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Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predictably

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Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

LadyLuna said:
On top of the immediate consequences, those kids are going to have a hard time finding a job for awhile...

No matter what you think about pot, it is illegal, and can show up on drug tests for anywhere from 2-7 years after use (depending on the person's metabolism and weight). So for the next 2-7 years, everyone in that history class is going to have to put on their resume that they were fed pot against their will. How many employers are going to believe that without having a link to the article?

So yeah, I think it is an appropriate rating for the crime. High immediate risk and long-term consequences in the person's life.

2 years does not sound right at all. They will be fit for employment at the end of the semester.

And yeah, I will think twice before accepting home baked goods from dudes...


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Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

Isabella_deL said:
My point on this is that to many it's "just weed", wouldn't seem like that big a deal. Weed doesn't kill you. But there are worse things than death, it may not be that noticeable, but you can't tell if some of these students will have mental harm from this incident after they sober up. Statistically it is likely. .

Statistically likely if you completely make up a stat since you have no idea what you're talking about.
lol@people who have gone mad from weed

“Sometimes it's better to remain silent and thought a fool, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt"
Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

PunkInDrublic said:

Marijuana "laced" with anything is so highly unlikely that the only thing less likely is that those ducktales you keep tellin have any truth to them.
You could have just written, "I'm a dick who thinks he knows everything about pot" and it would have been a lot more honest. :thumbleft:

It is possible to have a bad trip depending on what strand you smoke. If you have a dirty dealer, it is very likely to get marijuana laced with another substance. In fact, it's more common to get mixed pot than just pot down here.

Unless you're the God of Marijuana and I just didn't know it. In that case, feel free to open your butt cheeks and insert your face. :thumbleft: :thumbleft:
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Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

My bad, what I was told is that the pot can linger in your body, but not your urine, for a long time.
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Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

EasyBakeBabyOven said:
PunkInDrublic said:

Marijuana "laced" with anything is so highly unlikely that the only thing less likely is that those ducktales you keep tellin have any truth to them.
You could have just written, "I'm a dick who thinks he knows everything about pot" and it would have been a lot more honest. :thumbleft:

It is possible to have a bad trip depending on what strand you smoke. If you have a dirty dealer, it is very likely to get marijuana laced with another substance. In fact, it's more common to get mixed pot than just pot down here.

I'm a dick for calling bullshit bullshit? You could of just posted "I have no idea what I'm talking about and like to make up stories" but you didn't. Instead you keep making up bullshit stories(more common to get mixed pot, yep totally believable) that are so ridiculous it's quite clear that you have zero knowledge on the subject.
Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

Yup, you caught me. I've never smoked pot, never made green yogurt and never ever gotten high once in my life. I'm a total square who's never done anything bad. Shame on me for being so inexperienced as to think that it was possible to get too high and/or have a bad trip.

Bad, bad Rose for spewing made up misinformation. :naughty:
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Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

Congrats on going a full post without making up some ridiculous story, mighty proud of ya.
Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

PunkInDrublic said:
EasyBakeBabyOven said:
PunkInDrublic said:

Marijuana "laced" with anything is so highly unlikely that the only thing less likely is that those ducktales you keep tellin have any truth to them.
You could have just written, "I'm a dick who thinks he knows everything about pot" and it would have been a lot more honest. :thumbleft:

It is possible to have a bad trip depending on what strand you smoke. If you have a dirty dealer, it is very likely to get marijuana laced with another substance. In fact, it's more common to get mixed pot than just pot down here.

I'm a dick for calling bullshit bullshit? You could of just posted "I have no idea what I'm talking about and like to make up stories" but you didn't. Instead you keep making up bullshit stories(more common to get mixed pot, yep totally believable) that are so ridiculous it's quite clear that you have zero knowledge on the subject.

Actually what we call skunk (which is most likely what you will get/smoke) is barely even related to natural Marijuana because of the chemicals sprayed on it/the very bright lights cause the plant to mutate. Even if you home grow and do nothing to it, if you've used skunk to grow it although what you grow will quite possibly be weaker, it will still be skunk rather than natural weed because the plant has mutated.
Also weed is often mixed with other things. There was a big deal a few years ago where loads of weed had tiny shards of glass, things like that are rare, usually the plant has been fed something that'll cause a different reaction to normal weed.
Personally I would call that being laced with another substance.
I'm not sure whether you can even get real weed in the uk anymore, the kind of stuff people smoked in the 60s that just made them giggle a bit. The stuff we have here is skunk which is not the same and can cause some serious issues.
Again, cool that people smoke it and enjoy it, it's up to you what you do, but I never understand this defensiveness of weed, it's pretty obvious it's not actually good for you, mentally or physically. Then again, you seem pretty trollish, so your opinion isn't really valid.
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Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

Isabella_deL said:
PunkInDrublic said:
EasyBakeBabyOven said:
PunkInDrublic said:

Marijuana "laced" with anything is so highly unlikely that the only thing less likely is that those ducktales you keep tellin have any truth to them.
You could have just written, "I'm a dick who thinks he knows everything about pot" and it would have been a lot more honest. :thumbleft:

It is possible to have a bad trip depending on what strand you smoke. If you have a dirty dealer, it is very likely to get marijuana laced with another substance. In fact, it's more common to get mixed pot than just pot down here.

I'm a dick for calling bullshit bullshit? You could of just posted "I have no idea what I'm talking about and like to make up stories" but you didn't. Instead you keep making up bullshit stories(more common to get mixed pot, yep totally believable) that are so ridiculous it's quite clear that you have zero knowledge on the subject.

Again, cool that people smoke it and enjoy it, it's up to you what you do, but I never understand this defensiveness of weed, it's pretty obvious it's not actually good for you, mentally or physically. Then again, you seem pretty trollish, so your opinion isn't really valid.

I'm trollish now? You prove with your post that you have zero knowledge on marijuana seeing as to how good it is physically and mentally for some people. You also prove with your post how lame and petty some camgirls are. "Well I don't like what he said so he's a troll". Grow up yo, shits embarrassing.
Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

CammiStar said:
PunkInDrublic said:
You sure she didn't do salvia?

No, it was medical grade sativa. She wasn't hallucinating. She just was having a very intense "I think I am dying" panic attack.
Sounds exactly like my experience.
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Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

I gave up weed years ago--not because of a sudden epiphany or anything like that, but because I was no longer getting a pleasant experience. Instead of a gleeful rush or a desire to talk a lot or wanting to eat junk food, I simply got very sleepy. This wasn't particularly useful at parties. :) I continued to use it on rare occasions when I couldn't sleep and wanted to.

As far as "bad trips," yeah, I believe some people have those--ESPECIALLY if it's the first time you ever got high on pot. The very first time I smoked it, I got very paranoid--the feeling that "this feeling isn't going to go away!" I was lucky the friend who turned me on to it was understanding and explained that it would soon fade.

A group of students giving a heavy dose in food, and without their knowledge, and who had never gotten high before, would very likely think they were having a medical problem and might just seek hospitalization.
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Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

PunkInDrublic said:
LadyLuna said:
On top of the immediate consequences, those kids are going to have a hard time finding a job for awhile...

No matter what you think about pot, it is illegal, and can show up on drug tests for anywhere from 2-7 years after use

It's not illegal depending on where you live and what? 2-7 years? Try 2 weeks for someone in decent shape. Where you got 2-7 years I have no idea.

You call other people's posts bullshit, but you write some yourself ;)

I have to give a hair sample. I have to list every drug that I've taken - including things for headaches, indigestion remedies, gum ointments and more, for the last 3 months at least.

Drug traces can be found, depending upon the length of hair (obviously) for many months, maybe longer.

Furthermore, in those tests they don't just test for the drug exactly - they're also looking at chemical markers - things left when a drug is broken down in the system. Legal drugs and illegal drugs can leave similar markers - hence why they need to know every drug. Obviously the frequency or intensity of smoking the pot can make a difference too.

2 weeks? What a useless drugs test or "bullshit" you talk ;)
Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

Well, I can pass them with about 11 days but I like to be safe and usually go with two weeks. She clearly wasn't talking about hair sample testing btw. So, wheres the bullshit?
Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

PunkInDrublic said:
Well, I can pass them with about 11 days but I like to be safe and usually go with two weeks. She clearly wasn't talking about hair sample testing btw. So, wheres the bullshit?

Who says I wasn't? I did correct myself and say it was some other test than a urine sample. I just couldn't remember the exact one.
Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

smoking tabacco calms me down too.. it's still bad for my brain and body..
whoever came up with the bullshit that weed only does good.. is a retard
just like alcohol, tabacco, and even asperines it will have negative effects on your body
the painkilling/calming effect is not the only effect weed gives you
if you have excisting mental illness in your familly.. chances are alot higher that any drug can provoke some sorta 'outing' of mental disease, weed is just seen as a less 'dangerous' drug
personally, i don't really see the difference, since there are alot of chemical things added to weed
if you would just dry the plant like it is.. it wouldn't give you half the effect the common weed does

i've seen my ex bf beeing destroyed by weed, at the end all he was capable of doing was smoking, not giving a fuck about anything or anybody, and just overall assholeness
he quit 2 months in the 1,5 years i was with him, in this relatively short time, he was a totally different person
nobody with any kind of research is gonna tell me it's totally fine to just smoke/eat away, and when someone would give me weed without my knowledge, i would seriously kick their ass

edit to add: i never liked weed, but growing up where i did.. it was kinda part of my teenage years
it gives me horrible munchies i don't like, i fall asleep after 4,5 intakes.. and it gets me paranoid and angry
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Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

PunkInDrublic said:

Marijuana "laced" with anything is so highly unlikely that the only thing less likely is that those ducktales you keep tellin have any truth to them.

PunkInDrublic said:
I'm trollish now? You prove with your post that you have zero knowledge on marijuana seeing as to how good it is physically and mentally for some people. You also prove with your post how lame and petty some camgirls are. "Well I don't like what he said so he's a troll". Grow up yo, shits embarrassing.

Yes... you are trollish, but it's not some sudden thing. It's since your first two posts in this thread. Or do you deny that your tone and use of those gifs was intended to garner a reaction?

Also fuck you for starting a shit storm over a couple inaccuracies and some opinions you don't agree with. The point of this thread, by and large, is that even a drug that, compared to other criminalized controlled substances, is as innocuous as marijuana is NOT something that people should be slipping to others without their knowledge. In fact, many people have stories of them or friends having bad experiences when knowing they were using some type of narcotic. I had a friend who we (myself and the 3rd member of our party) had to carry out of the middle of a crowd at a concert because whatever was in the joint she took a few hits of from some random guy was not what she was used too and she would have collapsed if the other guy hadn't caught her.
Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

A few others have told me they've never encountered some of the issues I mentioned with marijuana and it made me wonder if it was a regional thing only. It would seem like it is and that these issues (marijuana mixed with K2, shady dealers, etc) are mostly only prevalent in my area. I'm not sure if that's because I'm near the Bible belt or because Nashville just isn't a good place to grow, but I'm going to guess that it is.

So, I'm not sure what it's like all over, but there's LOTS of shadiness here in regards to buying/dealing/smoking. :? Up until last year, K2 was actually legal and really affordable too.

Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

While I myself smoke insane amounts of marijuana, I refuse to eat it and would have been more than pissed if I had been an unsuspecting victim. I feel HORRIBLE when I eat pot food-- it makes me feel like I am on pills, and I HATE pills. My whole body feels doped up and sluggish and its just too intense for me. Not everyones body reacts the same to marijuana, however it is consumed, and it is ridicululous to assume this. People will make light of it- but what if they had rufied the whole class, what would the repurcussions be then? How about if they slipped them a little bit of acid? Or maybe they used ex-lax as an ingredient and gave the whole class diarrhea? How about a nice dose of zolaft to cheer the spirits of the unsuspecting class? It really doesn't matter to me what they slipped them--it is a criminal matter and should be treated as thus. I decide what goes in my body, not a couple of brainless hooligans looking for a laugh...

Assault in the Second Degree

There are several different definitions of Second Degree Assault. A person will be found guilty if a jury believes that the District Attorney has proven any one of the following definitions beyond a reasonable doubt:

1.The Defendant intentionally caused bodily injury to another by the use of a deadly weapon.
2.The Defendant recklessly caused serious bodily injury to another by the use of a deadly weapon.
3.The Defendant intended to cause any injury, and caused serious injury.
4.The Defendant caused injury to anyone while intentionally trying to hinder the police or firefighters.
5.The Defendant knowingly applied violent force to (certain) government officials.
6.The Defendant intentionally drugged someone without their consent / knowledge.

Definitions numbered 1 through 4 above are considered to be "Crimes of Violence," and carry mandatory prison sentences following a conviction. In such cases, the judge must sentence the defendant to at least 5 years in prison for Second Degree Assault.

Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

If you are feeling the effects of any kind of intoxication, and are unaware of the source, for all you know, you may have been poisoned. People shoot each other, and blow each other up, and they poison each other, too. Since you don't know what caused your intoxication, you do not know whether those effects will escalate. You should seek medical attention immediately, whether you currently feel "ill" or not. The intoxication itself, in a case like this, is cause for alarm. Remember, you can't spell "intoxication" without "toxic".

It's all very well to get all lolol 420 Le Dain (required pothead reading in the 70s) about it, but to suggest any other course of action could result in a very bad outcome.

If they don't get the book thrown at them really hard, others will attempt to imitate them.
Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

I think the felony charge is a-OK :thumbleft:

I have to wonder if I'm allergic to weed. I have had full-blown hallucinations from smoking it, actually one of the most vivid hallucinations I've ever had which resulted in me calling my mother and crying, thinking there was a group of men in my backyard taunting me...It didn't turn into a bush til I got about 3 feet away from it. :? :lol:
All it takes really is 1 hit that I don't even fully inhale, and I am incapable of talking, moving, or eating... 100% of the time I get anxiety and paranoia. I'd say 80% of the time this is accompanied by a full-blown panic attack, where I feel like I can't breathe at all. Auditory hallucinations maybe 50% of the time, and visual hallucinations like 20%. It also gives me chest pain and headaches.

So I tried edibles ONCE, and it was the worst feeling I ever had in my life...hands down. If I didn't have someone comforting me I would have been in the hospital, or worse...

I am so jealous of all of the good things that I hear about weed, that I keep trying it, hoping it will someday work for me. :crybaby:

I will add that I've done acid, shrooms, mescaline, the list goes on and have never had problems with anxiety or bad trips. Love me some hallucinogens but weed is fucking whack for me.
Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

Mirra said:
PunkInDrublic said:

Also fuck you for starting a shit storm over a couple inaccuracies and some opinions you don't agree with. .

Calm down tough guy. When people start saying things like "it's pretty obvious its not good for you physically or mentally" that kinda goes past a simple inaccurate statement or uneducated opinion and kinda lands into the stupid, harmful, damn has she been brainwashed? category. Has nothing to do with differing opinions. I'm not defending what those dudes did and I hope the punishment is pretty brutal. I also wouldn't consider a few posts on a message board a shit storm but that might be because I'm so mentally deranged from all that "pot"(yall some narcs) I be smoking.
Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

PunkInDrublic said:
Calm down tough guy. When people start saying things like "it's pretty obvious its not good for you physically or mentally" that kinda goes past a simple inaccurate statement or uneducated opinion and kinda lands into the stupid, harmful, damn has she been brainwashed? category. Has nothing to do with differing opinions. I'm not defending what those dudes did and I hope the punishment is pretty brutal. I also wouldn't consider a few posts on a message board a shit storm but that might be because I'm so mentally deranged from all that "pot"(yall some narcs) I be smoking.
Nothing I read there justifies how abrasive your posts have been, and towards two models in particular who have a good reputation for their contributions to this community. You could have gotten your points across without being a condescending asshole.
Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

PunkInDrublic said:
Mirra said:
PunkInDrublic said:
You could have gotten your points across without being a condescending asshole.

I agree
I've enjoyed some of your contributions here in the past, PiD, so I really would appreciate if you put a little effort into being less abrasive in the future. I support having multiple, differing opinions and viewpoints here at ACF. But when people feel attacked or put down just because they are inaccurate or of unfavorable opinion, that's no good.

I hope you'll take heed of this request from me, as I would love to have you continue to be part of this community without creating such rifts.

Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

I have a friend who has a weed allergy. It's so bad that she could very well die if it enters her system and she doesn't get immediate medical attention. ^^;;; It's not a perfect metaphor... but if you were to throw a bomb into an empty house, the fact that no one died wouldn't make your crime any less life-endangering. ^^;;;

I also react horribly to weed. I stop being unable to move, I get sick to the point of vomiting, I get dizzy, I stop being able to see well.. I also feel very, very cold. Once I took a bath so hot I almost burned myself... and all because I felt cold because of the drug. I've even hallucinated.

I would definitely go to the hospital to get checked out if I didn't know better.

When you do anything that could endanger someone's lives, the punishment must be harsh.
Re: Students drug unsuspecting class with pot - ends predict

AmberCutie said:
I really would appreciate if you put a little effort into being less abrasive in the future

I will do that.
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