I called it a nonsense question because it was not a real question. No one is going to says "Yes! I think throwing shit and fire was a great idea!". It was a thinly veiled statement equating the white supremacists with the protesters. The entire purpose and goal of white supremacy and other bigoted groups is hateful. Whether they put on their good behavior or not, they're carrying a history of hate and violence in tow. A few folks showing up on the other side and acting a fool near peaceful protesters is not equal to that. There are tons of things to talk about in relation to what is or isn't peaceful gathering. Your question adds nothing to the conversation.
My point is that there are violent protests on both sides, and they are increasingly becoming more commonplace and more violent. I asked you what you thought of those who violently protest was for one reason, and one reason only: To see if you turn a blind eye to it from those who support your same views, groups and other things.
Far too often I see people condemn one group for words and actions against the ones they support. Yet, they turn around and make damn near the exact statement towards others. We need to curb this, and work towards a positive solution. We bitch, whine, piss and moan about violence done in the workplace, schools, churches, etc. Yet, some condone violence towards others as a "solution"? Seems rather hypocritical to me. Has anyone thought that perhaps those who are doing the shooting are viewing such actions as their "solutions"?
I do not support those who I know are involved with things such as KKK, Black Panthers, Neo-Nazi's, BLM or anything else who are for the subjugation of a group of people because they are different. I don't agree with the views of many people, and I abhor the actions they may take. But, there is no way I am going to condemn them for their thoughts, lest someone condemn myself and others for ours.
It is not illegal to have thoughts which we disagree with, nor is it right to try and control their thoughts. But, we can take action when said thoughts turn into actions, and words of threats of violence, derogatory or abusive.