AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

The ACF Score

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Jupiter551 said:
JoleneJolene said:
Shaun__ said:
JoleneJolene said:
Camscore AND ACF score! We'll never sleep AGAIN!

How do you think I feel? Before scoring I was just a run of the mill ACF member, and now I am like a page six or seven member :crybaby: I will never climb out of this hole I let myself fall into.

Don't worry little buddy, I did it and so can you! It's all about consistency! just keep thanking and it will all come around!
Not really because if everyone ahead of him keeps thanking they'll always stay ahead :p

Stop trying to burst his dreams! Maybe it would be a good idea to post on another site as well for a while to hold you over until you build your thanks up?
Jupiter551 said:
Not really because if everyone ahead of him keeps thanking they'll always stay ahead :p

JoleneJolene said:
Stop trying to burst his dreams! Maybe it would be a good idea to post on another site as well for a while to hold you over until you build your thanks up?

It is not fair. I work so hard and the other members just sit there thanking. I think I will post my Chaturbate link and hope it helps.
this thread sounds like fun... time to play with some sql while enjoying a beverage!
JoleleJolene 8206 4708 1.88 0.93
blackxrose 5553 7881 0.51 1.38
LiLredhairedgrl 5531 1776 0.99 3.15

:mrgreen: 2 redheads and a Rosie pie in the top 3..... Ready to take over the world girls? :shifty:
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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

Episode IV
It is a period of civil war. Bolt's space ships striking from a hidden
base, have won their first victory against the evil Red Herby Empire.
During the battle, Bolt Spies managed to correct a math formula to
the Empire's ultimate formula, the ACF SCORE, an well planned space
formula with enough power to destroy an entire ego. Pursued by the
Empires sinister agents, Princess Amber races home aboard her star ship,
custodian of the stolen formulas that can save her forum members and
restore freedom to the galaxy...


Part One: Flash Forward
  • Bolt's ACF Score = (totalPost * w + thanksReceived * x)/ daysMember * y + thanksSent / daysMember * z

    • totalPost: Total number of post
    • thanksReceived: Total number of thanks received
    • thanksSent: Total number of thanks sent
    • daysMember: days user has been a member. (Starts at 1, so on the second you sign up this value is 1)
    • w: weighed value of your posting. (decimal between 1 & 0, w+x = 1)
    • x: weighted value of your thanks received. (decimal between 1 & 0, w+x = 1)
    • y: weighted value of your post amount + quality combined. (decimal between 1 & 0, w+x = 1)
    • z: weighed value of your average thanks per day. (decimal between 1 & 0, w+x = 1)

    I would suggest
    w = 0.5
    x= 0.5
    y = 0.9
    z = 0.1

Part Two: Weighing your variables
  • When building a formula to calculate a score off of multiple core values it is often easiest to first identify those values and then weigh their importance and lastly add them together.

    For Example:
      • Value1

      Simply Add theses values together to derive a combined score.
      • Value1 + Value2 + Value3
      To weigh their importance multiply each of them by a fraction. Ensure the fractions add up to 1.0 to keep the scale of the values the same.
      • Value1 * 0.8 + Value2 * 0.15 + Value 0.05

      This way it is really easy with to take the above formula and say 80% of your score is based on Value1, 15% on Value2, and 5% on value3. But this only works if all the values are on the same scale.

      Note: It is important that your variables are bound by the same restrictions. For an example average thanks sent is bound by the number of days you are a member. If the straight value of thanks sent was not being divided by the same value as the rest of the equation then your weight variables will become meaningless as the values vary greatly.

Part Three Categories / Sappy Ending
  • The old formula had the following categories.
  • Activity = totalPost / daysMember
  • Quality = thanksReceived / totalPost (aka (avgThanksPerDay / avgPostsPerDay) )
  • Social = thanksSent / thanksReceived

    I like both the activity and the quality and feel they should relate directly to one another.
    My first thought was to simply multiply the Activity and the Quality formulas as it was but that leaves.
    Thanks Received / daysMember
    Although this isn't terrible I wanted my formula to better incorporate he pure amount total of post you have. Therefore what I settled on was,
    • (totalPost * w + thanksReceived * x)/ daysMember

    The social variable I don't like. Mathematically It just means, go thank people a lot more than you get thanked. What I believe makes more since is refer to this 3rd category as Appreciation or something similar to that. And then we define Appreciation simply as.
    • thanksSent / daysMember

    Last we put the two parts together adding weights to get.
    (totalPost * w + thanksReceived * x)/ daysMember * y + thanksSent / daysMember * z

    Also to be mathematically proper the formula can be stated as such
    ( totalPost(w)(y)+thanksReceived(x)(y)+thanksSent(z) ) / daysMember
BoltEyeAm said:
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

Episode IV
It is a period of civil war. Bolt's space ships striking from a hidden
base, have won their first victory against the evil Red Herby Empire.
During the battle, Bolt Spies managed to correct a math formula to
the Empire's ultimate formula, the ACF SCORE, an well planned space
formula with enough power to destroy an entire ego. Pursued by the
Empires sinister agents, Princess Amber races home aboard her star ship,
custodian of the stolen formulas that can save her forum members and
restore freedom to the galaxy...

Keep doing adorable as all FUCK stuff like this, Bolt, and your thanks count (from me at least) is going to skyrocket. :thumbleft:
LacieLaPlante said:
This is really cool!! >_> I wonder what Jawbs is up to.
yeah, that can be good, he can add the 60 days rolling part to it, what would make it more like the real one, what ofc is the idea behind it, making fun with a automatic generated score.
LiLredhairedgrl said:
JoleleJolene 8206 4708 1.88 0.93
blackxrose 5553 7881 0.51 1.38
LiLredhairedgrl 5531 1776 0.99 3.15

:mrgreen: 2 redheads and a Rosie pie in the top 3..... Ready to take over the world girls? :shifty:
Let's do it! :handgestures-salute:

Jawbs said:
this thread sounds like fun... time to play with some sql while enjoying a beverage!
I must have never seen your avatar before. That's absolutely hilarious! I laughed so loud it scared the dogs. Lol :lol:
BoltEyeAm said:
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

Episode IV
It is a period of civil war. Bolt's space ships striking from a hidden
base, have won their first victory against the evil Red Herby Empire.
During the battle, Bolt Spies managed to correct a math formula to
the Empire's ultimate formula, the ACF SCORE, an well planned space
formula with enough power to destroy an entire ego. Pursued by the
Empires sinister agents, Princess Amber races home aboard her star ship,
custodian of the stolen formulas that can save her forum members and
restore freedom to the galaxy...
BoltEyeAm said:
Note: It is important that your variables are bound by the same restrictions. For an example average thanks sent is bound by the number of days you are a member.
There's a little problem with this one, a member can have joined ACF before the Thanks option was introduced. Thats why there are now 2 day counters in the script:

daysMember - Days count since the member joined ACF
daysThanks - Days since Thanks was introduced (it has the value of daysMember if the member did join after Thanks was introduced)

And because of this, you can not compare the total Posting count with the total Thanks Received count, when using both in a formula part its better to use the average a day version of those 2 items.

If both are applied to below formula

(totalPost * w + thanksReceived * x) / daysMember * y + thanksSent / daysMember * z

the result will be.

( (totalPost/daysMember) * w + (thanksReceived/daysThanks) * x ) * y + thanksSent / daysThanks* z

BoltEyeAm said:
The social variable I don't like.
Hee, the targeted audience are not math nerds with no social skils but females :)
RedHerby said:
BoltEyeAm said:
Note: It is important that your variables are bound by the same restrictions. For an example average thanks sent is bound by the number of days you are a member.
There's a little problem with this one, a member can have joined ACF before the Thanks option was introduced. That's why there are now 2 day counters in the script:

daysMember - Days count since the member joined ACF
daysThanks - Days since Thanks was introduced (it has the value of daysMember if the member did join after Thanks was introduced)

And because of this, you can not compare the total Posting count with the total Thanks Received count, when using both in a formula part its better to use the average a day version of those 2 items.

If both are applied to below formula

(totalPost * w + thanksReceived * x) / daysMember * y + thanksSent / daysMember * z

the result will be.

( (totalPost/daysMember) * w + (thanksReceived/daysThanks) * x ) * y + thanksSent / daysThanks* z

Good catch, I had wondered about how long the Thanks system has been around. I don't think this is a formula breaking problem. My point is you can not do something along the line of
  • avgPost * w + thanksReceived * x
This shouldn't be done because as time passes with an active member thanksReceived becomes really big while avgPost remains reality the same.

With your edits the limiting factor is still Time so we are good in my book.

RedHerby said:
BoltEyeAm said:
The social variable I don't like.
Hee, the targeted audience are not math nerds with no social skils but females :)
:lol: This reminds me of something I said in someones chat room the other day. "If you don't know what IRL means, then you spend too much time there"
Ok, a snapshot of the difference, waiting for Kradek for automatic generation of a list :)
                 Red    Bolt
                 ----   ----
JoleleJolene     9915   7917
blackxrose       6800   6468
LiLredhairedgrl  5554   2161
SophiaLocke      4908   1926   
Jupiter551       4760   9053
AmberCutie       3674   9939
LacieLaPlante    1793   2463
BoltEyeAm         492   3942
Kradek            698   1264
RedHerby          404    780
bawksy             32   1967
Below the code:
            var w = 0.5;
            var x = 0.5;
            var y = 0.9;
            var z = 0.1;

            var daysMember      = dateDiffInDays(today, joinDate);
            var avgPostsPerDay  = numPosts / daysMember;

            var daysThanks      = dateDiffInDays(today, joinDate > thanksStart ? joinDate : thanksStart);		
            var avgThanksPerDay = thanksReceived / daysThanks;

            var base            = avgPostsPerDay * 1000;
            var quality         = avgThanksPerDay / avgPostsPerDay;
            var social          = thanksSent / thanksReceived;

            var Red             = base * quality * social;
            var Bold            = 1000 * ( ( avgPostsPerDay * w + avgThanksPerDay * x ) * y + thanksSent / daysThanks * z );
about the " thanksSent / daysThanks" in your formula, the idea of my social correction is not about the amount of Thanks Sent, but how "Thanks Sent" is related to "Thanks Received". Giving it a weigth is a great idea because in my formula this correction is to dominant. (and in 1.0 it was just that).
Yes indeed... ;)

Misuse of statistics
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A misuse of statistics occurs when a statistical argument asserts a falsehood. In some cases, the misuse may be accidental. In others, it is purposeful and for the gain of the perpetrator. When the statistical reason involved is false or misapplied, this constitutes a statistical fallacy.

1 Types of misuse
1.1 Discarding unfavorable data
1.2 Loaded questions
1.3 Overgeneralization
1.4 Biased samples
1.5 Misreporting or misunderstanding of estimated error
1.6 False causality
1.7 Proof of the null hypothesis
1.8 Data dredging
1.9 Data manipulation
1.10 Other fallacies
Ok, last one for this weekend :) New rankings !
    Red's AFC Score                Bolt's ACF Score
 ----------------------        ------------------------
 1 JoleneJolene   14847        1  AmberCutie       9933
 2 AmberCutie     10733        2  Jupiter551       9060
 3 PlayboyMegan    8253        3  JoleneJolene     7911
 4 Jupiter551      5600        4  PlayboyMegan     7723
 5 blackxrose      4945        5  blackxrose       6517
 6 MadisonLeigh    4919        6  sxycherrypie     5285
 7 AedanRayne      4543        7  BoltEyeAm        3955
 8 jamesrobert     3853        8  Bocefish         3848
 9 Miss_Lollipop   3832        9  Jessi            3708
10 LacieLaPlante   3636       10  LadyLuna         3651
11 Sia Green       3627       11  jamesrobert      3166
12 KarmelKiss      3507       12  MadisonLeigh     3095
13 The_Brown_Fox   3356       13  LilyMarie        2811
14 Jessi           3344       14  Sia Green        2809
15 LadyLuna        3243       15  Shaun__          2780
16 SophiaLocke     3103       16  Miss_Lollipop    2776
17 LiLredhairedgrl 3041       17  LadyBakes        2717
18 LadyBakes       2959       18  AedanRayne       2710
19 CammiStar       2740       19  CammiStar        2601
20 Poker_Babe      2557       20  LacieLaPlante    2461
21 sxycherrypie    2314       21  Nordling         2354
22 BoltEyeAm       2281       22  The_Brown_Fox    2254
23 Bocefish        2215       23  KarmelKiss       2171
24 Marokite        2208       24  LiLredhairedgrl  2165
25 Shaun__         2117       25  schlmoe          2144
....                          ....
62 RedHerby         482       54 RedHerby           783

I have a new formula, but the idea is the same, its based on the average of 3 scores:
- Received Thanks a day
- Received Thanks a day weighted with the Quality ratio.
- Received Thanks a day weighted with the Social ratio.

            var avgPosts        = numPosts       / daysMember;
            var avgReceived     = thanksReceived / daysThanks;
            var avgSent         = thanksSent     / daysThanks;

            var qualityRatio    = avgReceived / avgPosts;
            var socialRatio     = avgSent     / avgReceived;

            var base            = 1000 * avgReceived;
            var quality         = base * qualityRatio;
            var social          = base * socialRatio;

            var Red             = (base + quality + social) / 3;
            var Bolt            = 1000 * ( ( avgPosts * w + avgReceived * x ) * y + thanksSent / daysThanks * z );
So, is Jolene our Queen our is Amber our Queen ?


  • Screen Shot 2012-02-25 at 6.14.14 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2012-02-25 at 6.14.14 PM.png
    135 KB · Views: 183
AmberCutie said:
Keep doing adorable as all FUCK stuff like this, Bolt, and your thanks count (from me at least) is going to skyrocket. :thumbleft:

Just keep in mind that thanks from an admin is only worth "1" thanks. Of course, this can be easily remedied... :mrgreen:
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RedHerby said:
So, is Jolene our Queen our is Amber our Queen ?

Weekly rankings, two formulas, disputed champions? Looks like someone needs to get the BCS folks involved to break this tie... :lol:
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:teasing-poke: Schlmozie :laughing-rolling: :laughing-rolling: :laughing-rolling: :bootyshake:
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RedHerby said:
So, is Jolene our Queen our is Amber our Queen ?

That is not even a question. Amber is always our queen but I would totally be her chamber maid. ;)
Jupiter551 said:
Chamber Bedslave reporting for booty..err duty! :handgestures-salute:
You can pamper us both while we sip our coffee and have girlchat lounging on the couch. That's all I'd really ask of JJ. ;)
mynameisbob84 said:
Mine came out as 0. I reckon I done did something wrong :?
If you used the formula on page 1 then that would happen.

With my calculations;
If you use my formula you get 1443
If you use red's modified formula you get 1667.74
Here's my version (script and output included):

the base score is the same formula that BoltEyeAm came up with, but just looking at the last 60 days of activity:

( totalPost(w)(y)+thanksReceived(x)(y)+thanksSent(z) ) / ( daysMember < 60 ? daysMember : 60 )

then to try to make it a little more interesting, I calculate the score of each thanks received based on the base score of the user who sent the thanks. This way thanks that come from users with a higher base score are worth more than those with lower.

thanksReceivedBonus += thankersBaseScore * z

then I use the same calculations as the base score, adding the thanksReceivedBonus to thanksReceived to get the final acf score:

( totalPost(w)(y)+(thanksReceived + thanksReceivedBonus)(x)(y)+thanksSent(z) ) / ( daysMember < 60 ? daysMember : 60 )

I take no credit in any of this.. BoltEyeAm, RedHerby, Kradek, and others came up with this fun idea and formulas. Having said that, if any models would like a higher score, we can get on skype and work something out...

I'll implement this into the site sometime this weekend along with a top 100 page.
Alright. I'm not sure what the final formula is, so Bolt and Red you dudes will have to check it. If you would just give me a calcACFScore function (view the source of the page I'm about to link), I'll plug it in.

What I did do, however, is pull out all the data for all the users. View the results here.

Not live data obviously, but current as of around 4pm EST or so.

Edit: And if Jawbs makes it live on the site (as mentioned just above this posts, doh), then I won't have to update the raw data ever, woot!
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