AmberCutie's Forum
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reconnecting with old regulars

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I haven't posted recently, hopefully will be back soon!
Inactive Cam Model
Jan 17, 2016
the boonies
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I took a 4+ year break from camming and I've already met a couple of cool members this week, but I have a friends list full of my old regulars. Would it be somehow rude of me to drop them a PM letting them know I'm back? I've changed my name so I worry that they don't recognize me or something, but I don't want to be presumptuous. I tend to feel awkward messaging members who don't PM me first in case they're in another model's room. I'm not the competitive type and I don't want them to think I'm trying to monopolize their attention. Am I overthinking this?
I mean I'd pm them :3 especially since your name changed.
If it was me I'd definitely prefer a PM. The danger is they see it as you force peddling your wares on them, but considering you changed your name I think that makes it a valid reason to give them a heads up. If a model I enjoyed hanging out came back with a name change, I'd personally be ecstatic to hear she had returned and flattered that she remembered me to send me a heads up in the first place.

I don't really get weird about models PM'ing me in general though, I actually like the attention, as long as they understand that it doesn't guarantee tips from me.
I think you're over thinking things a tad. Personally I'd be very happy if I got a PM from a model who I thought had quit a long time ago saying she had decided to come back also I'd be happy she remembered me, even if she didn't really and I was just in her list.

Is there any way for models to see when people on their friend list last logged in? Just wondered becuase theres also a good chance that a lot of your old friends may have left MFC too.
I think you're over thinking things a tad. Personally I'd be very happy if I got a PM from a model who I thought had quit a long time ago saying she had decided to come back also I'd be happy she remembered me, even if she didn't really and I was just in her list.

Is there any way for models to see when people on their friend list last logged in? Just wondered becuase theres also a good chance that a lot of your old friends may have left MFC too.
I'm not sure what it would look like from the member's side but on our profile options there's a page to look at your friends and it shows their last login, either "last 7 days" or in months/years. I already cleared out anyone who hadn't been on in more than a year and I've seen quite a few of the ones remaining on my online friends list just in the past week.
I'm gonna offer my own stance on this that may differ from everyone else here.... prepare for a little bluntness...

Let me first ask, did you stop camming with or without noticing your regs? If you did stop without so much as announcing a hiatus, retirement, or what not... well it's not exactly leaving on bad terms, but it's not leaving on good terms either. Especially when you've taken a 4+ years break, that's it for me. I'm more than likely moved on from you and wouldn't return as a regular.

If you didn't make any announcement of your hiatus, AND i've developed a close bond with you prior to your break, that makes the situation worse. I can tell you that i've had a real life close friend disappear on me for years - all communication cut off and being ignored, etc - only to reappear again and be like, "Hey i'm back. did you miss me?" as if nothing skipped a beat. Long story short, there was a lot of frustration and hurt from that experience. Now i understand this is camland where circumstances are very different from real life, but emotions are still real. Going back to the camworld, many models that i formerly frequented had abruptly retired without notice. A couple of them had made a comeback, but by then they're still considered retired in my mind since i've moved on.
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Being around mfc as long as I have, I have had a few "post MFC break" mails. I was happy to hear from them and while I didnt spend as much time as I had previously, it was still fun to catch up. Also, even tho you are most likely going thru old chats or tipper lists, it's nice to feel that you were remembered enough to warrant a note to say hi. :)
@mutantdonut I'm not sure I explicitly told anyone that I was leaving, but quite a few of my regulars knew I had some bad life stuff going on off-cam and it was fairly obvious that I was having trouble keeping a good attitude online. I'm going to give it a shot sometime this weekend because the worst that can happen is they ignore me or tell me they aren't interested, and I've learned not to take that kind of stuff personally. Thanks for your input!
I'm gonna offer my own stance on this that may differ from everyone else here.... prepare for a little bluntness...

Let me first ask, did you stop camming with or without noticing your regs? If you did stop without so much as announcing a hiatus, retirement, or what not... well it's not exactly leaving on bad terms, but it's not leaving on good terms either. Especially when you've taken a 4+ years break, that's it for me. I'm more than likely moved on from you and wouldn't return as a regular.

If you didn't make any announcement of your hiatus, AND i've developed a close bond with you prior to your break, that makes the situation worse. I can tell you that i've had a real life close friend disappear on me for years - all communication cut off and being ignored, etc - only to reappear again and be like, "Hey i'm back. did you miss me?" as if nothing skipped a beat. Long story short, there was a lot of frustration and hurt from that experience. Now i understand this is camland where circumstances are very different from real life, but emotions are still real. Going back to the camworld, many models that i formerly frequented had abruptly retired without notice. A couple of them had made a comeback, but by then they're still considered retired in my mind since i've moved on.

This is camland, not real life. This is first and foremost a business for models. I think it's sweet that many worry about annoying customers with spam, putting members in awkward spots with other models, etc.
But really there are only three type of members on MFCs, customers, potential customers, and non-customers. I think many models worry too much about upsetting non-customer.

Let's imagine the worse case scenario, your favorite model who you really thought had a connection to just up and disappears without any warning. Twitter, IG, MFC account, snap chat, email all gone. To make it even worse, you had just tipped her a lot of tokens for things like snapchat for life, her club, custom videos. You are understandably pissed off.
Two years later she re-appears. She sends you and me and all her old regulars a PM or MFC mail, saying hey I'm back, and I really need your help cause I'm saving up for my trip to Tahiti with my new hunky boyfriend.:envy: (Note this definitely a bad bad way of announcing your return :shake:).

Now your reaction would be probably something along the line "the nerve of this chick", no way I'm going to give this chick another token, until she gives me an explanation, starts sending me snapchats, and gives me the custom video she owes me. Or you more likely you'll just say fuck it, I've moved on and ignore her. I, on the other hand, wasn't upset with her leaving, I just remember she was fun, and had a great ass. I might welcome the invitation and stop by her room and start tipping her. In her mind, as old regulars, we are both potential customers. Her pissing you off isn't her problem any more than me being annoyed that the newspaper keeps hounding me to resubscribe is the telemarketing guys problem. We are both almost certainly non-customers.
A model I was friends with for a couple years suddenly disappeared and since it was right after she had a "date raffle," I was kind of worried for her safety.

After a year or so, she PM'd me and we chatted via PMs for a good long time, and I felt nothing but glad she was ok, and contacted me. So, I wouldn't worry about anything...go ahead and PM or MFC mail your old friends. The ones who know what adult chat is all about will be glad to hear from you, and the ones who aren't, their loss.
This is camland, not real life. This is first and foremost a business for models. I think it's sweet that many worry about annoying customers with spam, putting members in awkward spots with other models, etc.
But really there are only three type of members on MFCs, customers, potential customers, and non-customers. I think many models worry too much about upsetting non-customer.
Let's imagine the worse case scenario, your favorite model who you really thought had a connection to just up and disappears without any warning. Twitter, IG, MFC account, snap chat, email all gone. To make it even worse, you had just tipped her a lot of tokens for things like snapchat for life, her club, custom videos. You are understandably pissed off.
Two years later she re-appears. She sends you and me and all her old regulars a PM or MFC mail, saying hey I'm back, and I really need your help cause I'm saving up for my trip to Tahiti with my new hunky boyfriend.
(Note this definitely a bad bad way of announcing your return

Now your reaction would be probably something along the line "the nerve of this chick", no way I'm going to give this chick another token, until she gives me an explanation, starts sending me snapchats, and gives me the custom video she owes me. Or you more likely you'll just say fuck it, I've moved on and ignore her. I, on the other hand, wasn't upset with her leaving, I just remember she was fun, and had a great ass. I might welcome the invitation and stop by her room and start tipping her. In her mind, as old regulars, we are both potential customers. Her pissing you off isn't her problem any more than me being annoyed that the newspaper keeps hounding me to resubscribe is the telemarketing guys problem. We are both almost certainly non-customers.

The oversight in the, "this is camland and not real life” is that there’s an actual slice of real life involved, that being emotional bonds forming regularly, which we see in the numerous examples spilled on ACF on varying topics. Otherwise, should i assume every model is putting on a farce purely for show, and that none of what she displays should be taken genuinely? I implied the business aspect of things in my above response already. That doesn’t shove aside the issue of emotional ties forming regularly. Considering such, sometimes a simple heads up is courteous, regardless of the internet or the real world. It goes a long way, even if it seemingly like a small thing

Here’s the thing about the use of “customers”... there’s an accuracy in that label, sure. But if that’s all we’re seen as, then it’s insulting for the very same reasons mentioned above. Despite the fact of having money involved doesn’t shade over the human side of what goes on in the camworld, so we’re not merely “potential customers” as much as models aren’t just pretty faces with hot bodies.

Lastly, like i said, this is my own stance and i come from a different situation having been burned before. I haven’t been severely burned by a model (thankfully), or at least not in the same sense as my friend did, and very few may agree to my response, but i make no apologies for my original statement for this is where i come from. I never overstep the boundaries, i simply walk away and move on. The overlap between camming and the real world has been implied numerous times on ACF, so there is an aspect of “real life” involved. I don’t think that can ignored.
4 years is a really long time. Longer than I've been on mfc. Some people on here seem to form new habits, and new friends when a model just takes a couple days off.

I think there is a way to say "I'm back" that isn't "I'm back, you may commence tipping" and I think it is your duty to try to find that. you should be going out of your way to not annoy potential customers.The fact that you're worried about this at all tells me you'll be fine with whatever you choose.

I would want to know you're back. I'd be hurt if you didn't tell me you were back. But then again, if I had an email for you, or some non-mfc way of communicating and you dropped that the second you left mfc, then its going to be in my mind that you're only my mfc friend; I'd already be hurt.

a newsfeed would be good for anyone who is online and still has you in their friends list.
Then i would go mfc mail. I dont know what the limit is for sending similar messages, but I think you'll run in to it and have to wait a while to send more.
PMs I'd reserve for anyone you were closer to, for the "I"m back" announcement. Its a bit demanding.

of course I"m replying to a post from last friday, so maybe this is all moot now :D
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