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LilyPink said:
XxXIndiXxX said:
Douche bags. "Yay we just pissed off a whole lot of terrorists, let's celebrate and go dance in the street!!!!"
You're fucking asking for it!!! :woops:

Obligatory hippy quote... "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"

I agree. Craziness.

As well as the whole "YAY WE KILLED SOMEONE" thing. That's just wrong.

You're SO right.

Excuse me while I jack off to unicorns and rainbows while singing "Give Peace a Chance" on a hunger strike against blood diamonds and fur-hoarding carnivores.
this whole thread is just depressing and upsetting. i sport a green berret and dagger tattoo on my arm to support the soldiers but that's about the only opinion i have on any of this.
lol I just read this in a news story:

Bin Laden was given religious rites aboard the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier, US military and intelligence officials said.

He was washed, wrapped in a white sheet, placed on a "prepared flat board" and "eased into the sea" within 24 hours of his death, in accordance with Islamic tradition. He was buried in the North Arabian Sea.

LOL yeah I bet, I'm sure it was a very somber, respectful ceremony :whistle:

I was under the assumption "buried at sea" was a euphamism for dumped over the side.
The war does not end when you kill the leader. The daleks did not stop when the emperor died . Do people think this is star wars or something?
Mirra said:
Dark Passenger said:
The war does not end when you kill the leader. The daleks did not stop when the emperor died . Do people think this is star wars or something?
If this is Star Wars, I'm totally rocking a purple light saber because Mace Windu rocks my socks.

Purple lightsaber just screams sexual confusion, green is too "look at me I'm different!", yellow looks like a sword made of molten pee, and you can't have red unless you're sith, and if you're sith you can't not have blue all the way for me; classic yet stylish, refined yet not above hacking off some limbs when you need to make a point.
The conspiracy theory thickens... it has been released that OBL was unarmed, yet killed anyway. I find it nearly impossible to believe a spec-ops team of that caliber would just give up all that intel if they didn't have to.

The CIA is fine with releasing pictorial proof of death and shifted the onus over to the White House whether the so-called proof of death pictures will be released to the public. It's not as if the CIA doesn't have the best photo-manipulation capabilities in the world or anything.
They knew better than anyone that without incontravertible proof of the guy's identity and death (and for some people, even with it), there would be doubts and conspiracy theories and questions abounding...yet they chose to deliberately NOT keep his body or any 100% proof of death?

Add to that the fact that from an intel point of view they'd like to keep him alive almost indefinitely...No fuckin way lol...

Games within games...
bawksy said:
It's a good thing they didn't capture him alive. Could you imagine how many hostage situations there would have been with terrorists demanding Osama's release?

My thought it's possible he isn't actually dead & is infact captured. Surely they would want the chance to get out as much information as possible out of him without anyone trying to free him...

But mad conspiricy theories aside, apparently he was killed infront of at least one of his young kids, which although may have been unavoidable, is not nice & is a reason alone as to why I personally feel celebrating in the street is a tad distasteful. The fact that he is out of the equation is what should be celebrated, any death shouldn't really be celebrated but I can totally understand why people feel that way.

Bocefish said:
It's not as if the CIA doesn't have the best photo-manipulation capabilities in the world or anything.

*cough* the long form birth certificate *cough*
its too easy to play conspiracy theorist. And to that I ask this- why now? Why waste such a lie in the middle of 2011 with no elections going on and nothing to gain besides a symbolic victory. Obama already gave his birth certificate a week prior so it wasn't to just ignore that story so we could focus on this. but yet asking questions to a conspiracy theorists in a way feels like im feeding a troll.
SweepTheLeg said:
its too easy to play conspiracy theorist. And to that I ask this- why now? Why waste such a lie in the middle of 2011 with no elections going on and nothing to gain besides a symbolic victory. Obama already gave his birth certificate a week prior so it wasn't to just ignore that story so we could focus on this. but yet asking questions to a conspiracy theorists in a way feels like im feeding a troll.

By all means... consider me a troll then.
Well on the plus side of the "lost information" thing they did claim to have seized some data from computers though it's all in Arabic so they're having to translate it and such. It was speculatively referred to as being a "vast amount" of intel by the report I was watching.
Well...I'd just like to point out that not swallowing everything the government says as 100% true is hardly being a conspiracy theorist.

Around this topic especially, it seems as if questioning anything at all gets you lumped in with people who think jfk was abducted by little green men.

Suggesting that outright killing someone who could potentially have incredibly valuable intel on AQ makes zero sense and flies in the face of every standard operating procedure of every military and intelligence service on earth...

CIA doesn't share everything they know and do with the public?? Haha good one, let me just grab my tinfoil hat too! :lol:

Just think about this - even if they wanted to capture him, it's impossible. Politically, practically impossible.

They'd be unable to hold him indefinitely without facing mounting pressure from all sides about him being treated poorly/treated too well, whether the govt was just as bad as the terrorists if they allow torture, the legality of snatching him from foreign soil to extradite him to the US to face trial without due process, whether he would recieve a fair trial anyway, who would try him, whether his trial would just become a rallying point to ignite even more extremism, threats to break him out, calls to just kill him already...seriously, it would be a fucking nightmare.

And yet this way is so neat, let's say he is still alive just hypothetically. They say he was armed and resisted - no heat for supposedly killing him. American public is told he's dead and so they can rest easy knowing there's been some "justice". Obama probably doesn't know specifically that he isn't dead, at least not on the record, so that he can maintain plausible deniability if he's ever asked. Since he's declared dead, he doesn't officially exist - they can do what they want with him, for as long as they want, probably somewhere outside American soil, no legal red tape...he's already dead remember?

I don't think that's a conspiracy theory, that's counterterrorism doing its job. As opposed to shooting him in the head and dumping him off the side of a boat.

Oh and let me add to that, the best kind of intel is the kind the other side doesn't know you have. Or at least doesn't know for sure.
So, there were apparently like 20 odd people left alive after the raid who the Americans left for the Pakistanis. You'd think at least one of those people would be able to confirm or deny that Osama got his head blown off. I'm surprised some news agency hasn't bribed their way to an interview with one of them yet.
When a post begins with "And the conspiracy theory thickens." I am going to take it as its not just questioning the government or media, but thats just me.

I agree capturing him would have been a nightmare of a circus from all sides every side. Other terrorists doing whatever they could to get us to let him go, or cause his escape, and the other side of the spectrum wanting to just kill him already and everything else in between.

If a photo was released then I would have the luxury of hearing about "the shadow doesnt match how the body is laying." and any other comment to show that it was photoshopped and nothing else would have been enough besides a charlie sheen torpedo of truth like tour from city to city where people could see and touch the body and a non-partisan independent group could do a DNA test to prove that it is actually Bin Laden.

We're never going to know everything about what they did, what they saw, what they found, and the information if any that they received does that fuel the questions and conspiracy theorists? Yes, but they are walking a tight rope of foreign relations.
SweepTheLeg said:
When a post begins with "And the conspiracy theory thickens." I am going to take it as its not just questioning the government or media, but thats just me.

I agree capturing him would have been a nightmare of a circus from all sides every side. Other terrorists doing whatever they could to get us to let him go, or cause his escape, and the other side of the spectrum wanting to just kill him already and everything else in between.

If a photo was released then I would have the luxury of hearing about "the shadow doesnt match how the body is laying." and any other comment to show that it was photoshopped and nothing else would have been enough besides a charlie sheen torpedo of truth like tour from city to city where people could see and touch the body and a non-partisan independent group could do a DNA test to prove that it is actually Bin Laden.

We're never going to know everything about what they did, what they saw, what they found, and the information if any that they received does that fuel the questions and conspiracy theorists? Yes, but they are walking a tight rope of foreign relations.

Yeah it's very true, and I don't think it's worth anyone getting themselves worked up about...but I do think that dumping the body before the world even knew he was dead was a really crazily illogical move, that they're smart enough to know would only fuel conspiracy theories and claims he's not dead and so forth.

They map out potential public reactions and pitfalls to various scenarios long before they're even in an operational state, it is just not believable that they'd dump the body of the world's most wanted man before they had taken every step to publicly and incontrovertably prove that it's him, and he's dead. The people who plan this shit aren't stupid, and they don't do shit on this kind of level without having a lot of forethought.

The reasons they gave for dumping the body (letalone summarily executing him in the first place) -and doing it without an autopsy or any kind of labwork or public documentary evidence - are just flimsy as hell, they flat out don't add up.
Personally, as a Navy veteran I'd have soaked him in pigs' blood before lowering him over the side.

What I am hoping is that the information on the hard drives and computers seized will provide us with all the information we need to shut down Al Qaeda for good.
tightlockup said:
Personally, as a Navy veteran I'd have soaked him in pigs' blood before lowering him over the side.

What I am hoping is that the information on the hard drives and computers seized will provide us with all the information we need to shut down Al Qaeda for good.

I wasn't sure that there would really be anything there given no communication equipment. I started to think they're saying all that to provoke others in hiding to move...which would likely draw attention to their locations and cause them to be caught ;)
First of all

That clip is from 2007. I always knew there was SOMETHING about him.

Zoomer said:
I wasn't sure that there would really be anything there given no communication equipment. I started to think they're saying all that to provoke others in hiding to move...which would likely draw attention to their locations and cause them to be caught ;)
Who needs communications equipment when you've got your own personal bitc... er couriers to bring you news of what's going down in Jihad land? :lol:
bawksy said:
So, there were apparently like 20 odd people left alive after the raid who the Americans left for the Pakistanis. You'd think at least one of those people would be able to confirm or deny that Osama got his head blown off. I'm surprised some news agency hasn't bribed their way to an interview with one of them yet.

You mean like one of his daughters that was there and totally said he was killed in front of his family members?
Or the two women in the compound confirming the kill as being bin Laden?
Yes, I've since seen articles reporting that. Although apparently she claims Osama was alive for 20 minutes after the Americans arrived before getting his head blown off.
Which being that she's Osama's daughter and wants to perpetuate an anti-american vibe, I would suspect that she would say this if it were true or not. I wouldn't rule it out, but I would not take her for her word (being biased and all) without supporting evidence.
I consider her word no more reliable than that of the US government's.

The only way anyone is really going to know the truth is if a video gets leaked. Photos are too easy to manipulate, but I'd believe a video.
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