AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Revised version of previous 'looking to hire actor for crowdfunding project' thread

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Apr 3, 2017
Hi there based on fantastic feedback from the community here I wanted to run this idea past you guys to see what you think. I was initially unrealistic of costs involved with hiring a model for a crowdfunding video, this was purely down to ignorance as this is all new to me. I have been thinking about how to go about doing this when I had an idea this morning.

So this adult sex toy product I am crowdfunding has a chance to really fly, it is unique and there is a chance it might go viral. That is just the best case scenario but I honestly believe it might happen, right here is the plan...

Instead of hiring a model I propose instead selling the initial video (none pornographic) along with each product as part of the package, that way the model would make $20 per sale. This would be legally contracted. Now here is the thing, this product would require additional videos which could feature adult content post-crowdfunding, I wanted to sign the media rights of the product over to the model so they have sole ownership on the website of all downloaded content for the product. They could create 3 POV videos of the product in different positions available to purchase for customers along with offering customs as required for more money.

There are 3 types of product 2 aimed at women and 1 men so the model could sub-contract to other colleagues who could also sell these product specific POV videos on the website. They could claim a percentage of sales etc.

Finally the product could be named after the model so if it does go viral the name would be widely promoted if that is what they desired.

So far more binding than I originally planned but I wanted to run it past everyone here and see what you thought?

Please note - don't get too caught up on what my product is I am just theorycrafting here to see if this sounds more tempting an offer than just paying for a clip for a public audience.

Whether the material is porn or not YOUR using OUR image which COST $$$. I don't think you understand that or are just not educated in the adult industry (which scares me since you are launching a sex toy aimed women/men) You are still doing this wrong...

Your just being cheap and not wanting to pay a model. $20??? per sale what if NONE sell. Then my time and effort goes to $0. You need to pay a girl around 1k (like previously stated) for her image, video's , all your asking is worth WAYYYYY more than $20 per sale.. On a sale we don't know if it will ever happen.

You will never find a girl if you don't just pay her. End of story.

Whether the material is porn or not YOUR using OUR image which COST $$$. I don't think you understand that or are just not educated in the adult industry (which scares me since you are launching a sex toy aimed women/men) You are still doing this wrong...

Your just being cheap and not wanting to pay a model. $20??? per sale what if NONE sell. Then my time and effort goes to $0. You need to pay a girl around 1k (like previously stated) for her image, video's , all your asking is worth WAYYYYY more than $20 per sale.. On a sale we don't know if it will ever happen.

You will never find a girl if you don't just pay her. End of story.

Thanks BiancaBaker I am a little surprised that this offer still does not sound good, personally I think it sounds over-generous. Effectively signing a portion of my own business over making someone a partner for a product they will not physically make - that is the hard part manufacturing, that much I am all too familiar with. Ok yes it might only sell one or two but it might sell thousands or tens of thousands, that's pushing in to 6 figure numbers for returns on what are 2-4 minute videos. It would be a partnership in a project that might fail it might succeed there is always a risk when you launch something new to the market.

If the product takes off then it becomes its own marketing platform for the model to sell from and sub-contract out to other models. That $20 was for the free-be addition to the product that would in all likelyhood be replaced pretty quick by a more adult themed purchase from the buyer.

Do you honestly think someone is sitting around out there perhaps struggling to get noticed, who are not famous or well-recognised, who would not consider the chance of an opportunity like that for a couple of hours filming?
Thanks BiancaBaker I am a little surprised that this offer still does not sound good, personally I think it sounds over-generous.

Put yourself on the model's shoes. What you are asking is for a stranger to have trust in a product idea that hasn't even been made. To trust your idea enough to make adult videos for you with only the promise of future sales as an incentive. You will make your campaign, use her image and plaster it all over the internet without her seeing a dime, and if the product flops not only will she have lost her time, her image will have suffered damages online, not only because of the adult content being out there, but because her name will be tied to a product that flopped.

A model will be wise to reject this offer considering the high probability that your product will not be successful. I am not trying to be negative, it is just the odds considering how many adult toys there are already out there, how fierce the competition is between toy makers, and the lack of professionalism that I perceive from your posts.

Your offer could be interesting if you present it as a way to lower the model's initial quote. Say I wanted $1000 for this and you can't go that high. You can try to persuade me to lower my price to $500 by promising to pay me $20 for every single toy you sell. It will be a risk for both of us: if it flops I will lose half of what I originally wanted but you would have saved yourself 500 bucks. If it becomes a great success, then you would have to pay me $20 per toy indefinitely, and I would have made more money than I was expecting to make out of the deal. This is why it would be appealing, although I have to admit there are more risks involved for the model considering the probabilities of your toy becoming a huge success are rather dim and in order to gain 500 you would have to sell at least 25 toys.

I personally wouldn't take that risk, but I am sure there are people who would, IF you pay them something substantial for their work regardless of the outcome. And keep in mind my $1000 price was for the non-sexual video only. If you want a series of adult videos using explicit penetration, that is not something I would be comfortable doing for any price because I am not a porn actress.

Seriously? If you don't have enough money to get custom content made to promote your product, skip that part! Shoot a video of yourself talking and explaining what the toy does and how excited you are about the project. It will sound more honest and pull people in. You know how many videos of women sucking on a lollipop suggestively we have all seen already?
Why don't I just upload a 2-4 minute clip to one of the many clip sites that already exist, for the price of $20, and hope it sells thousands or tens of thousands of times? I mean, that's literally the career of many of the people you are addressing here. So many of us make and sell clips as our sole income and understand the expected return for our time. There is also something to be said for maintaining control of how your image is used. So, perhaps that helps to give you some perspective as to why signing on to your project for potentially no return seems less than desirable. It makes you the unnecessary middleman in the work we are already doing.

I do believe that you are trying to promote your project, above all, and not simply trying to undercut performers. But you need to straight up offer a decent amount for the work you are asking for. If you don't understand the going rates, you're not going to get a good response.
Ok thank you again for the honest feedback it is a risk for me too, I have already put a lot of time and money to get this far. I will probably have to go the route as Kitsune suggested and just feature the product without the additional pull of a video representation of it. There may be someone like-minded who is willing to take a risk but as you say it is a risk like any crowdfunded project. Damn I thought that offer sounded genuinely attractive that time, oh well back to the drawing board!
Please note - don't get too caught up on what my product is I am just theorycrafting here to see if this sounds more tempting an offer than just paying for a clip for a public audience.

Sounds a lot like "do not worry your pretty little head about icky business stuff bb"
Ok thank you again for the honest feedback it is a risk for me too, I have already put a lot of time and money to get this far. I will probably have to go the route as Kitsune suggested and just feature the product without the additional pull of a video representation of it. There may be someone like-minded who is willing to take a risk but as you say it is a risk like any crowdfunded project. Damn I thought that offer sounded genuinely attractive that time, oh well back to the drawing board!
The offer sounds attractive if you are under the assumption that you will be wildly successful. Which, of course you are! It's your project. Meanwhile, if it never makes it off the ground, or sells a paltry number of units, it sounds pretty shitty. Whoever you pay for this definitely ought to be paid up-front, with any rev-share as an added benefit.

Am I jaded? Look through past threads for all the failed/deserted "I'm going to make bank in the adult biz with my fresh new idea!" conversations.
Agreeing with ALL these ladies, You just don't understand that it's still OUR image. Your wanting A LOT for POTENTIAL money. Would you take a job that pays you nothing in HOPES it will pay someday? NO. You take a job, You get paid and thats that. I understand this is a little different but it's the same concept to a model. I'm not going to waste my time setting up all my lights, putting on makeup, making your clips (with my high end recording stuff) make these AMAZING POV shots and edit it perfectly and it's beautiful. Put all this time and effort into it (because even a short clip takes time to shoot/edit/render) Your not factoring in OUR time that is going into it and then just expect us to not get paid. Come on now. You can use common sense, there are SOOO many sex toys (and one's that fail way to often) how do we know yours is THAT amazing? What if it sucks? You won't give much info or anything. I've said it from the beginning your not going to find a model. If you do you will have to expand your budget to 1k like stated. Maybe no video/girl until it gets successful? That seems to be your only option.

If it was me I would dish out the money and hire someone to promote my brand but this is the difference from me to you. I've been in the business 5 years with a TON of experience and I know sex sells. I also know a hot chick to promote a sex toy looks way better than no chick.
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Smart, @BiancaBaker. If it's to be crowdfunded, let's say the video part only comes after you've secured a set amount of funding that includes your talent budget, therefore allowing you to pay the performer whatever the agreed amount is. Best concrete idea so far.

OP, I think you might have a hard time getting much interest before you explain what the actual product is. I think @Kitsune was wise to say you should produce something explaining the product yourself. Then you have something to present to potential performers when asking for their involvement, as well as something to present in the first leg of your fundraiser.
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Do you honestly think someone is sitting around out there perhaps struggling to get noticed, who are not famous or well-recognised, who would not consider the chance of an opportunity like that for a couple of hours filming?

These really bugs me. Asking them to work for free on a "chance of an opportunity" is bad and cheap but then saying maybe it's someone struggling makes it seem exploitative.

If you believe in your product, invest in it. Hire a super hot girl and pay her a decent amount. If you are only willing to pay revshare, that to me makes you seem unsure of what you're selling and unwilling to make an investment into its success which doesn't bode well for the model accepting revshare.
Sounds good I will run the first crowdfunder on just the weight of the prototype and get back when I have more funds. The reason it is crowdfunded to start with is because I just can't throw down thousands on something that might not make it, not in my present circumstances.

I started off with just a 10 second clip of a clothed model just getting down to a pose though, even filmed anonymously over the rear shoulder I can't really do it without that. How much would that cost do you think? I would suggest a price but I have a feeling it would be wildly wrong again :)
These really bugs me. Asking them to work for free on a "chance of an opportunity" is bad and cheap but then saying maybe it's someone struggling makes it seem exploitative.

If you believe in your product, invest in it. Hire a super hot girl and pay her a decent amount. If you are only willing to pay revshare, that to me makes you seem unsure of what you're selling and unwilling to make an investment into its success which doesn't bode well for the model accepting revshare.
This is exactly why I phrased my first response the way I did, I want to give the benefit of the doubt, but this specific part honestly does sound so gross and if you are going to work in the adult industry, an industry already plagued by people who want to swoop in to get a piece of that sweet adult industry pie for little to no effort of their own, you need to take care to not come off as exploitative. And this sounds like you are trying to take advantage of a ~down on her luck~ sexworker.
This is exactly why I phrased my first response the way I did, I want to give the benefit of the doubt, but this specific part honestly does sound so gross and if you are going to work in the adult industry, an industry already plagued by people who want to swoop in to get a piece of that sweet adult industry pie for little to no effort of their own, you need to take care to not come off as exploitative. And this sounds like you are trying to take advantage of a ~down on her luck~ sexworker.

I don't think someone willing to take a chance on a project is exploitation in the sense of preying on the vulnerable, the way it is being portrayed there. That was not my intention anyway sorry if it came across like that. Not everyone is going to be successful and it is just a fact of life at times you need to take a chance on things if you want to try for it. Look I was just giving the other side to the argument that not everyone is going to snub every opportunity below $1000, I was considering the possibility some people might be willing to negotiate that's all without outright dismissing it. That might be a deluded opinion but it is just an opinion.
As free as you are to put it up for negotiation, I am free to put it out there that anyone considering this should also consider that their work and personal image is worth more than a potential $20 x whatever profit for some random's project. I guess that's where I'm at now, because you haven't really shown much interest in taking the opinions given seriously. It seems like you are just waiting for someone to be like, "omg yeah I'll do that for $20! Sign me up!" I just hope they read further before they lock themselves into anything, and realize that they deserve more for their efforts. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

OP, what is your product? Still waiting to find out. How can you expect anyone to want to be involved in the marketing of a product shrouded in mystery?
not everyone is going to snub every opportunity below $1000, I was considering the possibility some people might be willing to negotiate that's all without outright dismissing it. That might be a deluded opinion but it is just an opinion.

There is always room for negotiation but what you are proposing is: instead of paying a model 1000 let's pay her 0 with a possibility of earning 20 for each toy we sell... :think:
Smart, @BiancaBaker. If it's to be crowdfunded, let's say the video part only comes after you've secured a set amount of funding that includes your talent budget, therefore allowing you to pay the performer whatever the agreed amount is. Best concrete idea so far.

OP, I think you might have a hard time getting much interest before you explain what the actual product is. I think @Kitsune was wise to say you should produce something explaining the product yourself. Then you have something to present to potential performers when asking for their involvement, as well as something to present in the first leg of your fundraiser.

AND this is why ONE OF US should start something because these guys have 0 ideas or knowledge. It's like we have told him 5 million times he has to pay models.

Sounds good I will run the first crowdfunder on just the weight of the prototype and get back when I have more funds. The reason it is crowdfunded to start with is because I just can't throw down thousands on something that might not make it, not in my present circumstances.

I started off with just a 10 second clip of a clothed model just getting down to a pose though, even filmed anonymously over the rear shoulder I can't really do it without that. How much would that cost do you think? I would suggest a price but I have a feeling it would be wildly wrong again :)

Your still not understanding 10 seconds does not take 10 seconds in OUR world. YOU NEED to pay a model what she is worth and just realize that. Even with over the shoulder your using OUR image. AGAIN. What don't you understand that our image is $$$$$$$$$$$ ??? YOU just said to yourself why should you INVEST thousands... WELL then why the FUCKKK would I do this for $20 and MAYBE MORE? come on now...

Just save your $$$ until you can hire a girl and do it right the first time around dude. Seriously.
This could also be an elaborate hoax and a dude is just trying to get cheap videos with his weird egg beater robot.
This could also be an elaborate hoax and a dude is just trying to get cheap videos with his weird egg beater robot.
lol as I've been saying all along, trying to give the bro the benefit of the doubt, but every post makes it seem more like...

Why am I so nice?????
Well sorry again if anything I have said has annoyed anyone it was not my intention. I came here looking for advice and you have all been very willing to offer it and I am very grateful.

I did respond somewhere up there that I thought the best option given all your feedback was to launch the product first then fund a video later down the line, I just think it got buried in answers above.

This is a genuine product incidentally when it launches I will pop back so you can all have a giggle at it, especially if it fails! :)
This could also be an elaborate hoax and a dude is just trying to get cheap videos with his weird egg beater robot.

What I've been thinking this entire time, tbh....
Hi there based on fantastic feedback from the community here I wanted to run this idea past you guys to see what you think. I was initially unrealistic of costs involved with hiring a model for a crowdfunding video, this was purely down to ignorance as this is all new to me. I have been thinking about how to go about doing this when I had an idea this morning.

So this adult sex toy product I am crowdfunding has a chance to really fly, it is unique and there is a chance it might go viral. That is just the best case scenario but I honestly believe it might happen, right here is the plan...

Instead of hiring a model I propose instead selling the initial video (none pornographic) along with each product as part of the package, that way the model would make $20 per sale. This would be legally contracted. Now here is the thing, this product would require additional videos which could feature adult content post-crowdfunding, I wanted to sign the media rights of the product over to the model so they have sole ownership on the website of all downloaded content for the product. They could create 3 POV videos of the product in different positions available to purchase for customers along with offering customs as required for more money.

There are 3 types of product 2 aimed at women and 1 men so the model could sub-contract to other colleagues who could also sell these product specific POV videos on the website. They could claim a percentage of sales etc.

Finally the product could be named after the model so if it does go viral the name would be widely promoted if that is what they desired.

So far more binding than I originally planned but I wanted to run it past everyone here and see what you thought?

Please note - don't get too caught up on what my product is I am just theorycrafting here to see if this sounds more tempting an offer than just paying for a clip for a public audience.
This seems interesting. Can you say more about it? How does one get involved?
I cringed when I saw this post with ANOTHER proposal and proceeded to read everything to see that my original question still wasn't answered. I feel like I'm running in a circle at this point.

I'd also like to add my experience with this sort of proposal:
I made the mistake of going along with one particular cameraman who wanted to set up a website marketing clips of girls reading and orgasaming from wand. Paid me 50 bucks for ten minutes wearing my legging and cute shirt which I thought was neat AND he went on to explain in fancy terms that I'd get paid every time someone buy the clip but I failed to realize... he have no business yet. But no worries, it'll get going soon. That was two years ago. Still not being paid. I really thought I'd be rich by now. It will happen next year! ... who am I fooling?

I cringed when I saw this post with ANOTHER proposal and proceeded to read everything to see that my original question still wasn't answered. I feel like I'm running in a circle at this point.

I'd also like to add my experience with this sort of proposal:
I made the mistake of going along with one particular cameraman who wanted to set up a website marketing clips of girls reading and orgasaming from wand. Paid me 50 bucks for ten minutes wearing my legging and cute shirt which I thought was neat AND he went on to explain in fancy terms that I'd get paid every time someone buy the clip but I failed to realize... he have no business yet. But no worries, it'll get going soon. That was two years ago. Still not being paid. I really thought I'd be rich by now. It will happen next year! ... who am I fooling?


Hi sorry I missed which question was not answered?

Incidentally the level of skepticism on this forum is really a nice thing to witness, I have stated a few times now it feels like a very protective environment. This is just theorycrafting sounding out ideas I understand if any 'hiring' was taking place on this forum or anywhere else I would be offering a fully worked out legal contract and full disclosure on my product.

I think my route is going to be offering a movie clip/actor for my product as a stretch goal on the crowdfunding so that when the money is available then I can talk with prospective models. @BiancaBaker has been very consistent with her feedback that the pricing should start around the $1000 mark - I cannot argue with that because to have an argument I would need to have a valid counter and as I am here for advice, well if the people you are asking in the business tell you that's how it is, well that's how it is!

@Magnolia I would like to get back to this forum when the product is being crowdfunded to update and possibly pursue hiring any prospective models when the funding is in place. Originally I had hoped to partner up with someone early on to take a chance together on a product but this has been shot down in flames here so I concede that will not happen now. The whole crowdfunding is a catch 22 really, I wanted a nice video early on to attract customers to give the crowdfunding chance to succeed but that video would cost money I am already trying to raise so that's that I guess.

Just to comment on the mods here thank you so much for allowing these threads to go on, I have learned a lot in a few days and I am very grateful to every single comment made cheers :)
Hi sorry I missed which question was not answered?

Incidentally the level of skepticism on this forum is really a nice thing to witness, I have stated a few times now it feels like a very protective environment. This is just theorycrafting sounding out ideas I understand if any 'hiring' was taking place on this forum or anywhere else I would be offering a fully worked out legal contract and full disclosure on my product.

I think my route is going to be offering a movie clip/actor for my product as a stretch goal on the crowdfunding so that when the money is available then I can talk with prospective models. @BiancaBaker has been very consistent with her feedback that the pricing should start around the $1000 mark - I cannot argue with that because to have an argument I would need to have a valid counter and as I am here for advice, well if the people you are asking in the business tell you that's how it is, well that's how it is!

@Magnolia I would like to get back to this forum when the product is being crowdfunded to update and possibly pursue hiring any prospective models when the funding is in place. Originally I had hoped to partner up with someone early on to take a chance together on a product but this has been shot down in flames here so I concede that will not happen now. The whole crowdfunding is a catch 22 really, I wanted a nice video early on to attract customers to give the crowdfunding chance to succeed but that video would cost money I am already trying to raise so that's that I guess.

Just to comment on the mods here thank you so much for allowing these threads to go on, I have learned a lot in a few days and I am very grateful to every single comment made cheers :)

Im consistent because I have been doing this very successfully for 5 years and still going :) I know what it takes to sell a product (or I wouldn't be in this industry or as successful as I have been). Like I said I would have saved all the start up money and hired a model (because you are right having a face/body to promote a sex toy IS the way to go) since you don't have the capital your going to have to start crowdfunding and gathering $$$$ then come back. Im sure you will find someone if your product is great, and you can show the progress of $$ you have made and the projected sales. Make sure when signing contracts to use 2257 forms and take ID's of any model you use. Make sure the contract is fair/legit (GIRLS WILL READ everything).
This could also be an elaborate hoax and a dude is just trying to get cheap videos with his weird egg beater robot.

egg beater robot sex video

gets 476,000 hits on google

just sayin'

go for it ladies there's a biiiigggg market there

LOL best part is the "Easy Beat Egg Masturbator" because it comes in a 6-pack. I hope they ship it in one of those half-dozen egg cartons

Screen Shot 2017-04-06 at 11.19.00 AM.png
On a serious note, I think the average ambercutie forum camgirl has so much business acumen it's unreal -- when I think about trying to juggle promotion, social media, computer skills, modeling/lighting/sound/makeup/fashion/props/games, not to mention taxes, not to mention dealing with member egos, not to mention being fun and bubbly and sexy and entertaining NO MATTER WHAT, not to mention a lot of other stuff I'm forgetting to mention -- I'm glad all I have to do is be supportive and squeeze out some tokens and I get the results of all of that. Not to mention boobs.

thanks ladies :)
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