This is all very interesting, and if I wasn't about to walk out the door in a few hours on an awesome desert trip of epicness, I'd take the time to go over everything in-depth, which I will when I return. Forgive me if this question is already answered above and I'm just being lazy, but;
Can a model or studio implement this tech on their own, or is this something that really has to be done by the networks the model / studio is performing on?
Is there any case-studies from the industry that demonstrate an effectiveness in DMCA takedowns?
Is there any costs of implementation for independent models and is there an average ROI on implementation?
How the hell are sites within the Pornhub network on the list of participants, but not Pornhub itself?
Can a model or studio implement this tech on their own, or is this something that really has to be done by the networks the model / studio is performing on?
Is there any case-studies from the industry that demonstrate an effectiveness in DMCA takedowns?
Is there any costs of implementation for independent models and is there an average ROI on implementation?
How the hell are sites within the Pornhub network on the list of participants, but not Pornhub itself?