(I'm new here so hi lovely people!!) :hello2:
So last week was my first week. Since I didn't have any regulars yet, I had basic chat turned on to keep conversation going. And so of course, I had a few interesting encounters..
My favorites- A random guy who came in and proceeded to tell me "ur feet r groce" ... I think you mean g-r-o-s-s? Then after saying that I realized, dude you can't even see my feet! I am wearing stockings, AND heels ... WTF! I was laughing and then he decided to call me a "sloot"... which I let him know it's s-l-u-t. And also that, to me that's not an insult. I see it like telling someone 'hey, wow, you get a lot of sex' ... Like hell yeah!! and that's supposed to be a bad thing??? LOL, rude basics can be so absurd sometimes that it's funny :lol:
Now this next encounter was my favorite-
A basic comes into the room, and starts listing off random historical facts about America. No creepy comments, nothing dirty, no annoying "show me tits BB". Nope, just historical facts. Fact after fact, dates and everything, all grammatically correct. I was like, "guys! my camming session has turned into history class!!!". I didn't ban him since I was laughing so hard and the rest of my room was also getting a kick out of it. Then after a couple of minutes, the guy randomly leaves with no goodbye or anything. ..It was definitely a "things members say that make you go "WTF?" moment!!! Lol
Anyways, I love this forum! I'm happy to be a new member of it, hope this story makes you guys smile :-D
Thank you for all the hard work you guys do!