AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Stolen Videos

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Rose said:
I'm also still very curious as to how you (using this collectively, not you personally) pick who you cap and share.

Personal favourites, a request, someone mentioning a particular show that might be rare for a certain model, G/G content, etc. I know there are certain models I post much more frequently then others. One model does the same thing over and over and while she does get naked that is about the extent of what she does (and her group shows are nothing worthwhile I've been told), but a new video of her doing the same thing still yields the most downloads on any given day.

NicoleRiley said:
Me too because I've seen some terribly BORING caps of myself when I'm having a super off (aka PMS) day. Like me just sitting there talking :lol:

In my case I am a completionist capper, meaning I don't bother to edit out anything just to save myself time. You would not be the first to complain about me (or any other capper) for posting a video of them sitting there doing nothing with perhaps some nudity, but mainly you just chatting.
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At least their isn't a torrent site like or that is dedicated to webcam models. Then you girls would be totally screwed, and good luck if you could take down such a site when even the big movie and music studios couldn't. The worst thing would be a site such as and based out of Antigua and Barbuda, because any u.s. copyright is no longer valid in the country due to the WTO suspending it there.

I'm not saying that its good what they are doing in fact I think its bad, but eventually someone is going to realize there is lots of money to be made in a torrent tracker for webcam videos.
BeetFarmer said:
I just want to confirm if my interpretation of your statement is correct...

Are you really saying I could be an asset? Right now I am dumbfounded as no one from the other side has (with the couple of exceptions I mentioned earlier) has said such a thing.

Yes I mean that exactly, you as an asset. As I had said capping isn't a situation that's going to go away. The site you work on/own/whatever gets a lot of traffic right ?
Someone smart might want to make an ally of you.

I've been in the biz long enough to see that there's opportunity right in front of you
The Insider said:
BeetFarmer said:
I just want to confirm if my interpretation of your statement is correct...

Are you really saying I could be an asset? Right now I am dumbfounded as no one from the other side has (with the couple of exceptions I mentioned earlier) has said such a thing.

Yes I mean that exactly, you as an asset. As I had said capping isn't a situation that's going to go away. The site you work on/own/whatever gets a lot of traffic right ?
Someone smart might want to make an ally of you.

I've been in the biz long enough to see that there's opportunity right in front of you

I don't own or have ownership of any sites I post on, and moderation powers are just to help keep a section of a board functioning cleanly and smoothly.

You are right that the problem will never go away. If I stopped tomorrow others would just replace me and usually it is exponential growth.

Your brief explanation of your place within the biz as you put it intrigues me. It is refreshing to see your perspective on the matter as I've basically only encountered those who love what I do (the downloaders) or those who hate me/what I do (models, white knights/members). There has not been an middle ground of understanding the situation is there, but that there can be positives or advantages to it.
I can understand if it's done for a profit motive. The world is full of bottom feeders who profit off the work of others. Your spank bank grew into an opportunity to set up web forums for cappers/uploaders and you run them as a link farm to make money.


However, that only accounts for a very few of you guys at the top of the pile. There are a whole lot of others (the 99%? :lol: ) who are just.... collecting.

And dont get me wrong, I can understand collecting stuff, but this is digital files, and you have so many collected you'll never, ever have the time or the ability to view them but for the one time you grab it.

So I can't help but to wonder why the collector not motivated by profit does it. It is some sort of condition like a hoarder, who just fills their house to the roof with stuff they will never see again but can't help but add to the pile?

I don't understand where you get the time (a 99%'er). Who feeds you? Where do you make your living? I'm semi retired and I dont have enough time in the day to do 10% of the shit I'd like to do.

If I sat for the time needed to hunt down, download, upload, organize, edit, and network with others doing the same thing, not to mention some time to actually enjoy my collection....

I don't get it and I'll refrain from being abusive because I too actually and pretty interested in WHY people do what they do. I do want to understand this.

Is it an obsession? Is it a lack of human/opposite sex contact? Is it a compulsion? What?
What do you personally get out of this activity?

I could understand if it's a sexual charge, who doesn't get a good rush over a little T&A? However, the mind numbing quantity of it makes me think otherwise. How many times can you watch a woman do the same thing, or 1001 different women do the same thing before it loses it's flavor?

And you're collecting 100s of clips. Take the length of the clip in real time and multiply it by 2 just to give you some time to breath and you're talking about a LARGE chunk of a day.

Every day.

This single post took up more time than I really want to use out of life, but, it has turned into a more interesting subject than the news or anything else I can find to relax and read today.

I am interested in the psychological motivation behind the capping and collecting for the 99% of the people doing it that are not making a profit off it.

I'm sure others are too.

What do you get out of this activity if it isnt money?
Good post Paulie. I'm in the same boat, my curiosity is officially peeked!

I was listening to a radio program today discussing psychopaths, and how they tried treating them with LSD. Part of the program was describing the key element that makes a psychopath, the lack for empathy.
Now I'm not saying cappers are (or aren't) psychopaths but the subject got me thinking about empathy. About that pit in my stomach when I know I've hurt someone, or even POSSIBLY hurt someone who really didn't deserve it. I can't help but consider the way another person may actually feel as a result of my actions, even if those actions are intended to bruise for a greater good (examples banning someone from my room for lacking manners, maybe he'll be better next time even though it stings now).
It's just beyond me how anyone could make a hobby out of something they KNOW is hurtful and seem to actually take pleasure in the persons suffering. I've spend many bored hours while sick reading forums like KK, and I'm never surprised to find a lot of negativity directed towards the women.

I would love to understand more of the why. So far, insecurity and control are the only things that REALLY make sense to me, not saying that's accurate, just what seems logical.
BeetFarmer said:
The Insider said:
BeetFarmer said:
I just want to confirm if my interpretation of your statement is correct...

Are you really saying I could be an asset? Right now I am dumbfounded as no one from the other side has (with the couple of exceptions I mentioned earlier) has said such a thing.

Yes I mean that exactly, you as an asset. As I had said capping isn't a situation that's going to go away. The site you work on/own/whatever gets a lot of traffic right ?
Someone smart might want to make an ally of you.

I've been in the biz long enough to see that there's opportunity right in front of you

I don't own or have ownership of any sites I post on, and moderation powers are just to help keep a section of a board functioning cleanly and smoothly.

You are right that the problem will never go away. If I stopped tomorrow others would just replace me and usually it is exponential growth.

Your brief explanation of your place within the biz as you put it intrigues me. It is refreshing to see your perspective on the matter as I've basically only encountered those who love what I do (the downloaders) or those who hate me/what I do (models, white knights/members). There has not been an middle ground of understanding the situation is there, but that there can be positives or advantages to it.

Okay, I'm cautious about stepping forward here as a relatively new model, and I'm definitely not speaking for everyone.

BUT. Couldn't a huge compromise be reached by watermarking capped images/videos with the model's information? If that became the standard necessary for something to be hosted?

Some models aren't going to want their stuff capped and distributed full stop, and that's fair. But I for one... if people are gonna do it anyway, and they are, as long as a video of me has BEAWITHME @ MFC written on it in big letters that can't be removed, I'm not gonna be anywhere near as mad. Because then, yes, you are effectively working as a promoter for me, I'm getting the advertising benefits, and you're getting 'paid' for it.

I mean, I'm not jumping up and down here going 'cap me! cap me!' - but if you're gonna do it anyway, include a link please :lol:
BeaWithMe said:
Okay, I'm cautious about stepping forward here as a relatively new model, and I'm definitely not speaking for everyone.

BUT. Couldn't a huge compromise be reached by watermarking capped images/videos with the model's information? If that became the standard necessary for something to be hosted?

Some models aren't going to want their stuff capped and distributed full stop, and that's fair. But I for one... if people are gonna do it anyway, and they are, as long as a video of me has BEAWITHME @ MFC written on it in big letters that can't be removed, I'm not gonna be anywhere near as mad. Because then, yes, you are effectively working as a promoter for me, I'm getting the advertising benefits, and you're getting 'paid' for it.

I mean, I'm not jumping up and down here going 'cap me! cap me!' - but if you're gonna do it anyway, include a link please :lol:

Well one thing I made clear when I took over as moderator for the Webcam Girls section on [site name banned*6] was that all posts had to include a model name. I usually try and include previous names models use, although to be honest some models change their names on a weekly basis, which is asinine. You have to look at your cam name as a brand. If Coca-Cola changed their name on a weekly basis how would that help them? It wouldn't. That is why you have the brand and then you have the slogan. McDonald's is probably one of the better examples when it comes to slogans as they usually come up with something catchy and then include a little jingle at the end of a commercial and then you can't get it out of your fucking head. Effective marketing.

Now the name inclusion does a couple things. 1. It signifies who the model is and 2. Helps people finds the model both on the board (other posts) or on MFC.

In my earlier capping days (screen recording) I actually kept the model name pane about the video as it helped with organizing as well as showing who the model was.

As I have said before I see videos as marketing/advertising. Although if a model comes onto a board and tries to market herself it might not have the same effect. A recent experiment I allowed to take place didn't pan out quite as the model had hoped I think.

It can't hurt to have someone, regardless of if they are a capper as a bit of an ally. I've said that over and over, but very few people from my side of the spectrum have agreed with that.
BeetFarmer said:
It can't hurt to have someone, regardless of if they are a capper as a bit of an ally. I've said that over and over, but very few people from my side of the spectrum have agreed with that.
Can you elaborate on this? Obviously you don't speak for everyone, but what is some of the common feelings from cappers regarding models? Do they think they are helping? Do they care if they are or aren't? Or are their feelings towards the women in their 'collection' more negative?

As you have mentioned, you're more likely to cooperate if a model is polite. The door swings both ways, however. Models don't react well to sexist and misogynistic remarks, no matter how tough our hides have become.
BeetFarmer said:
BeaWithMe said:
Okay, I'm cautious about stepping forward here as a relatively new model, and I'm definitely not speaking for everyone.

BUT. Couldn't a huge compromise be reached by watermarking capped images/videos with the model's information? If that became the standard necessary for something to be hosted?

Some models aren't going to want their stuff capped and distributed full stop, and that's fair. But I for one... if people are gonna do it anyway, and they are, as long as a video of me has BEAWITHME @ MFC written on it in big letters that can't be removed, I'm not gonna be anywhere near as mad. Because then, yes, you are effectively working as a promoter for me, I'm getting the advertising benefits, and you're getting 'paid' for it.

I mean, I'm not jumping up and down here going 'cap me! cap me!' - but if you're gonna do it anyway, include a link please :lol:

Well one thing I made clear when I took over as moderator for the Webcam Girls section on [site name banned*6] was that all posts had to include a model name. I usually try and include previous names models use, although to be honest some models change their names on a weekly basis, which is asinine. You have to look at your cam name as a brand. If Coca-Cola changed their name on a weekly basis how would that help them? It wouldn't. That is why you have the brand and then you have the slogan. McDonald's is probably one of the better examples when it comes to slogans as they usually come up with something catchy and then include a little jingle at the end of a commercial and then you can't get it out of your fucking head. Effective marketing.

Now the name inclusion does a couple things. 1. It signifies who the model is and 2. Helps people finds the model both on the board (other posts) or on MFC.

In my earlier capping days (screen recording) I actually kept the model name pane about the video as it helped with organizing as well as showing who the model was.

As I have said before I see videos as marketing/advertising. Although if a model comes onto a board and tries to market herself it might not have the same effect. A recent experiment I allowed to take place didn't pan out quite as the model had hoped I think.

It can't hurt to have someone, regardless of if they are a capper as a bit of an ally. I've said that over and over, but very few people from my side of the spectrum have agreed with that.
I thanked you here because I completely agree with you about the brand aspect of our cam name. I have not for a single minute changed my model name due to my feelings on this.

I also appreciate when I come across a vid of me around the net and it has my model name associated with it directly. I am one of the few who do utilize the caps of me out there as a sort of free advertising, and have to end up signing up for/into sites to comment and let people know that "hey, that's me, AmberCutie, and I'm on MFC!" It's so much easier if my name is part of the title (AmberCutie, not "Amber Big Tits" or "Amber 4 eyez" or "Brunette Camgirl" or whatever people lazily throw on there.) I would just like a little recognition, that's all. And I know for a fact that I have gotten new members and tippers from "stolen videos" that made their way out there.

That being said, I am basically OK with the caps of me out there being there, because I am not one of the many thousands of cam girls who are hiding their career, geo-blocking, etc. I have 0 geo-blocks and have come to terms with the fact that there WILL be people who I used to know who will stumble upon me. When I decided to be a cam girl, this was something that I knew I just had to be OK with. Not everyone thinks and operates like that though, so I can understand hesitation to be plastered everywhere.
I think this is something that's definitely a 'speak for yourself' kind of deal. When one model says that they're cool with the free promotion, other models get responses from recorders saying, "Hey, I'm helping you out by recording and posting all of your videos for free on my website!" There's no reason for a member to buy your videos when all they have to do is a quick google search of your model name to get limitless free videos of you. This response is extremely frustrating from cappers, "Hey! Why don't you appreciate me promoting you!" It's not a promotion. Most of these guys are trying to grow their e-penis and get a pat on the back for gathering 'future fap material' for other guys. It's all very strange to me.

Cappers will even go as far as to say they're not taking your videos down because they're trying to help you out. Bottom line? I don't know about you girls, but I do perfectly fine without the 'help' of cappers. I don't need them in any way, shape, or form to promote me. I have everything under control. I'm not embarrassed of what I do for a living, but does that mean I want free videos of me floating all around the internet while I'm in my room trying to reach countdown for a show that is already in those free videos? Definitely not.

Not to mention the fact that the people who enjoy your free videos very rarely or ever will come to your cam, buy tokens, and tip. They only want a quick get your rocks off thing. They don't want to pay for interactions with the model. They want to see her do her show for free. They're not 'stolen' videos either, in my opinion. They are just stolen. The models are not giving their express written consent for cappers to record their videos and upload them to skanky websites. I've never had someone say, "Hey, just wanna let you know I'm gonna do some promotion for you by recording your videos and uploading them to x website, okay?" You know why they don't say that? Because they know what they're doing is illegal and is not welcome by nearly every model I've ever come in contact with. If they thought they were going to get a pat on the back for it, they would let you know who they were in your room so you could thank them personally.

That's just how I feel about it. Not going to come back and keep responding, especially because none of this has anything to do with what I originally made the topic for. But, I felt the need to throw this out there. :twocents-02cents:
I don't really have anything to add here other than to vouch for DKS being a respectful guy. Yes capping sucks, having it spread around sucks, but he IS respectful and helpful to those who are respectful back. He's helped me out more than once and although I'm against the practice of capping, him as a person is in my good books.

And everybody needs to chilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lol.
But you see, that's kind of exactly it. The kind of people who would rather google my cam name and look up my pirated videos were probably never going to tip me or pay for it in the future. One can hope and dream, but lets be completely honest. I don't want those freeloaders anyway. Let them collect and 'bate to my shitty flipcam amateur porn. I don't exactly see how it's detracting from my income because the people who pay to see me live or pay for my custom content or even buy my videos legally will do so.

There's a different mindset to someone who's looking to just get his rocks off verses someone who wants more than that. What I offer is real time, personalized service. I'm not just a porn creator. I'm a companion of sorts. If I had anything to offer cappers or freeloaders that they wanted to pay for, they'd do so. But I don't think my individual personality has anything to do with what they want or get out of capping.

Basically, people are gonna pay my bills regardless because I'm a nice person and I like to make people happy. Anyone else in my life is not worth the trouble.
StolenVideos said:
I think this is something that's definitely a 'speak for yourself' kind of deal. When one model says that they're cool with the free promotion, other models get responses from recorders saying, "Hey, I'm helping you out by recording and posting all of your videos for free on my website!" There's no reason for a member to buy your videos when all they have to do is a quick google search of your model name to get limitless free videos of you. This response is extremely frustrating from cappers, "Hey! Why don't you appreciate me promoting you!" It's not a promotion. Most of these guys are trying to grow their e-penis and get a pat on the back for gathering 'future fap material' for other guys. It's all very strange to me.

Cappers will even go as far as to say they're not taking your videos down because they're trying to help you out. Bottom line? I don't know about you girls, but I do perfectly fine without the 'help' of cappers. I don't need them in any way, shape, or form to promote me. I have everything under control. I'm not embarrassed of what I do for a living, but does that mean I want free videos of me floating all around the internet while I'm in my room trying to reach countdown for a show that is already in those free videos? Definitely not.

Not to mention the fact that the people who enjoy your free videos very rarely or ever will come to your cam, buy tokens, and tip. They only want a quick get your rocks off thing. They don't want to pay for interactions with the model. They want to see her do her show for free. They're not 'stolen' videos either, in my opinion. They are just stolen. The models are not giving their express written consent for cappers to record their videos and upload them to skanky websites. I've never had someone say, "Hey, just wanna let you know I'm gonna do some promotion for you by recording your videos and uploading them to x website, okay?" You know why they don't say that? Because they know what they're doing is illegal and is not welcome by nearly every model I've ever come in contact with. If they thought they were going to get a pat on the back for it, they would let you know who they were in your room so you could thank them personally.

That's just how I feel about it. Not going to come back and keep responding, especially because none of this has anything to do with what I originally made the topic for. But, I felt the need to throw this out there. :twocents-02cents:

It actually is only illegal depending on where they host the content from ... on-130128/
I'd still kinda like to see Paulie's questions answered. I too am intrigued as to the motivation of these doods. Currently, I'm having a hard time believing (for the most prolific cappers at least), that their motivation isn't financial in nature. But maybe Beet Farmer can provide an answer that enlightens me?

I also think some good could come of cappers and models co-existing. On an ethical level, there's no way to justify what cappers do, but as has been pointed out; they're here, they're not going anywhere, and when a model signs up to a camsite, they kinda have to accept that the more money they make from their camming career and the more popular they become, the more likely it is that their videos are gonna be distributed for free by cappers. They don't have to like it and they have every right to react angrily when it happens, but there's no getting around the fact that it probably will happen.

And I agree with Evvie that there's a hypocrisy surrounding some models who illegally download music and films and games for free and then stand and point at the (supposed) illegality of cappers sharing their videos in the same way. That said - and regardless of laws pertaining to piracy - cappers sharing a model's videos without their consent has the potential to destroy their lives/put them in danger, whereas a model downloading the latest Kanye West album isn't going to effect Kanye West one way or another.

Could this thread maybe be used to draw up some guidelines that benefit both model and capper and allow for both parties to go about their business without dramaz? Two guidelines have already been suggested - watermarks/credit attached to each video so that the person watching it can easily find the model in question, and when a model who doesn't want her videos being shared out of fears for her safety/quality of life being compromised, her videos are deleted. I know Beet Farmer has said that he generally does this but I get the impression that it's not necessarily the norm. I also get the impression that given his standing in the capping community, he has enough influence to help make it the norm.

There's no doubt plenty of other stuff that both parties could do to make the lives of everyone involved a little easier. You guys don't have to like each other, but there's opportunity for compromise and working relationships here that could benefit everyone :twocents-02cents:
People involved in the warez trade this includes webcam videos are never going to agree to put watermark of a models name in the video nor would they agree to stop posting videos of a model. When it comes to worrying about being sued for copyright infringement videos of cam models are low in the totem pole.

I once saw a dmca report mila milan's lawyer sent to thepiratebay over a torrent that had a video of her in it. I really do not even understand why they would even waste their time with it. If thepiratebay isn't going to remove the content of mutlibillion a year company, they sure aren't going to remove the content of a person that only makes a few hundred thousand a year.
NovaNirvana said:
But you see, that's kind of exactly it. The kind of people who would rather google my cam name and look up my pirated videos were probably never going to tip me or pay for it in the future. One can hope and dream, but lets be completely honest. I don't want those freeloaders anyway. Let them collect and 'bate to my shitty flipcam amateur porn. I don't exactly see how it's detracting from my income because the people who pay to see me live or pay for my custom content or even buy my videos legally will do so.

There's a different mindset to someone who's looking to just get his rocks off verses someone who wants more than that. What I offer is real time, personalized service. I'm not just a porn creator. I'm a companion of sorts. If I had anything to offer cappers or freeloaders that they wanted to pay for, they'd do so. But I don't think my individual personality has anything to do with what they want or get out of capping.

Basically, people are gonna pay my bills regardless because I'm a nice person and I like to make people happy. Anyone else in my life is not worth the trouble.
There is a difference between someone who will google you for your free content and someone who is browsing free content, stumble upon you, and think "hey, this chick seems cool, where can I find more about her?"

So you actually kind of prove a point I was going to make to the people thinking they're losing money by having cappers post their content. The people who are specifically searching out your free content are not your target demographic anyway. So aside from wanting to hide your career, you're not actually LOSING much by having your content out there. You can only gain by the handful of dudes who come across you and do actually want to find your live shows and get your attention as well as your sexy content.
AmberCutie said:
NovaNirvana said:
But you see, that's kind of exactly it. The kind of people who would rather google my cam name and look up my pirated videos were probably never going to tip me or pay for it in the future. One can hope and dream, but lets be completely honest. I don't want those freeloaders anyway. Let them collect and 'bate to my shitty flipcam amateur porn. I don't exactly see how it's detracting from my income because the people who pay to see me live or pay for my custom content or even buy my videos legally will do so.

There's a different mindset to someone who's looking to just get his rocks off verses someone who wants more than that. What I offer is real time, personalized service. I'm not just a porn creator. I'm a companion of sorts. If I had anything to offer cappers or freeloaders that they wanted to pay for, they'd do so. But I don't think my individual personality has anything to do with what they want or get out of capping.

Basically, people are gonna pay my bills regardless because I'm a nice person and I like to make people happy. Anyone else in my life is not worth the trouble.
There is a difference between someone who will google you for your free content and someone who is browsing free content, stumble upon you, and think "hey, this chick seems cool, where can I find more about her?"

So you actually kind of prove a point I was going to make to the people thinking they're losing money by having cappers post their content. The people who are specifically searching out your free content are not your target demographic anyway. So aside from wanting to hide your career, you're not actually LOSING much by having your content out there. You can only gain by the handful of dudes who come across you and do actually want to find your live shows and get your attention as well as your sexy content.

Cappers cause models to lose more money then they gain from them. If a capper was good, they would only record a preview like the beginning 5 minutes of strip show and end the video before the nudity starts, and then a message with the url of the models profile and room if they want to see more.

Thats what many tube sites do now after they had an agreement with the porn studios,they do 4-8 minute long previews and if you want to see the full movie they have a link to the porn website its from. Of course they are also affiliates with the porn studios and get a cut of the monthly membership fee. This would probably work best for models if myfreecams allowed whitelabels, but all the models names were the same on all the whitelabels.
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vlad.mazare said:
Cappers cause models to lose more money then they gain from them.
You sure seem to have an opinion and very "know it all" approach to every damned subject around here lately don't you?
AmberCutie said:
vlad.mazare said:
Cappers cause models to lose more money then they gain from them.
You sure seem to have an opinion and very "know it all" approach to every damned subject around here lately don't you?

I think from now on, if i have any questions, about anything.. i'll just ask vlad. He knows all.
If cappers are recording dozens and dozens of your full length show along with your name,then wouldn't it cause people to not have any interest in going to your room,they would just wait until the next cap came out. But if they were just recording some and editing the video to make it like those tease videos the tube sites are now doing,with at the end the url of your profile and it was a random keyword the video name,then wouldnt you get more traffic and more tippers?
vlad.mazare said:
If cappers are recording dozens and dozens of your full length show along with your name,then wouldn't it cause people to not have any interest in going to your room,they would just wait until the next cap came out. But if they were just recording some and editing the video to make it like those tease videos the tube sites are now doing,with at the end the url of your profile and it was a random keyword the video name,then wouldnt you get more traffic and more tippers?

Vlad you forget that many camgirls are selling their INTERACTION with members. We seek members who are interested in tipping, or paying per minute to interact with us. That is generally our target demographic. Watching a recorded show can be fun to masturbate to, but honestly im usually sitting there going "Wow that looks like fun! I wish i had caught this live so i could have participated as it was happening"

I put full length free videos up of myself from time to time on various sites. Twitter, my forum, my site, and a few free porn sites. They bring me traffic. I can PROVE they bring me traffic.

My preview clips I post places also. These often SELL video's. Someone will find it and go "oh where can I see the full clip bb?" BUT they don't sell my camshows. My camshows are sold to people who want interaction...

I dislike it when cappers do it as sometimes I HATE what they post... and I like to be in control of what I put out there.

I usually recycle old clips that aren't selling well anymore - what better use of this footage I have lying around? (REMEMBERING - i don't care about people finding out what I do)
vlad.mazare said:
If cappers are recording dozens and dozens of your full length show along with your name,then wouldn't it cause people to not have any interest in going to your room,they would just wait until the next cap came out. But if they were just recording some and editing the video to make it like those tease videos the tube sites are now doing,with at the end the url of your profile and it was a random keyword the video name,then wouldnt you get more traffic and more tippers?
This post makes me wonder if you actually understand the difference in watching a live webcam show and watching a recorded video.

There is a difference. Those who understand and appreciate the difference will STILL come to a live webcam show regardless of free recorded content being available. That was my point. There is only gain (financial), not loss, in having your shows capped and posted out there. It may only be a very tiny gain, but it happens.
AmberCutie said:
NovaNirvana said:
But you see, that's kind of exactly it. The kind of people who would rather google my cam name and look up my pirated videos were probably never going to tip me or pay for it in the future. One can hope and dream, but lets be completely honest. I don't want those freeloaders anyway. Let them collect and 'bate to my shitty flipcam amateur porn. I don't exactly see how it's detracting from my income because the people who pay to see me live or pay for my custom content or even buy my videos legally will do so.

There's a different mindset to someone who's looking to just get his rocks off verses someone who wants more than that. What I offer is real time, personalized service. I'm not just a porn creator. I'm a companion of sorts. If I had anything to offer cappers or freeloaders that they wanted to pay for, they'd do so. But I don't think my individual personality has anything to do with what they want or get out of capping.

Basically, people are gonna pay my bills regardless because I'm a nice person and I like to make people happy. Anyone else in my life is not worth the trouble.
There is a difference between someone who will google you for your free content and someone who is browsing free content, stumble upon you, and think "hey, this chick seems cool, where can I find more about her?"

So you actually kind of prove a point I was going to make to the people thinking they're losing money by having cappers post their content. The people who are specifically searching out your free content are not your target demographic anyway. So aside from wanting to hide your career, you're not actually LOSING much by having your content out there. You can only gain by the handful of dudes who come across you and do actually want to find your live shows and get your attention as well as your sexy content.

I agree, back in the day there was a guy posting gifs and videos of models at 4chan and that was how I found out about MFC and the live aspect of web camming.
AmberCutie said:
under if you actually understand the difference in watching a live webcam show and watching a recorded video.

There is a difference. Those who understand and appreciate the difference will STILL come to a live webcam show regardless of free recorded content being available. That was my point. There is only gain (financial), not loss, in having your shows capped and posted out there. It may only be a very tiny gain, but it happens.

Right.. The real problem girls have with cappers usually tends to be loss of control of their content, and over-exposure outside of the geo-blocked areas. A non-nude public chat model might be understandably upset that a video of her taking a dildo up the ass, capped from a group show is available for free to anyone. It might not be something she's personally comfy sharing with non-paying members. We don't always like being out there 'for free' when we feel our bodies are something of value, that should not be shared to those who are not paying.
MrRodry said:
AmberCutie said:
NovaNirvana said:
But you see, that's kind of exactly it. The kind of people who would rather google my cam name and look up my pirated videos were probably never going to tip me or pay for it in the future. One can hope and dream, but lets be completely honest. I don't want those freeloaders anyway. Let them collect and 'bate to my shitty flipcam amateur porn. I don't exactly see how it's detracting from my income because the people who pay to see me live or pay for my custom content or even buy my videos legally will do so.

There's a different mindset to someone who's looking to just get his rocks off verses someone who wants more than that. What I offer is real time, personalized service. I'm not just a porn creator. I'm a companion of sorts. If I had anything to offer cappers or freeloaders that they wanted to pay for, they'd do so. But I don't think my individual personality has anything to do with what they want or get out of capping.

Basically, people are gonna pay my bills regardless because I'm a nice person and I like to make people happy. Anyone else in my life is not worth the trouble.
There is a difference between someone who will google you for your free content and someone who is browsing free content, stumble upon you, and think "hey, this chick seems cool, where can I find more about her?"

So you actually kind of prove a point I was going to make to the people thinking they're losing money by having cappers post their content. The people who are specifically searching out your free content are not your target demographic anyway. So aside from wanting to hide your career, you're not actually LOSING much by having your content out there. You can only gain by the handful of dudes who come across you and do actually want to find your live shows and get your attention as well as your sexy content.

I agree, back in the day there was a guy posting gifs and videos of models at 4chan and that was how I found out about MFC and the live aspect of web camming.
LOL... yup. How do you think I came to find MFC and eventually became a model there?

Fucking 4chan. :D
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JoleneBrody said:
I was listening to a radio program today discussing psychopaths, and how they tried treating them with LSD. Part of the program was describing the key element that makes a psychopath, the lack for empathy.
Now I'm not saying cappers are (or aren't) psychopaths but the subject got me thinking about empathy. About that pit in my stomach when I know I've hurt someone, or even POSSIBLY hurt someone who really didn't deserve it. I can't help but consider the way another person may actually feel as a result of my actions, even if those actions are intended to bruise for a greater good (examples banning someone from my room for lacking manners, maybe he'll be better next time even though it stings now).
It's just beyond me how anyone could make a hobby out of something they KNOW is hurtful and seem to actually take pleasure in the persons suffering. I've spend many bored hours while sick reading forums like KK, and I'm never surprised to find a lot of negativity directed towards the women.

I would love to understand more of the why. So far, insecurity and control are the only things that REALLY make sense to me, not saying that's accurate, just what seems logical.

This so much. I would not only like to know why, I would like to know how.

Whether or not SOME girls are ok with capping, or it may possibly bring them a few future tippers, MOST girls do not like it or want it done. The person capping has absolutely no idea who is who and clearly doesn't care.

Knowing that your hobby can be extremely destructive, that it upsets and aggravates models who find them of themselves and still doing it just for fun does show a serious lack of empathy.

Dwight, as much as you seem to be perfectly polite, and hardly the epitome of evil, you still have this as a hobby. However much you try and justify it, or say how nice you've been to some models, and how you transfer all money made back into models and mfc, it still doesn't even come close to balancing the scales of right and wrong. It barely even tilts it.
As far as I can see from your posts is you have avoided answering any questions which could paint you in a negative light. Everything you've said is skirting round the edges, focusing on the few good things that come from capping, and blaming the other things on your fellow cappers. Now I get that no one wants to make themselves look like a bastard, but you are not being wholly honest with your answers, in fact you're being very vague and avoiding the real point. So far as much as it's an interesting subject your responses have not really given me any information. It's kind of like when they advertise new fad diet pills everywhere saying how amazing they have been for like 2 people, completely ignoring the remaining thousands that they have caused bad side effects for and then skirting round giving people the information of what is actually in the pills by saying a few of the ingredients, leaving out all the others.

One thing I will also say is I HATE it when people use the excuse of "well if I stop then someone else will take my place." NO. If you carry on capping another load of cappers will still start capping. If you stop capping then another load of cappers will still start capping. But YOU won't be. So that'd mean one less serial capper.

That's kind of similar to when guys who date rape drinks say "well they're getting drunk and are going to shag some random anyway, I'm just helping them along" no. Just no.
Or if people find comparing a capper to a date raper too extreme then people who steal stuff in shops saying "well there'll always be thieves, if I stop someone else will still do it."

Yes there will always be thieves, there will always be rapists, there'll always be cappers and there'll always be murderers, pedos, drunks, drug addicts, pretty much anything negative in the world. Using that fact as an excuse and justification to carry on doing something that you know is wrong is not even an excuse! It's utter wank. You do what you do because it gives you some kind of thrill that is beyond me. You do what you do even though you know for a fact that it hurts/upsets models for your own personal gain. You do not care or you wouldn't do it. Whether or not occasionally you feel like comforting your conscience by doing a few small good deeds doesn't make any difference in what you do or the reasons you do it, it just makes you feel a better about it.

Yes lots of people download movies, or stream music or films. The reason they do it is because cappers make it readily available. Streaming a movie online is kind of similar to stealing a couple of items from a super market. It's a big brand that makes a lot of money, it is not ok. The prices of the food in the shop will have been raised to account for the thefts so essentially it's actually the customers who miss out. Streaming a movie of a camgirl is like going to an individually owned corner shop and stealing a few bars of chocolate. The shop probably won't suffer enormously because they'll raise the prices of their product to counter act it. Capping a cam model is like going into the corner shop, stealing a fuck load of stuff and then going across the street and selling it for cheaper. Free chocolate bars for all! Maybe one of two people will go into the actual shop afterwards and buy something, but most will just take their free shit and go. There is a BIG difference between viewing something that came from a big business that's already making a lot of money and stealing a video from someone who is earning their only living from what they do and sell on cam.
Not that it'll stop, but if cappers didn't exist camgirls would make a fuck load more money. Imagine if free porn didn't exist? People would pay for it. Same with online movies/music. If it weren't so easily available for free online, people would buy it. This actually may truly become serious at some point and perhaps the porn and movie industry will start going under. Maybe. For now there are enough people will basic morals around to pay for things. But not enough. Out of my room count probably only 2-5% ever tip anything and that's generally because they want a different experience or they want videos. For general porn/sexy stuff? Most guys who want that experience can just get it for free.
mynameisbob84 said:
I also think some good could come of cappers and models co-existing. On an ethical level, there's no way to justify what cappers do, but as has been pointed out; they're here, they're not going anywhere, and when a model signs up to a camsite, they kinda have to accept that the more money they make from their camming career and the more popular they become, the more likely it is that their videos are gonna be distributed for free by cappers. They don't have to like it and they have every right to react angrily when it happens, but there's no getting around the fact that it probably will happen.

And I agree with Evvie that there's a hypocrisy surrounding some models who illegally download music and films and games for free and then stand and point at the (supposed) illegality of cappers sharing their videos in the same way. That said - and regardless of laws pertaining to piracy - cappers sharing a model's videos without their consent has the potential to destroy their lives/put them in danger, whereas a model downloading the latest Kanye West album isn't going to effect Kanye West one way or another.

The problem is models, at least on MFC, can't give permission, for cappers to do anything. The videos are the property of MFC and not the models. Mila Kunis maybe on great terms with the president of her fan club, but if he wants to post her clips from the movie Oz on, he needs to get Disney's permission not hers. The same thing is true for capped videos, all the models can legally do is go through MFC. Or appeal directly to cappers good nature. I question the wisdom of the latter approach because now you are giving power to the cappers, "sure dear I'll remove the videos if you give me a free skype show,or other video." I think this sort of like Koolray if you give the cappers attention it just encourages them, but IDK.

I am sure my opinion is a minority but I find a bit of karmic justice, in the cappers ripping off MFC. MFC seemingly could give a shit about any laws, and a particularly callous attitude about intellectual property laws. The make models sign ridiculous agreement giving up all of their rights. Do absolutely nothing to protect musicians right etc. So when the cappers rip off MFC's intellectual property, it is hard for me to get too riled up.

Now don't get me wrong I have a lot sympathy for the models. I think they are getting double penetrated by both the cappers, and MFC, and I picture both guys being fat, smelling, with bad breath and worse manners. It is hard to imagine this is an enjoyable experience.

I think watermarking your broadcast stream so that at least people watching can find you later makes sense for models who adopt Amber's view, any publicity is good as long as they spell your name right. I also don't blame any web model who would like to castrate the cappers..
Just Me said:
vlad.mazare said:
It actually is only illegal depending on where they host the content from ... on-130128/

It is illegal for people residing in the US to bypass copyright laws, regardless of where the content is hosted.

But someone could easily move their and give up their u.s. citizenship,if they are running a large data center that gives out movies,music,video games,porn,webcam videos etc.
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