Well. When I was young, I mean, really young, like 16-25, I had a totally different view on that matter than I do today. I was a hopeless romantic, a fool, believing in true love and I would do anything for my lady. I denied myself so much opportunities to live my life to the fullest, for the sake of one woman. The woman who is now my wife. I am full of Gin so I might say things that sound strange.A lot of people seem to believe that guys can't me completely monogamous.
She wouldn't fuck me for 13 years into our marriage. I never touched another woman, I was loyal. I lived by all the virtues. I channeled my self-caged sexuality into art, which still helps me today. I was productive, educated myself and had a bad conscience every time I jerked off to porn, after she had me lick her cunt for an hour, then threw me out of the bedroom. I thought I was better off dead.
For the sake of being loyal and monogamous, I literally threw my fucking life away. All those years, they will never return. At 40, I became aware of what I had done to myself. Only to see that it was too late.
Sorry for the *rant*. What I want to say is: NEVER deny yourself for the sake of SOMEONE/SOMETHING. At least, reflect that shit after some time.
If you are in a healthy relationship, there is no need to visit a camgirl. Or is there? I don't know. To me, my camgirl is the only solace I have and I will never be ashamed of visiting her.