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The Sims

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:shifty: I'm almost afraid to say it...

I love the Sims 4.

Having whole rooms built/saved is awesome! Being able to pick up and move your whole house=amazing!!! I can't seem to find an auto roof though, so that's a little annoying. :/

I love the interactions, and how the sim's mood affects their interactions and their wants.

Getting cool items when you level up in your career is fun, too. And you have milestones for your aspiration too, which is fun. I like this game guys!

I kind of like that you can't visit places without a loading screen... My game takes less than a minute to load because of it!!

I also really love how simple everything looks. I feel like I'm playing with legos. The style is still The Sims, but it seems like they're trying to be less realistic. And do I even have to say it? Create a sim is AWESOME!

Maybe I just like being fucked in the asshole with no lube by EA. I mean, I've been going through it for years. Stockholm syndrome and all. Ahem... Civilization... Ahem... Battlefield.... :p
Jillybean said:
:shifty: I'm almost afraid to say it...

I love the Sims 4.

No need to be apologetic for liking a game that you like. Hell, the way I figure it, considering the contentious prevailing attitudes of internet game conversations, the more people complain about a game, the better it seems likely to be. Based upon the actual core Sims-playing community, it sounds like a pretty solid game with lots of potential. So, fuck the bandwagon-hopping haters. I'm glad you actually played it, and reported on it, and you like it!
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Jillybean said:
:shifty: I'm almost afraid to say it...

I love the Sims 4.

Having whole rooms built/saved is awesome! Being able to pick up and move your whole house=amazing!!! I can't seem to find an auto roof though, so that's a little annoying. :/

I love the interactions, and how the sim's mood affects their interactions and their wants.

Getting cool items when you level up in your career is fun, too. And you have milestones for your aspiration too, which is fun. I like this game guys!

I kind of like that you can't visit places without a loading screen... My game takes less than a minute to load because of it!!

I also really love how simple everything looks. I feel like I'm playing with legos. The style is still The Sims, but it seems like they're trying to be less realistic. And do I even have to say it? Create a sim is AWESOME!

Maybe I just like being fucked in the asshole with no lube by EA. I mean, I've been going through it for years. Stockholm syndrome and all. Ahem... Civilization... Ahem... Battlefield.... :p

It's nice to hear from someone who likes it! I was really bummed after seeing the video review on page 1.

I don't really like the idea about having the town separated into loadable neighborhoods. No swimming pool?!? I'm guessing they will add that later.

I'm looking forward to seeing more reviews after people have played it for a while.
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I want to get the sims 4 so bad! I was really into sims when it first came out so I religiously bought every expansion pack. Then when sims 2 came out I just had the base game and a couple expansions. Then for 3 I had just the base game, so now I am desperately wanting to get it. My favorite parts of the game is actually creating the characters and building the house. I've hardly ever played a character all the way to the end of their life.
Honestly? So far, Sims 3 is better than Sims 4. I'm sure Sims 4 will be updated with a shit-ton of new things in the near future. But right now, Sims 3 is only about 20 bucks and has more features than Sims 4 right now.

I'd wait 6 months or something before buying Sims 4, if not for new things, for an eventual price drop.
and I have encountered my first irreparable sims4 glitch! I've somehow managed to save my game while my sim was aging up, which is strange because upon entering my game again I learned that it's actually impossible to save your game, or make any other big changes while sims age up.. (like seriously, no build/buy mode or anything..) and as a bonus the game's now stuck in aging up mode, so that's kind of fun!
I think I have a gift for finding glitches, really EA should hire me as a tester :p
MissScarletxx said:
I think I have a gift for finding glitches, really EA should hire me as a tester :p

I'd be shocked to death if they even have testers in the first place. I need more fingers to count how many game-breaking bugs were in Sims 3 that they just ignored or let 3rd party content creators deal with. They actually didn't limit the FPS so the game was frying graphics cards way above the system requirements. My neighbor was a victim of this.

Anyway, on topic, I'm waiting a while before I pick up Sims 4. It seems like a rushed product and judging by the exclusions of some key things, it looks like they're going to continue down the money-hoarding EPs, SPs, and DLC route which is... euuuugh. Eaxis Stahp.

Right now the game doesn't have enough clothing and hair to appeal to me, so I'm waiting until more CC creators get over their connection to TS3 and start making more stuff for TS4.
EA SimCity was much worse than its immediate predecessor and not much better than 30 year old original game. So I am not surprised that Sims 4 is also worse than Sim 3. All you fans you have my sympathies, but look at the bright side you'll have time to do all kinds of other things. :D
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Just waiting on Origin to discount The Sims 4 before I buy it. So much glitchiness kind of puts me off, but it was nice to see they added in stuff for free after it's release people were complaining about it not having. That however makes me wonder why they wouldn't include to begin with.
I just got Sims 3 Pets and the customization on the dogs is fucking crazy.

Most people wouldn't care much, but I'm gonna spend hours getting the merle-ing perfect on my aussies so they look just like Chai and Camo. :lol:
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Personally, I love the sims 4 more than 3.

They're slowly coming out with DLCs and they're just really rad. Plus the customization on the characters are awesome when you throw mods onto your game. I just hope they come out with a pets option in the future, the pets games are my all time favorites.
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Hell yeah! I just got the Sims 4 the other day and... welll... goodbye productivity! I haven't been this hooked on a Sims game in years.
TittySprinkles said:
Just waiting on Origin to discount The Sims 4 before I buy it. So much glitchiness kind of puts me off, but it was nice to see they added in stuff for free after it's release people were complaining about it not having. That however makes me wonder why they wouldn't include to begin with.

They likely left a lot of stuff out so they'd have more things to push people to pay for EP, SP, and DLC wise. Sims 3 is $499.75 for base game, all EPs, SPs, and worlds and that's not including the store DLC. It's a common marketing tactic to have people pay small amounts of money over time because they're less likely to be all like "500$ for a video game? No thanks."

Sims is a popular franchise enjoyed by all ages and people who aren't even that into VG. Each new Sims seems to be slowly pushing more paid content. The franchise is just one giant money sink. :snooty:

I don't mind it being a money sink, hell WoW is the same way, but the problem with EAxis is they'll blatantly ignore huge glitches/flaws and let 3rd parties handle them rather than taking the time to fix them before pushing another 20$ EP. So... personally while I enjoy the Sims, I abhor EAxis' way of doing things so I have no shame in pirating all the Sims stuff.
Does anyone have the new expansion? I have the original, got my person all the way up her career path, married her, they had a baby and I was HOPING they'd come out with the toddler or generations expansion first.
The Sims is definitely one of my guilty pleasures! I love it!

I never owned the original sims but I played it at a friend's house and really liked it. By the time Sims 2 came out, I had my own laptop and I think I spent 12 straight hours playing my first night. HAHA :whistle:
Sims 3 has been the best so far though. I have most of the expansions but I gotta say I LOVE the World Adventures. There's just something about exploring the tombs that never gets old. TREASURE!

I also became really obsessed with building for a while and made replicas of all my friends/family's houses ..and even community lots based on places in my hometown (local dive-bar! haha)

I'm definitely curious about Sims 4, but the extremely high price (79 bucks? yikes!) and the bad reviews have kept me scared away for now.
LadyLena said:
The Sims is definitely one of my guilty pleasures! I love it!

I never owned the original sims but I played it at a friend's house and really liked it. By the time Sims 2 came out, I had my own laptop and I think I spent 12 straight hours playing my first night. HAHA :whistle:
Sims 3 has been the best so far though. I have most of the expansions but I gotta say I LOVE the World Adventures. There's just something about exploring the tombs that never gets old. TREASURE!

I also became really obsessed with building for a while and made replicas of all my friends/family's houses ..and even community lots based on places in my hometown (local dive-bar! haha)

I'm definitely curious about Sims 4, but the extremely high price (79 bucks? yikes!) and the bad reviews have kept me scared away for now.

It's 60 at Best buy for premium and 51 for Limited if you price match. ;)
Buxom_Belle said:
It's 60 at Best buy for premium and 51 for Limited if you price match. ;)

Good to know! :) I think I may still wait til the prices drops more before I take the plunge. hehe
I can't believe they've not released the Sims 4 for Mac yet! Ugh :( Imagine how much more money they'd make if they actually just made it for Macs..
I have been interested in trying out one of the "newer" Sims games for a while now (I played a lot of the original games like Sim City and all of those, and did play the very first "The Sims" before I cut myself off when I realized I was addicted and playing in my dreams. :lol:) and I've heard some mixed reviews about The Sims 4. Like, that it's awesome in a lot of ways but that they also took away a lot of cool stuff? Some people have mentioned that they enjoyed The Sims 3 more, which is so interesting to me!

Anyway, The Sims 3 is $12 on the Steam Summer Sale right now and I'm trying to decide if it's worth getting? What do you guys think?

You can pay a bit more and get some of the expansions, like if you pay $6 more you can get Pets, University Life, or Showtime. Do you think any of those are especially worth it? Which do you think is best out of those? Is there any single expansion that isn't mentioned here that you think is the most worthwhile of all? A bunch of others are on sale as well, just not bundled, so if there was one that was especially amazing, I might be tempted to get it along with The Sims 3 (if I go for it).

If it seems like The Sims 4 is just a way better game, I wouldn't mind just waiting a bit and buying that when I have some extra money for gaming, but if The Sims 3 is awesome enough on it's own, I'm totally down to just get it!

KayleePond said:
I have been interested in trying out one of the "newer" Sims games for a while now (I played a lot of the original games like Sim City and all of those, and did play the very first "The Sims" before I cut myself off when I realized I was addicted and playing in my dreams. :lol:) and I've heard some mixed reviews about The Sims 4. Like, that it's awesome in a lot of ways but that they also took away a lot of cool stuff? Some people have mentioned that they enjoyed The Sims 3 more, which is so interesting to me!

Anyway, The Sims 3 is $12 on the Steam Summer Sale right now and I'm trying to decide if it's worth getting? What do you guys think?

You can pay a bit more and get some of the expansions, like if you pay $6 more you can get Pets, University Life, or Showtime. Do you think any of those are especially worth it? Which do you think is best out of those? Is there any single expansion that isn't mentioned here that you think is the most worthwhile of all? A bunch of others are on sale as well, just not bundled, so if there was one that was especially amazing, I might be tempted to get it along with The Sims 3 (if I go for it).

If it seems like The Sims 4 is just a way better game, I wouldn't mind just waiting a bit and buying that when I have some extra money for gaming, but if The Sims 3 is awesome enough on it's own, I'm totally down to just get it!


I was suuuuuuper hesitant with Sims 4 at first. It seemed like they were really putting together a sucky game. But after a while I gave in and tried it. I like it a lot! There are a couple key elements that bother me a ~family simmer~: Other houses in your neighborhood basically live at a standstill unless you go and make them get married, have kids, etc. Thankfully people are coming out with mods now to override this! There are also no toddlers which still really bums me out. I hope they're released in an expansion. It just feels weird to have a baby grow into a kid, and I loved that they changed that in Sims 3. I wish they could drive, too. Seasons and pets would be great too.

I play the game with a lottttttttttttttttt of custom content and mods so my experience is probably a lot different than a simmer who uses nothing but what's in the game. I like how you can change body sizes, shapes, etc more in this game. It all has a lot more detail. A huge thing is that this game runs a lot smoother than Sims 3. It could be because there aren't many expansions out yet but they said they were making it to run better (Sims has always been so notoriously laggy) so I have hope it'll stay the way! The graphics are also pretty great. All in all I wouldn't go back to Sims 3. There are some really great features in 3 that are missing in 4 but I have hope they will be reintroduced. :-D
AudreyMyers said:
KayleePond said:
I have been interested in trying out one of the "newer" Sims games for a while now (I played a lot of the original games like Sim City and all of those, and did play the very first "The Sims" before I cut myself off when I realized I was addicted and playing in my dreams. :lol:) and I've heard some mixed reviews about The Sims 4. Like, that it's awesome in a lot of ways but that they also took away a lot of cool stuff? Some people have mentioned that they enjoyed The Sims 3 more, which is so interesting to me!

Anyway, The Sims 3 is $12 on the Steam Summer Sale right now and I'm trying to decide if it's worth getting? What do you guys think?

You can pay a bit more and get some of the expansions, like if you pay $6 more you can get Pets, University Life, or Showtime. Do you think any of those are especially worth it? Which do you think is best out of those? Is there any single expansion that isn't mentioned here that you think is the most worthwhile of all? A bunch of others are on sale as well, just not bundled, so if there was one that was especially amazing, I might be tempted to get it along with The Sims 3 (if I go for it).

If it seems like The Sims 4 is just a way better game, I wouldn't mind just waiting a bit and buying that when I have some extra money for gaming, but if The Sims 3 is awesome enough on it's own, I'm totally down to just get it!


I was suuuuuuper hesitant with Sims 4 at first. It seemed like they were really putting together a sucky game. But after a while I gave in and tried it. I like it a lot! There are a couple key elements that bother me a ~family simmer~: Other houses in your neighborhood basically live at a standstill unless you go and make them get married, have kids, etc. Thankfully people are coming out with mods now to override this! There are also no toddlers which still really bums me out. I hope they're released in an expansion. It just feels weird to have a baby grow into a kid, and I loved that they changed that in Sims 3. I wish they could drive, too. Seasons and pets would be great too.

I play the game with a lottttttttttttttttt of custom content and mods so my experience is probably a lot different than a simmer who uses nothing but what's in the game. I like how you can change body sizes, shapes, etc more in this game. It all has a lot more detail. A huge thing is that this game runs a lot smoother than Sims 3. It could be because there aren't many expansions out yet but they said they were making it to run better (Sims has always been so notoriously laggy) so I have hope it'll stay the way! The graphics are also pretty great. All in all I wouldn't go back to Sims 3. There are some really great features in 3 that are missing in 4 but I have hope they will be reintroduced. :-D

I was hoping so much for your input on this, seriously thank you so much!!
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KayleePond said:
Since I brought this up today, I thought I'd mention that The Sims 4 is on sale for 50% off right now! Not sure how long the sale lasts! I'm debating getting it. Grrrr decisions!!

Yay! Amazon has it for just a few dollars more than Origin ($39.99 with Prime) in case any of you have amazon gift cards. ;) I'm hoping to buy this very soon. Mainly because of the building options that the Sims 4 looks like it has compared to the Sims 3.
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KayleePond said:
I have been interested in trying out one of the "newer" Sims games for a while now (I played a lot of the original games like Sim City and all of those, and did play the very first "The Sims" before I cut myself off when I realized I was addicted and playing in my dreams. :lol:) and I've heard some mixed reviews about The Sims 4. Like, that it's awesome in a lot of ways but that they also took away a lot of cool stuff? Some people have mentioned that they enjoyed The Sims 3 more, which is so interesting to me!

Anyway, The Sims 3 is $12 on the Steam Summer Sale right now and I'm trying to decide if it's worth getting? What do you guys think?

You can pay a bit more and get some of the expansions, like if you pay $6 more you can get Pets, University Life, or Showtime. Do you think any of those are especially worth it? Which do you think is best out of those? Is there any single expansion that isn't mentioned here that you think is the most worthwhile of all? A bunch of others are on sale as well, just not bundled, so if there was one that was especially amazing, I might be tempted to get it along with The Sims 3 (if I go for it).

If it seems like The Sims 4 is just a way better game, I wouldn't mind just waiting a bit and buying that when I have some extra money for gaming, but if The Sims 3 is awesome enough on it's own, I'm totally down to just get it!


I have not played Sims 4 yet (so obviously I'm a little bias) but I've had Sims 3 since it came out and at this point have most of the expansions. For the price you mentioned I'd say that's a great deal. I had sims 2 back in the day but fell in love with 3. The story progression and fluidity of the town made it so life like. Hey my neighbor just got married, oh look my friend had a baby, oh I'm going to jog to the store (no loading screens.. :dance: ) ..I love it. There also some great expansions.. so that's always nice to start with (as I've heard Sims 4 base game is kinda blah and boring so far..) My favorite expansions is World Adventure. You get to travel to 3 foreign lands and there are tombs to explore which is a really cool element. You can find artifacts that are worth a lot of money sometimes and complete quests to unlock rewards.
Seasons has a lot of cool content and I love the way the seasons change. Again making it more realistic. Ambitions gives you some cool new career options or "professions" where you get to actually be with your Sim at work doing the job or can work from home even. Pets is essential if you like your family to have animals around.. I find it annoying sometimes because the pets are super needy but having a horse was really cool. You can level up their skills and run in horse races and shows. Late Night is a good basic one to have too because you get lots more romantic interactions plus you get bars and high rise buildings and apartments which is nice if you a city-like feel.
There were a few expansions that I never got but wanted to.. Supernatural (my sister had and loved) and University (which I had in Sims 2 and always liked.. I was looking forward to it in 3)

Anyway.. I hope that helps some..
Now I really want to go play the Sims. Lol
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I bought the Sims 4 today!!! :banana-dance:

It should arrive on Monday. I can't wait! I didn't buy any expansions for it yet, but I'll let you all know what I think of it once I play it a bit. Who's ready to waste some time? haha
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I've had a few rounds of Sims addiction, and Sims 3 got me good. The open world nature just feels so much more natural and the fact that they took it out of Sims 4 has been enough to keep me Sims-free for a while. Favorite expansions are World Adventures (fun to own four houses in four countries and the tomb exploring mechanic is neat), and Late Night for apartment living, nightlife and vampires. Seasons definitely makes the world feel more real, but doesn't add as much to the actual gameplay.
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I wish I had the time to play the sims more often I miss it. I think every version of sims has something great to contribute to the overall franchisee but really nothing compares to the original sims games. Here are some thoughts on each generation that I really liked.

Sims: Just classic my favorites in this generation were the makin magic pack and the superstar pack. They really got you involved in doing things. The draw backs I found with sims is that it is much more difficult to get things done when you moodlets drop fast while out and about.

Sims 2: This generation was probably the one I've played the most. I would spend hours getting lost in building extravagant mansions. Let be real I spend 80% of that game just building and creating. This generation was really well put together in most aspects. Other than the fact that loading screens took forever I don't have much complaints on this generation. My favorites probably would include University, and Pets.

Sims 3: This generation felt the most realistic I just wish I would have run more smoothly and the expansions were tested better before sending them out to customers. The two expansions I had the most problems with were the World Adventures, and University Life expansions.

The World Adventures was a really great idea as in it could have been its own separate game because it was very fun going through the tombs/pyramids but with it came so much glitch that I ended up completely uninstalling it.

University Life flat out didn't work when I bought it pre ordered and got it in the mail. I still to this day don't know if it works because i'm too afraid to send my sims off to college and loose them forever. The glitch basically sent my sims to college land and it restarted a whole new game instead of it being a separate world travelled to.

But this generation wasn't all bad because like I mentioned earlier it felt the most realistic to me with the open world. The possibilities are endless with this generation and there's so much to do! I loved that there was mundane chores like laundry but it wasn't a requirement to have laundry machines either. You could do careers, and you could raise a family somewhat realistically to life. You could live in a cozy apartment. Or if you were feeling adventurous you could venture to the supernatural side of life. This generation held a special place in my heart. I just wished the sims team put more effort into ironing out all those glitches before releasing them.

Sims 4: Now this really is the generation I have the least amount of time playing. So far I only own the base game. One thing I will say is that this game run phenomenally compared to past generations. But with that being said they made a lot of cuts to the base game to make that happen. The next expansion pack coming out looks a bit well to be frank dull to me. But I do have my eye on getting the Get To Work expansion in the future.

This game really makes building fun but it does take more effort in some aspects of building. Like the roofing for example, I'm the lazy roofer who would click the auto roofing every single time in past games. To my knowledge since the last time I played that was no longer an option. I find myself reasserting how to make roofing look nice online because I'm horrible at it! But overall the game is really nice and runs smoothly.

Another draw back is there isn't a open world at all but I believe this helps the game run more smoothly. It's worth mentioning though because it really does take away from the overall experience that was there in the sims 3 games. You are back to have to choose between leaving sims behind to take care of themselves and bringing them along. Also where the hell are the firefighters at! haha

OH! and it's hard to play on laptops without an actual mouse, I ended up going and buying a cheapo one because it was definitely necessary.

Overall: Sims games hold a really special place in my heart as I've really grown up with them. I've spent countless hours glued to a screen playing these games and they never get old because there is always another story to be told. My ultimate dream is to one day build a great computer with enough space that it can hold and operate all these games effectively.
I've played the Sims since the very first, and played it on almost every platform in was available on.

I have yet to get 4 because of the lack of content I want and the fact that my laptop is already struggling under the weight of all my Sims3 expansion packs (no "Stuff" packs yet, but hoping to get enough to splurge on them). Once i have enough to get my gaming computer, Sims 4 is definitely going to be my first buy, despite the lack of toddlers and pools. The CAS is just too beautiful to pass up.

Currently my fave is 3 because I have the most expansions for it and the most time invested in it, but I'll never stop loving 2. I also adore the Sims 3 pets for PS3 because FRICKING CAT GHOST HUNTERS YO lol
Sims 4 is definitely going to be my first buy, despite the lack of toddlers and pools.

They actually added in pools :) I believe it came on a patch for the base game since there was so many complains lol. I'm assuming that toddlers will be introduced shortly once they come out with a generations-esk type of expansion. A little dissapointing it wasn't in the base game but honestly the base game runs so much smoother than older sims games so I can't really complain haha.
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