AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

The sequel to the premium begging video

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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"I do not care if you will stuff a fucking air craft carrier up your ass."

these are so great.
What annoys me even more than members using "bb" is a model that uses "bb".

Heh, well done. :clap:
Apparently, Cam Girls Unlimited has filed a copyright complaint with Youtube over my video. This despite the fact that their site has NOTHING to do with MFC.

While I consider my options as far as fighting the complaint, you can still view the original from the xtranormal site here:

Edit- I've decided not to fight it right now since there's another way to see it. But I am going to send a message to Leo saying that these guys are doing that and ask if they have his permission to do such a thing. If he says they don't and suggests I push with a counter-complaint, I will do so.
Mikeythegeek said:
Apparently, Cam Girls Unlimited has filed a copyright complaint with Youtube over my video. This despite the fact that their site has NOTHING to do with MFC.

While I consider my options as far as fighting the complaint, you can still view the original from the xtranormal site here:

That's fucking stupid. Anyone can use xtranormal. If someone from their site made the video then ok...take down the first one. WTF?!?!?! The name issue I get but seriously. Tons of people must have gone out and made a video MFC related or not. /ministupidfastrant
Mikeythegeek said:
Apparently, Cam Girls Unlimited has filed a copyright complaint with Youtube over my video. This despite the fact that their site has NOTHING to do with MFC.

While I consider my options as far as fighting the complaint, you can still view the original from the xtranormal site here:

Edit- I've decided not to fight it right now since there's another way to see it. But I am going to send a message to Leo saying that these guys are doing that and ask if they have his permission to do such a thing. If he says they don't and suggests I push with a counter-complaint, I will do so.

They seem to be real assholes.... just saying.
pyrite1965 said:
That's insane, what does your video have to do with CGU. Of course they got the original pulled too so who knows...

pyrite, it's better than that. The 2nd version that was posted in the "Tuesday on MFC" thread was posted by... Cam Girls Unlimited.

I have sent my message to Leo and I am waiting for a reply. I won't say anything more until then.
Maybe they copyrighted "bb"
Download helper ftw!

Let's hope I can attach this properly...

DAMN! File is too big. Okay, second option.

Radipshare download
Mikeythegeek said:
I've received a reply from MFC's Legal team.
We have no idea why that individual or company filed this claim. They have nothing to do with MFC.

We at have nothing against you posting these videos.

I got work to do tonight.

I think they'd encourage it -

Free advertising
More attention

I can't see how MFC loses.
Well, as I was working on the counter-complaint to Youtube about the video; I came up with a better idea to settle this. I know that the owner of Cam Girls Unlimited reads these forums. He even has an account here.

So let me make an open request to him- let's talk about this one-on-one via PM and/or email. Let's discuss why you wanted it pulled and what we can do to settle this to everyone's satisfaction.
The shit about Cam Girls Unlimited taking down that video because of a copyright claim makes me want to find the owners of that site and just beat the shit out of them! What makes them think that they own MFC?
Well, I gave it the weekend and nothing. So I've pushed with the counter-claim, noting to both Youtube and to CGU (since I can send them a message too) that I've talked with MFC's legal team and THEY don't have an issue with the video. I made clear to Youtube that CGU does not have anything to do with MFC and that, outside of 2 lines, it's an entirely original work.

The next step, if CGU wanted to go there, would be legal action. However, they would have no case; barring some obscure copyright that no one could find if they spent 1000 years going through the list of copyright holders in the US and overseas.
They did the same thing to the original tuesday video.......... They just want publicity since the first video was at over 29k views...........

It makes me laugh, the video can't be used for adsense since its adult oriented, and its not like people will switch over to some other site......

To me this is no different then the spam links posted in rooms and profiles....
if the title was ..wednesday on the cam site... it would fix the problem?
Wait, CGU filed a complaint about your video and got it taken down? lololololol

Okay, they can do that. So long as they remove the dozens maybe even hundreds of videos on their website taken straight from cam feeds owned by MFC and other cam sites.

Fucking ridiculous. The admin of that website should have been a lawyer. He'll twist any law in whatever way he wants to suit his needs. He'll even twist the same law in multiple directions, based on his situational needs.

I need to stop now before I lose it. I've lost it over CGU before... Don't want to do it again.
Guys, the owner of Cam Girls Unlimited has been posting videos of MFC models for who knows how long. MFC sends them DMCAs and they don't take any of the videos down. If you harass the owner badly enough he then starts threatening legal action (that won't stand up in a courtroom whatsoever) and basically starts harassing you. 3 months after me first dealing with him he still sends me emails (that I delete on sight). Anyways I hear he has been harassing models on dozens of websites for about 10 years now. If anyone knows of any solid legal action that can be taken against him, I'm on the boat. I'm not sure what's more annoying, him or the creepy premium stalker I have. Maybe they are the same person -- oh what a scary thought.
Well, I just had a chat with the owner of CGU. It was a very cordial chat and he told me that the video was pulled because one of his admins thought it was just a copy of the "Tuesday on MFC" video (which CGU brought the rights to). He apologized for that and has told Youtube to go ahead and repost the video, which should be done in the next couple of days.

As for anyone else's issues with CGU, I did not and will not talk about them. Not only are they none of my business, but I just don't want the headache.

Oh, and Amber, I owe you big for your role in making the chat happen.
First... AshaSnow, my site was started in May 2010. So, not long at all. In fact, a lot of models LIKE the idea of being on Cam Girls Unlimited, since the website was built with help of 6 models!!

Second... MFC (Leo) has submitted DMCA claims, which I delete the videos and I file a counter-DMCA claim. If the counter claim goes unanswered after 10 days, as dictated by the laws governing copyright, then the videos are PERMITTED to be rebroadcasted. If you noticed in past, my video pages go from usually 7 to 9 pages, down to 3. But Leo never follows through and by law, the videos go back online!

Third... Legal action was only mentioned to you. No one else. You challenged me first. Or did you forget? On September 28th, the Attorney General for Arizona contacted me. They are looking into your illegal gambling / raffle, especially since he is up for re-election, he needs to show initiative. They had some questions for me and asked me for a copy of your MFC profile (screenshot) and all the videos I have of you promoting a raffle. Since your address on your profile (and I have screenshot) shows Arizona state, then you fall under Arizona state laws. I advised them that in the past I warned you of the raffle and laws and you blatantly ignored it and continued illegal activities. Of course Leo will say EVERYTHING is okay as long as he makes money. That is ALL he cares about! Leo himself was sued by Microsoft and just a few years ago for illegal activity! He does not care about laws!!! And he will throw you under the bus, just as long as he makes money. But you fall under Arizona state laws and activities you perform THERE is governed under those laws, not MFC laws. If you made MONEY from performing the raffle (and you did), then you illegally conducted an online gamble in Arizona. Guys tipping tokens is still you making money from those tokens towards a raffle. First offense, you will get a fine... $25,000... That is all. And if you continue, it carries up to 1 year in jail and a $100,000 fine. Read your State laws.

Also, I have not been around on chat sites for 10 years. Another bullshit false accusation by you from rumors you may have heard or guys telling you what you WANT to hear. My site only started in May of this year! You truly are clueless.

Many models like the concept of Cam Girls Unlimited. Models even helped create it. It helps promote. Maybe for you, it exposes the truth that you not want to hear... Someone has to give you a dose of reality! You have a Premium stalker? lol. Now, that is funny... But I assure you it is not me.

If you want to discuss this in another medium, I will be more than happy to talk with you about this and maybe come to a peaceful resolution. I have resolved many issues and had videos removed just on peace alone.

Now, I can pursue with the Arizona Attorney General, if you'd like. You'd have to hire a lawyer (money), then there is the evidence of your raffle, which proves guilt and that will be a fine of $10,000. Not to mention time for court and court costs. So, if you want to spend money and time, I am up for it. Choice is yours. A raffle is a raffle by any definition of law and governed differently from State to State. I had hopes that you were a little smarter.

I tried to be reasonable with you.
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