AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Perfect example of why camscore is an absolute joke.

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Sep 9, 2011
I've been on MFC for close to 4 years and the only thing I can say with positivity about the camscore is that it fills me with complete disgust.

When I pop into a model's room like I did the other day (Serenity) and I see hundreds of members tipping thousands while she just sits there saying "thanks" over and over again, then I ask "Did I miss a show or something?" and they say "No, we're just helping to get her to number 1". I can do nothing but shake my head. Seriously.......... absolutely sad and disgusting.
She obviously has a fan base that love her to death. Good for her!

But what does that have to do with her camscore? :think:
Yeah, your post is completely unwarranted. Who cares if she doesn't have to do a show for her tokens? Members aren't spending YOUR tokens, they're spending THEIRS. If you don't like it, the next model button is there for a reason. Also, not sure why your topic is all about camscore when your post isn't. Serenity DOES do shows, and she's an awesome girl - you sound a little bitter.
I believe Phillyfan252 got the teary eyes and the eeeww face because he believes she is using that to get tokens but Teagz and VixenMeow are right. It does not matter, those were not your tokens and we got a topic for all the camscore shenanigans too viewtopic.php?f=15&t=566

Back to trying undestand what the fuck this is.

Peniszilla? Trying to show the power of the asian dick? He lost a bet? Only God and Batman got the answers.
The thing it has to do with camscore is that it is so focused upon that members are willing to give up hundreds of dollars for no other reason than to help a girl's camscore. Yes your points are valid that they aren't my tokens, they are the other members. I can still feel sickened by it though, that's my option.
LOL, but why would you feel sickened? She's established herself as a cam model. You've never tipped even 10 tokens to see your favorite model smile? Or anything? The guys like her for a reason, therefore they're excited to tip her tokens to help her reach #1 on MFC. This happens in tons of rooms so I just don't really understand how it's anything at all to bitch about. Like I said if you're going to be dramatic and be "sickened" by it, then press next model or avoid the rooms all together.
It "sickens" you for a model to get tipped out of kindness with nothing expected in return? That's pretty sad man.
Shall I rename this to reflect your thoughts about the Miss MFC competition? Because this post has nothing to do with camscore.
Well, it's indirectly related to cam score. His complaint is that a model was getting tipped a lot for being boring, and indeed this would have the effect of raising her camscore.

I still think the OP is a butthurt faggot. He wouldn't be complaining half so bad if it happened to a model he liked.


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Seriously dude? I would have a heart attack if a bunch of people were throwing thousands of tokens at me all at once. I would also be grateful and happy for another model that she can pull it off. I have always said that the next model button does wonders if someone does not want to look at me, or watch my show. This sounds like a jealousy thread, more than one about camscore. I am sorry that you can't afford more tokens to tip her, dude, but the way I see it is that people can tip their tokens to whoever the hell they want to tip them to. This thread was written in a 5 year old's aspect. "Hey!!!!! They are tipping her thousands of tokens, why can't I???? Oh well, since I can't tip that much, I will go throw a hissy fit and hope people feel sorry for me, because i am saddened that she makes this many tokens". GROW UP, OP, find a model who expects less tokens, and be happy, if she is out of your league. Don't be so jelly, k??? Be happy.
You all can make as many assumptions as to why it makes me sick as you want, it definitely doesn't make them true. Because I can't tip that many tokens is why it irks me? Yeah right. I tip tokens to see a model do something sexy, not sit there like a lump. The reason it irks me is that it promotes the laziness of cam models that seems to be getting worse and worse. Why do anything if members are just going to throw thousands of tokens at you for just sitting there doing nothing, all in the name of raising your cam score or getting to #1? Of course models are going to blast me on this topic, which is fine, because each of you wants to be the model being tipped thousands for "just being you". But this isn't Stickam, this is MFC.

And no I don't see anything wrong with a model being tipped here and there just because a member likes you, I've done it too. But when you have hundreds of members tipping in a frenzy just "to get her to number 1 and raise her camscore", that bothers me.

And of course my post has to do with camscore, the whole point is that if it wasn't for camscore in general, and the MFC contest, these situations wouldn't even be happening to this extent.
You're totally butthurt, dude.


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Sevrin said:
Of all the evil and suffering and injustice on this planet, a girl getting tipped on a camsite disgusts you? You're pathetic.

Yep, in the situation I talked about, sure does! And don't act like my feelings are ridiculous because of all the "evil and suffering in the world." Bet you get irritated with many insignificant situations in your life that are nothing compared to all the "evil and suffering in the world" just like me and the next guy.
bawksy said:
Well, it's indirectly related to cam score. His complaint is that a model was getting tipped a lot for being boring, and indeed this would have the effect of raising her camscore.

I still think the OP is a butthurt faggot. He wouldn't be complaining half so bad if it happened to a model he liked.

Hey the beginning of your post was actually intelligent, then you resorted to acting like a dumb ass yourself by resorting to child like insults and assumptions. Even if one of my favorite models was in this situation, it wouldn't change my opinion one bit, sorry bud.
MercyRain said:
You just don't get it.
people can tip their tokens to whoever the hell they want to tip them to

No you don't get it, I understand people can do whatever they want, and I damn well can have an opinion about it if I want to. Ever had an opinion about what other people choose to do in a situation? Bet you have, and it has nothing to do with "GROW UP OP" or anything else, it's simply an opinion and one I chose to state.
It sickens me that thousands of people died ten years ago because a few assholes didn't like the way they live.

It sickens me that hundreds of thousands were killed a few decades ago because some other assholes thought they were vermin.

It sickens me that millions every year are killed just because someone wants to be an asshole.

It also sickens me to see Clamato juice in the supermarket.

And that millions of animals are displaced or killed due to human population expansion.

This is the bitch about things you have no power over thread, right? :crybaby:
You double-posted, your argument is invalid.


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Phillyfan252 said:
Thanks for continuing to prove the point that you're mentally 12 years old.


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Cassidy Nicole said:
If you dont like it, dont partake in it.. The guys who are obviously do not care so why should you?
This guy does not understand any adult conversation. I have already said exactly what many others have said. He is obviously not listening. Oh, this is his face. :angry4:
I'm just glad this thread exists so I can save all the images used by bawksy. Can never have enough images that tell people they're being stupid. :thumbleft:
Phillyfan252 said:
I've been on MFC for close to 4 years and the only thing I can say with positivity about the camscore is that it fills me with complete disgust.

When I pop into a model's room like I did the other day (Serenity) and I see hundreds of members tipping thousands while she just sits there saying "thanks" over and over again, then I ask "Did I miss a show or something?" and they say "No, we're just helping to get her to number 1". I can do nothing but shake my head. Seriously.......... absolutely sad and disgusting.

After 4 years you should be used to seeing that. Tipping in itself is fun for some members. So its all good.
Yeah, this has nothing to do with camscore, because the score has NOTHING to do with how hard a model works and only has to do with how much she's making per hour compared to all of the models on the site.

And to be fair to them, the model you named was bumped out of the Top 3 in Miss MFC in May in the final minutes of that month. She was #3 at the last update that month and #4 in the final results. So her fans know that if they want her to stay up there, they have to do whatever they can to make that happen. You call it rewarding laziness and you may be right there. But in my mind and obviously in their minds, it's called supporting the model in her goals. And as someone who's tipped models just for the hell of it or to help reach a daily goal, I see no issue with that.

Now, if you want to argue that the models shouldn't take the Miss MFC competition so damn seriously, that's one argument I could possibly back.

In the interest of full disclosure- I felt so bad for her after getting bumped that I gave her tokens a couple of days later out of sympathy. The model who runs this site felt so bad for her too that she asked me to take the tokens that I owed her for a favor she did for me and give them to that model as well.
Phillyfan252 said:
I tip tokens to see a model do something sexy, not sit there like a lump.

Then...go spend your tokens on a model who will do something sexy, and don't tip models who you feel are "sitting there like a lump." Wow, what a novel concept. Obviously the members who are tipping this girl feel they are getting something out of it. She is not forcing anyone to tip her.
Ooo, so the OP stated that he can post opinions. Does this mean this thread is about posting our own opinions, possibly ones that other people can hate on? Sweet! Let's stirr up drama.

My opinions:

-It's a shame that models get tipped for doing nothing. It's also a shame that members feel the need to not tip to get anything.

-Public is about sitting around shotting the shit. Tips are about appreciating the model for whatever the fuck you want, even if it's just that she took the time to get online so you could spend time with her.

-Private and Group are where the sexiness is supposed to happen, and it's set up so that you don't tip for the sexiness since it's automatically deducted from your tokens.

-I'm sick of guys trying to dictate my show during groups (on MFC), and Private and Gold Shows (on Streamate, where they call a group show private and a private show exclusive...). If you want to dictate what a model does in return for your tokens, take her private!

-I'm sick of people thinking they know more than other people. Like guys arguing with me about me not being able to squirt. Like guys telling me they want to see me cum, then complaining that I'm not fucking myself hard enough. Well excuse me sir, but maybe feeling like there's a jackhammer in my stomach isn't a good thing!

-People need to grow up and realize that absolutely no one on this planet knows everything about the universe. Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone forgets things. Everyone has memories that their mind twisted without their knowledge or consent. And everyone has a right to their own opinions and beliefs, no matter how stupid or juvenile!

-Just because someone has an opinion that you don't share, doesn't make either of your opinions wrong. I can believe that flowers are beautiful and you can think flowers are made by the devil and we can BOTH be right! The universe is so complicated that the truth often appears to contradict itself, so get over it!

-People are disgusting pigs (yes, all of us, myself included) and I love them anyway! They annoy the piss out of me, but that's only because I care, and I want them to be happy and have the knowledge of the truth.

There, maybe I made you mad, maybe you don't like what I said, and maybe you agree with every word, but those are my opinions and that's what I'm sticking to!
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