Hi everybody!
First things first: This is not a rant. I hope someone will listen or explain to me, why it is so hard in this industry.
I posted this topic elsewhere, but it good deleted quickly and i got so much hate and many angry man who told me that i should not “drive new models away, because I’m too stupid for camming”.I know this is controversial and nobody has to agree with me. But maybe a few people want to listen to me and don’t get offended quickly just because I’m not one of these “Oh i love everything about camming” Camgirls. I just want to get this off my chest and i want tu be honest

Please don’t hate me for that.
I‘m a Cammodel for a few years now and I would say that I have a lot of experience in this business. So this comes not from a newbie.
I often wonder why so many cam girls are not honest about how this business is really going for some girls. Sometimes I feel alone with all the thoughts of how unfair, hurtful, humiliating and disrespectful some camgirls will be treated. On YouTube are so many videos how much fun you have as a camgirl and that hundreds or even thousands dollars are waiting for you everyday, you just have to buy a webcam and get naked. Rarely I find a video where a girl talks about the fact , that most of these men treat you like a pile of dog sh*t and their personal punching ball/se*doll.
I keep wondering why all the (especially new) women in the business are told how great it is to be a camgirl and that you have the "power" over men,but I've slowly come to the conclusion that it is actually the other way around. They have the money that a full time model needs to pay rent and buy food. So you have to be/behave like they want you to be, or they tip someone else. And if you’re not a top model who makes 500$ a day from regulars or the great traffic that these sites send you, you stick with the men who demand (even if they have 10000 tokens) because they see that you sit there like an idiot in a quiet room and they take advantage of an „unpopular“ model. Because they think we should be grateful, that he talks to us and has some compassion with a “lonely” camgirl.
I know how hard it is when you jump in front of the cam in a really good mood,really hoping that you have a great shift and then you go live and try to talk to the users, make up games, decorate your room, buy new toys, or a fuckmachine for 700$ and want to make everyone in your room satisfied. Only to find that no one is talking to you,much less tip. No matter how much you move, smile, talk, dance,nothing but complete silence. That’s the worst feeling , when you sit their like a woman who got dumped on her first date, but you smile like a low budget circus clown who has no choice but to „smile the feelings away’‘ because ,maybe someone with tokens and no empathy watches you and gets pissed off because you rightfully look bored because no one wants anything from you and because a camgirl can’t look bored or unhappy, because it’s your job to distract him from his boring wife/life and prove that you’re “worthy” enough for his precious tokens. Or what's even more hurtful is that you see users constantly telling you how great they think you are, maybe tipping you a nice amount, and not even 10 minutes later (when you’re offline or sitting in a silent room)you see him tipping three, four, five times as much in another room.
Of course I agree with the models telling you that once this happens it doesn't matter. Or that the user can spend his money how he likes obviously. But what if you experience this scenario every day? Of course it's also not good to look elsewhere and actually you shouldn't do that, i know .But I think most models also look into other rooms. Especially when it’s quiet.
Then why is it always denied by the models that they do it? Why is hardly a model honest and says "Yes, it hurts when you make an effort and the users spend all their tokens somewhere else". Maybe you want to tell me , that it’s my fault for not entertain them enough, or doing too much for free so they go elsewhere. I asked many people what I’m doing wrong that why this always happens to me. Everyone told me I do nothing wrong. Some told me that I’m “too nice” but i can’t pretend I’m not nice.The admins/support from the sites also giving me unhelpful advice that I just have to go outside or stream from my phone or that I just be naked and wait. Did it all with the same result.
It's often not the case that these models do something else in their shows, often it is exactly the same. So when it’s not because your boring, or look unhappy, why they leave you in your dead room and tip another girl ?
The other thing is that it's also said over and over again , is that any model can be successful if they just work hard enough and stream at least 6-12 hours a day, no matter what they look like.
But what I've had to painfully realize over the years as a camgirl is that if you don't look or behave in a certain way, you'll be much less successful. 80% of men like the largest possible, well-formed breasts, full lips, and a slim figure. Sure, some will now say, "But there are enough successful models who don't look like that." Sure, that's true. I know that are guys existing who like natural bodies. But I've seen for myself that most top/high earning models look the same. So why they most of them get breast implants as soon as possible when it doesn’t make a difference? Why deny the obvious facts that everyone with an internet connection can see for themselves? It really hurts when you get treated so badly everyday (no matter if it’s a basic member or someone who has token) even if you’re nice to everyone and try your best and then you see another girl getting showered in tokens/gifts/nice messages everyday.
My boobs are small and natural and I don't look like an Instagram model. I’m not perfect , but I’m beautiful and I actually liked my body. Everyday I have men who insult me that I'm "fat", that I have saggy tits, even though i just have a normal body (I wear size S/M and I'm 5'3) also that I have an ugly face. They try to manipulate me to loose weight or get plastic surgery (Oh Sweeheart, did you loose weight? You look so great a little bit thinner!Do you collect money for implants?bigger boobs would look amazing on you

) These days i look in the mirror and I think it’s true what these awful, hateful people say. I want to hide my body and nobody insulting me anymore. I don’t feel like a Cammodel, i just feel ridiculous.
In my opinion it is only because men are given an unrealistic body image through porn/instagram/webcam sites. Even the cam sites advertise the perfect "silicone bodies" or flawless women who look too good to be true. And many men on this site don’t have much friends or a stable relationship with anyone ,so they go on this sites to feel good because they talked to a beautiful woman ,or they use us as easy targets where they can throw their anger/misogyny at. (I know that not all of them like that, but i really only had a few in all this years who respected me/ don’t want to cross my boundaries/ wanted to marry me)
Why does nobody ever talk about the fact that certain models just don't have to do much to be successful, but others work their ass of for years only to find that there is no point in trying for these men because most don’t appreciate you like you are.
I've tried for years, really enjoyed this job but now it just hurts to see soo many new models coming to the site and just because they look better or do risky outdoor shows (sometimes even with passers-by/children in the background) immediately got a lot of fans and earn more every day than I did in a week.
Yes, it hurts when you see that you've talked to a user for a really long time and he immediately drops you for a new model and gives her a lot of tips, more than you've ever gotten. I always have this feeling when I go live , because it happens everyday when I’m live and i question myself and what I’m doing wrong. Sometimes i just want to stay in my bed all day and cry, because I feel I’m not good enough for this and never will be.
Y’all can say that i have a negative view on men/the camgirl industry, and maybe your right. I won’t deny that. But this all comes from years of experience in this (toxic) industry. I’m also not ungrateful and say that i didn’t made any money, but all this constant stress/ abuse really took a toll on my body and my mental health. I really want honest opinions

Sometimes i don’t know anymore if I’m seeing things right or wrong, i just get the feeling of “not good enough” everyday.
I don't want to offend or upset anyone, I just want the truth to be told. Why is it so easy for some girls and others have to advertise/work/ so much for little success.