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Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predictably

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I haven't posted recently, hopefully will be back soon!
Inactive Cam Model
Feb 12, 2012
161 ... ot-brownie

Two University of Colorado Boulder students are facing multiple felony charges after they allegedly fed pot-laced brownies to their unsuspecting history class — leading to the hospitalization of three people.
A total of eight people out of the class of 12 fell ill from the brownies.
Police said it was clear that the students' intent was to have the unsuspecting class consume the brownies.
"There could be prison time involved in this case," Huff said.

Do you think that drugging people with pot constitutes a felony charge?

Personally, I'm not anti-pot (it's not my thing, though), nor am I anti-Vicodin, anti-Percocet or even anti-Asprin, but if I found out someone intentionally drugged me, I'd be tempted to do very mean things to them.

Even if you think that pot is harmless (or even good for you), would you be comfortable feeding it to people without their knowledge or consent?

Quite honestly, having before engaged in "green sessions," if I felt those effects happening to me (while believing I was supposed to be sober), I would probably go to the hospital as well.
Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

I'm not sure about the degree of punishment (but it does deem fitting here, as they did put people's health at risk), and I am very against anyone being drugged without permission/against their will. Even with pot. And it doesn't even say how much weed they even put in the brownies and it sounds to me like they put too much, enough to put people in the hospital. (and even if it was just a tiny amount, it's just wrong). I smoke it myself but I respect everyone's choice on whether they want to partake in it or not.
Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

I don't drink or do recreational drugs. It's just a personal choice that I made for myself when I was younger. I have no opinion one way or another on other people's alcohol/drug use, nor am I holier than thou about it. It's just a decision for me and me alone. I have had friends try to jokingly slip me alcohol or whatever on occasion, and I made it known that I didn't appreciate it. So yeah, I would be extremely angry if this happened to me. Not cool.
Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

If someone drugged me without my consent or knowledge, no matter the substance, I'd be pissed off and would possibly seek legal action. It's my body and I want control over what goes into it. I have to live with the consequences after all.

Because I cannot live in someone else's body, I don't feel it would be right to give them any substances without their knowledge. To me, this would include leaving peanuts, garlic or onions in a food when I knew that said person did not want to ingest those things. If I had made green brownies (or brownies with nuts) and were going to serve them, I'd make sure that those who attempted to eat them knew before hand what was in them so they could decide for their self.

Some people have pretty serious allergies to marijuana so I wouldn't feel alright with myself for serving something with marijuana in it and not warning those ingesting it.

I can't say whether that should constitute a felony charge, but because of those students' actions, all of the other students would now fail a drug test. I have little knowledge about the judicial system and what would warrant fair punishment, but if the other students lost potential job opportunities/etc because of those brownies, then I think the students who served the brownies should be held accountable and possibly pay a very, very hefty fine.
Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

I think it was very wrong of them to do it. How could they? And I agree, if I beileved I was sober and starting feeling wierd I would go to the hospital too. Personally I would just keep the brownies to myself and not give them out. But thats just me.

The punishment I think depends on the people that were affected by it. It sent people to the hospital. So maybe the punishment is fit.
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Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

i would be totally disgusted! who the fuck does things like that?
weed can make you go paranoid and confused if you KNOW you smoked/ate it.. i don't even wanna know what it feels like when you have no idea...
these are really sick jokes... some people are mentally sensitive for that shit... i won't go into the whole discussion whether weed provokes certain psychical disorders... but i believe it is a factor sometimes...
imagine that happening to someone who never intended to smoke any... it could easily ruin their lives...
this bullshit pisses me off... just reading about it...
Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

On top of the immediate consequences, those kids are going to have a hard time finding a job for awhile...

No matter what you think about pot, it is illegal, and can show up on drug tests for anywhere from 2-7 years after use (depending on the person's metabolism and weight). So for the next 2-7 years, everyone in that history class is going to have to put on their resume that they were fed pot against their will. How many employers are going to believe that without having a link to the article?

So yeah, I think it is an appropriate rating for the crime. High immediate risk and long-term consequences in the person's life.
Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

I feel I should clarify my post a bit. I have absolutely nothing against pot and think when used safely and in the appropriate situation, it can be fun and fairly harmless. I still don't think that makes it ok to serve it to people who aren't aware though.
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Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

I agree with pretty much everyone here. The story reminds me a bit of The Merry Pranksters--led by author Ken Kesey back in the 60s. Supposedly, one of their "pranks" consisted of mixing LSD with DMSO and wiping the concoction on doorknobs at Oregon State. DMSO has the effect of drawing anything it's mixed with through the skin and into the victim's system.

Years and years ago, when I read about it, I thought it was a shitty thing to do, even though I had nothing against anyone taking drugs. But the culture back then made those clowns into heros of a sort.
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Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

I'm wondering why the hell the "victims" had to be taken to the hospital :think:
I mean I know edibles will be more potent than just plain smoking/vaping, but hospitalization? Really?

Edit: Victims is in quotes because I'm not quite sure what to think. I don't want to call them victims because when I think of that word, I think of rape/assualt/physical trauma. But that's just me.

I do not think they should have given special brownies to people who weren't aware of the special.
Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

Korreline said:
I'm wondering why the hell the "victims" had to be taken to the hospital :think:
I mean I know edibles will be more potent than just plain smoking/vaping, but hospitalization? Really?

Edit: Victims is in quotes because I'm not quite sure what to think. I don't want to call them victims because when I think of that word, I think of rape/assualt/physical trauma. But that's just me.
BJ is allergic to marijuana in any form so if he'd ingested those, he'd have needed hospitalization. Two of his sisters are as well, but they're allergic to the point they would need one of those allergy emergency pens if they kissed someone who had just eaten or smoked marijuana. BJ's allergy is less severe but if he were to ever eat a green edible, he'd most likely need emergency medical care.

Fun way to find out through trial and error. :? Just saying, it's possible to be allergic to pot and need hospitalization.
Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

Korreline said:
I'm wondering why the hell the "victims" had to be taken to the hospital :think:
I mean I know edibles will be more potent than just plain smoking/vaping, but hospitalization? Really?

Edit: Victims is in quotes because I'm not quite sure what to think. I don't want to call them victims because when I think of that word, I think of rape/assualt/physical trauma. But that's just me.

I do not think they should have given special brownies to people who weren't aware of the special.
Well, let's assume that none of those people were allergic or seriously PHYSICALLY affected by the pot.

But let's say you're walking around campus, and you start to feel extremely dizzy. You can't think right, and you lose your depth perception so you can't trust your vision. You're having trouble keeping balance. You feel like you're on the verge of blacking out.

For any person who is supposed to be sober, those symptoms would be extremely worrying and even frightening. Not everyone reacts to pot the same way, but what I listed above has happened to me every time I've gotten high - and if I felt those things for supposedly no reason, I would request to be taken to the hospital. If someone described those things happening to them, and they looked scared, I would take them to the hospital.

In fact, I would probably seek out medical attention if I felt the effect of alcohol, hydrocodone, or any other substance without me taking any of it. Those symptoms should not just pop up without reason.

If the 'pranksters' had immediately stood up and said, "hey, we just fed you pot!" then I doubt anyone would have gone to the hospital. But (at least according to the article) they didn't say anything, and those people were panicking wondering why they were suddenly so violently 'sick'.

I guess if you smoked pot every day, you might not think twice about suddenly getting high (although I honestly don't really know), but I think the average person would be rightly terrified about those things happening to them out of the blue.
Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

Yow. Did not think about allergic reactions.
Rose, sorry about BJ! :h:

Thanks ladies :>
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Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

These victims could have also been experiencing a bad trip, if none of them had allergic reactions. A bad trip can be contagious in a sense. If you have a green session in a group and one person starts to have a bad trip, it can quickly put everyone else on the tipping point and then it's a bad trip for everyone. That can be pretty scary.

If you don't know what to expect and you ingest marijuana unknowingly and then have a bad trip, it's really fucking scary. Shit your pants kind of scary.

I've had a couple bad trips after knowingly ingesting marijuana and those were scary enough when I was expecting it. I can't imagine what a bad trip would be like if I wasn't expecting it. :? BJ and I are both in agreement that the first thing we'd do in this situation would be to get someone to call 911 for us.

If these students used a mixture of K2 (or spice or whatever it's called) and actual marijuana then these students are VERY lucky they didn't die. BJ and I have unknowingly ingested K2 and almost ended up in the er. It caused us issues that lasted over 6 months. If that's what these students used, then I honestly believe they need to be punished to the full extent of the law, possibly even attempted man-slaughter (I'm not sure if this is the correct term). K2 is nothing to joke around with.

My other conjecture is if these students had used (what they assumed to be just) marijuana that was laced with another substance. Like with the K2 example, this could have had serious consequences for anyone who ingested it. This could have been marijuana laced with cocaine, etc. Depending on who 'provided' the marijuana then it's highly likely it wasn't just marijuana.

But we don't know any of that for sure. This is just theorizing on my part.
Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

I've just gotta sit and scratch my head on this one. No explanation could entirely satisfy that sense of "What the hell?" that acts like this conjure.
Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

EasyBakeBabyOven said:
These victims could have also been experiencing a bad trip, if none of them had allergic reactions. A bad trip can be contagious in a sense. If you have a green session in a group and one person starts to have a bad trip, it can quickly put everyone else on the tipping point and then it's a bad trip for everyone. That can be pretty scary.

If you don't know what to expect and you ingest marijuana unknowingly and then have a bad trip, it's really fucking scary. Shit your pants kind of scary.

I've had a couple bad trips after knowingly ingesting marijuana and those were scary enough when I was expecting it. I can't imagine what a bad trip would be like if I wasn't expecting it. :? BJ and I are both in agreement that the first thing we'd do in this situation would be to get someone to call 911 for us.

If these students used a mixture of K2 (or spice or whatever it's called) and actual marijuana then these students are VERY lucky they didn't die. BJ and I have unknowingly ingested K2 and almost ended up in the er. It caused us issues that lasted over 6 months. If that's what these students used, then I honestly believe they need to be punished to the full extent of the law, possibly even attempted man-slaughter (I'm not sure if this is the correct term). K2 is nothing to joke around with.

My other conjecture is if these students had used (what they assumed to be just) marijuana that was laced with another substance. Like with the K2 example, this could have had serious consequences for anyone who ingested it. This could have been marijuana laced with cocaine, etc. Depending on who 'provided' the marijuana then it's highly likely it wasn't just marijuana.

But we don't know any of that for sure. This is just theorizing on my part.

Oh jeez yeah no, K2 isn't a good thing at all. I'd personally never touch it. Man, I'm sorry you guys ended up mixed up in that jazz.

.... I suddenly feel extremely lucky that I have trustworthy dealers/contacts.

Fun fact: the only time I ever took anything that was unexpected? Afterparty for my brother's old band, he gave me a pill and said "take it it'll make you feel good". I assumed it was a painkiller, lortabs maybe. Shit, I was 14! (Love my family 4realz)


I was 14. I'm 5'2". I weighed about 90 pounds at the time (oh how time has changed us all) aaaand it fucked me up for a month. Dilated eyes, narcolepsy, anxiety..
Good times. Good times.

I'm so glad I know good people now.
Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

Our experience with K2 was because we were under the impression that the tobacco shop was selling us flavored tobacco. We had gone to a legal shop and were trying to legally buy tobacco, it wasn't tobacco. :( That shop has since been blacklisted and closed down luckily enough.

K2 was actually a big issue with minors in our area last year because several smoke shops were selling it legally before it was known to cause seizures and death.

I wouldn't wish that experience on my worst enemy. It's been just under a year, but I still have nightmares about it. :snooty:
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Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

I am pro-pot. Most of my family smokes regularly.

I like being in control of my body, though. I haven't gotten drunk in two years and definitely prefer pot to alcohol. When I choose to get high (rarely) or do drink even a little, I do it at my own time when I choose to. I do it whenever I can enjoy it and I'm safe. If I started feeling high randomly, I'd be highly perturbed and probably WOULD go to the hospital.

I get dizzy, I get slow, I get woozy, I can't think straight. I'd be incredibly scared if this happened to me randomly. Though, to be fair, I'd assume the brownies were pot brownies, but even so--I don't know how much they used, or even WHAT they used exactly if it was pot. I'd have gone to a hospital to make sure I don't die from some moron's idea of a practical joke.

Not cool at all. I would do physical harm to anyone that did this to me, much as I would if I found out I was slipped a date rape drug by someone. I'm already paranoid and cautious enough about eating food or drinking in the company of those I don't know all that well.
Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

Whilst it is a college class, some perspective upon the impacts such pranks can have.

If you fed me illegal drugs without my knowledge and consent - especially if I never knew - I'd lose my job. If I found out, to save my job, I'd have to call the police and press charges. If I did lose my job, the cost to the company could be orders of magnitude greater than just my wage.

Consequences for your actions. If you're doing something utterly retarded as a prank - be prepared for the shitstorm that could descend onto you and the inevitable jail sentence (and if it were my job and my company losing out, vast sums in damages).

Of course, the impact of someone driving whilst stoned could cost someone their life. At that point, jail for significant significant periods.

So a bit of a laugh could fuck up this pairs lives (jail time, criminal record) - but it has to in order to serve as a bloody good warning to all irresponsible idiots (which, lets face it, kids pretty much are) and to prevent further more serious outcomes of similar stupid ideas. I feel sorry for them... but life is teaching them a hard lesson for being idiots.
Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

Do you think that drugging people with pot constitutes a felony charge?

without being overly wordy ... yes.
Anything done drugging without someones knowledge would IMO.
Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

I love pot and see no reason for it to be illegal (no legitimate reason anyway, I'm sure there are plenty of cynical reasons a government might continue to pretend weed is something we need protecting from). I also love it when someone gives me weed for free. Weed makes an excellent gift, yo.
That said, if someone drugged me without me knowing - whether it's weed or anything else - I'm not likely to be happy about it. It's just something that you don't do, unless of course, you happen to be a complete tit. :twocents-02cents:
Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

I think it comes down to simply not being honest about what's in the brownies, I want to be in control of what I put in my body for diet and health reasons. And with it being a drug, hell yeah it's a felony.
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Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

Korreline said:
I'm wondering why the hell the "victims" had to be taken to the hospital :think:
I mean I know edibles will be more potent than just plain smoking/vaping, but hospitalization? Really?

Edit: Victims is in quotes because I'm not quite sure what to think. I don't want to call them victims because when I think of that word, I think of rape/assualt/physical trauma. But that's just me.

I do not think they should have given special brownies to people who weren't aware of the special.
I ate a fraction of one bite of an edible before, and was on my ass within minutes. If I had eaten an entire thing, I probably would have asked my hubs to take me to the hospital, if I could speak at all.

If someone put me in that state by giving me something to eat and didn't tell me what was in it, I'd most definitely feel like a victim.
Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

All drugs are personal reactions.

For example if I'm so much as in a flat where other people are smoking weed regularly I will start getting depression. If I smoke it I have pretty bad brain reactions, and I feel sick/dizzy/absolutely hate it. The drug really fucks me up, more than anything else I've ever taken. I never get these issues in life. Only when I'm around weed/have smoked weed.
People who I know who smoke weed often say how people who get mental issues off weed have those problems underlying anyway. Yes usually they do have, but those mental conditions were dormant.

I've been spiked before, and each time it has ruined my night completely. If someone gave me weed it would completely ruin my day/possibly the day after as I'd still feel like shit. This is not including any more permanent brain reactions you might get.
When you start smoking weed, especially when you're young it does alter/reprogram your brain, a weed smoker may not think/notice it's that bad, especially if they're growing up anyway, but it doesn't change that it is there.

I know some pretty horrible things that've happened to people who've just smoked weed, often not even that much of it.
As rare as it is normal people can eat/smoke weed a few times and like a switch being flipped they can lose it, and never return to normal. If they'd never smoked it, it wouldn't have happened.

I have many friends who smoke weed, that's cool, if it works for you it works, but I've never met a group like stoners who are so in denial of their drug being bad for them. I have heard it defended with such passion, you would get less grief it you insulted their families than if you implied weed might be bad for you.
I know lots of people who also take coke, no one can deny coke has nasty effects/can cause a heart attack etc, yet I've not known anyone who's been hurt from coke. Almost every single person I have known who's smoked weed has had a noticeable mental condition from it that effects their lives, I have known more than I wish who have lost the plot from it.

My point on this is that to many it's "just weed", wouldn't seem like that big a deal. Weed doesn't kill you. But there are worse things than death, it may not be that noticeable, but you can't tell if some of these students will have mental harm from this incident after they sober up. Statistically it is likely.

Spiking someone is an absolutely horrible thing to do. And yes, if you started getting fucked when you should be sober, especially somewhere like uni, you would freak the fuck out/think you were seriously ill/dying! If anyone I knew spiked me I would probably take legal action against them on principle. Do they deserve prison? mmmm I wouldn't put them there only because it sounds like they're stupid little kids who don't understand their actions. Maybe some community service in a mental hospital, especially one with some people who've gone mad from weed. I think whoever did this should seriously learn about their actions and what they may have caused.
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Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

Always wondered what a drop or two of liquid LSD in the nun's coffee pot at grade school would do.

Still wondering.

Ya don't fuck with drugs that can effect people's heads unknowingly, period!

Unless you're the government.
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Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

LadyLuna said:
On top of the immediate consequences, those kids are going to have a hard time finding a job for awhile...

No matter what you think about pot, it is illegal, and can show up on drug tests for anywhere from 2-7 years after use

It's not illegal depending on where you live and what? 2-7 years? Try 2 weeks for someone in decent shape. Where you got 2-7 years I have no idea.
Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

EasyBakeBabyOven said:
These victims could have also been experiencing a bad trip, if none of them had allergic reactions. A bad trip can be contagious in a sense. If you have a green session in a group and one person starts to have a bad trip, it can quickly put everyone else on the tipping point and then it's a bad trip for everyone. That can be pretty scary.

If you don't know what to expect and you ingest marijuana unknowingly and then have a bad trip, it's really fucking scary. Shit your pants kind of scary.


I'm convinced you've never smoked or ingested any form of marijuana. That's some Reefer Madness type bullshit right there.
Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

EasyBakeBabyOven said:
. This could have been marijuana laced with cocaine, etc. Depending on who 'provided' the marijuana then it's highly likely it wasn't just marijuana.

But we don't know any of that for sure. This is just theorizing on my part.

Marijuana "laced" with anything is so highly unlikely that the only thing less likely is that those ducktales you keep tellin have any truth to them.
Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

I like weed. I'm very pro legalization of it and all that. I, however, would be so angry to think that I was just eating a normal brownie and it was in fact a pot brownie.

When it comes to drugs I want to be in control of when I use them. If I'm high, I'm pretty much useless for a few hours which would really fuck with my ability to take care of things. I have some rules about drugs for myself. I have to be willing, I have to see it and I have to trust the person I got it from to not knowingly give me something wrong.

I also understand the whole bad trip thing. I have never had one, but I've been high in the presence of someone who was losing his fucking mind over everything and after a while it got to me, although considerably less since I don't tend to be a very paranoid person.
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