Every model on this forum that goes out of their way to help and share
I guess Larkin Love a lot, because of her writings.
Ambercutie a lot due to hosting this forum, being a good mod, and being a cool gamer chick.
I like Amberlily a lot too. I just find her really funny, and entertaining. I feel like she is the kind of entertainer who could literally make anyone, no matter how grumpy, laugh & have a good time.
There are also a lot of high ranked Femdom models who I have interacted with on Twitter, and who have been really cool chicks, that take the time to share a lot of fun info.
Candy Glitter, and Spoiled Ashley are the 2 who come to my mind right away, but there are many more too.
Jenny Blighe seems really cool, and big-hearted as well.
Like I said at the start, pretty much every model on this forum. Lots of really cool people who I admire a lot.
All the super supportive, helpful models on the SM MO section of this forum. Especially Lady Sha, LittleLei, Carmita Bonita, King Marti and Rylerosexo. But every model over there, it's a really nice space. Those are just the first who come to my mind right away, but there are many more too.
I guess there are lots of people who I find beautiful around, but even more who's personalities and big hearts shine through, on top of only their physical appearance. This makes them truly beautiful to me. I could make this list go on forever, but I will stop here.
Oh no I won't, Olivia Clarke is a super awesome person too. And Marissa Sweet, and REM Sequence. Ok I'll stop. I think I am hormonal and emotional today. Everyone is just great