Just my 2 cents here, Force, .. And this is totally the right thing to do. Everybody fully supports this. Now, we all know there are crazy heads all around the world who think they can fight the virus with essentials oils, magic gems and, who knows, possible vagina candles, but if docs and epidemiologists tell you have to stop/slow down at any cost the outbreak before it really gets out of hand, putting even further under more stress the already stressed hospitals, the only thing you can do to protect the health of the population is doing exactly what docs tell you to do.
Everybody is called to be responsible for themselves, for others, and even for other countries and the whole world. Rough times require leadership. Especially if you have the clear perception that most of the closest European countries are completely understimating the problem. Also, we have to consider the fact that most of the people are completely fuck*ing idiots so you have somehow to force them to be responsible.
I was commenting the news this very morning with a colleague/business parter of mine who live in Frankfurt, Germany, and we agreed that those 3500 people who gathered in France dressed as smurfs are completely insane and irresponsible. Few days ago in Italy people would still go skiing in the mountains for the week end or chilling at the beaches. Those thing you cannot do during a declared medical emergency. So, flashnews: everything is shut down, you fuckers, and you have to stay at home.
That said, he was all playing cool and telling me that everything is under control and there was no such a problem right now there. To which I replied him that I wish and hope really all the best but he can't really say that, because if you are testing jack shit everybody looks healty and you have low numbers. On top of that, if you sit in your kitchen, take a peace of paper, a pencil, and run your math - just like a finance guy in Germany did - you clearly see that you are only few days behind what is going on elsewhere. Really wish everybody the best and to be and stay safe.