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Table Top RPGs?

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Sep 6, 2020
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I know its video games but hopefully, this works.

Currently playing D&D 5e and Call of Cthulhu with a few friends once a week and had to move to online due to covid.
Wondering if anyone else here plays as well, and you may be currently playing, or favorite character / game you have played before.
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I collect RPG books, but haven't played in a few years. I tried to do the online session thing, but it didn't stick. The physicality of being in the same room, with junk food involved is the most appealing aspect to tabletop gaming for me, I guess. When I do get the occasional itch for a game, if I can't do sessions in person, I'd rather just poke through the books, and fiddle around with solitaire play.

Speaking of solitaire play, I just bought a RPG book bundle from (here for another day) and I'm excited to give a go at Thousand Year Old Vampire. I've heard good things.
I love tabletopping! Though I'm not a good roleplayer. I take waaay too much time to think about my answer to sound convincing. I'm better with text rp, since the pacing is slower.
I don't really play DnD (gave it a try a few times, typical European fantasy settings aren't really my thing). I primarily play WOD or whatever custom world my gm comes up with. I've heard some thing about CoC (gotta love that acronym) and watched letsplay of the video game based on it. I need to try this system one day... My friend seems really into it. But I'm currently too busy slash lazy to start reading rules for unfamiliar system, so for now I've stayed in my WOD comfort zone.
I enjoy a good gaming session. It's been many, many years since I last played AD&D as my group fell apart due to life getting in the way. Yes, I do mean Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. I played 1st Edition for years before 2E came out. Then, when 2E came out, we played with that as the base but still carried some rules from 1E forward due to simplicity and made more sense. We also used extra rulesets such as Arduin Grimoire Crit/Fumble tables, along with special magic for dragons and other creatures. Did try D&D 3.5 for about a month but couldn't get the hang of it.

Used to have all the various books, modules, and expansion sets for nearly every AD&D/D&D game and world. But, after not playing for a few years, I sold them all off. Now, I have the special edition re-release of 2E PHB/DMG/MM and an unopened 5E box set.

Some other table top RPG's used to play: Star Frontiers, Twilight 2000, WarHammer, Elric (Strombringer I think it was called?), and a few others. But, nothing stuck and always went back to AD&D.

Not quite in the realm of RPG's. But, periodically we'd decide to play a board game instead of a AD&D session. So, we'd play Axis & Allies, Shogun, Fortress America, Stratego, Risk, etc. Or, one of the other players would setup a space campaign game where it's miniatures.

Sadly, I don't have time to dedicate to a campaign anymore. A couple of people i work with do D&D 5E. But, haven't been able to free up enough time to get involved with the game. Also, some group dynamics are pretty tight and new players might not mix well. Or, groups get too big. Which is what happened to the group I was in years ago. Just became unmanageable and because it was so many people it just fell apart when it became difficult to get people together. I think the ideal group size is about 4-6.

Though, my favourite game is cribbage
I recently got started with D&D and find roll20 to be super useful. I actually prefer it online because we can all work around our schedules a little easier.

I will say, it's a challenge to get into to without a ton of research and I'm very very bad at it as it stands.
I might check out an online session or two and see how I like it. Part of me is itching to get back to playing. But, I enjoy the in person aspect too much.

Not to mention I'd have to read the new 5E books and figure out all the new rules.
From what I gather most of the 5E rules are pretty simple to get although I have an amazing DM so that might help a ton.

There are tons of people looking for others to join a quickie one off if you're interested in looking into it.
Part of me is itching to get back to playing. But, I enjoy the in person aspect too much.
I see some groups utilising cameras (with Google Hangouts, for example) to make the online session feel as closest to the real one as possible. I find that every member having their own set of dice and rolling it instead of using rolling bots adds to experience as well. Obviously, it'll never be the same as playing with other people in one room, but we do what we can.
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