AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Revised version of previous 'looking to hire actor for crowdfunding project' thread

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Well sorry again if anything I have said has annoyed anyone it was not my intention. I came here looking for advice and you have all been very willing to offer it and I am very grateful.

I did respond somewhere up there that I thought the best option given all your feedback was to launch the product first then fund a video later down the line, I just think it got buried in answers above.

This is a genuine product incidentally when it launches I will pop back so you can all have a giggle at it, especially if it fails! :)
This up there is a good plan stan! Realistically, you should be looking for a model with a recognizable brand and in order to do that, you'll have to come to the table with a better offer than only rev share.
But if you do it right, professionally and patiently you could possible partner with a model who will drive sales through her recognition and following as well.
This up there is a good plan stan! Realistically, you should be looking for a model with a recognizable brand and in order to do that, you'll have to come to the table with a better offer than only rev share.
But if you do it right, professionally and patiently you could possible partner with a model who will drive sales through her recognition and following as well.

What would you say would be a better offer? I have no idea what that might be but this is a steep learning curve for me as you have seen.
What would you say would be a better offer? I have no idea what that might be but this is a steep learning curve for me as you have seen.
step one frando.
What would you say would be a better offer? I have no idea what that might be but this is a steep learning curve for me as you have seen.

we've told you what a better offer would be.. 1k (minimum)...
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As the business owner, if you have any faith at all in your product, offering a $20 or even a $5 rev share would be insane. You're much better off paying the 1k up front, rather than royalties forever. These models have done you a huge favor by not accepting your proposal, and frankly, I worry about your plan if you're that flippant with your revenue projections.
Put on your Professional's Pants and hire a model directly from an agency or site that specializes in work for hire. Pay the fee. Be a big grown up in this "Adult" Industry, ahem.
As the business owner, if you have any faith at all in your product, offering a $20 or even a $5 rev share would be insane. You're much better off paying the 1k up front, rather than royalties forever. These models have done you a huge favor by not accepting your proposal, and frankly, I worry about your plan if you're that flippant with your revenue projections.

Look i'm just a guy who knows engineering with a project I think will fly, if I am flippant it's because i'm not some ruthless business shark who is all in for everything they can get - if I can get someone else on board who is willing to help out and go with this then I am all up for making a fair deal with someone. I am naive I admit but not stupid I would take away any ideas and suggestions and analyse them. I am not having a go at you by the way I just want to explain my situation. I have a wife I need to look after financially as well as a being a full time professional in another career with average pay. I don't have a lot of financial assets or experience in the adult entertainment industry but I do have a lot of interest in mechanics and I am very practical.

I have made peripherals for the VR (virtual reality) market this past 12 months so pretty confident sourcing/creating/assembling products. Re pay the $1000 fee and 'man-up' etc I did say I would continue this after I raised the funding for a model so that is the current state of it I hope that is clear.
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Fair enough, I offer my apologies, a ton of people come in here and suggest hair brained schemes at a fairly frequent basis, so around here people tend to have their hackles raised.

If I understand correctly, your first request was for a custom video to be used in the crowdfunding proposal, and not to resell the video? If that's the case, and can be agreed upon, what about a compromise, say $500 up front with a 5$ royalty for the first 150 models ($750) sold at a non crowdfunded price. (The reason for this, is that I assume the bulk of the original models would go at near cost or massively discounted rate.) The model still makes some up front money, with the promise that her video won't be resold, and if the product succeeds, she'll get more than the 1k. You will also not be stuck paying royalties in perpetuity.

This is merely suggestion, I am not a model, they might think this is just as ridiculous, but it would certainly bode better with both parties.
Why are you so set on there being a model in the video? If it's a good product, it will sell itself. Not a video of a girl licking something not related to the product (based on what your previous thread said). Just my 2 cents.
Fair enough, I offer my apologies, a ton of people come in here and suggest hair brained schemes at a fairly frequent basis, so around here people tend to have their hackles raised.

If I understand correctly, your first request was for a custom video to be used in the crowdfunding proposal, and not to resell the video? If that's the case, and can be agreed upon, what about a compromise, say $500 up front with a 5$ royalty for the first 150 models ($750) sold at a non crowdfunded price. (The reason for this, is that I assume the bulk of the original models would go at near cost or massively discounted rate.) The model still makes some up front money, with the promise that her video won't be resold, and if the product succeeds, she'll get more than the 1k. You will also not be stuck paying royalties in perpetuity.

This is merely suggestion, I am not a model, they might think this is just as ridiculous, but it would certainly bode better with both parties.

Right you are not a model.... so no. This thing may never sell - Nobody wants fucking royalties unless it's something that is actually going to sell, his original idea of coming up with the money and then hiring the model and paying her 1k is the best possible solution. Unless this thing goes crazy in the crowd funding stage than no one is going to want royalties.

If this product is SOOO amazing he shouldn't need a "hot girl" to sell it.

EDIT LMAO-> I posted mine seconds after yours. Great minds think a like @Zana
Hence the "This is merely a suggestion, I am not a model, they might think this is ridiculous," I admit I'm not a model, but you keep speaking like you are all models.
Fair enough, I offer my apologies, a ton of people come in here and suggest hair brained schemes at a fairly frequent basis, so around here people tend to have their hackles raised.

If I understand correctly, your first request was for a custom video to be used in the crowdfunding proposal, and not to resell the video? If that's the case, and can be agreed upon, what about a compromise, say $500 up front with a 5$ royalty for the first 150 models ($750) sold at a non crowdfunded price. (The reason for this, is that I assume the bulk of the original models would go at near cost or massively discounted rate.) The model still makes some up front money, with the promise that her video won't be resold, and if the product succeeds, she'll get more than the 1k. You will also not be stuck paying royalties in perpetuity.

This is merely suggestion, I am not a model, they might think this is just as ridiculous, but it would certainly bode better with both parties.

Crikey no need to apologise it is really hard to make any judgement call from someone online so I just wanted to clarify my position, thanks for the reply re the 50% up front cut. Someone already mentioned that, a few people actually but I don't think that will fly.

@Zana you are right it will still sell without it but as @BiancaBaker pointed out earlier, sex sells - big time. I don't 'need' it in the video but having an attractive model in there will definitely have more appeal to the customers. This is all leaves in the wind though I think i'm going for the cold launch without the video and set it as a stretch goal maybe to have a model feature for the product.
I can personally say, I've never bought a sex toy before that has used a model in videos. Because it's not about her, it's about the product. I prefer a more clean/sleek look of just the product on show. But that's just me.
I can personally say, I've never bought a sex toy before that has used a model in videos. Because it's not about her, it's about the product. I prefer a more clean/sleek look of just the product on show. But that's just me.

In my view, guys mostly think with their, well. I think some guys would buy a cheeseburger if it had a hot woman eating it, it's just how we are hard wired. That is not to say women don't enjoy seeing nice guys or girls but I think heterosexual guys just instantly tune in to that vibe - it is exploited in a lot of adverts. That is just an opinion based on my own experiences.
Why are you so set on there being a model in the video? If it's a good product, it will sell itself. Not a video of a girl licking something not related to the product (based on what your previous thread said). Just my 2 cents.

I've been wondering this myself. What on earth does a model licking an ice lolly have to do with a sex toy?

In my view, guys mostly think with their, well. I think some guys would buy a cheeseburger if it had a hot woman eating it, it's just how we are hard wired. That is not to say women don't enjoy seeing nice guys or girls but I think heterosexual guys just instantly tune in to that vibe - it is exploited in a lot of adverts. That is just an opinion based on my own experiences.

So... Are you saying that this is a toy for dudes, then? What even is it? Most male sex toy ads I've seen are either pictures of buff dudes, or just the toy. Using the image of a woman to advertise makes consumers think that the toy is for women.
I've been wondering this myself. What on earth does a model licking an ice lolly have to do with a sex toy?

So... Are you saying that this is a toy for dudes, then? What even is it? Most male sex toy ads I've seen are either pictures of buff dudes, or just the toy. Using the image of a woman to advertise makes consumers think that the toy is for women.
This. I've been assuming it was for women because of how it was being talked about. As someone who worked graphic design and ad work you need to define your demographic and focus only on them. If you keep saying you want a hot chick because dudes, women assume it's for men. If it is for men, look at how male sex toys are sold from big and successful retailers. You need to do a bit of marketing research from the sounds of it, and that alone can take almost a full 40 work hours.

Figure that out before hiring someone for a video. It'll save you a future headache when/if focus groups tell you the ad confused them.
This. I've been assuming it was for women because of how it was being talked about. As someone who worked graphic design and ad work you need to define your demographic and focus only on them. If you keep saying you want a hot chick because dudes, women assume it's for men. If it is for men, look at how male sex toys are sold from big and successful retailers. You need to do a bit of marketing research from the sounds of it, and that alone can take almost a full 40 work hours.

Figure that out before hiring someone for a video. It'll save you a future headache when/if focus groups tell you the ad confused them.

I'm gonna go with my gut on this one - reason: all male sex toys are f****** awful period. I certainly wouldn't be drawn to an advert with a buff guy on it, I know you will have problems visualising why my product would work with this but as I have not stated what it is that is not anyone's fault.

Honestly I am horrified at how terrible male sex toys are, there are a hundred kazillion sex toys for women, real inventive ones. Then there is the mens, oh dear. Well I gave up hoping for one to get made so just rolled up my sleeves and did it. It was the same with VR, something I wanted didn't exist so I just went ahead and made it and I sold hundreds, another few went today.

I know this might not sound right to everyone but just because things are the way they are it doesn't mean to say they have to stay that way. Even if my product fails it will be the first in a wave that will just roll on, it is inevitable like trying to hold back the tide. It is nothing earth-shattering or unique or unheard of, it is just something I really wanted that did not exist to buy so I made it. It was so good I wanted other people to have that experience too. Anyway sorry I will jump off the soap box off to bed now thanks for replying :)
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I'm gonna go with my gut on this one - reason: all male sex toys are f****** awful period. I certainly wouldn't be drawn to an advert with a buff guy on it, I know you will have problems visualising why my product would work with this but as I have not stated what it is that is not anyone's fault.

Honestly I am horrified at how terrible male sex toys are, there are a hundred kazillion sex toys for women, real inventive ones. Then there is the mens, oh dear. Well I gave up hoping for one to get made so just rolled up my sleeves and did it. It was the same with VR, something I wanted didn't exist so I just went ahead and made it and I sold hundreds, another few went today.

I know this might not sound right to everyone but just because things are the way they are it doesn't mean to say they have to stay that way. Even if my product fails it will be the first in a wave that will just roll on, it is inevitable like trying to hold back the tide. It is nothing earth-shattering or unique or unheard of, it is just something I really wanted that did not exist to buy so I made it. It was so good I wanted other people to have that experience too. Anyway sorry I will jump off the soap box off to bed now thanks for replying :)

I was ALSO under the impression it was for ladies. If it's for dudes you need a buff dude.. Do some research...Again...

Yes YOU may not want to see a dude but the majority of men who are purchasing your product are going to want to look at a dude not a lady. These ladies are correct if you see male toys, you see male's being used as the promotion there is a reason for this.
I certainly wouldn't be drawn to an advert with a buff guy on it, I know you will have problems visualising why my product would work with this but as I have not stated what it is that is not anyone's fault.

Go into a sex shop and look at toy packaging. 99% of the toys with women on the packaging are for either women or couples. The rest are strokers for dudes that were molded off a female pornstar's vag, mouth, or ass, so if you're buying the Bree Olson's Ass stroker, Bree Olson is on the packaging, with "Fuck Bree's Ass" in huge letters. If people see advertising with women, they're going to assume that the toy is for women, because that's how the sex toy industry advertises.

You'll also see that some companies forgo using people to advertise entirely, and just focus on why their toy is awesome. Since you don't want to advertise with a dude, you should go this route. It also solves your problem with finding a model - your toy is the model! Showcase why it's innovative. Why it's different. Why it's unique.
Ooooh, in the first thread he said it was for oral sex and wanted to show the model getting into position. I thought he was saying a woman was going down on another woman... And licking a lollipop, which I assumed was supposed to make you think of licking a clit.
I guess we know where my mind is at...

So this is a dick sucking device, then?
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Ooooh, in the first thread he said it was for oral sex and wanted to show the model getting into position. I thought he was saying a woman was going down on another woman... And licking a lollipop, which I assumed was supposed to make you think of licking a clit.
I guess we know where my mind is at...

So this is a dick sucking device, then?

Sorry to disappoint ladies! I can't say what it is yet but just ask any guy, any guy...if he had a magic wand what sex toy he would want if anything was possible. His answer would be this I am pretty sure.

Re a man on the box...just no! Haha I concede every other point but just NO you are all so wrong about this point. As a heterosexual male the very last thing I want to look at is some dude in his pants. Ain't gonna happen even if I don't sell a single one lol :)
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Unless it's a fleshlight, having a female model would make absolutely no sense. And if it is a fleshlight, what makes your product so ~unique~ that it's so hush hush? I can bet nothing. No one will model for something if they don't even know what it is.
Unless it's a fleshlight, having a female model would make absolutely no sense. And if it is a fleshlight, what makes your product so ~unique~ that it's so hush hush? I can bet nothing. No one will model for something if they don't even know what it is.

I did offer full disclosure to people I was working with. I wouldn't expect anyone to work on something like this without full transparency.
yeah, I'll wait for a few reviews to start popping up
you don't want to find out about the chance of a degloving injury the hard way
Put on your Professional's Pants and hire a model directly from an agency

I'm curious if it's just being naive that leads to this not being the first option for a few recent people that have made threads here. It really is as simple as you suggest. Hard not to assume sometimes that people are looking for cheap labor but I wonder if just being a noob is more often to blame.
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