PlayboyMegan said:
Members: have you ever bought a raffle ticket or paid for a date with a model? How did it go?
If not, would you? Why/why not?
Never bought one.
Honestly? I don't know. I only like two models... so if it weren't them, not a cat in hells chance of buying a raffle - no interest in meeting the lady :lol:
If it were those two - I do not know. I would prefer that if they were willing to meet someone, they do it out of choice because they like the person - not because of the lottery of chance
However, I'd buy tickets because I support them

Would I attend if I won? Yes, if it was possible/reasonable. Whatever conditions they set would be fine.
But I'd prefer not to have a faux "date", I would prefer them to actually be more the "friend" and instead be a semi tour guide for the city. Take me to the sites, the tourist attractions.
That'd be
awesome. It also means bring along whomever you want - one has a boyfriend, he'd be welcome too as long as he wouldn't feel uncomfortable. If dinner and going out after was okay, then great. Group of friends would be a welcome addition as it'd be more fun
Having some faux "date" which is dinner in a restaurant would be boring. I wouldn't see the attraction in that.
PlayboyMegan said:
Both: If the model has sex with a member after he "bought" the date, is it, in your opinion, considered prostitution? Why/why not?
Only if the reason they are having sex with the member (*snicker at pun*) is because they
bought the ticket or that it was
part of the deal.
I don't discount the possibility that the date, for whomever it was, went well and they had genuine chemistry - that they may end up having sex. After all, lots of people sleep with others after meeting in bars, restaurants, shopping centres etc etc. Why should it not be possible for the exact same motivations as everyone else on the planet to have sex with someone.
I mean, if you buy someone a drink, or you pay the fee for a dating site, or buy them dinner - is that prostitution too? So I wouldn't judge the lady a prostitute if she slept with her "date" unless they're specifically paying for sex. Otherwise, it is entirely possible for people to meet, be extremely attracted to one another, and have sex.
I would just find it incredibly surprising if that happened on an MFC raffle date :lol: