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raffling off dates

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Inactive Cam Model
Oct 15, 2011
So i searched the dating thing, and I saw many threads about dating a model because she is interested in the member. I didn't see any on raffling off dates and doing it purely for money, but if there is one, I apologize in advance. Anyways, i see a lot of girls who raffle off dates.
Models: Have you done this? How did it go?
Would you do this? Why/why not?
Members: have you ever bought a raffle ticket or paid for a date with a model? How did it go?
If not, would you? Why/why not?
Both: If the model has sex with a member after he "bought" the date, is it, in your opinion, considered prostitution? Why/why not?
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Models: Have you done this? How did it go? No.
Would you do this? Why/why not? If I set strict boundaries (nothing physical), I had security, I paid for a separate driver for both of us so he couldn't follow me home, and it was in a public place. I would consider it.

Both: If the model has sex with a member after he "bought" the date, is it, in your opinion, considered prostitution? Why/why not?
If the model made it known there would be physical contact before hand, yes.
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The "prostitution" question is quite sticky. lol Presuming the date was paid for either directly or via a raffle or other contest, then it might be equivalent to going to a grocery store, buying some turnips and then paying the checkout person to drive you home. :)

If you then had sex with the person, and presumably had no prior expectations of such but it occurred spontaneously, then no, it's not prostitution.

If both the model and the member went through the entire transaction with a kind of mutual wink about what was really transpiring, then yeah, she's a hooker and he's a john. lol
Models: Have you done this? How did it go?
I did do this when I was a new model and it went really well. One of my nicest regulars won, hes an older gentleman he has always been very respectful. He came to visit me with his girlfriend and we went out to dinner and to the casino to play slots and have a few drinks. After we had lost enough money to the dang slots we said goodbye and parted ways. There was never a moment where I felt uncomfortable at all, and I am glad he was the one that won! His girlfriend was a riot and I had such a great time with them, they will probably be life long friends of mine.

Would you do this? Why/why not?
I am not sure if I will end up doing this again because it did cause some jealous among other regulars. I don't understand why because the raffle was won fair and square but it made a few guys feel like they weren't special because they didn't win.
Bocefish said:
Models who raffle off dates or set a price for their phone number should be red flags. They may as well raise the token whore flag in their topic. :twocents-02cents:

why is this a redflag?

TO the OP:

I've done it once and will be doing it again (sorta) for the AVN convention. It was an amazing experience the first time - one of my favourite regulars happened to win (who never wins SHIT lol) and he came and stayed with myself and a nother model, and both our significant others. It was an amazing time.

I'm excited because some amazing people have entered my latest raffle.

Saftey first - I'm never alone with anyone in this situation. And it's not a 'date' as such. It's a chance to meet me/hang with me.
Bocefish said:
Models who raffle off dates or set a price for their phone number should be red flags. They may as well raise the token whore flag in their topic. :twocents-02cents:
We set prices on our tops coming off, on skype shows, on cum shows. In reality, we are on MFC to make money. If MFC did not pay the models anything, I'm sure very few would be on. Aren't we all "token whores" in a way?
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Miss_Lollipop said:
Bocefish said:
Models who raffle off dates or set a price for their phone number should be red flags. They may as well raise the token whore flag in their topic. :twocents-02cents:

why is this a redflag?

TO the OP:

I've done it once and will be doing it again (sorta) for the AVN convention. It was an amazing experience the first time - one of my favourite regulars happened to win (who never wins SHIT lol) and he came and stayed with myself and a nother model, and both our significant others. It was an amazing time.

I'm excited because some amazing people have entered my latest raffle.

Saftey first - I'm never alone with anyone in this situation. And it's not a 'date' as such. It's a chance to meet me/hang with me.

Safety should indeed be paramount, which is why there is a HUGE difference between a meet me with my significant other and/or body guard and a date raffle. A date should be with somebody you trust enough to go out with unsupervised without a bodyguard. Maybe I'm old school that-a-way.

The phone number thing totally escapes me too... why would anybody have to pay to get your phone number.

The problem I have with raffles is they can be rigged, as has been proven on this site.
PlayboyMegan said:
Members: have you ever bought a raffle ticket or paid for a date with a model? How did it go?
If not, would you? Why/why not?
Never bought one.
Honestly? I don't know. I only like two models... so if it weren't them, not a cat in hells chance of buying a raffle - no interest in meeting the lady :lol:

If it were those two - I do not know. I would prefer that if they were willing to meet someone, they do it out of choice because they like the person - not because of the lottery of chance :D
However, I'd buy tickets because I support them :D Would I attend if I won? Yes, if it was possible/reasonable. Whatever conditions they set would be fine.
But I'd prefer not to have a faux "date", I would prefer them to actually be more the "friend" and instead be a semi tour guide for the city. Take me to the sites, the tourist attractions.
That'd be awesome. It also means bring along whomever you want - one has a boyfriend, he'd be welcome too as long as he wouldn't feel uncomfortable. If dinner and going out after was okay, then great. Group of friends would be a welcome addition as it'd be more fun :D

Having some faux "date" which is dinner in a restaurant would be boring. I wouldn't see the attraction in that.

PlayboyMegan said:
Both: If the model has sex with a member after he "bought" the date, is it, in your opinion, considered prostitution? Why/why not?

Only if the reason they are having sex with the member (*snicker at pun*) is because they bought the ticket or that it was part of the deal.
I don't discount the possibility that the date, for whomever it was, went well and they had genuine chemistry - that they may end up having sex. After all, lots of people sleep with others after meeting in bars, restaurants, shopping centres etc etc. Why should it not be possible for the exact same motivations as everyone else on the planet to have sex with someone.
I mean, if you buy someone a drink, or you pay the fee for a dating site, or buy them dinner - is that prostitution too? So I wouldn't judge the lady a prostitute if she slept with her "date" unless they're specifically paying for sex. Otherwise, it is entirely possible for people to meet, be extremely attracted to one another, and have sex.

I would just find it incredibly surprising if that happened on an MFC raffle date :lol:
Members: have you ever bought a raffle ticket or paid for a date with a model?

How did it go?

If not, would you? Why/why not?

I would never buy a date raffle ticket. For one, I live in Canada and most models I view are American and I don't have a passport. Two, the idea of paying for a date with a woman is embarrassing to me. It would kill my personal pride to resort to such a tactic. Three, it would be very difficult to explain to friends and family. "Yeah, I'm going on a trip to ________" "what for?" "I'm going to meet a woman I met on the Internet" "YOU'RE WHAT?!?!?"

If an opportunity came up to meet an MFC model at a convention or I happen to bump into one on the street then I would probably introduce myself, but I would never pay for such an opportunity.
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I would buy a date raffle ticket if the whole trip was paid for and it was somewhere I wanted to go... Like an all expenses paid trip to Thailand! Heck yes! I'm not however your average perv so... yeah. FREE TRIP! :-D

I have never done nor plan to ever do a "date" raffle... I don't want anyone to know what I really smell like. :shifty:
Bocefish said:
The problem I have with raffles is they can be rigged, as has been proven on this site.

When I do raffles, before I do the real draw I will usually pull out a big handful of tickets and open them all up and show them on camera so the guys can see that I actually have a variety of names in there, then throw them all back in and do the real draw. I realize this still can be rigged but it usually puts peoples minds at ease to see all the different names on the tickets.

I have never and will never do a date raffle, though. I usually only raffle off custom content.
JoleneJolene said:
I would buy a date raffle ticket if the whole trip was paid for and it was somewhere I wanted to go... Like an all expenses paid trip to Thailand! Heck yes! I'm not however your average perv so... yeah. FREE TRIP! :-D

I have never done nor plan to ever do a "date" raffle... I don't want anyone to know what I really smell like. :shifty:

What about the guys who purchase your panties? Don't they get to smell the real you? Or are you making your cats wear them for two days before shipping out?
amberdawnnude said:
JoleneJolene said:
I would buy a date raffle ticket if the whole trip was paid for and it was somewhere I wanted to go... Like an all expenses paid trip to Thailand! Heck yes! I'm not however your average perv so... yeah. FREE TRIP! :-D

I have never done nor plan to ever do a "date" raffle... I don't want anyone to know what I really smell like. :shifty:

What about the guys who purchase your panties? Don't they get to smell the real you? Or are you making your cats wear them for two days before shipping out?

I now have a hilarious image of my fat cat wearing panties and trying to walk.
JoleneJolene said:
amberdawnnude said:
JoleneJolene said:
I would buy a date raffle ticket if the whole trip was paid for and it was somewhere I wanted to go... Like an all expenses paid trip to Thailand! Heck yes! I'm not however your average perv so... yeah. FREE TRIP! :-D

I have never done nor plan to ever do a "date" raffle... I don't want anyone to know what I really smell like. :shifty:

What about the guys who purchase your panties? Don't they get to smell the real you? Or are you making your cats wear them for two days before shipping out?

I now have a hilarious image of my fat cat wearing panties and trying to walk.

Here you go :mrgreen:

Bocefish said:
Models who raffle off dates or set a price for their phone number should be red flags. They may as well raise the token whore flag in their topic. :twocents-02cents:

i offer my phone number for a certain amount of tokens .. Ive actually made a few really awesome friends this way!

and if im a token whore well damn... my camscore should be so much higher lol
Bocefish said:
The phone number thing totally escapes me too... why would anybody have to pay to get your phone number.
I imagine some girls may offer their number (or MSN/Yahoo name, gchat invite, etc) for free to people who they want to talk to while they are off-cam, but essentially, others have to pay for the right to bug us in our off-time. :lol:
I would never buy a ticket for a date raffle, not even from the models I would love to meet in person. I want to spend my time with people who enjoy my company not people who view it as a job. I do think I would have any fun knowing the model did not want to even be there.
There was some chick selling dates for like $50,000 a pop the other day, with sexy time being strongly hinted at as a component of the date. Ridicularse.
As for raffling dates, it strikes me as being pretty dangerous. You can't control who wins (unless you fix things, which is safer but highly unethical) so there's always a risk you're gonna wind up on a date with some mentally unhinged sexual deviant. And I'd like to think your health and well-being is worth more to you than a bunch of tokens.
It's one thing meeting with someone whom you've spoken to at length and gotten to know and whom you can say with some degree of certainty doesn't pose a threat to you. But to meet someone solely because you drew their name from a figurative hat... it's not something I'd do. And I'm a 6'3 dood with big bushy beard.
:eek: Wow! $50,000 or 50,000 tokens?

I do know one model who offers a "non-sexual date" for 77,777 tokens. as far as I know, she's had no takers thus far. Might be confusion over what she's actually offering. On her profile, in on place it says a "night on the town," and in another place "one time token drop gets a weekend on the town with me."
Nordling said:
:eek: Wow! $50,000 or 50,000 tokens?

I do know one model who offers a "non-sexual date" for 77,777 tokens. as far as I know, she's had no takers thus far. Might be confusion over what she's actually offering. On her profile, in on place it says a "night on the town," and in another place "one time token drop gets a weekend on the town with me."

Dollars. And in thinking about, it was actually $100,000 for the date. $50,000 only got her phone number and some crap (figurative, not literal).
mynameisbob84 said:
There was some chick selling dates for like $50,000 a pop the other day, with sexy time being strongly hinted at as a component of the date. Ridicularse.
Well, if you're already considering being an escort or high end prostitute, then that's a pretty good price for a sex date, no?
mynameisbob84 said:
And I'm a 6'3 dood with big bushy beard.
Are you actually the Dude? I'm seriously considering requiring pics at this point. Wanna wrastle?
AmberCutie said:
Are you actually the Dude? I'm seriously considering requiring pics at this point. Wanna wrastle?

I'm not literally The Dude, no. I'm not that cool. I try though, ya know? I have the beard and the long hair, I own a robe, I once left the house with some sunglasses on, I drink White Russian and when circumstance permits, I occasionally do a J. I've even bowled once or twice. But still, I'm no Dude :(
That said, I wouldn't say no to the wrastle :thumbleft:
mynameisbob84 said:
AmberCutie said:
Are you actually the Dude? I'm seriously considering requiring pics at this point. Wanna wrastle?

I'm not literally The Dude, no. I'm not that cool. I try though, ya know? I have the beard and the long hair, I own a robe, I once left the house with some sunglasses on, I drink White Russian and when circumstance permits, I occasionally do a J. I've even bowled once or twice. But still, I'm no Dude :(
That said, I wouldn't say no to the wrastle :thumbleft:
Is it ok if I pretend you actually ARE the Dude when we wrastle?
AmberCutie said:
mynameisbob84 said:
AmberCutie said:
Are you actually the Dude? I'm seriously considering requiring pics at this point. Wanna wrastle?

I'm not literally The Dude, no. I'm not that cool. I try though, ya know? I have the beard and the long hair, I own a robe, I once left the house with some sunglasses on, I drink White Russian and when circumstance permits, I occasionally do a J. I've even bowled once or twice. But still, I'm no Dude :(
That said, I wouldn't say no to the wrastle :thumbleft:
Is it ok if I pretend you actually ARE the Dude when we wrastle?

Well, I'll be pretending I'm The Dude when we wrastle, so yeah, sure :)
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I offer my google number for a set price but I don't advertise it and it's 'hidden' in the info on my profile. It's there for those that REALLY want to tip for it, but I've only advertised it once. As for dates or meet ups, I'm not a dater. I hate the dating scene with a passion and unless you're one of my best friends, chances are you won't be taking me out. However, when I went to Chicago Exxxotica I made it known that I would be available for people to drop by and say hi, get hugs, etc if they wanted to. That was about it. I'm not comfortable going out so I just don't offer meet ups and probably never will.
PlayboyMegan said:
So i searched the dating thing, and I saw many threads about dating a model because she is interested in the member. I didn't see any on raffling off dates and doing it purely for money, but if there is one, I apologize in advance. Anyways, i see a lot of girls who raffle off dates.
Models: Have you done this? How did it go?
Would you do this? Why/why not?
Members: have you ever bought a raffle ticket or paid for a date with a model? How did it go?
If not, would you? Why/why not?
Both: If the model has sex with a member after he "bought" the date, is it, in your opinion, considered prostitution? Why/why not?

I have purchased tickets in a few raffles. The raffles were for "friends" ,so it was more incidental, they would have received the tokens as tips anyway. Each one stated up front that sex was not part of the raffle.

Never won, but in retrospect I am quite sure the raffles were fixed. So, I would say it did not go well. They were the all expenses paid types to a foreign country so would have been a great deal if anyone had won :lol:

I would not consider it prostitution unless sex was stated as being part of the winners prize. If sex happened because they were attracted to each other and had a good time together I would not say was prostitution.
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