me turns you on. If it hurts me or makes me unhappy I will not do it. Don't like it? Get over it. <---Mainly directed towards obvious douches.

I don't really get a lot of rude people, just people who seem surprised that I'm a human with feelings, standards and nerve endings. It's strange to me.
Do not force your fetish, that I've already said I'm not comfortable with/do not offer, upon me. You can't "trick" me into wanting to do it.

"Oh bb, I'm really into incest play."

"Sorry thats nothing something I'm into but we can do the whole normal shebang!"
"Cool. *pvt continues *
You look just like my *insert neice, sister, daughter*." :facepalm:
Was just thinking back to when I was new to this. Most newbies are quite unaware of the option to take a model pvt to get to know her better, and just how much more this adds to the experience. You can do anything you can dream of if you find the right model, but when new your imagination tends to be limited to pretty simple direct fantasies.
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If you have a fetish that not everyone is into - impregnation, incest, age play, etc. - For the love of God, ask if the model offers that before just jumping into it. Some models are super into those fetishes and will give you a great show. But if all you say is "wanna go private" and I assume that it's going to be a standard private, only for you to suddenly start going on about how much you want to get me pregnant - that's not cool, dude.
Instead of-"You are so much prettier than (insert top model name).
I will never understand women. How could this not be a compliment?
Saying that I am better at football than Calvin Johnson is definitely a compliment.
Saying that I am better at public speaking than George W Bush is a compliment.
Saying that you are prettier than (insert top model name) is not a compliment?
I will never understand women. How could this not be a compliment?
Saying that I am better at football than Calvin Johnson is definitely a compliment.
Saying that I am better at public speaking than George W Bush is a compliment.
Saying that you are prettier than (insert top model name) is not a compliment?
Bad comparison. What if you were a fan and happened to get permission to be in the locker room with Calvin Johnson and your "I." And said that when both parties were in the room? Yeah, it's a compliment, but an offensive one.
How could this not be a compliment?

Because we said so. That's why. Listen to women. If we say we don't like a thing there doesn't have to be a justification for everything we don't like.

The deal is to my understanding is, sure what you may be saying is complimentatry to one, but insulting to another. It's not cool to be used to put someone down, eh? You could say:

You're pretty!
You're great at foot ball!
You are the prettiest!
You are the best at football!
You're the best public speaker!
You are a marvelous public speaker!

Those compliments do not use an insult to someone else, and get the intention out which was complimenting. Unless your intention was insulting? Because when you add better than susie Q you are complimenting AND insulting.
What? Because I am a man I am inherently wrong? Now you are being insulting.
Honestly tho, you should listen to men. Cuz I said so. That's why.
How does that feel?
Calm your tits. I could have said people I'm this instance and it would have the same meaning. You missed my point. If a human says they don't like a thing. Respect it. Don't do it. The reasoning in a case like this doesn't matter. I still explained it and didn't ignore your question.

Collectively in this case it was a group of women saying they didn't like a thing so I said listen to women because in this case it was women saying a thing. If it were a group of men saying yeah we wish people would stop complimenting us by insulting others I would have explained it the same way but said dudes. If I were a dude. Or whatever. So yeah. If this were a thread about male models and our situations were reversed my statement would have been permissable. You say it without context sure someone will come off as a jackass. Like when you say all by itself "listen to men" = jackass. But if you said 'listen to men when we tell you we don't like this thing done to us. The only justification men need when they say they don't like a thing being done to us is we don't like it" thats acceptable. But of course I didn't just say listen to women now did I?
Was just thinking back to when I was new to this. Most newbies are quite unaware of the option to take a model pvt to get to know her better, and just how much more this adds to the experience. You can do anything you can dream of if you find the right model, but when new your imagination tends to be limited to pretty simple direct fantasies.
Here is one I did not know. Learned the hard way...

If you have never gone private, don't take a model for 1 minute (or under) just to see how it works. They might get really annoyed.
More insults
I am not sure if your trolling me.

Like. Stop being ready to be insulted. I charge for that.

Really read through what I said. I was saying you can switch, men and women in this case and the end result is the same. Listen to women alone is kind of poop. Like listen to men alone. But Listen to this group of people saying they don't like a thing done to them is cool and requires no justification. Seriously. Read it. You can even take out gendered terms and say "ducks" everywhere male or female is used and the exact same tenets will hold. I just didn't think I would have to say ducks or whatever to make a point so someone wouldn't feel they were being insulted.

You could ask why to everything that's been said here. Like Why don't you like incest bb? Why don't you like shoving dicks in your butt bb? But the why isn't necessarily important, eh? the important thing is just that a person doesn't want a thing done to them.
I did read it. I don't get the same meaning out of it that you do. Maybe that's because you are a woman and I am a man. First thing I said was that I will never understand women which follows that I don't understand the point you are trying to make.
Calm your tits.
  1. 1.
    calm, peaceful, and untroubled; tranquil.
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I'll chime in on "You are so much prettier than (insert top model name)."

It's basically elevating one person above another, but in a tactless manner that uses a poor choice of words. In all likelihood the compliment was not meant to be tactless by the complimenteer, but it really is. Think of it as a backhand at the expense of another person.

So you might not be trying to describe the other girl as "ugly" per se, but it's still a poor choice of wording nonetheless... particularly if by chance the other girl hears about the comparison which takes a hit to her self esteem, it's best to avoid comparison compliments altogether. To an extent it's almost saying, "you're better than Susie Q"

Now, if you saw two girls standing side-by-side, would you go up to one of them and say, "You're much better looking than your friend standing next to you."..? Imagine how the other girl feels standing right there to hear you say such a thing. Now most of the time when these comparison compliments are made, the other girl is not around to hear it. Just because the other girl is not there doesn't make it any better. A dick'ish statement is still a dick'ish statement. Best practice is to not make such a compliment whether the other girl is present or not.
I'll chime in on "You are so much prettier than (insert top model name)."

It's basically elevating one person above another, but in a tactless manner that uses a poor choice of words. In all likelihood the compliment was not meant to be tactless by the complimenteer, but it really is. Think of it as a backhand at the expense of another person.

So you might not be trying to describe the other girl as "ugly" per se, but it's still a poor choice of wording nonetheless... particularly if by chance the other girl hears about the comparison which takes a hit to her self esteem, it's best to avoid comparison compliments altogether. To an extent it's almost saying, "you're better than Susie Q"

Now, if you saw two girls standing side-by-side, would you go up to one of them and say, "You're much better looking than your friend standing next to you."..? Imagine how the other girl feels standing right there to hear you say such a thing. Now most of the time when these comparison compliments are made, the other girl is not around to hear it. Just because the other girl is not there doesn't make it any better. A dick'ish statement is still a dick'ish statement. Best practice is to not make such a compliment whether the other girl is present or not.

Agreed. And with MFC models especially, there is a big element of competition with other models, which sometimes boils over into conflict. All the more reason not to make such comparisons.
This has probably already been said but, Don't ask a model...
1. Her age
2. Where she lives
3. how big her tits are
4. How tall she is
5. the size of her feet

If she wanted you to have that information in would be in her bio. That brings me to another good point READ HER BIO. Seriously, I don't know about other models but I spent a good two days working on mine and it would be really nice if a few people would read it and use the tip menu/ club menu/ links I put into it. Or hell just say you think its an awesome profile. That would be amazing.
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