I’m so sorry you’re going through this! I have been really struggling the last couple years the hardest especially with a ton of health problems, all of them chronic, & I now have chronic daily pain. We are looking at auto immune diseases as well.
Half the time, I can’t even be consistant with content either, forget about camming on any kind of regular basis, I’m lucky if I can even hop on cam every couple months or so.
One of my biggest lifesavers over the years as I get sicker & sicker is my Premium Snapchat. For many years, that’s actually been my main source of income.
How is your fan base? & are you open about your health issues? If you are open, are you open about them to everyone? Or just to your regulars etc? I don’t discuss much outside of with certain model friends, & my regulars. I’ve definately been open in the past with my health stuff because it got to the point where I couldn’t hide it, & everyone was wondering why I wasn’t around as much, & once I spilled the beans, I got a lot of support from everyone, not just my regulars, & I got understanding too, which was really nice. I didn’t get any pressure to get online etc, but everyone was super happy if I got on, even if I wasn’t dolled up, it was more casual hangs, with some sexy stuff.
I say if you’re comfortable with it, maybe let some people, or everyone, whichever you are most comfortable with, know that you have some health things going on that takes away from what you’re able to do, & I’m sure they will support you, & understand, & be even happier to spend time with you if you get online even if you aren’t able to be 100% (if you so choose to do so of course) & like
@River Rose said, you’re not alone! It’s so hard, but just do what you can, when you can! Passive income like videos, photosets, even mp3’s & texting can really help fill in the gaps!

to all of us going through these things.