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The 40 Day No Fap Challenge

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Day nineteen.

I don't know how I'm doing this. Testes are hard as osmium, and my inner thighs have gone hypersensitive - no more corduroy for me, not that I was wearing much in a Florida summer. I swear I'll have PTSD once this is over, and I'm probably going to blast like a railgun and take down everything in a thousand-foot linear path.

Just...y'know...a warning. Er. Ow.
21 days. Really regretting upping the ante from 40 to 50, because 19 sounds so much better than 29 right now haha. Glutton of punishment is never more apparent than extending the time between masturbation on purpose, so I'm going to put on my big boy pants and see this through.
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I made it to day 29.
But I made it no further.
tweeted by Aella on May 17

She has been quiet as a church mouse about it!
I am still wondering about how and where it happened!?
I want every dirty slimy raunchy detail of the event!
And I hope she recorded it some how, But I am sure that is wishful thinking!
When I first read her tweet about it my first thought was this quote. "We are going to need a clean up on isle 5!"
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Like a drug addict, it's something I take day by day, minute by minute haha. I can be fine all day, pre-occupied work, gym, regular every day errandsthen out of no where get turned on like nobody's business and want to give in. I'm enjoying the challenge, yet hating it at the same time. My boner has always been a giant wad of incredibly sensitive nerve endings *wink wink nudge nudge say no more*

I feel like I should ask for someone's number, to call when I fear I am passed the point of no return and about to give in to temptation. But that'd just turn into phone sex, even if it's just me having it.
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mynameisbob84 said:
Day Six

Caved in and jerked off to lingerie catalogue. I feel better. I feel human. I can speak in full sentences again and no longer feel the need to abbreviate short words like "baby".
I think we both know you were done the moment you allowed yourself to look at a lingerie catalogue while trying to be celibate - what was that around for, hmm? :p
Its after 3 in the morning and I can't sleep. Masturbating is usually the cure all for such an occasion. Damn it.
Sweep, what I usually try doing when I need to go to sleep is meditation. I don't know if you're still awake to hear this, but with enough practice, you can successfully get all thoughts out of your head (including the urge to masturbate)... and then sleep comes easy.
I watched old tv shows on netflix, which is close enough to meditation. I think I finally zonked out around 4 in the morning.
SweepTheLeg said:
12 days strong.

May has been the month of goals. No masturbating, no carbs, I have no idea how much I weigh but my goal by June 1st is to weigh 230 lbs or lower. granted if I weigh anything over I'm just going to assume it's the over abundance of semen I'm yet to get rid of.

I am a very dangerous man when I am motivated.
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SweepTheLeg said:
SweepTheLeg said:
12 days strong.

May has been the month of goals. No masturbating, no carbs, I have no idea how much I weigh but my goal by June 1st is to weigh 230 lbs or lower. granted if I weigh anything over I'm just going to assume it's the over abundance of semen I'm yet to get rid of.

I am a very dangerous man when I am motivated.

You have 12 days left for the rest of the challenge, right?
Well, it's been 40 hours... Only been tempted once. I'm still on track for the goal, but I know it's going to get quite a bit harder as time goes by. There is one good thing about it so far. I am... more motivated to do non-fappy things. Like clean my room, go for a swim, and take the dogs out for walks.
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saw this today and thought of this thread
I think this 'challenge' might be somewhat introspective...

I shall try to go without as well. I know I wont last 40 freaking [or perhaps freakless fits better] days tho....
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.... oh well.. I suppose I should have known I was doomed from the start.
My fav babe "required" that I join her on skype a lil while ago. :dontknow:
SoTxBob said:
I think this 'challenge' might be somewhat introspective...

I shall try to go without as well. I know I wont last 40 freaking [or perhaps freakless fits better] days tho....
Oh you bonehead, you know I have to put my hand up now. Keeping it up will be the trick. I thought about it when I first saw this thread - sometimes 3 or 4 days go by and I'm happy to just hang out with very fapable ( is that with 2 p's?) young naked ladies, with out a care. sometimes I have shit to do, so I know I need to leave before the naked happens. Sometimes, it just seem like too much work. But, (and this will be the challenge) Sometimes, I know when I get up in the morning, that it's one of those days, and it is like all the others, - the care nots, the avoid to get shit done, and the too much work days, busts free wherever they were dammed up behind me, come rushing down the deep wet sexual valley of my discontent, through my legs, carries me by the crouch into the computer room, and drops me, (usually on a large beach towel) into the office chair with the feet stirrups. Then after a few hours of self abuse intermittently broken by sometimes frantic scans of the MP page, and occasionally with fapage, (1 or 2?), in stereo on cpu2, followed by a minute or two of self loathing, I'm good for a while. Sometimes that same torrent will carry me back into the computer room 2 or 3 times,or hold me by the balls there all day. Doesn't happen often, :think: but more than ever 40 days for sure. Sorry Bob didn't mean anything by the comment, and good luck to you, you're a better man than I.

EDIT: went to post and see Bob set himself up for failure and will not fail to fail. But I'm posting anyway cuz I made a video and everything.
camstory said:
Keeping it up will be the trick.
:violent1: :laughing-rolling: :laughing-rolling: :laughing-rolling:
SweepTheLeg said:
Dear Diary,
by giving up masturbation I now have time for a diary. Tomorrow is day 35. Rough math, oooh just the way I like it- doing twice a day I'd have masturbated 70 times at least by now any other time.

I am absolutely stunned you've made it this far.
I want a picture of your balls at day 40.
Also, don't be too stunned- I can do a lot of extraordinary things. I'm a do what I say, say what I mean type.

I, however, have reached the point where my thoughts are becoming very vivid remembering how certain things felt and it feeling like that. Remembering an awesome blowjob and my dick feeling like it is in her warm wet mouth though it's safely tucked away in my pants is a hell of a trip. This is my dick's vision quest.
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